The Elite Order of Cloud


Higher Further Faster
Yeah I'm not sure why Disney wouldn't want Vincent. Maybe because he's a good guy who uses a gun? Skippy happy anti-gun propaganda ftl.

But like I said it's just a rumor and more than likely isn't true.

Anyway I just feel that everything Cloud has been through has (obviously) changed him a lot since he was young and eager. The things that he used to want he probably doesn't want anymore. His desire for fame and recognition is probably partly to blame for all the bad stuff that happened to him. And watching your hero destroy your town and kill almost everyone you knew can do that, too.
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Double Growth
We have no idea how much everyone else knows about the former AVALANCHE members. Although I think that the events in AC gave Cloud some (well-deserved) notoriety.

Well in Dirge of Cerberus several people refer to Reeve and Vincent as "Heroes of the Jenova War," so I got the impression people know about what happened and who did it.

AVALANCHE was very in the news throughout the game, I'm sure, albeit with a Shinra spin. Tifa and Barret were seen on live television to be publicly executed after all :)
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Higher Further Faster
How well-known is Cloud actually to the public? I mean, if his actions as an AVALANCHE members were known I'm sure that some vengeful person, who lost someone in the #1 Reactor explosion, would search for him and then try to exact revenge.
And if Cloud defeating Sephiroth was well known, prior to AC, you'd think we would hear something in the novels about "Oh, it's the great Cloud! The one who defeated Sephiroth!"

We have no idea how much everyone else knows about the former AVALANCHE members. Although I think that the events in AC gave Cloud some (well-deserved) notoriety.

Well in DoC Reeve says, "I'm supposed to be the hero the the Jenova war." I took this to mean that when it comes to the events of FFVII, Reeve probably got a lot, if not all, of the credit/attention from the public. He was the figure most prominent in the public's eye at the time. I mean, he was the most senior ShinRa official still functioning when Meteor hit and most likely was the one in charge. We already know he was the one urging people to take refuge in the slums.

I just don't think any of the main cast actually wanted the credit for what they did, especially Cloud. I think once it was over he just wanted to sink into a normal, private, quite life with Tifa and the kids.

Well in Dirge of Cerberus several people refer to Reeve and Vincent as "Heroes of the Jenova War," so I got the impression people know about what happened and who did it.

AVALANCHE was very in the news throughout the game, I'm sure, albeit with a Shinra spin. Tifa and Barret were seen on live television to be publicly executed after all :)

I don't remember anyone referring to Vincent as a hero of the Jenova war, just Reeve referring to himself that way.

And sure people saw Shinra trying to execute Tifa and Barret on TV but does anyone even realize it's them when they pass them on the street or go into the bar?
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Seems not too unlikely then that more people than Reeve and Vincent are known. Although depending on the details the public are aware of, it could be possible for Square to beat the dead horse of 'redemption' and bring to attention someone hunting down AVALANCHE because of the #1 Reactor bombing or something else they did. At least Reeve probably revealed the truth of the Sector 7 fall.

Edit: Reeve must also have informed the public that AVALANCHE did not cause the summoning of Meteor (directly). I had actually forgotten that they were blamed for that by Shinra, although I don't think the game specifically states that they blame AVALANCHE. Instead they just try to execute Tifa and Barret.

I can sort of imagine, in a comical fashion, how someone goes to Seventh Heaven and faces Cloud and Tifa. "My father lived near the #1 Reactor. You killed him. Prepare to die."
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Higher Further Faster
You forgot the "Hello, my name is..." XD

But it just seems to me that, even if people know what all AVALANCHE did and didn't do, they might not know the specific people, or who they are, unless those people want them to. Cid they probably know, since he seemed to be known anyway as a famous pilot, and Yuffie might be known in Wutai (I think everyone there knew her anyway though, lol). But as stated before, Cloud, Tifa, and Barret probably each didn't go searching for recognition, and neither did Vincent or Red XIII.

Also in Case of Denzel remember, it states that Tifa gained noteriety from Johnny being obsessed with her, not from her past actions. It just doesn't seem like the general public doesn't quite realize who these people are, exactly and personally. But I think that's what they all wanted.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Oh really?

Jenova War

「 FFVII - DC 」

In 「FFVII」, the purpose of the fighting was to stop Meteor from destroying the planet. Word spread of Cloud’s group protecting the planet against Sephiroth and his Jenova-kind. After Sephiroth’s defeat they became known as the 「Heroes of the Jenova War」.

So yeah, they are known for their past exploits against Sephiroth and saving the planet.

Buster Sword

Pro Adventurer
When I first saw Cloud, I thought he was a girl, well I was only 9, and wasn't aware of the effeminate looking guy back then, I grew up on Marvel, and Sonic, so was only used to well built men, not ones who look puny and carry a giant kitchen knife.
"That's one good looking girl" Yes I actually said that.

It's hard to point the finger on why Cloud is so epic, he just grew on me I guess, never been exposed to such a great character, wonderful game and good story before, let alone an RPG lmao.

I guess it's also because he's not your typical generic hero, and he comes from rags to riches, that being a "wimp" at first (WHEN HE WAS YOUNGER) and an attention whore lol, to the strong character he is, because he started off weak, he had the potential to grow stronger (unlike Zack who was pretty damn strong anyways lol). Also coming round after basically being mind fucked by Sephiroth, to beat him on more than one occaision, all the infighting etc is epic.
Thanks Mako Eyes.

However it is still unknown how much Cloud is known for being a member of Barret's AVALANCHE team. So that still leaves the question; do people know he partook in the bombing of the Reactor? Do they know he in fact was the one who placed the bomb?

This incident is a main reason for the guilt Tifa, Cloud, Barret (and probably the others too) experience post-FFVII. So it would be interesting to see Cloud and Tifa's reactions if someone actually walked up to them and said "You killed my friend/relative". We also learn through the Underwater Reactor mission that the military knows about Cloud, so word could easily spread to the soldiers' families of who killed the men in service. That may or may not be an additional way for 'sins of the past' to come creeping back to the characters.

But I don't think Square has thought deeply about the implications or detail surrounding the fame of Cloud & Co. (Seventh Heaven should be gaining customers due to being owned by saviours of the planet, not by some guy declaring his devotion to the female owner >unable to find cookie monster smilie<)
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Higher Further Faster
Oh really?

So yeah, they are known for their past exploits against Sephiroth and saving the planet.

That wasn't my point. Sure, people know what AVALANCHE might have done, but do they all know/recognize the individual members when they see them? Do people go to 7th Heaven thinking, "Oh yeah this bar is run by heroes!"

Now, probably after DoC word has spread, but up until then it doesn't really seem that way.


Fiat Lux
Tennyo said:
That wasn't my point. Sure, people know what AVALANCHE might have done, but do they all know/recognize the individual members when they see them? Do people go to 7th Heaven thinking, "Oh yeah this bar is run by heroes!"

No, they go in thinking: 'They're the a-holes who bombed my relatives in Sectors 1 & 5!' *stabstab*


I don't think their faces are publicly known. Otherwise they couldn't live such a quiet live I think.

People might remember Cloud though after the AC escapades. :monster:
I don't think their faces are publicly known. Otherwise they couldn't live such a quiet live I think.

People might remember Cloud though after the AC escapades. :monster:

Indeed. But do they remember him as "the dude that stopped the black stuff from the sky"? We don't actually know if they figured out it was Sephiroth way over there in Midgar, or if someone told them it was Sephiroth. If Reeve made an official announcement that Sephiroth's will was the cause of the Stigma, then perhaps the spectators connected Cloud's event with Sephiroth. But I'm focusing too much on stuff we can not know for sure; it's also not the main focus of the story.


Higher Further Faster
I don't think their faces are publicly known. Otherwise they couldn't live such a quiet live I think.

People might remember Cloud though after the AC escapades. :monster:

This is exactly what I was getting at. After AC people my associate him and the others with the cure for geostigma, and I'm sure they'll gain attention for the fight against Deepground.


Double Growth
And the WRO troops definitely say to Vincent how great it is to have a Hero of the Jenova War helping and leading them, they knew him. Not to mention they all knew his name on sight, and I'd say Vincent is probably one of the lesser-known AVALANCHE members.

And Buster...I played FF7 when I was 10 and it was really my first encounter with anything so Japanese, and I never (still don't) think Cloud looked feminine. Especially in FF7, I can kinda see how people made a case for it in AC, but I just don't see it. A lack of boobs for one thing... He might not be the manliest man that ever manned, but neither am I and I don't exactly consider myself effeminate.
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Higher Further Faster
And the WRO troops definitely say to Vincent how great it is to have a Hero of the Jenova War helping and leading them, they knew him. Not to mention they all knew his name on sight, and I'd say Vincent is probably one of the lesser-known AVALANCHE members.

This still goes along with my point. The WRO knows, and I'm sure during DoC since all of AVALANCHE worked with them the truth was known and people may have been in awe, but probably not the general public.

Buster Sword

Pro Adventurer
And the WRO troops definitely say to Vincent how great it is to have a Hero of the Jenova War helping and leading them, they knew him. Not to mention they all knew his name on sight, and I'd say Vincent is probably one of the lesser-known AVALANCHE members.

And Buster...I played FF7 when I was 10 and it was really my first encounter with anything so Japanese, and I never (still don't) think Cloud looked feminine. Especially in FF7, I can kinda see how people made a case for it in AC, but I just don't see it. A lack of boobs for one thing... He might not be the manliest man that ever manned, but neither am I and I don't exactly consider myself effeminate.

Different mind sets I guess...


Double Growth
The first Final Fantasy character that I encountered that really made me go "That's a GUY?!" was Kuja. He looks as girly as several others, but the fact that his clothes only covered his waist and chest (bra), I definitely thought 'girl' at first glance. The feathers in his hair don't help, lol


Fiat Lux


Something that bugs me in AC is how invincible Cloud is despite teetering on the edge of death. He gets kicked and thrown all over the place, and when he gets shot in the face he just shrugs it off. He's made out of elastic, and that ruined the illusion for me.


Higher Further Faster
The first Final Fantasy character that I encountered that really made me go "That's a GUY?!" was Kuja. He looks as girly as several others, but the fact that his clothes only covered his waist and chest (bra), I definitely thought 'girl' at first glance. The feathers in his hair don't help, lol

lol Me, too! It took me the majority of the game to figure it out!

Also, in response to people saying that Cloud looks like a girl and Masa's icon, I have to say that as effeminate as he may be I think that Cloud makes an ugly girl. :/
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Buster Sword

Pro Adventurer
^ Blasphemy.

I thought Kuja was my Aunt tbh.

And is it just me, but does CC Cloud Play Arts face >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The AC one?


Higher Further Faster
No it's not just you, I've though the same thing myself. The face on CC cloud is much better than the face on AC Cloud.
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