The Elite Order of Cloud


Double Growth
Absolutely, just a snide remark from someone. I'd expect it most from Cid, but Tifa's the only one who actually saw it so I imagine it would probably be her. Although the rest of the team has undoubtedly heard of his little stunt by now. ^_^ If Barret were to say Cloud it would have a slight retort in Barret's sailor outfit, but it would be a weak comeback at best.

I like where this is going, get Nojima on the phone!
Ah yes, how could I forget about Barret in the sailor outfit. I recall Cloud and/or Aeris potentially makes remarks about it in the game, saying he could wear it as a pyjamas. :D

Indeed we should get Nojima, Nomura and Kitase, then force them to use our little ideas.

By the way, how would people react if Cloud had another costume change? We've all become so used with his AC outfit that we usually associate him with that one; in comparison he wore his FFVII outfit not that long (about four months or less, assuming he removed it shortly after the Meteor fall).


AI Researcher
Lolz, I just played that part :monster:

Aerith says he looked cute in it, Tifa tells him to wear them as pyjamas, and Cloud that he looked like a bear wearing a marshmallow :monster:

If they make another game with him as the lead, I'd like to see new costumes for everyone.
I just remembered; the images from the Denzel OVA shows Reeve wearing a more "office-like" clothes. Maybe he won't be defined by that long blue thing he wore in DoC.

Personally I'd prefer Cloud to have the same style as before; it would signify that he has found some kind of perpetual balance in life. Though I would support it if they changed it slightly to make him look older and more wise, whatever style that would mean.


Double Growth
Well he seems to like having that left shoulder armored (Makes sense, he leads with that shoulder) so I imagine his outfit will always be pretty defined by that.

And I love the "bear wearing a marshmallow" joke, one of Cloud's best lines. As far as Cloud/Barret humor goes (of which there is a fair amount, interestingly enough) there's always the:

Barret: "What does that look like to you?"
Cloud: *shrugs* "Just a regular wire."
Barret: "Well, to me that looks like a Golden Shiny Wire of Hope!"
Tifa: "It IS our only way to save Aeris."
Cloud: "Okay...that was a bad analogy, Barret, but I see what you're saying."

Ah yes, how could I forget about Barret in the sailor outfit. I recall Cloud and/or Aeris potentially makes remarks about it in the game, saying he could wear it as a pyjamas. :D

Indeed we should get Nojima, Nomura and Kitase, then force them to use our little ideas.

By the way, how would people react if Cloud had another costume change? We've all become so used with his AC outfit that we usually associate him with that one; in comparison he wore his FFVII outfit not that long (about four months or less, assuming he removed it shortly after the Meteor fall).

I loved that. He looked funny.

Sounds good, maybe we should.

Another change? It doesn't sound that bad. Vincent needs a change, he's been wearing the same thing.


Higher Further Faster
Well he seems to like having that left shoulder armored (Makes sense, he leads with that shoulder) so I imagine his outfit will always be pretty defined by that.

And I love the "bear wearing a marshmallow" joke, one of Cloud's best lines. As far as Cloud/Barret humor goes (of which there is a fair amount, interestingly enough) there's always the:

Barret: "What does that look like to you?"
Cloud: *shrugs* "Just a regular wire."
Barret: "Well, to me that looks like a Golden Shiny Wire of Hope!"
Tifa: "It IS our only way to save Aeris."
Cloud: "Okay...that was a bad analogy, Barret, but I see what you're saying."


lol Yeah that was pretty good. Cloud and Barret are good for playing off of each other for the sake of humor probably because they're so different personality wise. It mostly is unintentional type humor (what they say is funny to us but the characters themselves never meant it as a joke). But it's all good. They kind of seem like unlikely friends, too. If it hadn't been for the events of FFVII they probably would have never become friends, especially since it's clear to see in the very beginning of the game they kind of hated each other.


Great Old One
By the way, how would people react if Cloud had another costume change? We've all become so used with his AC outfit that we usually associate him with that one; in comparison he wore his FFVII outfit not that long (about four months or less, assuming he removed it shortly after the Meteor fall).
It's funny, because most of his outfits consist of copying it off from another person - like, in FF VII, a SOLDIER outfit, to make him look like he was Zack, and in KH, Vincent's clothes (:monster:). If they dress him up in a Chocobo outfit though, that'll be all good with me. :awesmonster:


Higher Further Faster
I wouldn't mind him keeping his AC outift. Maybe loose the sleeve, though. He doesn't really need it and I kind of prefer him without it.

He needs to keep the half skirt thing, though. That's hawt. Kind of like how I find hot waiters to be even hotter when they have the long waist aprons on. For some reason I find them to be really attractive on a man. XD


Great Old One
I wouldn't mind him keeping his AC outift. Maybe loose the sleeve, though. He doesn't really need it and I kind of prefer him without it.
He's keeping the ribbon under there the whole time. :monster:

Pink is his color.

He needs to keep the half skirt thing, though. That's hawt. Kind of like how I find hot waiters to be even hotter when they have the long waist aprons on. For some reason I find them to be really attractive on a man. XD
I really like his ACC outfit too - it's very manly and a lot better than his KH outfit. I like the collar in his outfit too, and the wolf earring is epic. I like his sleeve too, actually. It's a unique outfit. But you know, it'd be nice if SE showed his hands instead of having them covered by gloves all the time. :awesomonster:

Oh my god, I want to see him in glasses. 8D

By the way Ten, do you think he looks like a girl?


Higher Further Faster
He needs to keep his sleeve, stfu.


lol But anyway I don't think the sleeve is necessary anymore. Wasn't it only there to cover his geostigma so people wouldn't know he had it? Why keep it if he's cured?


Great Old One
Because he doesn't want people to know that he secretly loves the color pink. :awesomonster:

And it's nice, I think.


Great Old One
Physically, he may look like a girl at some angles, but mentally he's really all man. :monster: I mean, who would steal someone's underwear?


I always thought that sleeve was really, really ugly. I say lose it :monster:

Oh, and yes, aprons on waitors are wierdly sexy I agree o.o;

I always wondered what purpose Cloud's skirt thing had, btw. Maybe it was the other sleeve.

Buster Sword

Pro Adventurer
I don't care about the sleeve as long as his demi dress is intact, I fap when it goes with the wind, when riding Fenrir. :monster:


Higher Further Faster
We were just talking about that on the previous page, Buster. The skirt thing is hot and should remain. <3


Great Old One
The skirt may be a kilt. He's learning how to play the bagpipes. :monster:

But yeah, I like it too. His baggy pants aren't so bad either. <3


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
The sleeve is worth more than your human lives.


The sleeve stays.
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