The Elite Order of Cloud

Buster Sword

Pro Adventurer
You mean s/he isn't my aunt? :(

They should make a Cloud AC with that face imo. I still can't believe my luck when CC Cloud was in stores haha.


Higher Further Faster
You have the CC Cloud? I'm so jealous. :(

And unfortunately no Kuja is not your aunt. Unless your aunt has a teeny tiny penis hidden in her g-string, but then that's a whole different story right there...

Buster Sword

Pro Adventurer
Yeah, it came into the shops, the day of it's release, it was either him or Rorschach. :wacky:

But we're the same ethnicity, and we have the same dress sense :( Omg, g................enisis :wacky:


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
I don't believe everyone knows the members of AVALANCHE. I think the WRO members knew because of Reeve.

The first Final Fantasy character that I encountered that really made me go "That's a GUY?!" was Kuja. He looks as girly as several others, but the fact that his clothes only covered his waist and chest (bra), I definitely thought 'girl' at first glance. The feathers in his hair don't help, lol

I was told by someone that originally Kuja was supposed to be a female...?!
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You have the CC Cloud? I'm so jealous. :(

And unfortunately no Kuja is not your aunt. Unless your aunt has a teeny tiny penis hidden in her g-string, but then that's a whole different story right there...

Damn, lucky you.

Last I checked, this was about Cloud. Not Buster. XD


Double Growth
They should have just had Cloud dodge his head to the right, the bullet catches the corner of is goggles, tearing them off and scratching him. It would have saved a lot of the complaints. They haven't listed or shown it as a scene that's changed at all in ACC, but his wound might be nastier.


Great Old One
I prefer Chocobo Butt, but here are Cloud pictures:











Cloud in My Little Pony.






Cloudy Wolf.

Okay, I should stop. :awesomonster:
My...god... I want to date that cross-dressing Cloud (the angelic one, below chocolate-eating Cloud and above Cloud-Tifa).


Double Growth
While I don't generally care for chibi stuff, I must admit I really like the one of Cloud on the shopping mall Fenrir ride, lol

And Buster, I'm rather intrigued as to what sexing you the wrong might entail ^_^
I think it's funny how my view of Cloud as a gritty and masculine character has changed with the compilation. Don't know if I'm alone about this, but the original game never gave me this feminine impression of Cloud.

Then AC came along and he was given this more androgynous face; though still clearly male but not gritty and serious in the same way as the old official art of him.


Great Old One
No, I agree; Cloud's not the most masculine, but I can't imagine him looking like a girl. CC Cloud was adorable. XD


Double Growth
The only time I thought Cloud looked girlish was in Crisis Core. And I mostly chalk that up to him being young. (Although it bugs me that he still has the real young face during the ending, he's the same age he is in FF7 by that point. Though maybe they were trying to make some point as to how much Cloud aged all at once while sitting next to Zack through the storm)

But in FF7, AC, and DC Cloud struck me as masculine. He's not GI Joe or anything, and maybe my view is skewed due to the likes of Yazoo and Kuja, but he looks male to me.


Great Old One
He actually looked a bit manly to me in FF7... not the original, I mean the trial demo version, where he glares straight on to the camer, lol. And yeah, he's not GI Joe, but he's definitely masculine... kinda feminime, but masculine...


Double Growth
Well his features are obviously soft enough to go undetected in drag, but he still doesn't make you double-take like a lot of Japanese male leads.


Great Old One
Yeah, plus he can look pretty cool if he wants too. I don't think he could pull of the drag style now though:



It's funny...but looking at that picture with Cloud in drag...he actually looks too masculine xD
He is not a very pretty lady imo.

Buster Sword

Pro Adventurer
While I don't generally care for chibi stuff, I must admit I really like the one of Cloud on the shopping mall Fenrir ride, lol

And Buster, I'm rather intrigued as to what sexing you the wrong might entail ^_^

It's different for everyone else, I would give you your own personal hell, where you'd be there for 2 weeks/ :)


Great Old One
It's funny...but looking at that picture with Cloud in drag...he actually looks too masculine xD
He is not a very pretty lady imo.
LOL, I think he can pull it off in FF7... but AC? No way.
I still would like to see a reference to Cloud's Wall Market adventure in a compilation title. Just for a little comic relief.
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