The Elite Order of Cloud


Higher Further Faster
The sleeve is worth more than your human lives.


The sleeve stays.

I don't care how much it costs it can still gtfo for all I care. :neom:

So um yeah anyway, that big spoiler that Mako mentioned is from the Dengeki interview. What do you all think of that?

Buster Sword

Pro Adventurer
We were just talking about that on the previous page, Buster. The skirt thing is hot and should remain. <3
I have a bad habbit of bringing back old things :wacky: But yes it IS SEX <3
The sleeve is worth no more than Jenova's beard.


The sleeve goes.


Great Old One
Yeah, it comes to show that Cloud really does care about his family and friends - though, sometimes, he may not be the best at showing it, personally. I mean, I don't think he intentionally meant to hurt Denzel, Tifa, or Marlene (which... looks like he hurt them a little... feelings-wise) in AC, but only because he was trying to be selfless for others. So Cloud's a good guy, I say. :monster:

Buster Sword

Pro Adventurer
I think the best point that shows he does care was when Tifa cussed him saying, he still leaves his phone on, but maybe that's because he's a post man. :monster:


Great Old One
Well, I think Cloud leaves his phone on for those emergencies too - he doesn't call her back, but maybe it's reassuring to him that she calls him. :monster:

Buster Sword

Pro Adventurer
Yeah, I mean being a postman is very important and all, delivering letters instead of telling customers to use msn. :monster:

Maybe he has phone sex fantasies when she calls xD

Cloud just isn't good with saying what he feels I guess, after all he was always like that. xD


Great Old One
I can imagine though, Cloud being freaked out if Tifa didn't bother calling him for days. He'd probably go back... I think. He cares. :monster:


Double Growth
Sleeve goes. It was solely to hide Geostigma.

And what Tenny (I think) said about Cloud and Barret being unlikely friends. I always liked that, I'm actually a pretty big Barret fan, people are always ripping on him. (Fans are; I like it when the game characters do, lol)
But you're right, they're complete opposites and do not like each other early on. Though Barret, at least, respects his ability from the beginning "Yeah, you're strong."

And then when Cloud's comatose Barret goes through that whole quandry about whether they want him back or not, and he's annoyed by how distraught Tifa is by his absence. But they definitely are pretty good friends, I think, the kind that are always playfully insulting one another. It is Cloud, Barret, and Tifa that stick together after Meterofall, after all. I also like when Cloud comes in and rescues Barret in the Bahamut fight, "Where the hell you been?!" lol


Higher Further Faster
lol Yeah that was me.

I also like the voice message Barret leaves for Cloud in AC. It certainly does imply that they are now pretty good friends.

"What up fool it's Barret!" XD I found that highly amusing. And then how he's always calling him, "Spikey." XD

Buster Sword

Pro Adventurer
Or when he was talking about going into his spikey head and knocking some sense into him, I think he said that in Gongoga, bad memory.


Double Growth
I dunno if HE was thinking that deeply into it, but he does say that. He also says he'll "go upside your spikey white head" if Sephiroth takes over his mind again :monster:

EDIT: hurray for simultaneous post


Fiat Lux
Yeah, it comes to show that Cloud really does care about his family and friends - though, sometimes, he may not be the best at showing it, personally. I mean, I don't think he intentionally meant to hurt Denzel, Tifa, or Marlene (which... looks like he hurt them a little... feelings-wise) in AC, but only because he was trying to be selfless for others. So Cloud's a good guy, I say. :monster:

It would have been far better if Cloud was still looking for a cure, which is why he keeps his distance and doesn't answer their calls. But when he's forced to return (empty-handed) that's when we see all the guilt and self-pity come out. I don't think he would give up on the cure just because he contracts Geostigma as well. That's all the more reason to find it. :doh:

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
CLOUD IS ADORABLE... Especially CC Cloud :excited:

caption5022152008062000.jpg girly looking :monster:

Totally joining this too XDDDDD
Young Cloud is hawt and adorable at the same time. I really like the fact that Square really made proper adjustments for his age. It's nice and realistic.
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