Thank you everyone !
Excellent as usual! Will there be an epic-length Epic Final Fantasy VIII medley with both parts in one video at some point?
Will think about it !
How exactly do you go about writing these? Do you start by finding which songs are in the same key (or keys that are thirds and fifths of each other), or do you simply list out the songs you want to use and find a way to put them together?
I rarely think in terms of keys first, that's something I often figure out later.
When starting to build a medley, I try to find the songs that could work well together, and then it's like a giant puzzle to solve where each piece has to fit perfectly in the end !
I usually know pretty quickly which song is going to open a medley and which one's gonna close it. Then it's a matter of finding the perfect sequence in-between so that everything flows perfectly.
I work a lot on the transitions since I want them to sound very natural, that is when I'll start playing with the keys. (I like to keep the original keys but in a lot of cases it's just not possible !)
My medleys also constantly evolve, I move a lot of things around, take things out and add things until the whole thing sounds
coherent to my ears, musically speaking !
For example, some sections in FF8 Part 2 ( Retaliation, the Castle's choir ) were never there to begin with and were added much later in the process ( when I thought I already had the final structure ! )
I constantly have new ideas, which is why it takes me so long to finish these ^^