It doesn't
And even if it did, it wouldn't change a thing.
I would like you to retract your statement Q.
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It doesn't
And even if it did, it wouldn't change a thing.
Also, that reminds me, we should come up with a list of non optional Cloti scenes in FFVII. Like the lifestream scene, the promise scene... what are some others?
Start of CoT hints at whatever happens in whatever happens at the highwind is meaningful. Even if it doesn't say deliberately remark on the highwind scene, he indicates something fundamentally changed in their relationship. Something that wouldn't have happened if they didn't exchange something meaningful.Because of the page where it says there's two versions of the scene. They think this means it's telling us "this is optional"
What it's actually telling us is, "this is how you find this scene." since it doesn't even go into detail about the low affection version. At least that's how I see it. And again, no feelings were shared in the low affection version. Nojima said this when he said it was apathetic and ends short and said only the high affection version of the scene was meaningful.
I don't get that though, I mean if you're saying Nojima said those things and then saying they DID share feelings in the low affection version, they just didn't match or they were feelings of friendship.... wouldn't that still make it non apathetic and meaningful?
So when the game itself is designed to go either way, how it is possible to argue definitively that Cloud's feelings are one thing or another?
Once you bring the compilation into the argument, the picture changes.
What do you mean?Question though, where is this part of the highwind scene discussed?
I know it's not a big deal to anyone here, but I think we should address what's on the page that says that if Tifa's affection for Cloud is high blah blah on the For The One That I Love... you know the one that the Cleriths say proves Cloti isn't canon. Just so they stop thinking we're hiding it and explain why it doesn't matter to us that the page says that.
The "This Just in, FFVII Love Triangle is Official Over" article that doesn't mention that the Cloud and Tifa part links to a page that says that scene occurs only when Tifa's affection for Cloud is high. Because many Cleriths thinks this disproves that Cloti is canon, it'd probably be a good idea to address it or update the article or something. I already wrote something up on it that you're welcome to use but I'm betting this idea will get shot down anyway![]()
Alright, first thing I gotta say is that yes, Ryu, you can stop screaming out cluster F-bombs. In fact, I'm sure the target of those F-bombs would appreciate it if you did.
Now, you make a somewhat good point here with regards to the fact that the imagery at the end of Dissidia is clearly indicative of the worlds that the characters are returning to rather than to a person, Good show. But, I seem to remember something related to this. It was quite a while ago, in the previous LTD thread, back when I still found this amusing for the most part. What was it?
Oh, right: Quex brought up the flowers, and she made reference to Aerith because, y'know, they're the same fucking flowers seen in her church. At the time, several persons seemed to take offense to the very idea, including yourself.
The prevalent concept put forth to explain the flowers, as I recall, was to tie them to Cloud having taken up Firion's dream for himself, with a different flower than Firion's wild rose. Any connection to Aerith at all was derided as batshit pinker insanity.
Now, though, while you still (rightly imo) deny that the flowers are in any way Clerith proofz (which Quex never did, she said only that she could see why some people do) you are on a totally different tangent from the "they symbolize Cloud's acceptance of Firion's flower-symbolized dreams" that was at one time prevalent. You moved in the right direction, but considering the changes maybe you might consider not screaming at people in impotent rage and such.
In closing, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck. See, it doesn't do much to make an argument better, or even emphasize anything, if you overuse it.
Edit: Its come to my attention that Ryu may not have been one of the people involved in the situation I described above. If not, he has my apologies for ascribing behavior not his own onto him, Either way, dude, enough with the screaming at Quex (and anyone else) for not getting it. I stopped finding that kinda shit funny months ago, let alone the poor folks who've been dealing with it for years.
Also, that reminds me, we should come up with a list of non optional Cloti scenes in FFVII. Like the lifestream scene, the promise scene... what are some others?
I don't post much here because I can't follow the arguments. But can I ask a question? What precisely is the point being debated? Is it
- Cloud never loved Aerith, only Tifa
or is it
- Cloud could have loved Aerith but she died before those feelings could come to anything in the poor confused guy's heart
or is it
- Cloud did love Aerith but after her death, and thanks in part to all the struggles they shared, he came to love Tifa
or is it
- Cloud loves only Aerith
My humble observation is that the game defaults to greater affection for Aerith. I never got the 'meaningful' scene under the Highwind the first time around, but I worked hard for Tifa (because I'm a Cloti) second time around and she got the date and the night of love and everything. So when the game itself is designed to go either way, how it is possible to argue definitively that Cloud's feelings are one thing or another?
Once you bring the compilation into the argument, the picture changes.
Ah the mysteries of lifeHow, exactly, are we hiding it, when I've responded to them directly explaining the logic underlying why 'there are two versions of this scene' is an argumentative non starter?
I said something you didn't like and you reacted like that. That really made me think I was the target. Notice how Raquel explained almost the same exact point without screaming and swearing... and it's an awesome point and she did a good job and it made perfect sense and most people are much more inclined to read a post like that then one like the one you made.There is no target.
Actually it does hurt your argument. Well maybe not the argument itself but people who disagree aren't going to read that and think, "oh you're right, my bad." If anything, it does the opposite. It makes people not want to listen to you and not take you seriously.It also doesn't make the argument any worse. That's the trick. An argument stands and falls on its own merits, regardless, and yes, in despite, of the flourishes and asinine crap attached to it.
Right on the first part but I meant in regards to the game itself.I find the Discovery at the train station rather moving in that regards.
Of course, there's CoT, and AC/C too.
How does "Cloud didn't lose only Aerith but also a piece of him." prove Clerith again? That one always confuses me... are they saying Aerith was a part of him?
It's not the exact quote but it's from Dismantled. It says something like that, I don't feel like digging for the actual quote but I know it came up again.
Alex said:It's a story. It is not fair to make things up that were are not shown. As such, we must obey the evidence.
IN THE SAME GOD DAMN POST! I'm not even kidding.Alex said:Aerith, on the other hand, is someone you could stay with for years with no real problems.
Or the terrible relationship that Cloud and Tifa have that's so bad that even if we Clotis got together and made a list of all the romantic moments for Cloud and Tifa, the negative moments they had would outweigh those.
Bullshit, not necessarily with the Aerith part but it's implying that Cloud would have had a perfect relationship and healthy lifestyle if he were cohabitating with Aerith. And that Tifa and Cloud are fundamentally a broken relationship.Aerith, on the other hand, is someone you could stay with for years with no real problems.
What did he say?(and before anyone says anything, YES I did call him out on this)