The Final Fantasy VII LTD Thread (Round 4)

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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
on the bright side, it's probably better than the resident evil movies?


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
@ the Reminiscence thing - The similarities are obvious, but I don't understand why we would claim that it is the same time, or come up with some kind of chronological order concerning the ending.

Generally, it's just been assumed that it was the same events since it's more parsimonious to assume when we see the same shots with the same conditions and even sometimes the same cloud, it's the same events.
But the bigger point is that it reinforces, in the movie, that Cloud has returned to 'working' rather than 'wandering' and he returns to and enjoys being with his family.

Which games if I may ask? I'm not familiar with ISS/ISP. And are you counting KH for T/Y, cause they didn't have any interaction, right? And if they did...strangeness would ensue.

I am, yes. Not because it means anything, but it does count as an AU game they both appear in.
And ISS and ISP are two Itadaki St games, which are like monopoly with Dragon Quest (and other) characters. Tidus and Yuna10 and Yuna10-2 appeared in ISS and If I am not mistaken, ISP as well.

And there are other couples I'm sure that don't appear in games together. Not that it matters anyway. Ugh, I hate AU discussion.

Squall and Seifer. Squall and Selphie. Tidus and Auron. Not that these are canon pairs, but they are people who've appeared in an AU game together with absolutely no relevance to each other.

Then there's wierd stuff like Balthier and Mustadio in War of the Lions.

No, not familiar. Although I can ascertain what it is from your conversation.

If you're curious, there's a lot of information on the strategy and where they've tried to use it.

on the bright side, it's probably better than the resident evil movies?

3 is actually a good Zombie movie, but a TERRIBLE Resident Evil movie.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Oh and because I forgot:

On Dissidia/Dissidia 012 romance BS. Can't we just play them without seeing romance like Splintered said? Appreciate the nods to the compilation without seeing tru wuv.

BUT, on the other hand. I can't deny I would take pleasure in shoving it back in some clerith faces. They set forth the rules on Dissidia, and so by following their rules, I would enjoy proving them wrong. Prior to the English release of Dissidia (and even after), there were people jumping for joy over flower fields and holy materia, and claiming that the clotis should "take that" among other things. (I'm sure Vendel has it archived somewhere).

Prior to seeing that stuff, I didn't see any romance junk in Dissidia (not that there is any) and was able to enjoy it for what it was. Then I read that stuff and it annoyed me. They created the shitstorm by their own behavior, and continue to do so because now they're pissed that Tifa is just appearing in the game. Don't think I don't take pleasure in that. Besides the fact that they hate Tifa, you don't think they see it coming? That's why they're annoyed she's in the game! Because they've set themselves up.

Now on a serious note, I actually look more forward to Tifa's interactions with Sephiroth than Cloud. I'd like to see her achieve her own personal vindication against him for burning her village and killing her father. Although she has no memories, so idk.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Oh and because I forgot:

On Dissidia/Dissidia 012 romance BS. Can't we just play them without seeing romance like Splintered said? Appreciate the nods to the compilation without seeing tru wuv.

Tifabelle, how can you deny the TRUTH that is CoD/Terra?

BUT, on the other hand. I can't deny I would take pleasure in shoving it back in some clerith faces. They set forth the rules on Dissidia, and so by following their rules, I would enjoy proving them wrong. Prior to the English release of Dissidia (and even after), there were people jumping for joy over flower fields and holy materia, and claiming that the clotis should "take that" among other things. (I'm sure Vendel has it archived somewhere).

Prior to seeing that stuff, I didn't see any romance junk in Dissidia (not that there is any) and was able to enjoy it for what it was. Then I read that stuff and it annoyed me. They created the shitstorm by their own behavior, and continue to do so because now they're pissed that Tifa is just appearing in the game. Don't think I don't take pleasure in that. Besides the fact that they hate Tifa, you don't think they see it coming? That's why they're annoyed she's in the game! Because they've set themselves up.

They did it before, too, with KH2. Then the claimed backpedaling in reaction to craw sticking while shifting themselves.

Now on a serious note, I actually look more forward to Tifa's interactions with Sephiroth than Cloud. I'd like to see her achieve her own personal vindication against him for burning her village and killing her father. Although she has no memories, so idk.

I'm curious about her interactions with folks like Kain and Ultimecia, from outside the game. Not that I'm not curious about the reaction to Sephy if/when her memories return, but it's oldish ground. It's a Crossover game so CROSS IT UP!
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Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Generally, it's just been assumed that it was the same events since it's more parsimonious to assume when we see the same shots with the same conditions and even sometimes the same cloud, it's the same events.
But the bigger point is that it reinforces, in the movie, that Cloud has returned to 'working' rather than 'wandering' and he returns to and enjoys being with his family.

Reminiscence does. Calling is just him driving. I'm sure he drives in the same area more than one time in his life.

Ryu said:
And ISS and ISP are two Itadaki St games, which are like monopoly with Dragon Quest (and other) characters.

Oh I know what ISS & ISP are. I meant "not familiar" because I've never played them.

Tifabelle, how can you deny the TRUTH that is CoD/Terra?

It looks like my new OTP will be Ultifa.

They did it before, too, with KH2. Then the claimed backpedaling in reaction to craw sticking while shifting themselves.

KH2 was before my time on the internetz, but I've heard some things.

I'm curious about her interactions with folks like Kain and Ultimecia, from outside the game. Not that I'm not curious about the reaction to Sephy if/when her memories return, but it's oldish ground. It's a Crossover game so CROSS IT UP!

Good point. Kain would be interesting; I think she would do well with the more upbeat characters like Bartz or Tidus, too. I'd like to see what Kefka has to say about her :whistle:

If they do put Locke in it (which is my long-time favorite male character, but I'm not holding out), I would DIE for some interaction between them.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Reminiscence does. Calling is just him driving. I'm sure he drives in the same area more than one time in his life.

Hence why I point out the the same light values and clouds visible, and the parsimony of assuming it's the same sequences.

Oh I know what ISS & ISP are. I meant "not familiar" because I've never played them.

Pretty much no one has.

It looks like my new OTP will be Ultifa.

A good OTP to have.

KH2 was before my time on the internetz, but I've heard some things.

Things definitely did happen.

Good point. Kain would be interesting; I think she would do well with the more upbeat characters like Bartz or Tidus, too. I'd like to see what Kefka has to say about her :whistle:

Knowing Kefka, something completely unexpected.

If they do put Locke in it (which is my long-time favorite male character, but I'm not holding out), I would DIE for some interaction between them.

I'd be curious to see what Cecil thinks of her. If Terra wasn't on the other side this time, her too.
But yeah, Tifa with other folks go go.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves

stop advertising the forum to faggots, we have enough n00b problems as is jesus christ
ROFL sorry :monster:

I just wanted her to hear from her own that she was wrong. That's the only way people will see it sometimes. And you and Winter don't even post there anymore.

i told you q, nobody knows about that fake interview and nobody but FF_G cares.
I thought maybe Resha had returned is all.

also you should post your translations from dismantled in this thread, i have some questions and stuff but i don't want to post about it in faith.
From Dismantled or UO?


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Hence why I point out the the same light values and clouds visible, and the parsimony of assuming it's the same sequences.

Wait. What's this about light and clouds? Did I miss something?

From Dismantled or UO?

I think she means the UO stuff you posted. Dat's what I said.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
What I find hilarious is some people saying we're going to backpedal on Dissidia. I've always said there's nothing romantic about the game and I will continue to say that even with Tifa in the game, unless there's like a kiss or something but we all know that ain't gonna happen :monster:

As for UO translations:

# 7 Years Ago. At the water, he declared "I will become a SOLDIER" to Tifa. He promised to rescue her in a pinch before he left the village.

# Before leaving the village, he boldly called to Tifa, a girl he liked romantically,*** and declared he would become a SOLDIER.

# He recalls the promise with Tifa, and consents to cooperate with future strategies (or something like that idk.)

# While simultaneously approaching Cloud with love, she is concerned about his inconsistent speech and conduct, but doesn't say anything. (this one I'm really not sure of but it does say something about romantic love so...)

# Cloud is boldly called out for a date, and everything is spur of the moment. In the end, the romantic love is not conveyed. Things constantly proceed quickly; in contract with Aerith, she is unable to convey her feelings clearly because of her timidity.

When dating Cloud, she tries to be frank and tell him her feelings, but shuts her mouth instead.

# When Tifa bears serious injuries, Cloud rushed to rescue her just like he promised 7 years ago at the Water Tower. When Tifa learns this truth, her voice sounds deeply moved.

Deep inside Cloud's heart, feelings were hidden that no one knew about. Even though there were important memories to himself, many of them were forgotten. In the process of looking for the real Cloud, Tifa learns a lesson about the complexity of the human heart, and the feelings are earnestly transmitted.

Feelings that no one could know, gee what could that be Cloud? :monster:

# Tifa, Cloud's childhood friend, and memories of his childhood that were forgotten become the key to proving a man named Cloud existed.

# Cloud hated his own weakness and not being able to do anything. He knew Sephiroth, and he longed for that strength, to become stronger so even Tifa would notice him.

*** I showed this one to Hito and he told me it was a phrase used for when you like someone romantically so :joy: (also Tres suggested childhood love for this one)

and here's one I'm not so sure of:

# Still, at this time, a promise is exchanged. Cloud becomes, above all, a special existence to her and gradually makes up a large position.

I'm having someone else look at this one. I'm certain of the special existence part but I wasn't sure how to word everything.
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wangxian married
I just wanted her to hear from her own that she was wrong. That's the only way people will see it sometimes. And you and Winter don't even post there anymore.

SPOKE TOO SOON I posted there just now :monster:

And just cause I mostly lurk there now doesn't mean I want the forum to be overrun with tards. Place gets a bad enough rap as is, it doesn't need encouragement of more members like this.


unsavory tart
I'm curious about her interactions with folks like Kain and Ultimecia, from outside the game.
I want to see Tifa and Lightning. For no other reason than fanservice.

On Dissidia/Dissidia 012 romance BS. Can't we just play them without seeing romance like Splintered said? Appreciate the nods to the compilation without seeing tru wuv.

BUT, on the other hand. I can't deny I would take pleasure in shoving it back in some clerith faces. They set forth the rules on Dissidia, and so by following their rules, I would enjoy proving them wrong. Prior to the English release of Dissidia (and even after), there were people jumping for joy over flower fields and holy materia, and claiming that the clotis should "take that" among other things. (I'm sure Vendel has it archived somewhere).
I knew this was going to be the reaction. There is some innerfandom frustrations that the mere suggestion that Aerith is being alluded to means romance, but the outright inclusion of Tifa does not. I got annoyed with it too, but I always saw the people who viewed that as proof was the extremists, and most understand the fanservice mess that was the Dissidia story.
Yeah, while I joke about 'Guardian and Summoner' and ISS, there's really not much to it. Tifa KH MIGHT be romantic, but that's more colored by circumstance than presence. Doubly so with Dissidia. If it is, it is. But it's not that way by default.
I agree.

I think the major thing that Ryu and I will always disagree with is that I believe that there is wiggle room for fans to project romantic sentiment in either Tifa's or Aerith's interaction with Cloud.

But even if there is, nothing is established that this is proof. As of now, Aerith and Tifa are representing a part of the relationship that's not inherently romantic. One of encouragement, patience, and "warmth." Romance can be involved in it, but like you said, it's not "default"


AI Researcher
I'm going to start playing Itadaki Street Special again just to remember what all the fuss was about.

And I hate you all for it.



Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Yeah, though I mistakenly wrote the same 'cloud' instead of 'clouds' above, the shots are very much the same.

I'm still confused.

Splintered said:
but I always saw the people who viewed that as proof was the extremists, and most understand the fanservice mess that was the Dissidia story.

You missed the "squeeing" and "OMGZ tru luv" and "take that stupid Clotis" over a screenshot of Cloud in a flowerfield holding Holy? Because that was pretty much EVERYONE, not just the extremists. By most, you must mean out of the rest of the fandom that aren't clerith.


8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter

When dating Cloud, she tries to be frank and tell him her feelings, but shuts her mouth instead.

when was she dating him during the game? this quote in particular confuses me

Deep inside Cloud's heart, feelings were hidden that no one knew about. Even though there were important memories to himself, many of them were forgotten. In the process of looking for the real Cloud, Tifa learns a lesson about the complexity of the human heart, and the feelings are earnestly transmitted.

this quote is vague as shit


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
During the Gold Saucer date?? At least that's what I'm assuming it's talking about, now I'm confused too.

Thank you :monster:

Winter I think the stress is getting to you :glomp:

this quote is vague as shit
Feelings that no one knew about... like the secret wish no one could ever know.. he wanted to impress Tifa, feelings for Tifa. How is this vague?

although maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to have images on my site. That way no one is confused as to what it's talking about.


unsavory tart
You missed the "squeeing" and "OMGZ tru luv" and "take that stupid Clotis" over a screenshot of Cloud in a flowerfield holding Holy?
This is the only LTD related place I hang out, but I did hear about it.

But seriously, everyone I know who has even played the game never even blinked twice about it.

It didn't help that from what I saw, Cloti's were absolutely adamant that it wasn't Holy, there was absolutely no way, and fought pretty viciously against it. Which, imo, made no sense because Cloud having Holy wasn't a romance nod, it was a continuity nod. In a way, the way Cloti's acted reinforced the false notion that holy=proof of CxA, something we all pretty much find ridiculous.

The whole LTD argument was pretty fucking stupid now that I think about it. I don't see how anyone who played the game saw a huge romance factor in it.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
But Cloud DIDN'T have Holy as his crystal. He never did and he never will. It was materia plain and simple. The end.

Also I gotta laugh at some of the people who are concerned about the possibility of Tifa dying in Cloud's arms in Dissidia XD
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
You missed my point. People weren't reinforcing that Cloud having holy was NOT a CxA nod, they were reinforcing that Cloud never had holy as his crystal. If he had holy as his crystal, I probably would consider it some kind of CxA nod tbh.

As Ryu would say, you're attacking a strawman :monster:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
This is the only LTD related place I hang out, but I did hear about it.

But seriously, everyone I know who has even played the game never even blinked twice about it.

It didn't help that from what I saw, Cloti's were absolutely adamant that it wasn't Holy, there was absolutely no way, and fought pretty viciously against it. Which, imo, made no sense because Cloud having Holy wasn't a romance nod, it was a continuity nod. In a way, the way Cloti's acted reinforced the false notion that holy=proof of CxA, something we all pretty much find ridiculous.

I just thought it was fucktarded that the damn thing be Holy because IT'S TOO FUCKING HUGE. But yeah, the attempts to 'fit' the crystals to specific crystals was dumb. Very much so.
Oh cock, the crap about Squall's...


wangxian married
It didn't help that from what I saw, Cloti's were absolutely adamant that it wasn't Holy, there was absolutely no way, and fought pretty viciously against it. Which, imo, made no sense because Cloud having Holy wasn't a romance nod, it was a continuity nod. In a way, the way Cloti's acted reinforced the false notion that holy=proof of CxA, something we all pretty much find ridiculous.
You are a beautiful person and I love you for this.

Seriously, people were fucking arguing with me over the shade of the materia. Or the size.

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