The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]


I've been invited to join a free company called Primal Legion - I did Ifrit with the guys that formed it and I'm in their Linkshell.

We can either create our own, or join up with them. I'll be able to create one later tonight (you need to be level 25 and I'm on the cusp of it) so the choice is up to you guys. I told them about the site and they're eager for more people so I think they'd be more than happy to have everyone.


Pro Adventurer
I got to play for a few hours last night and found the game pretty fun. I made a female Hyur Highlander Pugilist on Cerberus named Kaylan Greyashe. I usually make males in MMOs, but, after exploring character creation for awhile, thought that the character I made looked cooler than other options I tried. It's probably because I like to make male characters with beards, and the beard options kind of suck.

Anyway, while the quests were pretty standard MMO fare so far (only level 6 currently), I thought the experience was very polished and engaging. I also really like the Pugilist's combo and positioning combat style.


Triple post, huzzah.

The Free Company will be formed tomorrow at 22:30 (BST), I need at least 3 other people online - Avec, Force and Marcus said they would be so it shouldn't be a problem :). The reason I can't create it tonight is because you have to wait 24 hours after putting the request in, which I've now done (it's apparently to be sure you really want to do it, which seems a bit silly).

But anyway, we'll have our own TLS grand company tomorrow! I made a post over at BFF asking the guys there if they want to join aswell.


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
Stop it, you got me thinking about buying. The beta was fun though. I might grab thisometime in late Sept or early Oct.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon



I've been sharing that in the IRC and Skype for a week, no one pays attention to me!! :D

I love that Boss Theme.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
It's mostly because of the Prelude motif but yeah

In fact there are lots of tracks in the game that are really cheap shots because they keep incorporating previous FF themes into it for quasi-nostalgic purposes

y u do dis Masayoshi Sohen


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Yeah but it also sounds like they mashed Phoenix Wright and Kingdom Hearts in there. :D


Pro Adventurer
Tip: if anyone is using an AMD video card and is getting strangely low performance, try installing the newest beta drivers. I am running two Radeon HD 6950s in Crossfire and I have been getting between 20-30 FPS, which was surprising. My cards were also running really hot, with fans blazing. I checked out the drivers download page and the beta drivers (13.8) notes said that it includes both single GPU and Crossfire performance increases for FF XIV. I installed them and logged back in and now have between 50-60 FPS. I am running at close to maximum settings too.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Sounds like the devs were running off the bleeding-edge drivers :monster:


Must force myself to go to the gym tomorrow, so I don't just sit and play this all. day. long.

Force and I just did a duty which required multiple people, and we ended up with an Arcanist and a Gladiator (I believe, right?). They didn't talk much, so our strategy was, well, lacking at first, and we died a few times, but we finally seemed to pull it all together and things really got easier about after about halfway through or so. We'd like to do some of those (maybe even that one again, as we apparently skipped several rooms) with you TLSers...I hope we can get times matched up to do this thing!


Double Growth
It's mostly because of the Prelude motif but yeah

In fact there are lots of tracks in the game that are really cheap shots because they keep incorporating previous FF themes into it for quasi-nostalgic purposes

y u do dis Masayoshi Sohen

There was a quest I did in Ul'dah back in the Beta where I had to find some crooked merchant's goons in the street and it played a battle theme straight out of one of the classic FFs, can't remember which. And I haven't heard it since, but it was awesome.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Wow, Cerberus has excellent connection for me. THE DECISION HAS BEEN MADE.
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Pro Adventurer
For those that are playing on Cerberus, do most of you live in Europe? Lex, it looks like you are in Scotland on BST? Approximately what time do you guys usually play? I am in CST (CDT right now during summer). I usually play in the evenings on weekdays (sometime between 6 and midnight), which I think is between like midnight and 6 a.m. for BST. On weekends I should be able to get some morning and/or afternoon sessions in though. :arr:


There was a quest I did in Ul'dah back in the Beta where I had to find some crooked merchant's goons in the street and it played a battle theme straight out of one of the classic FFs, can't remember which. And I haven't heard it since, but it was awesome.

It's the FFII battle theme, starts out with the bit-like sound from the console then goes into an orchestrated version.

Knuxson, I'm usually on half when the Brits are and half when the Murcan's are :D. I'll add you when you're online today.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Knuxson, I'm usually on half when the Brits are and half when the Murcan's are :D. I'll add you when you're online today.

I'm online right now and should be at least for the next hour. If we miss, I'll probably be on again around midnight my time (U.S. Central). Don't know how to be added, so I'll just say:

Online ID: Captain_Highwind
In-game name: Monk Highwind

The mog cap is letting me level up to 10 quick. Don't know how to summon my Cait Sith doll however. Does it fight for me?


It won't fight for you, no, but it also won't aggro any of the monsters. I just learned how to do this yesterday, let's see if I remember (this worked for a wind-up airship I received in game) - go to your inventory, and look through your items. You should find it...I think. "Use" the item, then go to your Actions and Traits menu, click on Minions, and then you'll be able to drag the box to your hotkey bar, and then you just activate it like you would an action/spell, and voila! Should work.


^I'm going to need your character's name Knuxson.

Captain Highwind, I can't add you right now because you're not online. I'm Rinh'aeza Viera if you're on later.


I should hopefully be on within an hour/hour and a half or so. Have to put away the groceries/shower/make and eat dinner :)
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