The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]


Double Growth
The original artifact armor was so much more classic FF. Especially Tactics:

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
They've already confirmed (in XXXV live letter I think) that the Lvl 70 job gears sets are quest rewards for the Lvl 70 job quest. So we're getting all of these for free. :)

Yeah, nothing beats the lvl 50 Summoner trench-coat and horn. I do like this set better then the HW set, that one was weird. This one looks like someone made a set of caster gear based off the Demon gear for monk/ninja and actually looks pretty good. The part of me that collects glamours is annoyed that those shoes are Summoner only; I would totally glamour them on all the classes I could.

Astrologian annoys me a bit. It's pretty much a reskin of the i250 crafted gear for mages. It honestly looks pretty generic.


Joe, Arcana
The original artifact armor was so much more classic FF. Especially Tactics:
Yeah I loved that armour. It was part of what made me choose Summoner/ACN when I first started FFXIV.
I'm just glad with the diection they've taken. Feels a lot more 'in touch with primal forces' while holding on to that caster status.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Yeah I loved that armour. It was part of what made me choose Summoner/ACN when I first started FFXIV.
I'm just glad with the diection they've taken. Feels a lot more 'in touch with primal forces' while holding on to that caster status.
Which cracks me up as the difference in-universe between Arcanists and Thumaturges is that ARcanists use math/geometry to do magic while Thumaturges (and especially Black Mages) are doing more "normal" elemental magic with a smattering of void magic. So it's probably less that summoners are getting in touch with "primal forces" and more that they're using math/geometry to contain "primal ather". Kinda like Dalumund on a much smaller scale... And then there's the flavor text for Atherflow Stacks (Ather is gathering in the body)... Where does that Ather come from? 'Cause the major entities we know of that gather ather are the primals and they're draining ather from everything else around them... yeah...

I love lore...


Chloe Frazer

^From left to right in the back: Lex, Marcus, Keveh, Jetch (?).

From left to right in front: Flint, Obs (?), Yop (?), me being photobombed by a minion and Flare.




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Pro Adventurer
As a PLD main, the new previews of the combat abilities has me even more hyped for Stormblood!

Also, I read that there will be an option to transfer your current house to the new housing ward in Stormblood. What do you guys on Cerberus think of the option? The main hurdle appears to be that you do have to pay the gil to buy the plot in the new ward, and you do not get refunded the price of the plot in the old ward you are moving from. I think there was also mention that all placed decorations would be placed in a temporary storage location and would have to be replaced after moving.

I am fine with staying in Limsa, as I like the Limsa aesthetics, but if enough people in the FC want to move, we maybe should consider it? I have around 9 million gil right now, and the last new small plots they opened up in the current wards were going for around 3-4 mil, so it probably would not be difficult for us to buy a small plot in the new ward once they are available.

Again, this is just an idea, and I would like to hear what you all think.


Pro Adventurer
Re: moving, I'd prefer to keep the FC house in a place that newbies can visit. If Shirogane is level- or DLC-locked then staying in Mist seems like the better option. But it's not like I contributed to building the house we have now so I'm not sure my opinion should count for much.

Part of me wants a bigger house so that the Shinra Mansion can actually be a mansion, but most of me thinks it's a massive waste of time and money and that I wouldn't spend time at the house anyway. :P


Pro Adventurer
Re: moving, I'd prefer to keep the FC house in a place that newbies can visit. If Shirogane is level- or DLC-locked then staying in Mist seems like the better option. But it's not like I contributed to building the house we have now so I'm not sure my opinion should count for much.

Part of me wants a bigger house so that the Shinra Mansion can actually be a mansion, but most of me thinks it's a massive waste of time and money and that I wouldn't spend time at the house anyway. :P

You know, I did not consider the possibility that Shirogane may be level- or DLC-locked. I do not think SE has said anything on this. IMO, locking people out of the area would be a bad move on SE's part, as it would make it harder for newer FC members to participate in housing features.

As far as a bigger house goes, I am pretty sure that the only differences are obviously the size of the house, the number of items you can place within the house, more gardening plots, and if you have a medium or large house you can place three NPC vendor types within instead of just two. So, while it may be nice, there are not a ton of benefits over having a small house, unless we did a lot of gardening, which it does not seem like we do.


Found the answer at:

"Can anyone enter Shirogane if they enlist in a free company that has a house there?
Yes, they can. Any free company member will be able to teleport to the free company house located in Shirogane, so don't forget to set up the miniature aetheryte in your yard! However, please note that players who do not meet the necessary conditions, such as those that haven't entered Shirogane on their own, or those who have not purchased Stormblood will not be able to exit the housing districts to reach the connected areas!"
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Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
:joy: Woop! I've got the Cloud Strife card! Which is probably the best card to use vs PCs in tournaments given the current meta. 9 more cards to go...

That new hairstyle is nice. It colors well and it won't have a lot of clipping issues. Do get it.


Joe, Arcana
Acquired Tantalus Attire. Have since been playing around with screenshots.




If people want to move I support it, but please start saving money because if there's not 38,000,000 minimum in the FC chest by the time housing launches it's a no go.

Speaking of which I took a chunk of money out a little while back to buy Carlie some gear :monster:

My opinion on the housing is complicated. I like Mist, and we have quite possibly the best location in Mist for proximity to a bell and MB. A change of scenery would be nice, but it's only worth it to me if we get a similarly excellent location and the location itself looks great. Also bigger house. If we could have two FC houses I'd love that, rather than giving Mist up completely. I'm fairly attached to it but we do need larger digs IMO.


Joe, Arcana
I have 5.5 mil I can contribute to that 38mil. However if we can't raise the funds in time it's going towards my own personal small house. :monster:

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Media embargo is down from the media events. MTQcapture has all the current tooltips/job changes up. Mrhappy1227 has a lot of commentary on stuff he messed with out.

And yeah, I like our location in Mist. Marketboard + Retainer right outside the front door is hard to beat.
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Plus 38 million is a lot of money :monster:. I have like, one.

I think anyway, idk how much the retainer holds.


Pro Adventurer
Yeah, I have about 10 million, but I would prefer not to be gil-less after a move. I am totally fine with staying where we are, as I mostly use the house for decorating my personal room and occasionally do a batch of crops or send the airship on missions, none of which we would need a bigger house for. I agree though that if we did decide to move, it would be nice to get something bigger.


I'm trying to get my PLD and BLM to level 60 before Stormblood - PLD is currently at 54, and I just got BLM to 52. If I can do that, I'll have 2 healers, a DPS, and a tank all at level 60 for the new content.
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