The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
So my wife has told me that for Father's Day she's getting me Stormblood which is basically awesome and means I'll be able to play right from launch. I posted this on my FB but I have some Stormblood Goals too although they are now less likely to be achieved outside of my "MUST" categories.

- Get Monk to Level 60 (at Level 47 right now and once I hit 50 I can spam the Roulettes. Also got a set of Ironworks Armor just waiting when I hit 50 which I can augment).
- Complete Dun Scaith and Zurvan Normal (need to bump my ilvl to 235)
- Complete HW Hildibrand Questline

- Get Ninja to Level 60
- Get a Tank and Healer to Level 50. (Preferably Scholar and Dark Knight)
(I can pretty much rule these out as unlikely but I want to get as far in Ninja as I can because I figure its storyline will play into Stormblood as much as Monk's, similar to how the DRG storyline went right into HW).

- Get Leatherworker to Level 60 (57 1/2 so I'm close-ish)
(That last grind man. I'm spamming ass on Dragon Leather with my retainers getting me skins and crystals).

- Get all Crafting Classes to 40+ (I'm in the 30s so this is doable with Quick Synth)
- Get Botany and Mining to 40 (again, 30s)

WAR CHEST GOAL: 1.5 Million Gil, 40,000 GC Seals

Two other things I want to mention:

1. I am going to be Twitch streaming most if not all of my first time 4.0 playthrough, even though it may get a little dry. I will then export as much of it as possible to Youtube as well. If anybody needs any SB footage for any video projects they are always welcome to use my stuff.

2. Has anyone offered yet to write a SB review for the FP? I can offer my services if not, though frankly a game this massive I think basically demands multiple perspectives so ideally we'd have around 3 players each writing their own reviews similar to the Kingsglaive Review we did. (What about it Carlie? :monster)


Joe, Arcana
I'm happy to chip in with a perspective on the review. I like the way the Kingsglaive one was done and think this could benefit from the same formula. ^_^


Chloe Frazer
This XIV expert can do that. :monster:

I too have some realistic and not so realistic goals to achieve before Stormblood comes out. Get my ilvl up (my MNK is 231 right now) and get my level 19 rogue to level 60 which there's a 99.9% chance of that not happening.


The Sublimely Magnificent One
Jason, don't bother actually crafting stuff to level up. For post-50 crafters, just use the Moogle Beast Tribe quests. They give insane amounts of exp. Like, more than enough to get you to 60 in a week. And they are super easy. And don't require mats, that cost money :P

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
^ Good call I been meaning to start that. Still haven't finished the Ixal one yet either.


Pro Adventurer
I've been going through the Hildibrand quests lately. At the start of them, some of the antics would bring a smile to my face, but I didn't reeeeaaally laugh until... this scene below.

Particularly from 00:54 onwards. Lord have mercy, the running sequence :wacky: Godbert doing fucking flash step, that slow motion moments before, fuck me

The sheer comedy and goofiness of these quests have grown on me, I'm really loving them XD

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
^ Ooooh Girl, Hildibrand is love, Hildibrand is life. Not only is his questline the gate to some of the best (read: funniest) Trials but every minisode of his is where FF14 stops being FF14 and turns into an anime.


Pro Adventurer
I'm also not a fan. Ended up skipping 90% of the cutscenes just to get the rewards. Boring and overdone. And I haven't even started the HW quests yet.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Hildibrand quests in HW are better then the ones in ARR... Also, major FF9 feels...

It's definitely a better route to go as far as getting in more humor and FF references into the game without overloading the Main Storyline. It's also nice to get a break from the doom-and-gloom that permeates so much of all the other quests...
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Hildibrand quests look more like a tech demo (like how can we stretch the animation engine, maybe use it in future real story cutscenes) than anything else :monster:

But hey, /mdance is worth it.


Pro Adventurer
Coming up in five minutes' time on the Square Enix Presents stream from E3 is a Final Fantasy XIV "Letter from the Producer":



The Sublimely Magnificent One
Got my Stormblood PS4 theme. As a huge Yugiri fan, I will be leaving this as my desktop(?) for the foreseeable future.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
I decided to spend my last day in Heavensward bidding a fond farewell to the game (as did basically everybody). Inspired by some guys on the FB I went and did not just a farewell snap, but a whole photo album highlighting Heavensward.













I'm ready for Stormblood. I have 16 of the highest level leves completed and waiting to be handed in first thing on Friday morning for some starter EXP, the FC EXP buffs and EXP food buffs ready. Inventory cleared and sorted, beast tribes ready to be handed in and almost every currency capped. READY FOR STORMBLOOD!

Housing situation:

Square Enix are offering incentives to move to low population servers in order to reduce congestion on servers like outs, they're opening a new one called Omega. It might be worth discussing whether we all could do such a move - they reimburse the cost of the house/ plot (in our case this was somewhere around 8mil or more) as well as give you more dough. The "transfer" is also free (from high pop to low pop).

It's worth having a discussion about this - it's only worth moving if we all take the plunge and will be able to buy a house.

Personally I think we should wait for the time being because we're not in a financial position to buy a house, we have an excellent location and we could potentially be left homeless. What we should do is save up a bit of money, see what the housing is like in Shirogane and maybe buy a house there. Idk, discuss?

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
It is worth discussing as long as Squeenix wants to foot the bill. I already paid for not one but two transfers (me and the wife) from Goblin to Cerberus (and now to Omega, man that's one hell of a Magikarp evolution :monster:)

Back when I was more flush I often added large-ish sums of gil to the company war chest so there is some gil in there but hardly house buying money. That said if Squeenix is going to pay us the gil to cover the cost of the house and grounds so we can recreate it then that's part of the concern right there.

The other thing to consider is wait times for duties in low population servers, at least at the beginning (though aren't duties cross-server?)


We have come to terms
Duties are cross server, yes.

My thoughts here are that the move might be a good strategic choice. The house would be more than paid for in compensation, all players can move for free, and the FC would have the pick of the litter (so to speak) in regards to housing across any of the four districts (maybe not Shirogane because new, but still). On top of that, players would get double XP up to level 60 (so new players would be able to get through the 2.X and 3.X sooner to join folks in 4.X), and if people are really wanting to push FFXIV as a community event, that would really help (imo).

THAT BEING SAID, I think it would also encourage me to hop over, if for no other reason than that newly made characters on Omega that reach level 30 gain 1 million gil (!) free. :oscar:

tldr strongly for

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
It says at the end of the New World announcement that they're playing to introduce bonuses after 4.0 hits to accommodate entire Free Companies moving as well as Free Company housing. So we should probably wait until that breaks.

All that said, I'm open to whatever. Just keep in mind that while Duty Finder and Party Finder are cross server, things like the Market Board are not. And the economy is going to be shit until people's resources get re-built. Just something to think about.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
^ So what you are saying is stock up on essential high level crafting supplies and gouge, gouge, gouge? :monster:


Pro Adventurer
I see the appeal but I'm tentatively against moving to Omega just because I like the social side of Cerberus. I mean I'm admin on a Cerberus Discord with 100+ people and I've been playing less than three months. :wacky:

I think I'll do the same thing Kimble said he'd do in voice chat last night and create a character on Omega then quickly get it to level 30 for the million gil and 15 days of free playing time, which I'll then use on my Cerberus character. :P If we could get all of our active players to agree to the move then I'd be more willing to do it as well but I don't think a simple majority should be enough for a big decision like this.
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