The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]


Joe, Arcana
Agreed. The incentives for moving aren't bad but not enough for me to think it's a good idea to uproot from the community. Not to mention we have FC members that aren't on all the time and are more seasonal. It'd be easy for such people to miss the free transfer window.


You should just transfer to Malboro :monster:

Got my BLM to level 60, but my PLD is only level 55. Having gotten my BLM to 60, I geared up as best I could and did a few level 60 dungeons, as well as Void Ark and Weeping City. I was fine, and I think I have a good handle on the mechanics for level 60 BLM, despite not having a lot of time to mess around with it, but I think I might prefer healing, honestly. We'll see how the 60-70 skillz change that, but for right now, I'll still be maining my WHM or AST.

I'd love to get my PLD up to at least 60 as well, but honestly I'm pretty undergeared right now for the higher level dungeons I can run, but running anything 50 and below is boring and stupid, so it's making it a bit difficult to manage aggro and all that.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
I started playing this game a little over a year ago and I've had a blast. It's been a lot of fun leaning enemy attack patters, playing DDR (Dodge Dodge Revolution) with AOE abilities and and figuring out how class rotations fit into all of that. Other things I've had fun doing is collecting particle effects (Zodiac, Anima and housing items), glamours, Triple Triad cards and Orchestron Rolls. And it's always fun to play with all you guys in the Free Company!

Here's to the next expansion! May the Random Number God bless your drops and may your new skills aid you greatly in the fights to come!

So I manage to get all the equips I wanted for my main (SMN). The final meaningful stats I have are:



One of the highlights of my week was when I did A10S for the last time and set a new personal record for Deathflare crits at 19k damage. Other highlights of the ending days of HW would be getting my Anima weapons for SMN and AST, Zeta weapon for BLM, getting the Cloud Strife Triple Triad Card (1mil MGP) and getting one of my most sought-after glamour pieces (Royal Vest from LoA).

Here's a bunch of screenshots I took today. And oh boy, I can't wait for all the other stuff they'll be adding to /gpose in SB...


Why yes, I do have a thing for lighting effects...

aka the reason I have a Lvl 60 Black Mage. It's one of the few Black Mage weapons that looks really good.

Getting him was so worth all the PvP I did...

I got him up to Lvl 10 last week!




And the Asuran gear looks pretty good when dyed. Funny story, this picture was taken where it was because that was the least complicated background I could find in my room.

Doma is horse country and Raigo is the biggest horse I currently have.

See you guys in Stormblood on 6/16!


Might be around.
Sic, Anthony
I just started the Heavenward expansion, so I don't know if I'll be able to get around to Stormblood, hope so.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
I just started the Heavenward expansion, so I don't know if I'll be able to get around to Stormblood, hope so.

As I told Flarebear and now say to you and anybody else in the FC - if you ever need help with a Duty and I'm on, message me. I am always willing to help people complete first time objectives. Heavensward is a long campaign but with focus you can clear it in around 20 hours and move on to the 3.1-3.5. Of all the bonus raids the most rewarding is the Mhach ones (straight gear drops) but I found Alexander to be more fun. I will gladly run with you on any of those too.

I'm currently only a Level 60 DPS (DRG and soon to be Monk) but I do have plans to level a healer and tank to 60 over the course of Stormblood. I think I'll do okay as a Tank, but I've only low level tanked. I'm more confident as a healer, even though I have also only low level healed. Healing seems more my speed though if I'm not going to DPS. Watch the icons and numbers - dodge the shit. I'm down. I'm also used to taking abuse from my time as a Dragoon :monster:.


Might be around.
Sic, Anthony
Well we can take the abuse together, Dragoon is my main, although I just started the Dark Knight missions.

If anyone can help explain to me the way you're suppose to play it, then by all means, it's quite confusing.

You get lvl 30, a bunch of abilities, and Fray is like "Go ahead and kills those guards kiddo."

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Well we can take the abuse together, Dragoon is my main, although I just started the Dark Knight missions.

If anyone can help explain to me the way you're suppose to play it, then by all means, it's quite confusing.

You get lvl 30, a bunch of abilities, and Fray is like "Go ahead and kills those guards kiddo."

It's easier if you have some experience Tanking but that does come off as a shock. Anybody Dark Knight here?

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
I do!

But the job (all the jobs really) are changing a ton tomorrow, so I don't really feel comfortable explaining how to do it.

I will say that Dark Knight is (was?) weird in that the stances can be on at the same time and you want to try to stay in both stances as much as possible (or just stay in Darkside if you're really good at agro management). Grit is your standard "Tank Stance" and decreases your damage by 25% while increasing your defense. Darkside increases your damage by 20%, but constantly drains your MP and makes it so that you can't get MP from outside sources (Ewer, pots, etc.). Darkside also lets you use the skill Dark Arts which gives certain skills different effects (usually more damage) as well as letting you use certain buffs. Grit also gives Soul Eater HP absorption for self-sustain while turing your one DPS MP absorption buff off.

The idea is the regain MP with either Blood Price (absorb MP when hit by the enemy) or Blood Weapon (absorb MP with hitting the enemy) so that you can use Dark Arts (which uses up a lot of MP) as much as possible. Usually you want to use it with Soul Eater so you absorb more HP and do more damage and Carve and Split (Lvl 60 ability) so that you do more damage with them. You can also use it to generate tones of aggro on the non-DPS combo.

I've found that tanking bosses isn't that difficult with Dark Knight as all of your single target abilities use TP which frees up the MP for just Dark Arts. Tanking multiple mobs requires more resource management as all the AOE abilities use MP and it's easy to run out fast if you're not paying attention. However, the MP gaining buffs are are relatively short cooldowns, so it's not that hard to do either.

What it doesn't have is a stance stacking mechanic to keep track of like Warrior and Paladin are getting. So turning stances off and on isn't very punishing.

It'll be interesting to see what happens with it, because a lot of it's utility skills are changing and even being given to the other tanking classes (Reprisal, the stun, the gap-closer, etc.). I ended up using it as my Tank main because it's CDs were fairly straightforward, and it's multi target skills used a different resource then it's single target skills do. That and I like classes that I can't just go on auto-pilot to use and with Dark Knight's weird MP management, I really can't do that.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney

Something that caught my eye amongst all the other eye catching things...

Lore and Scrip are both going and reverting to Poetics???? So I can get Shire Gear with my massive backlog of Poetics? This is partly stupid but also partly genius. It will help people still doing the HW grind catch up to Stormblood which is doubtless the intent.

They also look like they're going to be pretty generous with the new tomestones of Verity so that's pretty sweet.

Also loved the FF6 inspired enemies. I've seen that face dude before obviously but the patch notes showed me Humbaba (Phunbaba) and I am happy.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Well, they're giving everyone a month to get all the Lvl. 70 gear they want with the Verity tombstones before introducing the next gear tier.

I'm sure the thing everyone who uses the Party Finder will either love or hate is the option to exclude people if they haven't finished a duty yet. So if your farming party really doesn't want people with bonus in it, then they really can have that...

Other stuff I like (so many Quality of Life updates this patch).

Status effects now show if they can be removed or not.

Lvl 51-59 and Lvl 61-69 dungeons will always drop equips for your class/job unless it's already in their inventory. In addition to getting ilvl raise in a timely fashion, this will make getting certain sets for glamour way easier.

No more cooldowns when changing classes outside of town!

Materia melding no longer requires carbonized matter.

Six waymarks now!

Enemy casting bars in the enmity list. This will make prioritizing interrupts so much easier.

Now if only all the job info was out...


Might be around.
Sic, Anthony
@Engineer, maybe... that'll make more sense to me once I've played it a bit more. The info is nice, and I thank you.

I'm still around to button mashing.

Also QoL patches are always nice.


The dragoon changes are pretty huge.

Phlebotomise is gone and at level 64 you can do Wheeling Thrust/ Fang and Claw as a combo action to its partner. The two are also specifically proccd now rather than randomly, so wheeling thrust will always by preceded by chaos thrust and fang and claw will always be preceded by full thrust (which is nice for positionals).

Heavy thrust is 30 seconds duration now, meaning the basic combo will be heavy thrust -12345, 12345. Additionally GK has been moved from 10s recast to 35s but its BotD cost has been removed, so that's now a "spam me whenever you can" move.

New AoE move replacing ring of thorns is a combo action for doom spike called sonic thrust, acquired at level 62. Since doom spike has been nerfed a bit (its TP cost too) we'll see how this goes.

The major shift is in BotD/ the gauge. Jump and Spineshatter Dive grant "Dive Ready", which allows you to use "Mirage Dive" presumably on the next oGCD. Using mirage dive grants you an eye, and attaining four eyes grants Life of the Dragon. Life of the Dragon enables you to use Nastrond (which is just a really powerful GK) every 10 seconds. So it seems like the objective is to get the eyes up to 4, use GK to trigger Life of the Dragon then just Nastrond as much as possible.

I'm really gonna miss Life Surge and Phlebotomise holy shit. Can't believe they've flat been removed. Also gonna miss Internal Release. And mercy stroke, kinda. It was a shit move but more dps is more dps.

Need to sit and draw pictures of my hotbars so I know what role moves I'm taking and what's going where on my hotbars as soon as I login.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
^ God damn they really took a knife to the rotation huh? Phlebotomize was golden in rotation, but at least Disembowel is still there for all your Bards and Machinists.

Sad they nerfed Doom Spike too but with the new combo ability, again we'll see. I am glad they did a direct proc instead of that "guess which one?!" nonsense.

Life of the Dragon could be interesting to juggle. Sounds like we're going to basically have to hold rotation long enough to go Super Saiyan 2. :monster:

Edit: Also they got rid of Feint... oh... no ... whatever shall I do? :wacky:

I will miss Leg Sweep and Invigorate too Edit: Nevermind they're just relegated to "role actions". It was fun to spam fuck out of Doom Spike with Blood for Blood and Bloodbath active and then instantly restore half my TP when I was done. Leg Sweep was also a nice little low level stun but Spineshatter Dive is still there.
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We have come to terms
Anybody Dark Knight here?
That's my main class :D

that said, not much to add to what yonder engie done been posted

DRK patch thoughts:

The loss of Olde Delirium is a big hit, given that it was the strongest combo and had a nice debuff attached. The loss of the debuff isn't a HUGE deal, but now only having the two combos - Power Slash and Souleater - kinda sucks. It's okay, though; I really, really appreciate being able to Dark Arts my Siphon Strikes for MOAR MANA, and overall, things don't really change tooooo much. It seems like the changes really just encourage you to use your stances properly and keep Blood Price/Weapon on cooldown as much as possible. The increases to the Blood Gauge being so incremental kinda sucks, but you're going to be more or less spamming Souleater much like before, and that gives 10 on its own, not to mention the bits you get from taking hits with Blood Price and skills AND AUTOATTACKS with Blood Weapon. I really like that there's finally an ability for a tank that deals unquestionably more damage with "tank stance" active (even taking the damage increase from just Darkside into account), and I like that there's a way to generate half a gauge with ease by shielding yourself (good!) or an ally (!!!!!!!), and you're really only going to be using that gauge to increase BP/BW duration (and gaining free MP out of it!) or churn out deeps.

No idea wtf the rotation will be, but according to what I've been told, I did very solid parsed dps as a DRK without even knowing the proper fucking rotation, because LOL I play tanks by the seat of my pants and just do what feels right in a given situation :oscar:

I feel like Warrior might be the weakest tank now, because DRK is going to outdamage it (probably) and PLD is going to outtank it (and DRK, too, I think). We'll see, I s'pose.

tldr rip scourge and delirium, holy shit new resource is great, 10/10 would play


Pro Adventurer
I just logged in for a couple of minutes because that's all I have time for, unfortunately. The first change I noticed is that my DualShock 4 controller doesn't work any more. :P But that problem will have to wait until Monday.


Pro Adventurer
Do you have it running through DS4Windows, the Steam API or something else? I use the former and it was fine in other games yesterday and in XIV the day before. :/

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
I'm going to be twitching my experience with Stormblood and it can be found on my channel here. At some points I am sure I will be going back and leveling old jobs and finishing Hildibrand (didn't do that either) and whenever I do random roulettes I'll stop twitching for those, but expect me to broadcast all the new stuff, new jobs, instances, etc.

Of course today's broadcast will be limited because Duty Finder is down. :/


First broadcast today is a showcase of the Samurai and Red Mage first quests, as well as a demonstration of Samurai abilities, which I kind of suck at. I don't do commentary and a slow enough click pace so you can read the dialogue. You can also judge my fashion choices.
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Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Class reactions based on just reading tooltips...


DOTs that aren't associated with Combos have been removed from most classes. Thank goodness. Figuring out where to fit those in around your debuff combo was annoying. I am not going to miss those.

From simply looking at all the numbers, it feels like AOE damage has be nerfed across the board, especially at lower levels. Lvl 60/70 content feels like it'll be fine, numbers-wise, but I've got a list of classes that I'm not going to be playing at lvl 50 (or lower) if I can help it.

In compensation, it looks like single-target damage is slightly better then it used to be...

Thoughts about my mains...


The first thing I want to say about Summoner is that at Lvl 70 it feels like it will be fine. I really don't have a problem with where it will be there especially when it comes to single-target damage. AOE damage could be better given that we can't spam AOE damage in the traditional sense, but the single target damage will be fine.

But when it's not at Lvl 70 though... that is going to suck. Especially when it comes to synced dungeon content. Summoner is one of the last classes to get their AOE abiltiy (Dragoon and Ninja are the only jobs to get it later) and it sucks. Majorly. To compare this to the other Mage AOEs, Fire II does 80 potency with no damage fall off and Red Mage's Scatter does 100 potency with no damage falloff. If you were to use Bane on 6 mobs, the first tick of damage would be the potency equivalent of doing Fire II on 3 mobs. And that's it for specificly AOE damage. All your other stuff is single target damage.

To put this in perspective, the next AOE ability that is remotely spamable is Painflare that that's 200 potency with no damage falloff It's also the only Summoner AOE ability that does not have damage falloff. In order for Fester to be better then Painflare, there needs to be 4+ targets (so at least 5 mobs in total) AND the spread DOTs need to be on the targets for at least 15 sec. If neither of those conditions are fulfilled, it's better to use Painflare then Bane and just manually cast Bio+Miasma on mobs. The only really redeeming feature of Bane is that it's radius is larger then Painflare's radius...

Meanwhile, the Ruin family of spells is way more important then it used to be. If you were going to just cast DOTs and leave the enemy alone vs spam Ruin, it would take longer to do the damage as just DOTs then as Ruin spam. The basic takeaway I'm getting is the not using Ruin cuts your damage in half. Summoner is now less of a DOT class and much more of a mobile Ruin spammer then before (Ruin II is still instant-cast).

The class really only starts becoming more viable for synced dungeon content in Lvl. 52+ content when Painflare is gotten which is when the AOE finally does something. It's also when Dreadwyrm Trance is gotten, without which the job really doesn't work anymore as so much damage can only be done while in it.

The thing with Summoner that really sets it apart from the other classes and probably makes it really hard to balance is that it really wants long fights to do max DPS. A main reason being that it's DOTs only do full damage if they can tick for the full 30 sec duration and most mobs aren't alive that long. The most important reason though is that they really need at least 60 sec to get into DW trance and twice that long to bring out Bahamut. So for long Trial/Raid bosses, their damage is comparable to everyone else's 'cause they can actually bring out their entire rotation. However, the long ramp-up time means that they're not going to be doing well when it comes to shorter fights. Flat damage skills are always going to do better, which is what Black Mage and Red Mage have in spades. And the bad news is, Arcanists are going to be stuck with all their low-level skills for ages.

My biggest complaint is that I can't think of any class that's now more frustrating to level or do synced content with then Summoner. It's easily FFXIV's "max this out and never look back" class. And I kinda don't like it that there's a class that's at such a disadvantage when playing old content.

But does it look fun to play at Lvl 70? Oh yes... Bahamut is out in his full glory, but not often enough to make summoning him feel "normal". We've got procs now, but those are really sane procs compared to other classes and fit in everywhere. Lvl. 70 is going to be fun.


Oh my... the changes to this one were lovely. One of the biggest frustrations I had with Astrologian was when I got a card I didn't want to play at the time and the only thing I could do with it was throw it away. And now... extra healing or damage! I also like how Lighspeed interacts with Critical Benifics. Astrologians like building Crit anyway so Benific crits often enough that it shouldn't feel too clunky.

And then there's Sleeve Draw which is just brilliant and will be so fun to play with...

Dark Knight

I like the direction they took this class. They've still got the whole "I'm in two stances at once" thing going for them while also giving them good reasons to get out of Grit on occasion. And now people will maybe finally figure out they need to stay in Darkside as much as possible. The MP regen only stopping in battle is a really nice QoL fix.

Honestly, I'm not a fan of most gauges as I have a "save it for later" mentality about resources (which means I usually don't use them when I soul). But this is definetly the most straightforward gauge out of all the tank classes as far as how it's filled/used. Then again, the other tank classes have a more straightforward stance system that consumes the gauge, so there you go.

Also really like how they've kept the whole absorb MP/HP from your target aspect. I miss that on the other tanks now. And Bloodspillar... just... DPS move while in Tank stace... what more is there to say.

As for other stuff...

I've been messing with the DPS classes and unless I supper like Samurai, I'll probably be fiddling with Dragoon or Ninja. Monk is way too restricting for me to like. Dragoon has a fairly rigid rotation too, but not as much and they've got enough oGDCs to make it interesting. And they've pretty much got the meele version of Atunement stacks and Dreadwyrm Trance now, and I've been juggling that for ages. Ninja is really flexible once you get a system for memorizing the murdra's down, and that's fun.


Pro Adventurer
Thanks for the insight. From just looking at tooltips I am excited for my two primary classes, PLD and MCH. I can't wait to try out RDM and SAM too.
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