The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]


We are moving to Shirogane.

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Plot 1, Shirogane housing district. Same summoning bell and market board convenience, medium house ON THE BEACH and it costs 20,000,000. Please start putting money in the FC chest, I should be able to contribute 5 mil. Will need to make sure we can purchase on the day housing goes up.


Pro Adventurer
Sounds good, Lex. I can match your 5 mil for now and can give a few more if we get close to the housing launch and have not accumulated enough. FYI, apparently the house moving feature will transfer the personal chambers, company chest, company workshop, and airship voyage status of our current house, so that will be nice!


Pro Adventurer
Here is some additional info about the house moving feature:

May be limited to FCs only (this part has/hasn't been mentioned randomly, can't confirm at this point)
Will be available when Shirogane housing is purchasable.
Will put furniture into storage if there is a size change (outdoor furniture stored due to variety of yard layouts).
Initiated from an available plot's placard. (can be done at new house location)
Costs the same as outright purchasing the plot.
Transfers the personal chambers, company chest, company workshop, and airship voyage status.


Also, from an interview:

A1: Players will not be able to purchase housing at the launch of 4.0; however, they will be able to visit the housing area. The moving feature will be implemented at the same timing that the housing plots become available for purchase.

As for the steps, players will access the sign board of the plot and select the option to purchase the plot, next they will be presented with an option to move, so they will just need to select that option. You will then be required to purchase the land.

Also, there’s a new storage, so you’ll be able to store outdoor furnishings, so please use it as a storage space.

The moving feature will transfer the personal chambers, company chest, company workshop, and airship voyage status, so players will just need to prepare the fees for the new plot.



Ah, my retainer has 2.5 million, idk where it came from (probably stashing monies forever ago and gradual sale of shit), so I can chuck in about 3 million. That'd leave me with 300K, should be plenty to cover regular expenses like gear and teleports. Else I'll just come begging or figure out ways to make monies. Why can't I just get a strip miner and leave it for half an hour? Or run incursions? meh.


Joe, Arcana
Lvl 56 on Red Mage and totally adoring it. This is everything I could want from a DPS class. A mix between ranged and melee dps. No set-in-stone rotation. Utility and situational miracle workers - they can stand there and res the two healers and two tanks in a matter of seconds if they needed to.
Plus style. Style for days.


Ended my first day at level 65, having done the first two dungeons, two class quests and first trial. Visited the major city, and I believe set foot in a good few areas. I can only fly in one so far, but I've been going for the currents wherever possible.

No story spoilers whatsoever, but I'll tag anyway:

Loving it so far, PARTICULARLY Kugane. The underwater stuff is a lot cooler than I had imagined it.

The Susano fight was interesting, he has a move that's basically Titan's Gaols but he drops three, traps one member then does a cup shuffle that you need to watch to make sure you break open the right one (so it's like a game). Didn't wipe once, was pretty easy.

The second dungeon (it's underwater) is by far the prettiest dungeon I've ever seen:



Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
So many crossed off skills.... haha
Bahamut would really like to use you for Ahk Morn target practice... I'll be eating popcorn...

It honestly isn't the skill loss that did SMN in. It was the crazy potency changes to AOE damage (who the heck scales AOE damage from 100% to 20%?). Most of the other classes lost just as many skills as they did.

Honestly, the thing with SMN is that if the fight doesn't go on for longer then 30 sec, they aren't going to get a lot of damage off. It's only once they get into Dreadwyrm Trance that they can keep up with everyone else's damage, and they simply don't get that far with most mob fights, so it looks/feels like their damage is sub-par.


Double Growth
Yeah I was more referring to having to redo all my hotbars than being unhappy about the fewer skills. SMN actually seemed to hold onto quite a few of them.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
I've been contributing a few hundred thousand over the course of the lifecycle but I'm not really rolling in gil (I've got like 350k to my name right now). That said I'll chip in what I can when I can.


Re: skill re-works
Yeah I spent over 10 minutes sorting my hotbars, and I only did it for WHM, AST, and BLM. Have yet to even put on my PLD gear, haha. I do like that my hotbars are a lot less crowded and complicated now.

Hoping to play more later today! The server errors and lag were terrible yesterday, I guess they'll probably be just as bad today :/


Pro Adventurer
I'd like to see Shirogane for myself but if I can contribute a million gil towards the move. Possibly a bit more if it's needed. I still don't think I'll spend much time at the house but I want to help out and I've got the money. I'll think of it as my FC membership fee. :P


Double Growth
Disappointed to find they still haven't added any new music tracks for cutscenes. Really getting tired of those same ones, haha.


Pro Adventurer
At first I wasn't sure how much I liked so many abilities being unusable now, but it is nice that there's some cleaner hotbars now in that sense. Still getting used to my new arrangement and trying to remember the new things that old abilities do now. :monster: I like most of the ability changes, so that's good (for WAR at least. Rogue was also cleaned up)


Double Growth
Sometimes it's a drag after spending all that time glamouring your gear set then the new expansion comes and you have to start replacing everything...but I can't say I disapprove of the view...


(edit: yikes, not sure what happened with all the artifacting, but you get the idea)


Pro Adventurer
I really wonder what the ratio is of players having characters that match their gender vs. those who choose the opposite. :wacky: I don't think I've known a woman with a male character yet, but I've known plenty of men with female characters.


Joe, Arcana
I really wonder what the ratio is of players having characters that match their gender vs. those who choose the opposite. :wacky: I don't think I've known a woman with a male character yet, but I've known plenty of men with female characters.

Things I get to be in real life:

Things I don't get to be in real life:
Au Ra
A fucking wizard.
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Pro Adventurer
^Point taken :monster:

(still, women don't seem to be playing male characters... in my small sample pool, anyhow)


Pro Adventurer
I think I read somewhere that male players choose (or create) female characters almost 50% of the time while female players choose male characters less than 5% of the time. Draw your own conclusions from that.

I almost always go female because games that don't let me choose usually have male leads. If there was a genderless option I'd probably go for that instead.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
My main is a male character because for me part of the immersion aspect of the game is this is my ideal self. Like this is if Jason Tandro was a final fantasy hero (also why I use the same boring name even though it's not my real one lol). I've created some sub characters though who I never get very far with (the furthest I've gotten in any of these so far is probably my Omega character Thibault Stormrunner - name completely out of the blue).

I have nothing against making female characters though and often do in games - especially stuff like Elder Scrolls or Mass Effect. I think my favorite was my Mass Effect Femshepherd. I made her a deadly serious character who was Renegade of all Renegades and she was a total badass.


This - so far - is my favourite story that has been told in this game.

I'm about to hit level 69 and I've been doing all the side content available - this is probably the most fun I've had levelling. Made a bunch of new friends and did my good samaritan deed for the day: someone couldn't find some aether currents in an area and I could already fly, so I flew them to the last two they needed on my 2-seat choco :D. Ended up running a dungeon with them there.

The second boss is literally just mechanics with a pass/fail tick for each segment, it's excellent and slightly manic XD. Good way to teach players stuff.

Just finished Doma Castle - man all the dungeons are excellent in this expac but in this one I'm learning the new rotation (basically optimal placement of Mirage Dive for dragoon - it's actually trickier than it sounds, it increases the amount of oGCD weaving you have to do by a big factor) and the mechanics were a bit nuts, but I've yet to die or wipe once going through this.

The dungeons in general I think are perfect. They're shorter than most levelling dungeons so it doesn't feel like a slog, they've all been gorgeous (IMO) and they've all had interesting mechanics or events. Can't complain about any of that!

Loving the story, particularly Hien, the Steppe part of the story and Lyse and Yugiri. Alisaie has also been surprisingly fun to have along.

Gosetsu just died along with Yutsuyu (evil biatch btw) but I don't know if they're DEAD dead yet. Will have to wait and see. The retake of Doma Castle was a sight to behold, all the cutscenes were excellent!

Some screenies:







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