The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]


Pro Adventurer
I believe we are at 40m for the house. I think the most expensive plot is 45m. I can contribute 5 more and we will be set! Our new members I invited really helped out with getting some more money in there. Now we just have to try to beat the rush come patch day.


That's amazing news! Is there anyone in particular who thinks they'll be able to be first logged on and quick enough to spam the buttons to beat other people who might log in at the same time? Someone with fairly low ping, good connection, low latency etc. who is actually up for the challenge?

Bear in mind servers tend to go up 1000 server time (which is UK time) but you'll need to spam try logging in by restarting the app for about half an hour before the scheduled up time just incase.


Pro Adventurer
I might be able to. We don't have an official release date yet, as far as I know, but it's likely to be on a Tuesday, which should work for me. I meet all the requirements you mentioned but I have a bad track record of getting stuff like concert tickets when they sell out immediately. :nah:



Make sure you set your in-game status to busy, FC leaders generally have members waiting outside the houses they want to spam trade so you can't interact with menus, but people can't trade if you're set to busy so that stops that from happening.

You have to like spam. Like super spam. As in, clicking log in or hitting X so much it will literally give you a day long repetitive strain injury. I tend to get tickets from websites by spamming refresh when the page won't load for being DDoS'd, but sadly that's what you have to do.

Remember if there's a queue when you're trying to log on it's not real. Just cancel out and repeatedly try and try and try rather than waiting. And obviously make sure you log out in front of the sign you need to interact with in the housing district the night before. Maybe also turn off chat to be safe.

If you manage to do all of that we are in with a fair chance. Like 0.5% or so chance of getting that house. So exciting!!!


Pro Adventurer
Yeah it will definitely be crazy going for the house when the servers come up. Plus, I am sure the other plots will go quickly too, so it will be a balancing act to determine when to abandon attempts on the first choice plot and go for a backup.


Pro Adventurer
We don't have enough money for a backup large plot because by the time the person holding the 45 mil goes to any other plot/ward they'll probably all be taken. However, since I'm a rich bitch, I have enough money personally to buy a medium plot, which could then be reimbursed to me. Or I could camp the large and someone else could camp a medium – either way.

My personal preferences are as follows:

  1. Large plot in Shirogane (30 > 7 > 16)
  2. Medium plot in Shirogane (1 > 19 > 28 > the rest)
  3. Wait it out and hope that a large plot in Mist opens up as people move
I don't think it's worth moving if all we can get is another small plot.

Edit: If other people post their preferences, we'll be able to decide what our strategy should be. For those of you without Stormblood, I'm happy to stream a tour of Shirogane sometime. You'll still be able to visit the house even without the expansion, but you can't go there yet.
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My preferences are in line with yours Flint, and I think camping at the medium house would be a good idea too (ideally plot 1 obviously) in case we don't get the large.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Patch 4.1 site is live:


MSQ looks like it will be focusing on Ala Mhigo for now. Fordola, Raubahn and Lyse are specifically mentioned.

ROFL. So apparently the way the new raid series is starting is a random Garlean airship showing up out of no where over Kugane. Only instead of it being a Garlean war-ship, it's a Garlean theater-ship. Yeah. Really hoping that at least one of the NPCs in game has a "WTF?!?! This kind of thing exists in Garlamald?" reaction to the whole thing.

The new dungeon is based in the city that existed before the 6th Umbral Calamity flooded it.


It's an interesting direction though, it could be that they're trying to humanise the Garleans a bit more, or give a little insight into their history.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Yeah, I'm hoping that's where they're going. It'll be really interesting to see when the legends were supposed to take place as 50+ years ago, Garlemald was very different politically then it is currently. And if it supposedly happened before the Garleans moved to Ilsabard.... urk... let's just say that being the one race that can't naturally use aether majorly sucks.


It makes sense though; it's pretty obvious they're going to open up Garlemald in either the next, but probably the expansion after the next one as a playable area, and I can't see them portraying it as a magitek wonderland inhabited only by megalomaniac armored evil dudes (m/f); I'm expecting something like the players / protagonists discovering that hey, most of the people there aren't half bad. I do wonder whether the people over there are just not in the know of what's happening abroad, in the know and supportive, or oppressed.

Probably the latter though, yawn. Would be lazy writing imo, just have them have no choice instead of trying to explain a population that supports a militarized and aggressive empire. (albeit not a very effective one, they don't seem to have achieved much lately)

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
^It's canon that there's a lot of propaganda going on back in the Garlean homeland and in the provinces in general. Like, to the point that the residents of Ala Ghiri don't want to turn over a former imperial to the Alliance because they think the Alliance will execute him.

In the same vein, the Resistance's mole in the Skulls fakes his death at Specula Imperatoris because he's pretty sure the rest of the Resistance/Alliance won't overlook everything he had to do to maintain his cover as a Skull.

So something the Alliance will probably have to deal with/overcome is that people in the Empire think they're as bad (if not worse) then the Empire is.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Quality of Life stuff in 4.1 that was leaked on the Dev Blog!

Chat Mode will no longer be reset on log-out. IE: If you log out while it's in /fc mode it will be in that mode on log-in.

Chocobo's remaining time summoned will be displayed in the party list.

Chocobos and minions can now be summoned at the same time!

The Party Finder interface has been simplified. Specifically the interface for creating parties.

Minimum desynthesis requirements are now displayed on item tooltips. The optimal desysthesis requirement is now displayed in the Desysthesis window.

The "Duty Action" button is now a general action and can be placed on hotbars!

The number of status effects that show up in the party list has been increased from 5 to 8.

And apparently there's more UI stuff still coming...

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Woo Hoo!

Drops 10/10/17!

:joy: Got my hands on a copy of the lore book. And it really is a lore book and not an Ultimania; it's written from an in-universe perspective. And the amount of stuff that isn't in the game since there's no good in-universe reason to bring it up/know about it is crazy.
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Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer

^My reaction to finding out about the Summoner changes. Gushing time!

Summon Egi: 3 sec cast time and less MP usage so recovery on death isn't as bad.
Dreadwrym Trance: Tri-Bind's potency is increased by 100, Bind effect is gone, is AOE! Ruin III is now oGCD.
Ruin III replaces Ruin I. Ruin IV replaces Ruin II, Ruin IV is an oGCD (presumably has no proc?)
Aetherpact/Devotion: buffs everyone around the pet!
Demi-Bahamut: size can be adjusted client-side. So Demi-Bahamut blocking is now on you and not the Summoner.
Sustain is back!

Welp! Summoner has pretty much embraced being the mobile mage that uses lasers/DOTs/pets. No mention on if Demi-Bahamut's AI has been fixed, but even if it hasn't, it's pretty much the only part of the entire rotation SMN needs to stay still for now. 20 sec out of a 120 sec rotation isn't bad. And Summoner AOE is back! No more boring dungeon runs after you've used all your Aetherflow stacks up on Painflare. Figuring out the openers for this is going to be fun...

Other Job Changes

Shack It Off: Party-wide barrier based on the WAR's current HP. Can consume buffs like Thrill of War, Inner Release, etc. to increase the effect.
Steel Cyclone: HP regen increase

Heavy Thrust: potency decrease so it's not as bad if it's missed. Other skill potencies will be buffed to compensate
Eye of the Dragon: now has max 3 stacks!

Doton: fixed a bunch of bugs/problems
Shukuchi: animation shortened to something around Tackle's length

Adloquium: MP cost reduced
Succor: barrier effect is now 150% of amount healed (same as Nocturnal Sect Aspected Helios)
Sustain is back for them as well.

Hypercharge: potency buff

Caster Cross-Role Skills
Addle, Manashift, Apocatastasis: shorter CDs
Surecast: effect does not drop for 5 sec regardless of what you do

More job changes coming in patch besides these

And Simplified Job Gauges are here!


Joe, Arcana
Yay they've given Adlo back to Scholars. Looks like fairies are back on the menu boys.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
^ If you think that's bad, you should have seen the community reaction to Tri-Disaster not having 3 DOTs anymore (technically, it still has 3 debuffs).

And it's not that Tri-Bind doesn't Bind anymore. It still does that when you're not in DWT. It's also a 30 potency AOE ability that isn't worth the MP or time it takes to cast. It's just that now when DWT is up, it's a 130 potency AOE action that isn't an ability. Like, currently, SMN uses Deathflare almost as soon as they go into DWT in an AOE situation. Now they'll actually want to stay in DWT to get off 4-3 casts of Tri-Bind before using Deathflare. It's pretty much how SE is making up for the Bane nerf for SMN.


Patch is released 10th October for housing purposes.

I don't understand the Heavy Thrust nerf for DRG. Like I understand the words that have been said but it doesn't make any sense. HT is legit the first move you use an the one you reapply on DRG when it runs out. I mean you acquire it at level 10, it is the simplest "mechanic" ever. I've played this entire savage tier and there is no circumstance where it falls off before you finish a round of the rotation. It even clips with like 5 seconds remaining if you have the lowest skill speed BiS. idgi

3 eyes is welcome though. That dramatically changes the rotation (again XD).


We have come to terms
Gentle future request: link to info like this. And spoiler tags for whatever giant block of text is going in. I prefer to read things for myself, and while idk if anyone feels the same, I'd rather get directly to the link and the reading it part than drudge through a bunch of stuff thst doesn't matter to me and cut to the chase.
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