The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Build Zodiac/Anima weapons, cap out on creation tomestones for alts, level up gatherers/crafters, play Triple Triad, race/breed Chocobos, get better at healing/tanking, grind out horses/birds/wolves...

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
The lore book came today. I'm totally going to have to post pictures of it. The lore/localization team really delivered on it.

And I'm now looking at all the other games in the FF series and thinking they should get one of these. It's not like the information isn't there...

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Lore Book Pics!

(sorry for the crappy camera)






Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Live Letter 40!
Dates for the next Live Letters
41: 01/19/18 - Patch trailer will drop here. A lot of things mentioned in this patch will be elaborated on.
42: 02/10/18

Lots of overall stuff for 4.2: Rise of a New Sun. Patch drops late January. And go find the patch art, it's great.

New Quests
MSQ is centered on Doma this time. New Hildibrand quests, but those are permanently getting moved to the .x5 series of patches. The Ananta are getting their Beast Tribe Quests, and they are a battle tribe.

New Dungeons/Trials/Raids

The 4-mans are Hell's Lid and The Fractal Continuum (Hard)! The 4.x series of trials is the Four Lords (yes, the ones on the map around Hingashi). The first one is Byakko, the white tiger. As for raids, we are getting Omega: Sigmasape.

Jobs are getting adjusted. BLM's DPS and WAR's usability were mentioned, but there's a lot more then that coming. As far as relics go... The Forbidden Land of Eureka - Anemos is planing on being released in 4.25. Yeah... planed... the more pessimistic people think we probably won't be getting it until 4.3 given that SE originally planned on releasing it in 4.15. But hey, at least we know it has both Relic Weapons and Relic Armor... *goes back to farming Zodiacs and Anima weapons*

New Feast map and lots of PvP system adjustments.

Glamour System Updates
There's a lot of bad translations/speculations going on about this here's what's been confirmed about this. Also, a lot of the limits on this will more then likely be removed as the dev team sees how much stress this puts/doesn't put on servers.

First up, the current glamour system is not going away. It is staying (for the foreseeable future anyway) and can be used like normal. The only major difference is that there is only one glamour prism that can be used for everything. So no more running out of Goldsmithing specific ones...

The new system (called the Glamour Commode) is probably best described as an expanded Armoire. Items that are to be used as glamour are registered in the Commode with glamour prisms and can not be used as equipment (you can take them out of the Commode and used them as normal items again). Those items can then be used in Glamour Ensembles (sets basically) that can be turned on/off (there is a system command for this!). Things like dyes can be used on specific ensembles so it's possible to use the same item with different dyes in different ensembles.

The one big kink in the system is how limited is some respects. Gear still can only show up on the jobs it's limited to (IE: no SMN gear on a BLM, no healer gear on a tank). The Commode can only hold 200 items total. Items that go in the Armoire can not go in the Commode, but can be accessed by the Commode and probably do not count towards the 200 item limit. There are currently only ten Ensembles available. Probably the most annoying limits are that the Commode can only be accessed in an inn and Ensambles can only be turned on in inns, cities, residential areas and the Ivory Chapel (once they're on, they stay on).

It should be noted that SE is hoping to change the system so that the Commode can be accessed outside inn room and presumably that Ensembles can be turned on where ever. It looks like once again, all of this will depend on server load. The same thing goes for the amount of items stored and the amount of Ensembles. But hey, at the least I have somewhere else besides my retainers to store 200 pieces of equips I specifically use for glamours and that makes me pretty happy.

Item Storage Changes

Speaking of more places to store items... items now stack to 999! And chocobos now have saddlebags! They can now store 70 items. And they can only store them. If you want to use them, you have to retrieve them from the chocobo first. And yes, you can retrieve the items from the chocobo while their stabled. From the looks of it, you're chocobo's location doesn't effect if you can get the items. It's pretty much an entire extra inventory bag for you. Hoarders/Crafters/Gatherers rejoice!

Duty Recorder

It is now possible to record instanced duties. This is not a recording of the visuals of the fight, but rather the packet information. There's a lot of constraints on this for various reasons (hardware, drama, etc.) so I won't go into it in detail.

Other Stuff
In addition to airship exploratory voyages, FCs now have submarine exploratory voyages. Perform has a new UI which looks like piano keys. Tomestones of Mendacity are added. The 8-man MSQ dungeons and Hidden Canals of Uznair are being adjusted. EXP gains for DoH from Lvl 50-60 is being adjusted.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer

are on Mogstation! The mounts are account-wide and the outfits can be dyed!

*forks over money to SE*


Pro Adventurer
Hey everyone, we just progressed a bit in building the Shirogane Castle look for our house. We got the walls made and are now moving on to building the roof. However, it is just three of us that have the crafting classes up high enough to build it and we do not have a ton of cash between us, so please contribute mats if you can. You can find a spreadsheet listing what we need here:

Please update it as you contribute. Thanks!


Pro Adventurer
Would it help if I contributed cash as well? Since that's the one thing I have a lot of. :lol:

Also, I still can't edit the spreadsheet. :P


At some point today or tomorrow, I'll log in and buy what I can and put it in the chest. I can also withdraw the company chest money (I don't remember if there's anything in there at the moment) and spend all that on mats aswell. Unless there are any objections?

I actually haven't logged in for quite a while.


Pro Adventurer
Who here would be interested in forming/joining a TLS Static for the Sigmascape raids in patch 4.2?

If you are, what type of static are you looking for? Casual (do your best but with no pressure, play when you can) or midcore (progression is the top priority, commit to playing in every session, give notice and find a replacement if you can't)? What would be your primary job in the static? How many nights a week could you raid, what would those nights be, and at what times (maybe use UK time / server time so we're on the same page)?

My own answers: I'd be happy to join either a casual or midcore static, I'd like to play WHM or RDM (backup choice: NIN), and my preferred nights would be Wednesday and Thursday (backup choice: Tuesday), at any time in the evening.
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I have put in the chest:

- 31 native gold
- 13 gold ore
- 11 doman iron sand
- 18 abalathian spring water
- 22 crescent spring water
- 12 doman iron ore
- 7 wyrm obsidian
- 98 slate

All in tab 3 of the items

Please update the spreadsheet (we can't)



Monday to Friday 6 - 9 (tuesday preferred because this is new patch day)


I don't like having to play the game but eh, if you lot convince me :monster:. I'm available probably most weeknights except tuesday, currently have RDM and SCH to 70, can do both I don't curr, just know the latter is a bit more involved and we'd die a lot.


Pro Adventurer
Would it help if I contributed cash as well? Since that's the one thing I have a lot of. :lol:

Also, I still can't edit the spreadsheet. :P

Cash would be helpful too! I have no idea why you can't edit the spreadsheet. The settings are set to "anyone on the internet can find and edit." Not sure what else to do about it lol.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
I ran the Large Shirogane Castle Walls Recipe though Garland Tools and threw all the Phases we did/supplies we have into it. Here's what we still need and where to get it (besides the Marketboard). For the most part, we're down to supplies to craft things in bulk.

Gathering/Raw Mats
194 - Native Gold - Lvl 50 ** Miner
211 - Gold Ore - Lvl 50 * Miner, Material Suppliers (Voidrake), Exploratory Voyages
1 - Doman Iron Sand - Lvl 70 Miner
588 - Persimmon Log - Lvl 70 Botanist
96 - Zelkova Log - Lvl 70 Botanist, drops from Kaluk mob in The Lochs
24 - Aurum Regis Sand - Moogle Beast Tribe shop, Lvl 60 Miner
91 - Raziqsand - GC Seals, Ixali Beast Tribe shop, Lvl 50 Dungeon Bosses
46 - Slate - Lvl 65 Miner

Things to Craft (we already have the mats for these)
3 - Oroshigane Ingot - Lvl 64 Armorer/Blacksmith
3 - Tama-hagane Ingot - Lvl 66 Armorer/Blacksmith
9 - Beetle Glue - Lvl 64 Alchemist
6 - Enchanted Aurum Regis Ink - Lvl 58 Alchemist

Things to Craft/Buy (we don't have the mats for these)
24 - Zelkova Lumber - Lvl 68 Carpenter
147 - Persimmon Lumber - Lvl 66 Carpenter
225 - Gold Ingot - Lvl 50 *** Goldsmith (have some mats)


Might be around.
Sic, Anthony
So I need a bit of help because I have no clue whats happening.

Since moving to Germany and finally getting my computer FF14 was working fine at first. No lag, smooth game-play like at home.

Except a few days ago i have the problem where the game will freeze, or atleast on my screen everything will stop but my character, and then it all catches up at once. Which has caused a considerable amount of problems going through dungeons and raids.

I have no idea why this started, I have a wired connection to my router.

The few things that might be a problem... The wire running from the router to the wall is loose( infact I had to get this wire from someone elses room that wasn't using it because my room's router didn't have it at first). The side plugging into the wall is secure, but the part plugging into the router comes out with little effort.

The other thing is, currently I'm only paying for a 50mb/s speed, and I could see why that might be too slow. If I need to upgrade my speed I will.


@Unit-01: That's lag, I got it when on wifi, it was shit and made the game unplayable. IIRC if you hover over the main menu icon, you'll see things like latency - else I think there was an icon in the top right? Either one should give you figures on latency and whatnot.

<100ms and you're good. I think the icon will give like wifi signal indications?


Pro Adventurer
Except a few days ago i have the problem where the game will freeze, or atleast on my screen everything will stop but my character, and then it all catches up at once. Which has caused a considerable amount of problems going through dungeons and raids.
That's lag, for sure, but 50 Mb/s should be fast enough to not experience it. Have you tried to see if that's the actual speed you're getting? You can also check your ping to the FFXIV servers with these instructions. Anything below 100 ms shouldn't really be noticeable.

Edit: ninja'd by Yop.


Might be around.
Sic, Anthony
So, I went to my internet provider, I got a replacement cable that I think works a lot better than the first one.

Also because it wasn't much more I upgraded my internet to to 200 mbps per second. I went on speed test and it average at about 165 mbps.

And I just did the latency test and it was at 43 then 39. So I think I'm good.

I'm going to go into a dungeon and figure out if it actually stopped.

edit- And the lag is gone. Maybe so whatever I did fixed it, it was most likely upgrading the internet.
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Down speed really doesn't matter on most modern speeds, anything above 10 down should be fine. It's all about the latency. They recommend below 200ms but I've had lag spikes with 130ish ms, normally mine sits super low at <20.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
My latency for FFXIV is around 170ish ms. Granted, that's someone with wifi on the US West Coast on the European server. I typically don't have any trouble with the game unless the internet actually goes all the way out.
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