The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]


Pro Adventurer
Mine is generally between 30-50 ms but occasionally spikes to well over 200 which makes NIN plays really awkward :/ For most things, even high ping seems to be more than playable :)


Might be around.
Sic, Anthony
I've almost got my Dark Knight to level 60. It seems doing all the roulettes(excluding guildheists and frontlines) gets me the majority of a level.

I'm glad I bought level 255 raid gear from Illdyshire for him, so once I get it I don't need to worry about armor for a while.

Also insta quene is nice.


FC submarines will, I presume, be just like the airship? Something grindy from a menu? Dank monies?

The glamour dresser is long overdue :monster:


Pro Adventurer

Thanks to everyone who contributed mats!

Any thoughts as to color? Default is blue but we can dye it.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Thanks for organizing it Keven!

As for dying it... whichever green looks like them most like TLS green maybe?

Lol... all 3 mansions in our ward are using the Shirogane Castle walls! XD


Trailer for new patch

Also if
is the new raid then I'm super excited for the one after assuming they go in sequential order lol


That Man
If they give you more excuses to use Magitek vehicles, and the ability to Suplex the Doomtrain, then I may consider this game finally....

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer

Got all the DPS classes up to Lvl 70! And cleared all the HW primals! Time to get those last 3 birdies.

Me and Kaylan (Knuxson) making fools of ourselves on top of the lighthouse in Shirogane. The castle to the left of us is our guildhouse.



Pro Adventurer
Good job on the new exterior! I took our newest member, Minato, for a visit yesterday and it was also my first time seeing the new walls. ^_^

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
OMG... the new war/magic crafted armor is Void Ark recolors. And the new weapons are... Zodiac recolors?!?

I'm not quite sure how I feel about that as someone who has gotten several Zeta weapons. On the one hand, they're definitely not the Zeta versions as they don't have the glow effects. On the other, this devalues the Zodiac grind a lot.



Pro Adventurer
Good, now I won't have to do them. J/K I wasn't going to do them anyway. :monster: Apart from the WHM cane since that's my main. (Hey that rhymes!)

I am finally decorating my house, or rather, I am finally getting it decorated. An in-game friend, someone I've raided with, just got a small house of his own in Mist and half-jokingly asked on Discord if anyone was willing to give him money so he could decorate it. I said I would if he agreed to decorate mine as well. I had 35 million saved up for no real reason (25 million now) and I could never be arsed to decorate myself so this works out well. So Lex, if you see an extra tenant on our small plot, that's why. :)

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer

SE only knows how to balance Healers, Physical Ranged DPS and Melee DPS so long as they aren't SAM. The lack of Tank and Ranged DPS (all physical and magical classes) balance has become a meme at this point.

I bet queues for everyone but tanks is going to be aweful this patch given that WARs don't like the looks of the Berserk/Internal Release changes. At lease DRKs changes will make running dungeons a little easier on them (more MP/Blood from Delerium, TBN lasts longer and procs blood more often).

Glamour... they're now saying that once gear has been put into the Glamour Dresser, it can't be turned back into that item... and Glamour Plates can only be used in large cities, residential districts and the Gold Saucer. *eyes all the glamour stuff I have that requires grinding or is dyed in expensive colors or is MogStation* Meanwhile, Glamour Prisms are one item now. Yeah. I know which system I'm not using. That said, I have a feeling the price of glamour items is going to go up with that new mini-game.

On to the better stuff....

OMG!!!! Allagan node vendors for housing!!!! *gets complete set for apartment* I've been wanting Allagan nodes in my apartment for ages.

The Gold Saucer changes are great. The amount of MGP needed to get most of the items you can only get with MGP is getting a bit ridiculous, especially for newbies. I really like the icon changes for Triple Triad NPCs.

I find it interesting that to start the Ananta Beast Tribe qests, you have to do the entire Blackrose Sidequest chain in the Fringes.

Oh wow!!! There's a text command for mount BGM! No more hunting for it in the settings menu! And it can be macroed! And that's a lot of general-purpose emotes added.

As it stands, what I'm looking forward to the most isn't even coming for a moth (relics)...

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
^ Depends how starved I am for Poetics...

That said, if it means I never have to explain what went on in the Pretorium from a character development (especially Cid) and lore standpoint, I'll be pretty happy about that.


Might be around.
Sic, Anthony
I really feel like they should add more to that Roulette, like Baelsar's Wall, or the one trial where you fight the one Ascian. There are plenty of trials and dungeons that get used once and then never touched again.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Except all of those are in other roulettes that give more lucrative rewards for the time spent in them (trials, Lvl 50, 60 roulette). What they really would have to do is redesign the eight man dungeons into four man dungeons and make another normal Ultima+Lahabrea trial. Which they aren't going to do.
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