The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
I've reactivated my sub, and will be getting Heavensward and Stormblood this afternoon. :awesome:


so liek. Next expansion will probably introduce a new playable race. Viera (rabbit peoples) is probably high on the list, but 'Sblood introduces snake people, so that might be another candidate - although probably not, beacause all of the outfits and such are based on characters with two legs. I'm also now doubting whether it'd be Viera, or if they'd be called differently, beacause one tribe of the snake people are called Vira, which is very close to Viera. and shit.

In other news / questions, to more experienced players, have queues gotten worse for DPS due to the addition of two more DPS classes without healer/tanks, or is it sorta the same now?

There was an interview with Yoshi P the other day where he clearly indicated that he wasn't done yet, and implied there's at least two more expansions worth of Stuff he's got in mind. My theory is that there'll be two more expansions as he said, and then they'll start working on the next online FF game, probably / hopefully with Yoshi at the helm again - they've got a formula that works very well atm (I mean heck it's the second biggest MMO out there atm), and they can continue it in a next game if they choose to. OTOH if this one keeps being good throughout the next two expansions (which is what, four years? ish?), no need to build another one, which would just mostly steal players from XIV and if it's bad, would make a lot of people angry and they'd stop playing both XIV and the next one.

er anyway, here's my theory re: next expansions. 3rd expansion will take place in a completely different location that hasn't even been hinted at anywhere yet; random forest with Viera would be a candidate there. More like a filler expansion, but we'll probably see where that goes once story patches hit in the 'Sblood expansion in the next months / year.

4th expansion will become the culmination of the storyline set forth in ARR, where the clouds in the map around the Garlean empire are lifted and that area will become available, with the storyline focused on defeating the emperor and co.

After that, it's a mystery; again, I'm thinking that's when Yoshi P will move on to the next MMO project, and XIV will go into maintenance mode; there will be (content) patches and shit, but I'm pretty sure there won't be much more. That, or they'll start a wholly new storyline; I'm sure they've got the creativity to add to the existing story from there on out. Or it'll go the WoW direction and just add something that might please a demographic they haven't appealed to yet, :monster:

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
So you should all have received an invitation to my wife and my's in-game wedding. It's a Gold Plan wedding so any attendees will get a Demon Box. The timing was a bit odd because of my work shift, I work nights she works mornings.

July 13th, 5:00 PM Eastern Time
This is 9 PM GMT if I'm not mistaken.

1. If you didn't get an invite, friend me when you're on and I'll mail you one along with a bunch of the unpurchaseable party favors that I bought in bulk.
2. If you can't attend, I'm gonna Twitch the thing and save the video so if such things interest you, you can at least watch it later.
3. Along with the FC guys we are inviting the rabble too for impressive looking cutscenes.


Pro Adventurer
^Demon Box is different, yes; you can only get it by attending a wedding. I have one. :monster:
I'll be at your wedding, JT, unless something dastardly interrupts my plans that day. ^_^


Double Growth
Story question:
When you 'save' the Ananta enthralled by Lakshmi. Wasn't it established a long time ago that being enthralled is permanent? Like all the "touched ones" in the Sylph region of the Shroud?

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Story question:
When you 'save' the Ananta enthralled by Lakshmi. Wasn't it established a long time ago that being enthralled is permanent? Like all the "touched ones" in the Sylph region of the Shroud?
Yup. It's permanent. There's actually a thread about this on the Lore forums. The thrall being talked about there is the dream-world Lakshmi holds the Ananta in. You manage to break them out of that by killing/dispelling Lakshmi. They're still tempered afterwards though.

Tempering is one of the few places where the English translation doesn't work as well as the Japanese does. The Japanese term is just general brainwashing with slight pronunciation variations depending on the primal doing the tempering. In early ARR stuff, you'll notice that each primal has a different term for tempering, but eventually that's dropped for just the term tempering in general.

What does get interesting is that not all primals temper the same way and some we've never seen temper anyone. Lakshmi clearly does though.

By the way, if anyone is interested in game lore, this guy has an entire channel devoted to lore that goes back to FFXIV 1.XX series:


Pro Adventurer
I just finished the level 67 MSQ dungeon...

Yotsuyu's story and Gosetsu's sacrifice...I thought it was kind of cliche when Gosetsu was standing there holding up the building for everyone, but then when Yotsuyu started shooting him not once but mutiple times, and the blood spurted from his mouth, I got pretty emotional. Seriously, this game has one of the best FF stories I have seen in so long. Every character for the most part is so believable. Yotsuyu's sad life makes you feel a little sorry for her and kind of understand her hatred. I can't wait to see how the rest unfolds over the next couple of levels. :)


I just finished the level 67 MSQ dungeon...

Yotsuyu's story and Gosetsu's sacrifice...I thought it was kind of cliche when Gosetsu was standing there holding up the building for everyone, but then when Yotsuyu started shooting him not once but mutiple times, and the blood spurted from his mouth, I got pretty emotional. Seriously, this game has one of the best FF stories I have seen in so long. Every character for the most part is so believable. Yotsuyu's sad life makes you feel a little sorry for her and kind of understand her hatred. I can't wait to see how the rest unfolds over the next couple of levels. :)

I agree with every bit of this!

In other news, I hear Shirogane housing isn't dropping til 4.1, but that could be a plant so people can get all the good houses, so take it with a pinch of salt and be vigilant lol.

When is Omega dropping? Surprised there hasn't been word yet, tomorrow marks an official two weeks from launch.


Joe, Arcana
Supposedly Omega drops tomorrow. During one of the big Stormblood live letters they detailed the dates of certain things with Omega dated on 04/07. The capped tomestones will be another two weeks from tomorrow.

Also I wouldn't worry too much about rumored information/plants ala housing. We'll get news from SE on when housing will drop either way, likely more than a week in advance.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Supposedly Omega drops tomorrow. During one of the big Stormblood live letters they detailed the dates of certain things with Omega dated on 04/07. The capped tomestones will be another two weeks from tomorrow.

Also I wouldn't worry too much about rumored information/plants ala housing. We'll get news from SE on when housing will drop either way, likely more than a week in advance.

It has.


Begins with a solo Duty that showcases the motherfucking beautiful Interdimensional Rift and full on with that remastering of the N-Zone / Interdimensional Rift theme. And the fucking Chocobo's Dungeon looking Chocobo (Alpha)! I am in the queue for the first Raid and we shall seashells.



Double Growth
I see the patch increased the enmity of basically every tank move :monster:

One thing I was hoping to see though was that if you were in a party and teleported to one of the new zones, that it would put you in the same damn instance

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
So the Deltascape, holy crap it's a fun series of fights. First off, thank fucking god they don't waste time with trash pulls. Praise Allah, God, Buddha and whatever, no fucking trash pulls.

All the bosses are bosses from FF5, the N-Zone / Interdimensional Rift specifically (what a shock). We face in sequence Alto Roite, Catastrophe, Halicarnassus and Exdeath.

V1: Alto Roite is a boring slog of a fight but if you know it it goes through quickly. It's basically a recap of moves we've already seen in Raids and Trials so it was nothing impossible by any means. A good warmup. It is fun sliding on the ice to dodge those fireballs though then Matrixing back into that Stackup move.

V2: Okay, this is a Raid Action fight done right. Rather than Lakshmi's "press X to not die" you can basically cast Float on yourself to avoid Catastrophe's ground attacks. He can pull you down with 100Gs. That would kind of eh, but here's where it gets interesting. Some attacks can hit you in the air and only in the air. The stack move requires you to be in the air. Two sets of attacks hit high and low so you have to time the dodges around 100G. It's an intense and fun fight and I think it'll be a Farm Favorite.

V3: Except for this one which is even more fun. Halitosis (er Carnassus) attacks you on a giant 4x4 grid which lights up with various symbols. Stand in the right symbol or suffer the consequences. What it turns into is a series of minigame as you burn the boss down and makes the fight SO GOD DAMN FUN! Everybody even as we wiped a couple times said "wow this is awesome!" Add Frog in to the mix and some challenges that require you to be Frogged and you have a nice one. But the BEST thing? That 1/3rd of the way through minigame where you get warped to the Shifting Sands and have to find your way out by moving on tiles exactly like in FF5. Also love the MGS-esque exclamation point from Hali when you make it out.

V4: Exdeath. This fight is tricky because you have to know targeting and when to dodge, run or spread and when those exact same moves are just tank busters or area wides. Then there's Decisive Battle and its zombification fun, plus the ability to fall in the second phase. It will make you work for that clear and the Minion if you want to farm it, plus that one a week exclusive loot. But it's not A12. It's not even as hard as A4 was in my opinion. The trickiest stuff is managing dodging Black Holes while handling Exdeaths high level magic like Meteor, Holy and Flare. And of course it's great hearing the theme, as it's been this whole time. A worthy fight.


Joe, Arcana
I'm starting to ship myself - a female Warrior of Light - with
Nero tol Scaeva, not so suddenly. This is not healthy and I'm going to require fanart pretty soon


The Sublimely Magnificent One
I see the patch increased the enmity of basically every tank move :monster:

One thing I was hoping to see though was that if you were in a party and teleported to one of the new zones, that it would put you in the same damn instance

Instanced zones aren't a thing anymore.

I'm a fan, although it's gonna be interesting the next time Ixion pops up.


We have come to terms
I want to fucking murder that fucking piece of shit chocobo I HATE THINGS THAT UNNECESSARILY PANDER TO THE I LOVE CUTESY SHIT CROWD





Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Cleared them all and got all the loot I can this week. And I just got to ilvl 300 so I guess it's time to farm Susano for a weapon... (on top of getting the last few Verity pieces I need).

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Played though the first three Omega bosses, but didn't get to the 4th one. On a side note, you know the DPS/Tank ratio is bad when it takes you over an hour to get into the new raids as a DPS...

These mechanics are fun. Like, really fun to play though. Using the ice=slippery mechanics on purpose is a great inversion on the usual. Adding a height mechanic. Role icons being used as mechanics. If you've been paying attention to game mechanics as a whole, you'll do fine. Oh, and sand... I admit to snickering all throughout D3. That fight is made of win.

I also really like the design. Alexander got a little tiring visually with it's white-on-metalic color scheme that was 12 raids long. This one has a nice variation across the bosses that is a lot easier on the eyes.

In other news... DPS queues were bad so I finally sat down and farmed Susano. I've now got BiS for my SMN and am sitting at a comfortable ilvl 316 (lucked out on getting belt/accessory tokens on D1 and D2). Given how long it takes to get the body (4 weeks minimum) I won't be getting it as there's no reason for me to not be doing Savage when it comes out.

Thoughts on the patch notes: holding aggro on DRK before you get Abyssal Drain is way easier now. Holding aggro on bosses is way easier now as the aggro combo generates insane aggro now (especially if you DA it). Bloodspiller got buffed most likely because of this Reddit Post which shows why getting Bloodspiller from breaking TBN while out of Grit was a slight DPS loss. And by slight, it mentions that if Bloodspiller was buffed to it's current potency TBN out of Grit it would break even...
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