The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Fun stuff!

HUD Changes! Yey! The time of having all the debuffs and buffs on the same bar is over! And no more mixing your buffs/debuffs up with anyone else's! Oh... and we can separate targeted enemies/allis cast bar and MP bar now!

Veteran Reward Changes. TLDR: If you've been playing for more then a year when 4.1 hits, you'll get all the former FF hero's glamour gear now. All the other veteran reward stuff is now gotten with achievement points from the NPC that gives out the achievement awards.


I like the joeks in that update, :monster:



Joe, Arcana
Afraid I'm working that day so good luck to those attempting for the house. Is the plan still to try to get our ideal plot in the first ward? I still feel like that's not a great idea. :closedmonster:


Double Growth
Why does the ward matter, anyway? (asking as an outsider, I know I'm well outside this decision-making process, just curious)


Pro Adventurer
For me it's purely an aesthetics thing. I like some numbers more than others – I like the number 1 and all whole numbers ending in 0, 2, 5 or 8. I can't really explain it. I used to have a friend who only liked multiples of 7 and it was annoying to be in his car when the stereo would always be at volume 14, which was too quiet, or 21, which was too loud. :lol: I think a lot of people have little number quirks like that.

Speaking of 7, I've said that I'd be fine with ward 7 since it would fit our theme and stuff.


Joe, Arcana
My main concern is how popular the first ward will be. It could delay getting our preferred place in another ward if we're unable to get that one.

7 would be better imo. Not for the aesthetics so much as how likely we are to get it. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Yeah, I think I said that we need to decide which one to go for ahead of time, because we're only going to have one shot at a large plot. Just waiting for Lex to swing by and tell us we're getting the plot in ward 1. :monster:


I think people will likely try for other wards with the same mindset as us, in that "1 will be popular" - with that in mind it's likely going to be just as difficult no matter what ward we go for.

I wouldn't mind Ward 7 or Ward 5 (because I don't mind those numbers), but typically SE only open a few wards to start with so keep that in mind also. Our current house in Ward 6 was only opened a fair few months after the first 5 wards opened back when housing launched.

Having said all that, yes I do still want Ward 1. But if people think we should go for 5 or 7 that's fine. Not 2, 4 or 6. Maybe 3.


Been reading the patch notes. Every single DRG move has had its potency and combo potency increased by 10, but Heavy Thrust has had it's damage up buff reduced from 15% to 10%. In terms of flat DPS without considering Nastrond, that's actually a slight nerf.

However given that Nastrond can now be triggered with three eyes. Jump recast is 30s and Spineshatter recast is 60s (these are the moves that trigger mirage dive, using mirage dive gives you an eye). So the first Nastrond use will occur 30s into the battle and theoretically every minute or so thereafter, and since the potency of nastrond itself has increased I'm wondering if it's actually going to be a sizable DPS increase (which tbh is not required). We'll see how it feels next week. But everyone be prepared to see the massive red explosion more often :monster:

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Yeah, the 3 eyes thing is really nice for recovering from death... On the other hand... I'm over here on SMN where dying means at least 2 min before your rotation gets back to "normal" DPS levels... more like 3 min if Aetherflow is on CD when you're rezed... no amount of lowering pet cast time/MP cost is going to fix how much death impacts SMN. Aetherflow is just the key to so much DPS (15% at least) that it won't be changing until something like Aethflow or Dreadwrym stacks are retained on death.

Speaking of SMN... the SMN changes pretty much fix everything wrong with the class that doesn't have to do with pet AI. Messing with pet AI is really what needs to happen to make SMN feel better to play, but that's such a huge change that I'm not expecting it to happen before the next expansion at the earliest.

The Tri-Bind change is pretty much making up for the loss of Bane as an effective AOE move. Like, outside of Painflare, SMN has no spamable AOE move and even Painflare is limited to 3 casts a minute. Tri-Bind in Dreadwrym Trance isn't even that OP either as it's pretty much the equivalent of 6 casts of Scatter every minute.

The thing I'm really happy about is the Ruin II -> Ruin IV on proc change as most good SMNs were giving up Ruin IV procs to get in more oGCDs and Ruin II is the way to do that. Also, nobody ever used Ruin IV when Demi-Bahamut was out, because that was a DPS loss. And Demi-Bahamut usually gives a lot of Ruin IV procs.

Ruin III all out replacing Ruin I is good. It's also going to make managing MP a lot easier with it not being so expensive. I really like it being instant-cast in DWT. It means the only time SMN has to be still is when Demi-Bahamut is out. Which isn't all that hard to fit around enemy mechanics if it's the only time it's happening.

And Devotion... I honestly get nerfing it's attack potency. At 5% it would be as good as getting both AOE-Balance and AOE-Bole at the same time with the healing increase on top. Even at 2 min, that's a little much for what's essentially a party-wide buff. Having the healing increase still at 5% makes me wonder if it will end up being used more defensively after the initial cast...


Pro Adventurer
Am I really the only one from our FC able to be on at 11:00 server time on Tuesday? :huh: Having a second person around would increase our chances of getting a plot considerably, even if it ends up being a medium.

In an ideal world we'd have two players with 45 million gil on hand each so one player could go for ward 1 and the other could go for ward 7 (or whatever we end up deciding – but please let's decide!). The next best scenario is that one player has 45 million and another has 20 million so they can go for a medium as a second choice. I don't know if we have the gil for the first scenario but we definitely have enough for the second. We just need a second player!

There are (at least) three viable camping locations, depending on which ward we go for. If it's ward 1, we just have to camp at the plot. Plot 30 is probably going to be the busiest place on the server for a while before maintenance starts. :lol: If we go for another ward, we could either wait at the aetheryte in Kugane or the ferry dock in Kugane. I will research which one is faster ahead of time.


I might be taking Tuesday off work. If so I'll be the "other" person, we can be on discord with each other sorting it out. In ward 7 that is.


We have come to terms
I requested Sunday/Monday of this week off weeks ago without knowing the patch was dropping, so I'll be around as well. :oscar:

also, lol I might actually bother to finish leveling warrior now that it has some raid utility


Pro Adventurer
I could probably be on too. 3:00 PDT is 5:00 in the morning for me, but I can probably get up early and try to get in.

Also, what do you guys think of going for plot 60? It looks identical to 30 does it not? It might be less crowded than the 1-30 plot area...maybe.


Ok guys I really want to be able to do the new raid with you. I’m going to buy levels as a healer. I’ve gotten my other character to level 70 with all three healing jobs, and I’m 100% comfortable with all of them. Which one do we need?


Pro Adventurer
Ooh, exciting! And doubly exciting because... I have a spreadsheet for this! :wacky:


From top to bottom it reads:

  • Carlie
  • Kev
  • Kimble
  • Kieran (chats on Discord but doesn't have an account here AFAIK)
  • Avec
  • Flare
  • Jecht
  • Knuxson
  • Obs
  • Flint
  • Joe
  • Lex
  • Yop
  • Sic

A highlighted cell denotes the highest value in a particular range, e.g. since your highest DPS is Black Mage, it's coloured red, and since Paladin has the highest median level of the tanks, it's coloured blue.

This is not everyone in the Free Company, just the people from TLS who I've played with in-game at some point, so I guess it's also the people we're likely to do Rabanastre with.

I'd say Astrologian is the healer to go for. As you can see, we only have one AST at 70, whereas we have two White Mages and two Scholars. Furthermore, the one player to have AST at 70, Obs, mains Summoner, as far as I'm aware, whereas we have at least one main WHM (me) and one main SCH (Yop). Further furthermore, AST is the best healer at the moment, and further further furthermore, it's the most versatile healer in terms of pairing up with one of the others for eight-man content. :) If you and Yop end up healing for us I'll be quite content to go as a Ninja or Red Mage. I have melded 320 gear for both of them anyway.

It's interesting to note that your highest level job on our server, Black Mage, is the only job which nobody has gotten to 70 yet. :monster:


Woah! Thanks for the breakdown. And yeah, I can def do AST, so that's what I'll go with! It shouldn't take me too terribly long to get a healer from 60-70 (I've done it three times, after all :monster: ), so yeah, yay!

My other character has BLM to 60, but I decided to check out RDM and ended up getting it to 70 in relatively short order, so I don't even know how a level 70 BLM plays, haha. Some day, perhaps. Like over Winter Break :desu:


Annnnnnd done. So I'll work on leveling Evelyn as an AST from 60-70 starting tomorrow probably. I'll have to complete Stormblood again, so that might take a little bit, but hopefully I'll be raiding with you guys in no time.
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Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
@Flint: That is supper cool.

Unfortunately, my schedule this semester is pretty crazy and I pretty much have zero access to my PC until it's the server's dead period when nobody's on (except for Friday). So I probably won't be able to do stuff with you guys when the patch drops anyway. :(

I am as comfortable with Lvl. 70 AST as I am with Lvl. 70 SMN though, or at least comfortable to do 24-mans right from the get-go. And we really have only one Lvl. 70 SCH; the only reason I have a lvl 70 SCH is because it and SMN are always the same lvl. I've never played it for reals. :P


The Sublimely Magnificent One
I'm more than likely out until next Summer, between my job and my Euro-Trip this winter. all have fun :P And I'll get a ton of stuff to binge on in May :D


Pro Adventurer
I've never done raids before and would love to give it a go with TLS members. But I'm still on the 3.x stuff (I just finished the main HW story) so I doubt I'll be able to do any raids at all unless you do, idk, Crystal Tower or something :wacky:
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