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I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Even though Aerith and Terra weren't seen much during the 'second half', their roles didn't change. The importance of the Cetra didn't fade after Aerith died, and the importance of the Espers didn't die when Terra wasn't present in the party. Aerith had Cloud and the others talking about her and remembering her, and the importance of her sacrifice was also still there, and made a huge impact on the players. That's why I think she takes lead role; and Tifa takes second. The plot of the game didn't unravel because of Tifa, but because of Aerith and the fact that she was an ancient.

I still refuse to take this whole 'Tifa is second to Aerith as heroine' thing. :rage: She isn't. She just isn't. Tifa is important, while not for the plot, for the hero. She helped Cloud see his real self, I do believe that is also important to the story, no?

I agree that Aerith's presence was there, as well as the impact of her sacrifice. But this doesn't shun away the fact that Tifa was physically present beside Cloud, in front of the players. She may not have done such a sacrifice, but the events unfolding around her and AVALANCHE showed that she wasn't just the second heroine. She fought as a heroine would fight, and supported the hero as a heroine would. I don't feel the need to explain this with examples and whatnot, but just because Tifa did not move the plot in Disc 1 or not at all anywhere does not mean she's already second heroine. Sometimes, things that happen in stories are far larger than the characters themselves. But that doesn't remove the heroes and heroines from their titles, no?

And I still stick to Aerith = Planet's heroine, Tifa = Cloud's heroine. No one's taking second place. NO ONE. :rage:

*sulks childishly in a corner*


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
I think Celes is trying to say that Aerith is a bigger heroine to the story (ala' the planet) :quote: because in the end SHE was the one who awakened the Lifestream which helped Holy defeat Meteor. :whistle:

Celes Chere

Exactly, Channy. =)

I'm in no way trying to downplay Tifa's importance. Tifa is clearly a very important character to the story, for if it weren't for her, Cloud would be screwed.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy

Put it this way. If Tifa took the blow and died, we'd have the same grieving period, the same "I think Tifa wants us to go here..." But there'd be no Lifestream. Because Aerith would live to summon Holy sooner. :monster:

Tifa's important to game, yeah. But as far as game progression vs character growth... not so much.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Gees, and you hear VII fanboys claiming it's the most original game evuuuuur. :monster:

Well to be fair they're both from the same franchises and have the same producers and scenario writers :awesome:

Not that surprising really.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Yeah but it's like looking at an 8 in the mirror. It still looks the same. :wacky:

Then again the same formula can be said for VIII :monster:

Cloud Squall joins Avalanche Garden in order to go on a mission to stop Shinra The Government. Later, he becomes a body guard of Aeris Rinoa who falls in love with him. Soon, they discover a force much eviler than Shinra The Government, Sephiroth Edea! Sephiroth kills Aeris Ultimecia possesses Rinoa, so Cloud Squall goes after him her, he goes around the world trying to stop him her from bringing the Meteor her from bringing time compression. Then he finds the airship Highwind Ragnarok and goes to the center of the world the end of time for the final battle. Afterward, he mourns Aeris saves Rinoa and everything is A-ok.
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Have you stopped and looked at how similar FF1 and FFIII is, too?




Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy

Cheque please. :wacky:


Selene, Sheila
Eh, Terra's role of being the come/go freakshow was waning long before the world of ruin. By the time Celes is leader of the bratpack, Terra becomes a barely there one-off quest, only to shine again in the ending with her ~hairs~.

As with FF7, Tifa was growing in importance the more you learnt about Nibelheim, Cloud's past and the main plot of the story in Disk 1. She's the first gal you come across but it's Aerith's being in pink and using magic being a pretence to throw you off. Sure, Aerith's talked about with reverence in regards to the plot in one or two places after she's gone, but Tifa's story took center stage to the point that she, like Celes becomes a temp leader of the brat pack.

It's not the issue of "there can only be one". More like one faded into the background while the other took the spotlight. That's exactly what Nomura says in the Dismantled interview and it's exactly how it happened in the game.

/night ramblings

Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
I think Terra is more important than people like to believe. She's mandatory for the ending, even if one tries to ditch her she still shows up and plays an important role,
guiding her friends out of the tower and fufilling FFVI's storyline of hope in the face of destruction and the death of magic.
Yeah the Esper plot is not dead by the ending, certainly not ;)

I completely agree with Celes about Aerith :)
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Great Old One
Hey there, Maidenofwar! ^_^ Welcome to the TLS!~

And I think both Aerith and Tifa take very large roles. ^_^

Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
Thanks Alise! ^_^

Tifa has a very important role too yeah, I don't think either of them can be undermined - just like Terra and Celes (I just like leaping to defences if they have been >_>) ^_^ Square Enix definitely mediad Tifa as the main heroine of Advent Children though!~

However looking at the new info about the revised movie I think everything is being Zack/Clackified o_o
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Selene, Sheila
I think Terra is more important than people like to believe.

Once again, it's not about importance.

It's about her role having faded from the spotlight while another takes center stage.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Terra is important, but not vital to the telling of the story. Similarly, Tidus is not all that important for most of FF10, but is vital to the telling of the story.
Like Sheila says, it's a question of narrative focus, not of importance. Tifa and Aerith are both important to the story, they just get the spotlight at different times.


~The Other Side of Fear~
FF6 is kind of weird like that. They spend the first half of the game focusing on Terra and the second on Celes. In a way I like that, the duality of the girl's natures and the stories, similiar yet different, they share. Being that I like them pretty much equally at this point (and probably one of the few that does) it always intrigues me what the designers were exactly intending.


Selene, Sheila
Yes, but we never get to experience a first person perspective/narrative/play as Aerith (unless you count Maiden...), whereas we had Terra's in the beginning of and parts of the first half of FF6.

I think the intention of FF6 is to have an "ensemble cast". Everyone at some point gets a piece of the action and their story fleshed out to a degree where you can decide to care/not care about them.


~The Other Side of Fear~
Oh, agreed. You definitely get the viewpoint from Terra, whereas you don't from Aerith. I'm not sure if I would have liked knowing it from Aerith's side, because she was full of mystery, and that might have ruined that. Terra, on the other hand seems like someone you're suppose to directly relate to, as oppose to wonder about like Aerith. As for the rest of the FF6, I agree that it waas arranged in such a way to allow the gamer to decide, because while some people had more development than others, most them had equal parts.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
It really depends on how you evaluate FFVI's story. From an "in-universe" perspective, Terra is arguably one of the most important characters to the story. Her appearance and role as a half human and Esper is what drives the conflict between the Returners and The Empire and she's the first character you meet as you experience the events from her eyes. And then of course there's the end where she leads everyone out of the collapsing Kefka Tower and manages to not disappear like the rest of the Espers.

But FFVI as a whole story has many important characters and the perspective shifts many times. But I suppose as a whole if you had to choose Terra would be the best fit. She's on the logo, most of the artwork, and just is pretty much the symbolic character of FFVI. Hell that's what the creators seem to think too :monster:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Hence my point of narrative focus. Terra's undeniably very important, but as far as the story goes in the second half, piffle. Barely anything. She's no less important, but it's not her time in the spotlight any longer.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
She may be Amano's favorite but that still doesn't change the fact that she's the driving force of FFVI and its titular character :monster:

Cloud is Nomura's favorite character to draw but that also doesn't change the fact that FFVII is mostly Cloud's story either.


Selene, Sheila
But figuring out the driving force/titular character wasn't in question.. is what Ryu and I have been trying to say.
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