The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

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Selene, Sheila
Nope, cause we don't see every single thing as "Aerith vs Tifa" or "Terra vs Celes". More like "scenerio director and script writer decided to..."


Pro Adventurer
Hence my point of narrative focus. Terra's undeniably very important, but as far as the story goes in the second half, piffle. Barely anything. She's no less important, but it's not her time in the spotlight any longer.
To be fair, the focus on characters in FFVI is pretty much "piffle" for everyone. Character development is really not one of its strong suits.

"Hi I'm Sabin, I'm Edgar's brother, my master was just killed by his son who I killed, let's go, I'll be over here out of the way, put me in your party if you want, I gots blitzes, bye."


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Yes, but consider Tina's overall focus for WoB as compared to WoR, and note Celes's inverse proportion. I'm not saying it's much, but Tina got more focus than anyone else on Side A, and Celes on Side B, with Locke and the family getting a reasonable share if you get 'em back.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Okay wow, we are SO getting off topic :monster:

Let's try to get back on track and discuss FFVI's focus in the FF section.


Selene, Sheila
Back on topic,

FF7 and FF7i
-> both are canon
-> the second version just fleshed things out and is more polished
-> everything that was new fit perfectly well with the original or better

AC and ACC
-> both are canon
-> the second version just fleshed things out and is more polished (bloody? hah)
-> everything that was new fit perfectly well with the original or better



Great Old One
Both are canon, but the revised scenes for ACC will over rule the original AC scenes -> and uh, I don't think there's much to talk about here until everyone figures out the spoilahs. :awesome:


Hm, let's start from the beginning.
Cloud wasn't being himself in the beginning of the game, and at that time he met Aerith who saw "the Zack" in Cloud, and fell for it. She suddenly started to flirt with him (wanted to have the first conversation Zack and she had), and Cloud played along because he acted as someone else.. Yes, Aerith's dead boyfriend Zack. Later in the game when you can get Aerith (or Tifa, Yuffie, Barret) on a date, she says: "I want to meet the REAL you.." And I think she started to feel that Cloud wasn't being himself. (Aerith has the ability to see through Cloud's troubled mind, because she is a Cetra.) But Cloud at the time, didn't really get it..
So when Aerith dies Cloud is shocked. Of course! He promised to be her bodyguard, but wasn't able to keep that promise. Cloud always wants to protect something dear to him, am I right? So he felt guilt.. But at the same time Cloud still wasn't being himself, so Aerith never got to know the REAL Cloud. And the REAL Cloud is a totally different person. Other memories, other feelings etc.
And then.. we come to the part were Cloud and Tifa falls down into the Lifestream. Tifa starts to build up the real Cloud together with himself, and they came to realize their feelings for eachother. Cloud had secrets, Tifa had secrets. But now they knew, and after that they got very close.. (Personally I think so.) Cloud held Tifa's hand to keep her safe, and they slept together in a kind of.. intimate position under the Highwind.
And then in the end as well.. Cloud is in the Lifestream, and Aerith reaches her hand to him. But before they "touched" eachother, Tifa reaches her hand to Cloud.. And he kind of "wakes up"? XDD And the rest is pretty obvious that these two have something together, Cloud catches Tifa when she's about to fall down, and then she rests her head on his chest.
Okay, that was the game.. NOW, AC.~
Two years have passed, Cloud wanted to start a new life with Tifa.. And they did.
Marlene and Denzel became a part of their family as well, and they were happy.
But then, Cloud got qeostiqma and all the painful memories he had left behind started to fill his mind. He realized that he could loose something he cared about again, and left Tifa and the kids. (That's a proof, from the Ultimania.) But in the end, Cloud is forgiven and returns to his family. Again, he lets go of his guilt. So the happy Cloud in the ending scene, is really Cloud. The Cloud who was "dimly" in love with Tifa, came to realize his feelings for her, wanted to start a new life with her, and the one who lost two really good friends.
So I think it's really clear wich couple that is canon, Cloti. X333
In the other hand, I think Aerith still had feelings for Cloud. And yeah..
But in the new Ultimania it says that Zack always will be by Aerith's side, watching over Cloud and the others.

Just wanna let you know that I used to be a Clerith when I had played the game, and yes.. I still love them, but I still consider Cloti as canon. So I love both. :monster:


tits or gtfo
Moo, Meuterei, Destroyer of Worlds
If Cloud had half a brain he'd go for the wild one with the big boobs that's a lot more likely to put out. Just sayin'...


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Which wild one, Mega? Many things Tifa is, but 'Wild' is not one of them.

And xAerith, out of curiosity, when was the 'tipping point' when you realized that the story was winding up with Cloud and Tifa? Was it with the original game, with AC, or the more recent Ultimanias?

Also, 'kind of intimate' is a bit of an understatement.


tits or gtfo
Moo, Meuterei, Destroyer of Worlds
Dude, Tifa is like a super flexible martial arts acrobat. If that ain't wild (think of the practical applications here...) I don't know what is :monster:


Higher Further Faster
Well yeah but she doesn't have a wild personality. But I see where you're going with that. Maybe it does come in hand for purposes outside of fighting. XD


"And xAerith, out of curiosity, when was the 'tipping point' when you realized that the story was winding up with Cloud and Tifa? Was it with the original game, with AC, or the more recent Ultimanias?

Also, 'kind of intimate' is a bit of an understatement."

LOL, maybe I underrested the Highwind scene. XD
Well.. I think I started to realize that Cloud and Tifa had something after the Lifestream-part. That was when you got to know Cloud's real memories and what he really felt inside his heart. And well, it was all about Tifa too. :awesome: And then when I saw AC I definitly fell for Cloud and Tifa's relationship. They are both shy, but care about eachother so much. :3
And I've always been searching for real proofs about this "Who loves who?" thingy. And a time ago I found some proofs that made my day.
It was so clear to me then, so there is no need for me to fight in the LTD. I just wanna explain it all, you know? But it's still fun to talk about.~ ^-^
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Oh, I agree. I'm only in this for the lulz, as it were.

Out of curiosity, did you ever read the Destiny Fulfilled or Clerith websites?

And Mega, her abilities are quite potentially wild, but she herself is not.


tits or gtfo
Moo, Meuterei, Destroyer of Worlds
That may be half the problem with FF7, no wild ones... at least personality wise. Yuffie doesn't count, I said wild, not immature and annoying :awesome:


Higher Further Faster
And Tifa DID initiate the Highwind scene, what with her, "Words aren't the only way to tell someone how you feel," and such. :)


Oh, I agree. I'm only in this for the lulz, as it were.

Out of curiosity, did you ever read the Destiny Fulfilled or Clerith websites?

And Mega, her abilities are quite potentially wild, but she herself is not.

To be honest, Destiny Fulfilled was bullshit. But even tho, it brain-washed me a little. :doh:

"Despite her intentions she ends up hurting Cloud deeply each time."
"Tifa is bad for Cloud."


"The more he realizes how happy he is living with Tifa and the children, the more the fear of losing that and regrets toward the past trouble Cloud…"
-FF7 10th Anniversary Ultimania

Well.. Destiny Fulfilled isn't so true. :lol: But that person who made it is good at talking about Cloud and Aerith's bound they have together. Even if it may be somewhat overrated. Please don't get mad, that's just my opinion. XD


Beacause I am a puppet
I bet Scarlet is/was pretty wild, if the hyena laugh was any indication. She and Heidegger probably made beautiful...weapons together.

Now for the sake of discussion, I've noticed over the years concerning the LT topic that a lot of Clerith support stems not so much from what's there in the game, but more from an irrational dislike of Tifa. Of course I am in no way positing that this is always the case, but I find it curious when it pops up, because I rarely see it of Aerith in contrast. What about Tifa irritates some fans, other than perhaps her uh, intimidating figure?


I bet Scarlet is/was pretty wild, if the hyena laugh was any indication. She and Heidegger probably made beautiful...weapons together.

Now for the sake of discussion, I've noticed over the years concerning the LT topic that a lot of Clerith support stems not so much from what's there in the game, but more from an irrational dislike of Tifa. Of course I am in no way positing that this is always the case, but I find it curious when it pops up, because I rarely see it of Aerith in contrast. What about Tifa irritates some fans, other than perhaps her uh, intimidating figure?

LOL, I'm glad Tifa bitch-slapped her. >: D
Umh well.. Maybe they dislike Tifa because she actually is the one who's living together with Cloud and love him? :monster:
Yeah, SOME persons are good at insulting Tifa. It's kind of sad.. :/
But I'm not getting hurted. :D
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