The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

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and "the friend who gave him life"
I love that description. I mean, not only because it's true, but also because I'm so sick and tired of people trying to downplay Zack's importance to Cloud in order to make Aeris seem like the only fucking person he cares about. I mean, "I live for you" is pretty obvious, but people still ignore. What can ya do?

Ship Clack?

Lily Ella

Pro Adventurer
I remember the FFVII story playback, but I've never seen the AC playback. Hell, I didn't even know that there was an AC story playback.

hito, untie the SE members and release them from your basement. This has gone far enough as it is.
He's keeping them there, until I say so. I'm the one writing those checks. Now unless any of you can outbid me, those bitches are staying in the basement.


AI Researcher
It's my own personal motivation that makes me work to remove any mention to Barret in their family. It's because he's black, you see. :wacky:

Maybe it wasn't mentioned before then; maybe I just assumed it was because it seems pretty obvious :awesome:

10thAU (revised one at least) has playback sections for everything FFVII-related except ACC. But I don't think anyone has done any of them fully? I've only ever seen snippets (usually involving Aerith), but I don't really go looking for translation. They do seem pretty obvious, but it's nice to have something there in writing and a bit of clarification sometimes. Though maybe snippets is all that's needed.

Edit; on this subject:

The 'where they belong' thing ('place [they] are meant/should return to', if we're being ~literal~) for Aerith and Zack is the same phrase Nojima used to talk about Cloud and Tifa being together. Parallels? :awesome:

Also, jumping to something else, people ought to stop using "Calling" to refer to the end credits of AC (especially now the theme song has changed) and use the BD's chapter name: "Second Credits" Because it makes more sense :monster:
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Pray for Sound
Issac Dian, Dudley, Chev Chelios
Cloud's smile in regards to Tifa smiling is weird. His eyebrows are sloped downward slightly as he smiles.. worry perhaps? Uncertainty? :awesome: /grasping at straws

No but really, it does look weird. Blow it up and prove me wrong tho.

I always thought he was a little embarassed by the kids splashing about him.

But no, he's not worried or uncertain. Aerith says (Telepathically?)

Aerith: You see? Everything's alright.

[ The two walk out and Zack gives a small wave to Cloud. Cloud smiles. ]

Cloud: I know. I'm not alone. Not anymore.


good girl =D
Cloud just smiles to the kids and to Tifa.
In the end Aerith and Zack were smiling to him and he still had that "O_O" expression on his face. He didn't return Aerith's smile. He smiled when they both walked out of the church, because he realised what Aerith just said was true..he isn't alone anymore ->referring to his family and friends
Plus, I don't believe that he met either Zack or Aerith after that farewell was pretty obvious they'd never return or appear again, because they fulfilled their duty by helping Cloud to find peace.

Goodbye Charlie

Rising Chest-Bank Protestor
The script thinks so too: "Tifa smiles. Cloud returns her smile shyly."

What old Fighter said. I think that very much clinches the usual confusion. Again.

Man this thread is like sucking on a barrel of deja vu.

I said barrel - not Barrett. Dirty boys and girls.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Though I've heard the argument that the script is wrong sometimes, thus stuff used from it is invalid. :awesome:


AI Researcher
People call it an 'early script', when it was actually the script the actors used to record their lines. All the dialogue matches AC (original version, obviously), the only thing different is how scenes play out. Which isn't really strange, since stuff does change when you're working on creative projects with lots of other people. This is obviously one of, if not the, final scripts.

Saying this again, if this is meant to be an 'early script', it's crap. Too much like the final film to be an entertaining look at what it used to or could have been.

Dismiss the stuff that's clearly different and doesn't match the film, and accept everything else. Seems easy enough to people. People seem to take this black and white attitude and end up throwing out the baby with the bath water.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
They don't like it because the script kills the whole "spirit sex" crap. :monster:


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
But Cloud didn't see Aerith in the misty spray!!

Feh, useless script. It's only 99% accurate. -_-


Fire and Blood
Brain too :monster:

I seriously wonder though - I was wondering that while reading Faith - how come they're not bothered by the image they have of the characters? Basically, in their eyes, Aerith is slutty and Cloud just a jackass? I don't know how can people truly believe in that, when it's just not Aerith and not Cloud. For them, it's ok as long as they're together, because Tifa and what's happening in the story doesn't count?

I'll give them that Cloud and I'll keep SE's, thank you very much :monster:

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
I think very, very few people actually support Cloud running off to have spirit!sex with Aerith while going home to Tifa's hot meals and warm bed. As far as I'm aware, a good majority of Cloud/Aerith shippers would be uncomfortable with Cloud being such a jerkass. :awesome:


very, very few people actually support Cloud running off to have spirit!sex with Aerith while going home to Tifa's hot meals and warm bed.
I think you misunderstand. It is true that the Clerii who gather around them pink forums are small in number, but there aren't many within the group who disagree (or at least voice their disagreement). The people of the pink incidentally also make up a large number of the Cleris participants in debates. As such, + The Cloud/Aerith forums make up the majority of English-speaking Clerises and they are an adequate summary of the beliefs and arguments that particular group uses.

Now, it may be true that they don't all think Cloud runs to have sex with Aeris on the weekends, however, the majority of their arguments in various places consistently assert that Cloud still pines for Aeris after AC, as he did after FFVII and that Calling was somehow an indication of a continued meeting/communication between Cloud and Aeris and most of them insist that Cloud does not return to his family.

Of course, I don't mean that every person who likes the idea of Cloud/Aeris believes all the above bs. No, just the ones who insist that C/A is canonz. Our comments are always directed toward that group.

When we say spirit!sex, we mean that - the riridulous notion that Cloud continues to somehow search for Aeris (something he never did to begin with) and wants to be with her and vice versa. The ridiculous idea that Cloud and Aeris communicate and continue to share their love for each other, in whatever way that may be -- sex included.
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good girl =D
I just don't get can a person misinterpret a scene (especially the end of AC/ACC) that gross??!
I mean wasn't it a farewell? Why should Cloud search for Aerith? is it possible to perseive the ending of AC as a neverending love between Cloud/Aerith? O_o I don't get it xD maybe I'm not smart enough lol


I just don't get can a person misinterpret a scene (especially the end of AC/ACC) that gross??!
I mean wasn't it a farewell? Why should Cloud search for Aerith? is it possible to perseive the ending of AC as a neverending love between Cloud/Aerith? O_o I don't get it xD maybe I'm not smart enough lol

That's the point. To come to that conclusion you have to go in with the assumption that Cloud is still hopelessly in love with a dead girl.

With that in mind everything can be twisted.


I just don't get can a person misinterpret a scene (especially the end of AC/ACC) that gross??!
I mean wasn't it a farewell? Why should Cloud search for Aerith? is it possible to perseive the ending of AC as a neverending love between Cloud/Aerith? O_o

Apparently, some people can.
I wonder if that is why they decided to edit Aerith out of the ending? To not make it seem like Cloud is actually going to see Aerith in the flowerfields even though logic would usually imply that that's not what he's doing etc?

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Apparently, some people can.
I wonder if that is why they decided to edit Aerith out of the ending? To not make it seem like Cloud is actually going to see Aerith in the flowerfields even though logic would usually imply that that's not what he's doing etc?

They edited that because Square-Enix supports Cloti. They're rabid. Watch out. :wackymonster:

That's the point. To come to that conclusion you have to go in with the assumption that Cloud is still hopelessly in love with a dead girl.

We never do get a runthrough on which timeline he falls in love with said dead girl.

Is it true that rabids are so evil that they send hate mails to people who support the opposing pairing? :huh: I'm talking about rabid Clotis too, if they still do exist...

And this:

Immature much? :no: I don't even see a Clerith hatelisting. I tried a search for rabids, found that.


Fire and Blood
My amused side says that it's probably the reason, because too many people thought it was an implied Clerith scene while it was not. That, and the last new scene in ACC too ^^

With ACC, you absolutely cannot say that anymore - I thought they were just clearer about their own work, that's all.


Lets pretend that cloud really did love Aerith that way.
- Zack died and Aerith moved on with Cloud;
- Aerith dies and Cloud is not allowed to move on too? with Tifa, a woman that loves him etc, etc... why does he get the spirit sex and not Aerith with Zack when he died?

That's the logic of some cleriths that I don't get at all...

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Is it true that rabids are so evil that they send hate mails to people who support the opposing pairing? :huh: I'm talking about rabid Clotis too, if they still do exist...
I know of at least two rabid Cloti who stalk people and spam forums they join, even if they aren't related to the LTD. The old Cloti forum used to be a hangout for Cloti rabids, and people would post stuff about "HOLY SHIT I TROLLED SOMEONE OLOLOLO" and stupid stuff like that.

Glad Ali made a new forum, though. <3
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