Oh dear. I mean, really? Cloud buggering a feline is better than with Tifa? Your 'betterometer' is in dire need of fixing.
Apparently so. But after Clerith, Clack, Clepheroth and Cloti, I then start shipping the more odd balls.. Cloffie, Clincent, Clarret, Clufus ffs and then lastly.. Cled.
It's not slutty. It's Snorty. Because it's not just a crack theory, it's a CRACK Theory.
Moar liek Clack, amirite?
Even though the biggest single chunk of disc one occurs over 3 days.
What chunk is that? Midgar?
And yet Tifa = Slut somehow? I mean that hits every earmark for outfits that rabids claim Tifa's does.
It does.
That's why I mentioned earlier that when I first encountered Tifa, I considered her as a slut. But as I played the game, I got to understand her, liked her and looked at her beneath her slutty clothes.
Also, I think it's easier to consider someone a slut when they first enter the scene in slutty clothing, rather than coming out modestly and then going sluttly, ala Rinoa to fake KH 2 Rinoa, and Yuna X to X-2. In that situation I found myself more concerned and confused as to why the sudden change.. whereas Tifa came out with her highbeams and panties and just thought "Okay, so she's like that from the get go."
She is essentially in lingerie. When I saw the High res, I thought to myself "I do believe I can see her panties, mostly because there is nothing to cover them."
Who? I'm not sure to which one you're referring because if you try to go for angle shots and high res, you could probly see all their panties.
Well, if we're nitpicking, I didn't mention the shirt, either. But no, I was referring to the flap on the rear, not the shorts, which I thought needed no mention along with her shirt.
Oh, the thing at the back, I forgot about that. Mmkay nvm then.
[heavy]CRY SOME MORE![/heavy]
/intense bawwwww fest
Indeed. You are considerably sensible than most Cleriths. Not the lack of 'more' in both our statements. Oddly telling, no?
Indeed you caught me. I'm really a rabid in sheep's clothing, merely trying to distract you all with my non offensive ways.
And I don't mean that you are not sensible, and the request is valid, It just strikes me that most folks who need it in specific writing that all this means they share a room/ bed (Fact: Watch old Sitcoms. Married couples with kids- seperate beds. It was scandalous in the Lucy Pilot that they had a queen size together) are the same sort of folks who leap screaming towards SpiritSex and Tifa being a Koibito to Rude/Johnny/Barret/Zack/ThatGuyWhoIsn'tCloud, or that despite the statement being stated explicitly in the present tense, it refers to the events of nine years prior.
Well, I was never so Clerith enough to believe in spirit!sex, I actually only learned about that here for the first time.
Nor do I really disregard Tifa's koibito (frankly I hate the word, it's caused so much confusion and hate amongst shippers, I try to avoid engaging in that topic at all) and try to ship her off with some other random person (who's Johnny again? The dude in the AMV but who was he in VII?).
I'm just an incredibly lazy person who can't get through walls of text unless it really catches my interest/something I want to be engaged in. I don't think I've even read the CoLW even though it revolves around Aerith. A lot of the time, I can't be bothered at all with the novellas, so rather than going through that shit, coming up with my own interpretations and being told 'NO GTFO UR WRONG' I simply take the short cut and ask for quotes here and there.
And the only reason I find Cloti sharing a bed/want proof of it during/post/pre/whatever AC/C is because of status of their relationship. I don't doubt they'll get together at some point, but it really just irked me for Cloud to be in a relationship with Tifa, drink himself into drunken stupors, want to be alone constantly, go to a Church to be alone, be completely emo throughout AC/C.... only to share a bed with the person who he's running away from/feeling guilty. It just seemed like an inconsistency to me, either on SE's part, or OOC on his part... I dunno, I'm tired and I've ranted for too long to the point where it probably doesn't make sense.
My bed calls for me from a flowerfield, I'm off to have spirit!sex with it. <3