The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

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Great Old One
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

Don't forget the Zack bashing thread. He's just a copy of Cloud, and is a womanizer. Not to mention, a really big prick. :monster:
I remember someone saying how Cloud is a copy of Cloud.
I'm crying for humanity. *sobs*

Celes Chere

Re: Love Triangle Discussion

[quote author=butterflybookmark link=topic=53.msg14610#msg14610 date=1233800763]
Don't forget the Zack bashing thread. He's just a copy of Cloud, and is a womanizer. Not to mention, a really big prick. :monster:
I remember someone saying how Cloud is a copy of Cloud.
I'm crying for humanity. *sobs*

I'd like to see examples of how Zack is a prick, to be honest. He's probably the nicest character I've ever seen.
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

[quote author=butterflybookmark link=topic=53.msg14610#msg14610 date=1233800763]
Don't forget the Zack bashing thread. He's just a copy of Cloud, and is a womanizer. Not to mention, a really big prick. :monster:
I remember someone saying how Cloud is a copy of Cloud.
I'm crying for humanity. *sobs*

This is why I need to get out of the LTD. The lulz are wonderful, but the lack of faith in humanity that follows is probably not good for one's health. :monster:


That One Person
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

Cloud is supposed to be this jerk in the real game; do they explain this as "Leave Cloud alone! He wasn't well right then!!" or something?

Zack is an all around nice guy. He makes a bunch of friends (even lower class SOLDIERS like Luxiere and Kunsel), invites a few out to dinner, and cares enough to try and save Genesis. When was he a prick? What examples are they giving, anyway? That he was friends with Sephiroth, or that he decided the "new" Sephiroth wasn't the same one he knew? :monster:

Honestly, going through the CxA forums, all I can gather is that they grasp at straws and don't seem to realize the Maiden isn't canon. In a post, they even say SE supervised it carefully, which we know is not the case. Yet, they say LO had too many plotholes to be considered canon, when it keeps getting mentioned by the staff as part of it, and draws parallels with BC. It's like...they haven't researched.


Your Mom
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

One of our clerith lurkers can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think they don't like Zack because they believe he was a womanizer who played around on Aerith and didn't appreciate her enough. Though I'm willing to bet the real reason is the same reason they don't like Tifa -- because he gets in the way.

I can't really hold it against them for not being up on the latest "research." Outside of us obsessive types, how many people are current with all their Ultimania info? :duhard: Though Balthea is right, the ones who participate in debates have had stuff pointed out to them.

What bothers me more is the way they repeatedly ignore context. The "Aerith's consciousness lives in Cloud" becomes a unique, intimate connection between the two where she's hanging drapes inside his heart and peeking out of his eyeballs, when we know the context implies a more general "dead live on in the living."

Or, in Maiden, Aerith saying she loves Cloud more than her first love, when we learn later she realizes she never knew Cloud. They just ignore the rest of that and cherrypick the line or two that allows them to maintain their beliefs. Context is everything, peeps!


Pro Adventurer
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

[quote author=Isabella link=topic=53.msg14620#msg14620 date=1233803952]
One of our clerith lurkers can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think they don't like Zack because they believe he was a womanizer who played around on Aerith and didn't appreciate her enough. Though I'm willing to bet the real reason is the same reason they don't like Tifa -- because he gets in the way.

I can't really hold it against them for not being up on the latest "research." Outside of us obsessive types, how many people are current with all their Ultimania info? :duhard: Though Balthea is right, the ones who participate in debates have had stuff pointed out to them.

What bothers me more is the way they repeatedly ignore context. The "Aerith's consciousness lives in Cloud" becomes a unique, intimate connection between the two where she's hanging drapes inside his heart and peeking out of his eyeballs, when we know the context implies a more general "dead live on in the living."

Or, in Maiden, Aerith saying she loves Cloud more than her first love, when we learn later she realizes she never knew Cloud. They just ignore the rest of that and cherrypick the line or two that allows them to maintain their beliefs. Context is everything, peeps!

I have noticed 90 percent of the time its not about proving Cloud is in love with Aerith..

but why Cloud doesn't love Tifa or vice versa.. its probably because there's just so much romantic implications/scenes/quotes about the two..that they have plenty to grossly misinterpret... or in some cases ignore/brush off


I think he did fall for Aerith :D
However, during his Zackified state, of course, so even if she lived, once his true self was discovered it didn't matter if she was alive, his heart/mind was all about Tifa)

silly me...ill look again :P

Tir McDohl

rune bearer
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

Man. I have to vacant those damned C/A forums for a while.

I've been put on some sort of probabtion for "going off-topic", "challenging Clerith ideals", and just lately, for saying that people shouldn't judge/insult someone(who edited FF wiki recently).

By my good buddy Anastar, of course. But honestly, EVERYONE GOES OFF-TOPIC(I mean, what else are the frequent side trips into the "Lawlz ignorant CloTis"?, including Anastar, who was doing it with me like the day before.

Aaaaaah. Sorry fer bitchin'. S'My fault for postin' there; a mistake that is really... like rectified. -_-

I haven't been here in a little while. I need to go read about twenty pages. Hehehehe.


Re: Love Triangle Discussion

There's a Clerii fred asking how physical Aerith and Cloud got in their relationship. D=

I like how they totally deny the fact that they were never a couple in the game. I mean, wtf.


Your Mom
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

^Oh dear. I like how they deny there was any chance of Cloud and Tifa getting affectionate underneath the Highwind, with all its innuendo, but they think Cloud and Aerith got affectionate in their relationship?

First of all ... Cloud and Aerith had a relationship? When? I can see potential for a mutual interest, if you choose the right responses, but a relationship?

Also, Naoto ...
"challenging Clerith ideals"
This one's my favorite. =D Don't you dare force them outside of their safe little box and ask them to think about their beliefs!

Ugh, I've been snarkier than usual today. Need to get back to work. :monster:

Tir McDohl

rune bearer
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

Man, I know. I was really annoyed, but it's so damn funny in a pathetic kind of way.

In my case, "going against Clerith ideals" was saying that Tifa isn't clingy/pessimistic/weak and isn't in love with Cloud's Zack persona, and backing it up with teh creaTORR quotes.

Go figure. Ha ha HA!


Pro Adventurer
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

[quote author=Naoto Shirogane link=topic=53.msg14643#msg14643 date=1233813175]
Man, I know. I was really annoyed, but it's so damn funny in a pathetic kind of way.

In my case, "going against Clerith ideals" was saying that Tifa isn't clingy/pessimistic/weak and isn't in love with Cloud's Zack persona, and backing it up with teh creaTORR quotes.

Go figure. Ha ha HA!

what the hell.. man this forum sounds scary....why are they like that? are they that threatened by differing opinions....I mean FACTS :-\

so you like/ship CloudxAerith? .. :)

Tir McDohl

rune bearer
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

I like Cloud with both Aerith and Tifa. But I know that Cloud never had the relationship, the level of closeness, with Aerith that he did(does)with Tifa.

But yep, I enjoy the C/A. I can get into any(heterosexual)pairing if I like both characters. I'm not picky.

And yeah, that forum is scary; it's filled with self-indulgent sycophants!

Goodbye Charlie

Rising Chest-Bank Protestor
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

[quote author=Naoto Shirogane link=topic=53.msg14649#msg14649 date=1233816040]
But yep, I enjoy the C/A. I can get into any(heterosexual)pairing if I like both characters. I'm not picky.

I envy you. I can't get into pairings - it's very hard to draw me emotionally in and given 90% of Hollywood demands that requirement in their films, it makes my investment often rather difficult.

As far as pairings have to go in a drama, I actually prefer it as Advent Children. You know they are involved, you know they are in a relationship but it's not thrown at you. Hollywood is just too damn in-you-face-relationships-are-the-be-all-and-end-all. Which isn't surprising if you take shippings of any kind as a demographic assessment.

I mean, I know people - I know they are in a relationship. I know they have sex and share sweet moments. Don't need to see it - just as they don't need to see mine. I'm not a prude either. I have no issues with sex whatsoever. I just don't like romance and sexuality taking preference over narrative or dramatic sensibilities in my stories. I just don't think there is much of interest you can do with romance - and Hollywood has done it all... so yah, I envy people who can get into any form of pairing in a story. I'm bored of it!


Higher Further Faster
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

[quote author=Isabella link=topic=53.msg14620#msg14620 date=1233803952]
One of our clerith lurkers can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think they don't like Zack because they believe he was a womanizer who played around on Aerith and didn't appreciate her enough. Though I'm willing to bet the real reason is the same reason they don't like Tifa -- because he gets in the way.

I can't really hold it against them for not being up on the latest "research." Outside of us obsessive types, how many people are current with all their Ultimania info? :duhard: Though Balthea is right, the ones who participate in debates have had stuff pointed out to them.

What bothers me more is the way they repeatedly ignore context. The "Aerith's consciousness lives in Cloud" becomes a unique, intimate connection between the two where she's hanging drapes inside his heart and peeking out of his eyeballs, when we know the context implies a more general "dead live on in the living."

Or, in Maiden, Aerith saying she loves Cloud more than her first love, when we learn later she realizes she never knew Cloud. They just ignore the rest of that and cherrypick the line or two that allows them to maintain their beliefs. Context is everything, peeps!

I'm quoting this so that it sticks around longer. :monster:

Why do none of these CA peeps come in here and argue the point with us?

I mean, we can't exactly take the fight to them because we'd more than likely get b7 if we went to their forum. amirite? :P


That One Person
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

[quote author=Isabella link=topic=53.msg14620#msg14620 date=1233803952]What bothers me more is the way they repeatedly ignore context. The "Aerith's consciousness lives in Cloud" becomes a unique, intimate connection between the two where she's hanging drapes inside his heart and peeking out of his eyeballs, when we know the context implies a more general "dead live on in the living."

It annoys me when they argue this. Aerith lives on in the entire party, as well as Tseng, Marlene, Elmyra, etc. It's not romantic--she just made an impact on their life and is still with them in spirit. Zack also lives on Cloud, Tseng, Genesis, Cissnei, Kunsel, and Luxiere (wherever the last three may be). But no one is arguing (seriously) that Clack is an official pairing.


Aerina, Elle
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

[quote author=looneymoon link=topic=53.msg14328#msg14328 date=1233734265]
Cloud. Must. Die fanclub makes me want to die. I thought it was an Anti-Cloud club but no, just people who want Cloud to literally die.

Ugh that club is horrible. They say they're Cloud fans yet in that club they have serious discussions of how they want Cloud to die, where to bury him and what to put on his gravestone.

I want him to die due to severe injury from his final confrontation with the antagonist AND also due to Geostigma... like his body cannot take those severe injuries and the pain brought about by Geostigma anymore... and then he'll die in pain and agony... Mwahahaha!
I want him to die of Geostigma rather than in battle. A good, bloody morbid death. Yep.

Die Cloud Die! Tee-hee!

*Is slightly disturbed*

[quote author=Tennyo link=topic=53.msg14664#msg14664 date=1233827026]Why do none of these CA peeps come in here and argue the point with us?

I mean, we can't exactly take the fight to them because we'd more than likely get b7 if we went to their forum. amirite?[/QUOTE]

Because we're just nasty rabid Cloti's who are obsessed with teh sex and have no lives, so they have no time in their busy lives to bother with us. Although they'll quite happily debate with you at their own Northern Crater because it's run by them you see, and they can dish out warnings and bans if they feel threatened :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

"Two years after returning to the planet, Aerith still lives on in the hearts of her friends who saved the planet." -- Ultimania

C/A fans simply pretend the above line doesn't exist. Aerith lives on in everyone, Cloud isn't special. That's all there is to their favorite quote, black on white.


Higher Further Faster
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

[quote author=Restless link=topic=53.msg14688#msg14688 date=1233831524]It annoys me when they argue this. Aerith lives on in the entire party, as well as Tseng, Marlene, Elmyra, etc. It's not romantic--she just made an impact on their life and is still with them in spirit. Zack also lives on Cloud, Tseng, Genesis, Cissnei, Kunsel, and Luxiere (wherever the last three may be). But no one is arguing (seriously) that Clack is an official pairing.

Yes it is, dammit! Cloud must die so that he and Zack may be intertwined in an endless glomp in the Lifestream for all eternity!

Just see my sig. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

*reading Zack's bashing thread* I always thought that the pinkers were amusing, but now I think they`re positively insane, end of story.

Cloud x Aerith->Venting->Character Bashing
Zack, Omg ewwwww

First post by AerithGainsborough:
I just hate him to death!
the way he acts reminds me of Goku!
He always uses the women he dates!
He's only HOT in Advent Children.(he looks really WEIRD in CC)
And I think he might really be in love with Angeal.....*shiver*
he's annoying,takes steroids or it looks like that at least <_<
He's kinda mean......NO actually he is REALLY MEAN.

And Grrrrrr it makes ME even more MAD when People say He's "Cooler" then Cloud!
Cloud Was Way Cooler then Zack before Stupid Zack even said one Line!!!!!!!!!!
He's NOT a "god" among men.
infact he would be a slave to the "GODs" among men ,AKA Cloud!!!
And he is just so Girly.
If Zack was real I would probably beat him.........I hate guys with LONG hair.
peaches and Cream, why can't he be a man and get a real male haircut like Clouds.
I mean Look at Clouds HAIR ,and his arms and his......EYES.......*drool*
please tell me I AM NOT the only one that thinks this way!!

My Rant Is officially Over........Atleast till someone agrees with me....



Higher Further Faster
Re: Love Triangle Discussion


that is all... :/
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

That is in the private forums right? Do they do this everyday?

Well, I'll make a few comments: These girls come off as the jealous and possessive types.

And Grrrrrr it makes ME even more MAD when People say He's "Cooler" then Cloud!

-HAHA-Zack IS 'cooler' than Cloud. I think I could just go 'mad'ddd.

My Rant Is officially Over........Atleast till someone agrees with me....
Until someone agrees with her. I disagree. Rant ON.

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