The General Turks Worship Thread


Great Old One
Ok so I was rewatching parts of ACC (research :desu:) and I notice Vincent says to Cloud

Tseng and Elena. They were brought here half dead.

That means Kadaj & gang brought them to The Forgotten City, no? Because I've read fics where Vincent goes after them in the Northern Crater... or maybe I've just had a major brain fart all along and read stuff into those fics? :lol:


I always thought he found them in The Forgotten City. Vincent says also says "I come here often" so it makes sense that's where he would of found Elena & Tseng.

And "They were brought here half dead." "Here" meaning where they are which was The Forgotten City


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Yeah by the sounds of things it was Kadaj and co who brought them there. Kinda weird that Vincent hangs out in the Forgotten City, I wouldn't think he had any reason too. Still its a step up from being in a coffin :monster:


Great Old One
Thanks guys.

"I come here all the time" might be some strange translation. I'll see what the Jap sub says. Could be he's actually saying something like "this place has been calling me several times" or something. You never know with translations.

Also, Morello, I saw a photo in your gallery that had me all HNNG... were you going to post more pics from the gallery later on or can I paste it here? ;)


Pro Adventurer
I've always liked the idea of Vincent going to the Forgotten City "often" for a general mope. Seems a good place for it. I used to write the torture of Tseng and Elena as taking place in the Northern Cave (not that I write it a lot - that sounds weird!). Now I think the remnants started off there, maybe just to see if they could find out where Mother was being taken immediately, and then moved to the Forgotten City because otherwise Reno and Rude would have come back looking (with weapons) wouldn't they? Or would Rufus decide it was too risky? I wonder how Rufus felt, having to make that call? I wonder what the journey from the cave to the Forgotten City was like for poor Tseng and Elena? Perhaps that's when they became "half dead". I feel a plot coming on...

And then I assume Vincent rescued them pretty much as soon as they arrived in the Forgotten City.

Fangu - please go ahead and paste it. I'm slowly getting around to tagging the pictures so people can find them. I do have a lot more, but some of them are a bit fuzzy. If there's anything people want me to photo and upload, let me know and I'll do my best. I'm sure someone somewhere knows how to get proper screenshots from Blueray, but I don't!

Licorice - oh God I love your new chapters! I will review as soon as I can.


Great Old One
Okay cool, I will paste :)

I just saw this and went all SQUEEE IT IS CANON IT IS CANON X) Though rewatching the scene I know she touches his shoulder because she's checking on his wound (or at least it looks like that's why she does it).

But aaaaanyway.


Pink nail polish <3

Also, re: your title for the pic - Tseng's eyelashes, purdy :3
One of the things I love about ACC is that they took so much care with details that came and went in a split-second. They didn't have to give Elena pink nail varnish; nobody (except obsessives like us) would have noticed. But they did, because it was right for her.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Okay cool, I will paste :)

I just saw this and went all SQUEEE IT IS CANON IT IS CANON X) Though rewatching the scene I know she touches his shoulder because she's checking on his wound (or at least it looks like that's why she does it).
God this is so wrong of me but when I read that I immediately thought 'I hope she licks the blood off her fingers afterwards' :lol:

Also, re: your title for the pic - Tseng's eyelashes, purdy :3
Don't you just hate it when men have these effortlessly nice eyelashes and we spend so much time and money trying to make ours look like something other than bits of dead spiders....or maybe thats just me.

One of the things I love about ACC is that they took so much care with details that came and went in a split-second. They didn't have to give Elena pink nail varnish; nobody (except obsessives like us) would have noticed. But they did, because it was right for her.

Yes. I have this idea of Elena where she is ultra-violent and brutal in her work, but onces she's off the clock shes listening to Duran Duran and painting her nails and drawing little hearts in the margins of all her reports 'E + T 4EVA" :lol:


Great Old One
God this is so wrong of me but when I read that I immediately thought 'I hope she licks the blood off her fingers afterwards' :lol:
Hahaaa :lol:
Say, how's the hormones doing? :desu:

Don't you just hate it when men have these effortlessly nice eyelashes and we spend so much time and money trying to make ours look like something other than bits of dead spiders....or maybe thats just me.
No that's definitely not just you :P

Yes. I have this idea of Elena where she is ultra-violent and brutal in her work, but onces she's off the clock shes listening to Duran Duran and painting her nails and drawing little hearts in the margins of all her reports 'E + T 4EVA" :lol:
OMFG Duran Duran!! Of course :lol:
I loved this paragraph so much I read it like five times :lol:

@ Lic - it makes me want to watch the entire movie of ACC in slow motion. Well not all of it, but the important parts. You know which ones they are. :P
So I was watching ACC last night doing the ironing, and my son suddenly appeared at the bottom of the stairs and announced that he wanted to watch it too (having always sniffed at it before, since it wasn't Pokemon/WoW/Call of Duty/FIFA/whatever he and his friends are into at the moment). I said, "Well, okay, but I'm not watching the whole thing, just the important bits." So fast forward to the scene at the monument, when we cut from Loz and Yazoo to see Rude and Reno strolling forward, and I tell him, "Now, here come the real heroes."

Question: every time I was Ac, I notice that when Cloud comes to Healen and confronts Rude (after Reno's been thrown out the door) Rude produced a weapon in his right hand that looks a lot like an EMR - but we only see it for a split second. What can it be?


Question: every time I was Ac, I notice that when Cloud comes to Healen and confronts Rude (after Reno's been thrown out the door) Rude produced a weapon in his right hand that looks a lot like an EMR - but we only see it for a split second. What can it be?

It always thought it was an EMR.




Great Old One
Ref the piercing talk <-- click

I think I've read this one ages ago but I didn't appreciate it then as I do now *hums*

Edit: I've read a couple of fics today, and then I skimmed mine, and now I feel so terrible :( It looks like the writing of a 12 year old. I was going to start on a new 1500 word one but I don't think I want to anymore :(
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Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
:lol: Yeah when I first read that one I was all 'Elena how could you? I thought you loved Tseng?......reads on.....ooh.. okay then' :awesome:

Just goes to show what a great writer Sister Coyote is :monster:
Ref the piercing talk <-- click

Edit: I've read a couple of fics today, and then I skimmed mine, and now I feel so terrible :( It looks like the writing of a 12 year old. I was going to start on a new 1500 word one but I don't think I want to anymore :(

Will you just stop it, you. I love your writing. Please don't deprive us of more Fangu fics. Your descriptions are amazing and everything is so sensual and physical and lovely. Please stop judging yourself so harshly. First off, every writer who is any good wavers between being really happy with what they wrote one minute, and then thinking it is absolute crap the next. It is the writer's equivalent of stage fright (or something). Secondly, every writer has room for improvement, even Shakespeare, so you just have to keep trying and trying. Thirdly, don't compare. You don't want to write like those other writers write; they already have that covered. You want to write like you write. Find your own voice. I'm not even going to touch the second language thing, because nobody would guess from reading your fic that English isn't your first language.

Finally, I teach 12 years old how to write for a living. You don't write like a 12 year old. Honestly.

I am longing to see your fics. Don't let me down here dude.


Fangu, STFU! You know I love your writing! Its amazing. Also, I am still waiting for the Rude fic where you incorporate his prince Albert. So you can't stop. :P

That will be a sad day in ff7 fic history if you ever stop writing.


Great Old One
You guys. *sniff* Now I feel embarrassed I even whined.

Here, pick one. No have all three

You guys can have my apartment, my dog, my car, my TV, my laptop, even my boyfriend.

If there was a materia called "Cheer Up" yours would be MASTER.

I am not worthy.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Seriously Fangu, I have tried writing fics in the past and it is hard. You have a natural talent for it, and you've only started writing relatively recently. A little self criticism is only natural but please don't critique yourself out of writing :sadpanda:


Great Old One

Okay okay will force myself to write something now. I have lots of room for improving, most of being grammatically IMO - and I was looking at some of my stuff and thinking 'this is really piss poor writing' and 'there really is no point in this' :lol:


You know that saying "You are your biggest critic." Well ya Fangu you are. And it's good to critique your work. But take it from people who read your writing when we say, you are AWESOME!

If I wrote a fic it would be crappy. I tried. I get my Turk fix from you and Lic mostly. So don't you dare...


Pro Adventurer
Writing is hard! A lot of the bits I wrote last year embarrass me now. Fangu - I can't wait for that Rude fic either!

Post warning - if you hate mpreg (like I normally do!) or sprogs in general you might want to ignore this post...

I'm stuck with writing at the moment, so I started doing something random to get me back into it. I thought "What would I never normally write in a million years?" And the answer was mpreg! So I've started a Reno/Rude mpreg in which Rude gets pregnant... I doubt it will ever be finished, but while I was doing it I found a site where you can morph photos to show what the sprogs of two people might look like. So - male Turk babies! Can you guess who the happy fathers are?


Hojo would be proud of me!
I didn't specify the gender of the baby, although you can. I think the middle one is definitely a boy and the right hand one is a girl. The first one could be either. I kind of want to start picking names now!

1. Reno and Rude 2. Rufus and Tseng (he's inherited Rufus' confidence hasn't he?) 3. Reno and Tseng!

This site is addictive. It only takes a few minutes to upload and prep the photos and then you can morph away! (Address is on the photos). I wonder what my child with Reno would look like? I spend way too long wondering about this sort of thing.

Edit: This is all rather unfairly yaoi - so here are the daughter and son of Tseng and Aerith to make up for it. How cute are these two?

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Omg that's fucking amazing! Rufus and Tseng has the ugliest baby of them all. The cutest is defiantly Reno and Rude's baby. Reno andTsengs baby looks like pigeon to me. Now Aerith and Tseng would have good looking children.

But where's Tseng and Elena's baby? That I wanna see!
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