The General Turks Worship Thread


Pro Adventurer
Rude deserves more love. And don't be sorry - it was a good dream! I'm sure Reno wouldn't mind - I fear he isn't faithful to me.

Cloud? Cloud's a boy - the Turks are men!

(and women).
Enough expository banter. Now we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men.

Tseng's ears are my great consolation when things go wrong in life. I think it was actually his ears that got me interested in him as a character, because there he is, all mean and badass and slapping Aerith in the helicopter, and yet he's got these rather adorable jug-ears. They are the kind of feature which I guess could be called a flaw unless they're on a face you love, and then you love the big ears on that person and wouldn't change them for the finest, neatest ears in the world. I can imagine a scenario in which he got bullied about his ears at school (once, because it's impossible to go on bullying when all your teeth have been knocked down your throat) but grew up feeling quite self-conscious about them and was then pleasantly surprised to find that girls liked them like hnnngh can I bite them please....


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Enough expository banter. Now we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men.

Tseng's ears are my great consolation when things go wrong in life. I think it was actually his ears that got me interested in him as a character, because there he is, all mean and badass and slapping Aerith in the helicopter, and yet he's got these rather adorable jug-ears. They are the kind of feature which I guess could be called a flaw unless they're on a face you love, and then you love the big ears on that person and wouldn't change them for the finest, neatest ears in the world. I can imagine a scenario in which he got bullied about his ears at school (once, because it's impossible to go on bullying when all your teeth have been knocked down your throat) but grew up feeling quite self-conscious about them and was then pleasantly surprised to find that girls liked them like hnnngh can I bite them please....

That there ladies and gentlemen is Lic's normally eloquent mind turning to mush in an instant :lol:

I love this club!


I can imagine a scenario in which he got bullied about his ears at school .

I got bullied at school when I was a kid about my ears. People used to call me dumbo :'(:sadpanda:Thankfully I grew into them but is still self conscious about them.

I don't normally like Tseng, But I do admit his ears are lovely. Big Ears Unite!


Pro Adventurer
Pierced or unpierced, big or small, their ears are lovely. All this ear talk has inspired me to write a romantic ballad about Rude's piercings:

The (Short) Ballad of Reno and Rude

Rude had two piercings in one ear,
And he had six in the other.
He stood on the road with a bomb in his hand
By the partner he loved like a brother.

"I've always wondered," Reno said,
As the time ticked down on the clock -
"I know you have plenty of rings in your ears
But have you got one in your belly button?"

Wash your minds out with soap!


Wash your minds out with soap!

That was a clever but dirty trick!

The (Short) Ballad of Reno and Rude

Rude had two piercings in one ear,
And he had six in the other.
He stood on the road with a bomb in his hand
By the partner he loved like a brother.

"I've always wondered," Reno said,
As the time ticked down on the clock -
"I know you have plenty of rings in your ears
But have you got one in your belly button? cock"




Pro Adventurer
Thank you!

While taking all these ACC photos I was reminded of the little argument that Reno and Rude have in the Seventh Heaven while Tifa's giving her speech to Cloud. I couldn't even see it properly in Advent Children because it was so dark, but it's clearer in ACC. The more I see this film, the more I love it. Reno's all "I've had enough of this crap, let's go," and Rude grabs him and turns him around until Tifa's finished talking. Is that because Rude likes Tifa, or because he thinks Reno needs to make a decision? I just love that tiny scene, and the relationship between the pair of them. Reno seems to be in charge - he tells Cloud to go to the Forgotten City himself, and leaves first, but it's as though he needs Rude to keep his temper under control. I love all the little looks between them - so much detail about their relationship, working or otherwise! I don't really ship Reno/Rude normally, but you can see where the pairing comes from. It would also be possible to see Reno's impatience with Cloud as proof of Reno's interest in Tifa, if that was your OTP!

So many possibilities...


Ideas for captions?


Great Old One
Reno: "Well... maybe Alfredo's..."
Rude: "You want Italian for lunch AGAIN?"

Also, I knew about that little quarrel they have, but I never paid much attention to it. Thanks for pointing out those details!


Pro Adventurer
That made me laugh. Cloud and Tifa having this major relationship-changing conversation, and Reno thinking about... lunch!


Great Old One
Damn I checked my email (the one updates are sent to) about half an hour ago and there was nothing new and exciting there, then I come here and HNNG!

I already have lemon and ginger flavored chocolate (unfortunately I have too much of it) to keep me company tonight, now I have TWO new chapters of your fic to read as well <3


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I just woke up from a nap and checked :joy: I didn't even get out of bed to read them and now.....I'm going to read them again!

And Lic, thank you so much for the dedication. It really brightened up my shitty week :glomp:


Great Old One
I just finished. And wrote buttloads of rant in the review section. And I see now I've left out letters and words everywhere. I hope it makes sense Lic, if not I'll be happy to explain (that is if you bother to read all of the gibberish :lol: Edit: Okay it really wasn't that long I see now. It felt really long.)

Lic, you're... how do you do it. I mean even if you never indented half of the things that got my brain spinning from chp 60, just making my imagination fly like that nevertheless - it's so cleverly done.

Also I forgot to say that I simply holyfuckinglove your version of Aerith. She's a true heroine in the making. Now I want you to write her entire journey :lol:


Great Old One
There is a song by a Norwegian artist playing on the radio nowadays. The lyrics are a bit 'far out', but her voice is beautifully edgy and strong and she has really good melodies. There is once sentence in there that I absolutely love and that I want to integrate into a fic, preferably VII in Shinra/Turk style. I just haven't figured out by who yet. Waiting for lightning to strike. :P

You gave me my very first gun

I don't know about you guys, but that sentence just struck me. I guess you'd have to hear her say it, because it's the way she sings it too. But I mean, guns... aren't just guns. They're metaphors, and at one point, you will get your first gun, and it will be by someone. And it's not just your first, it's your very first. Because there will be others. Lots of others.

I don't know why I'm ranting about this in here, I just felt like it :P I guess I should say something "Turky" too... yes, I did the very brief outline for my Elena/Cid story. I'm just not sure I have the stomach to write it yet because I want it to be ugly. Ugly takes energy.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
You gave me my very first gun

I don't know about you guys, but that sentence just struck me. I guess you'd have to hear her say it, because it's the way she sings it too. But I mean, guns... aren't just guns. They're metaphors, and at one point, you will get your first gun, and it will be by someone. And it's not just your first, it's your very first. Because there will be others. Lots of others.

We're talking about cocks again right? :awesome: I have to ask because sometimes I get bogged down in the sex stuff and I can't ever be sure :lol:


Great Old One
We're talking about cocks again right? :awesome: I have to ask because sometimes I get bogged down in the sex stuff and I can't ever be sure :lol:
OMGLOL :lol:

Ok so this comment then:
They're metaphors, and at one point, you will get your first gun, and it will be by someone. And it's not just your first, it's your very first. Because there will be others. Lots of others.
LOTS AND LOTS!!!! :lol:

*wipes tears*


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
:sadpanda: I'm still not entirely sure /sex on the brain :lol:


Great Old One
To be totally serious, it wasn't about cocks :P But more about getting hurt/ burned. It's like you gain a defense mechanism ("a gun") for each burn. That was my initial thought anyway ;)


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
:lol: Yeah, thats a bit more poetic isnt it? I really have to stop seeing cocks everywhere /hormones
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