The General Turks Worship Thread


Fangu that pic is awesome. I love her nails, it looks like she might of gotten a manicure after she was saved! lol.

Okay I know he's not a Turk but this pic of rufus is awesome.


I would really want a pic of Rude without his shades on..The little glimpse we get of that in the film.. I like what I see. :P
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Pro Adventurer
Why do I love these characters so much, when they don't even exist anywhere outside of Pixel-land?

What are you saying? You mean they're not real? :'(

@Soak - here's Rude just after Reno hit him in the face with his EMR! You can see his eyes, but the quality of this photo isn't good, sorry:


@Octo - I love the idea of Elena rebelling by painting her nails! I hadn't even noticed that in the picture.

Thanks everyone for the kind comments about the pics. That Rufus one was hard to get - there's only one frame in the film where he's in focus as he falls!

I've uploaded more of these pics to Photobucket now - mainly Turks again. I'll get around to tagging them properly soon.


Great Old One
Rude's eyes are green?! :O

No... that's just the colors in that particular frame, right? (Besides the screen on my laptop is a joke)

If not I have some rewriting to do, lol


Fangu, I always saw Rude's eyes as a dark green. Every time I watch ACC they are green. That's why i get peev'd when fanfic says they are brown!

I keep wanting to tell ppl I know who make that mistake but it's like... sometimes ppl just don't listen, and they argue with me... so I'm like.. fuck you then bye! lol


Pro Adventurer
Rude's eyes are green?! :O

No... that's just the colors in that particular frame, right? (Besides the screen on my laptop is a joke)

If not I have some rewriting to do, lol

I think it's just that frame. It's hard to tell. They look dark elsewhere, but the colours of the whole film are quite muted (apart from Reno's hair). Here's another one where they definitely look darker. They could be brown or dark green. Or hedge bets and go with hazel?



I guess it's a toss up! That picture they look brown yes, but even when you get a close up of his face in healin when he talks to Reno you can see through the shades and I see green. Maybe my eyes are just fucked.


Aww yay! I have hazel eyes to! I feel so special. Rude and I now share something in common. Well besides wearing shades all the time to :P but only in the summer.
I vote for hazel, because it's such a lovely word and a lovely colour.

That picture of Rude inside Healen when he's talking to Reno and he grins slightly (I think it's just before he says, "yeah, they're like cats...") - I could look at that smile for a long time and not get bored. It's the face of a man who's with somebody he really trusts; he can let his defenses down.

I guess it's too late for me to say anything about the nail varnish - but oh, I love the thought that getting a manicure was a priority for her after returning from being tortured by the remnants. Because if you look good, you feel good, and for a Turk looking good is an essential part of being professional. (I think Tseng put that in the manual. It wasn't there in Veld's time.)


I vote for hazel, because it's such a lovely word and a lovely colour.

That picture of Rude inside Healen when he's talking to Reno and he grins slightly (I think it's just before he says, "yeah, they're like cats...") - I could look at that smile for a long time and not get bored. It's the face of a man who's with somebody he really trusts; he can let his defenses down.

He actually smiles after he says the cats comment and right after Reno says "Yeah you got that right". Like he's happy he got validation from his best friend. :). Aw.. Gosh i love him. <3.

And Lic I am looking forward to more of your stories you fabulous writer you!
I am here to tell you about a wonderful fic writer I have belatedly found - belatedly in the sense that she's been around for ages but I've never read her stuff before. I've just been blown away by it. Her name is scribbler, and she mostly writes Zack and Aerith, but she's got several collections of one shots called A Triangle of Many Sides 1 and 2, which often feature the Turks (especially BC Turks, which is always a thrill for me!). Here the link to one about Cissnei.


Great Old One
"Also, this fic is extra special to me because it is my 400th here on FFN." Well the girl has written a few words, that's for sure :lol:

Thanks Lic, I'll bookmark it.

Also, why must I hate the interface of so much... it's like every time I go there, I want to throw up, lawl. I mean they do a decent job considering they've been around for ages and their databases must be like ridiculously huge (even if it stores mostly just text), but it's something about the limitations to it that has me all... bleh. I think I'll just keep using AO3 :shifty:

(Actually, when I think about it, I think I don't like it because it reminds me of the Internet 10 (no make that 15) years ago, and that makes me feel old. :P Edit: Nope, that's not just it. I'm trying to update my profile. THAT SITE IS A FUCKING JOKE. Okay sorry for shouting but that felt good and it's well deserved.)
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Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
On studying Morellos pics it strikes me that Tseng and Rude (and probably Reno too, its kind of hard to see though) have extremely nibbleable ears. Discuss.


Hahah octo, You know i would suck this shit of out Rude's ears if I could. Lick around the piercings and all that good stuff...mmm


Great Old One
You're so... Rude? ;)

Wait did I just say 'Gods'
Been writing too much fic :3
Also why am I using kitteh smileys all the time



Okay those kitty smileys to me looks like 2 nipples and then balls underneath. Someone used to use them on msn and they had to tell me they were kitty smileys lol.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Soak, you're lucky I didn't have a beverage here or I'd be sending you a bill for a broken laptop :lol:

I'm glad we've established that Rude has a cock piercing now, this is my headcanon (if you'll excuse the pun)


Okay Fangu or Lic one of you have to write a fic about Rude's cock piercing!. Come on, you know you wanna do it!


Pro Adventurer
On studying Morellos pics it strikes me that Tseng and Rude (and probably Reno too, its kind of hard to see though) have extremely nibbleable ears. Discuss.

Oh yes! They have adorably slightly-too-big for their heads ears, just like they sometimes seem to have tiny hands! Reno's collarbone is rather nibbleable as well.

And I'm blaming you lot for the erotic dream I had about Rude last night!! I'm normally a Reno girl...

Have to agree about Rude's other piercing (s) too!;)


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Yeah, for some reason Tsengs ears are kind of monkeyish but I still love them :lol:

And I'm blaming you lot for the erotic dream I had about Rude last night!! I'm normally a Reno girl...

The hormones are contagious! :wacky:


Great Old One
And I'm blaming you lot for the erotic dream I had about Rude last night!! I'm normally a Reno girl...
It's all Soak's doing :lol:

Oh and I will find a way to integrate piercings in my next Rude one. Because now I just HAVE to write another one. Hnng.
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