Tseng would have become a teacher. I don't just say this because I am one, but because it would suit his nature. He likes the combination of nurturing and authority, planning everybody's work out for them and then evaluating their performance. He also likes to spend his time with people much younger than he is. He'd be one of those teachers who can squash you with a look and who you work your butt off for in hopes of earning a word of praise; he'd always look a bit too sharply dressed to be "just a teacher" and would drive an expensive car that stuck out in the staff car park, and the girls would all have crushes on him and always come to extra help when he was taking it. I think he'd be a social studies teacher, or else mathematics. He'd give the impression that he led a very exciting life outside of school, and during holiday times he'd disappear off somewhere mysterious.
The impression I get from BC is that Elena was pretty directionless but driven by a lot of rage against the world and a big inferiority complex when it came to her sister, plus she's searching for a substitute father figure. I think she'd have bounced from job to job, either getting fired when she told a few home truths too many, or quitting in a fury because her hard work wasn't getting her the respect she craved. Of all of them, she's the one I can least imagine any other kind of "career" for. I could see her possibily becoming a PA through her physical attractiveness and catching the interest of a mentor /lover/substitute father, who would help her move up the company. Maybe in banking or corporate law? Something cut-throat. Tseng's the only one who can keep her in line.
I had the same thought about the latex glove. Rude as a gynecologist! I don't know about you, but I always chatter away nervously to my gyne's to cover my embarassment; can you imagine doing that with Rude and meeting the stone wall of silence?