The General Turks Worship Thread


Lic, you are soo amazing! And yes, the Bulk Barn! I love it there. I always get chocolate covered almonds. mmmmm, but Rudolphus does sound much more delicious. Thank you so much! I am loving it! :D Chapter 3, yes?
Lic, you are soo amazing! And yes, the Bulk Barn! I love it there. I always get chocolate covered almonds. mmmmm, but Rudolphus does sound much more delicious. Thank you so much! I am loving it! :D Chapter 3, yes?

I'm so glad you're enjoying it. I was a little worried you might not like Soaketta - but you know she is in no way intended to be an accurate portrayal of you, don't you? I didn't try to make her like you, but like Ana (from FFSG).

We buy sour jelly beans from the Bulk Barn. They turn our teeth blue and are the most delicious things I've ever eaten, better than Skittles.


Great Old One
OH LIC OH GOD that is so brilliant, I finally found Wifi at a Starbucks in Berlin (coffee break before the next museum) and when I saw this I knew it was a priority - I was laughing out loud while having my Grande Filterkaffe :lol:

Oh yes please do write more!!

Also, your new Tseng sig pic is sooo win :joy:


I'm so glad you're enjoying it. I was a little worried you might not like Soaketta - but you know she is in no way intended to be an accurate portrayal of you, don't you? I didn't try to make her like you, but like Ana (from FFSG).

Yes! I know! And I love it because I read the book so It makes me excited just from having my name there. That chapter reminded me so well when Mr.Grey came into ana's store and bought the ropes, and all that and its just amazing reading it with Rude and Soaketta, because the whole time I was reading that book I was thinking of Ana being me and Mr.Grey being Rude. So it's just amazing and exciting to see someone write it. :D


Hey guys! I'm sure someone will have posted these at some point, but in line with me writing the Before Crisis page I followed the advice of a few people (you know who you are) and started watching the HCloudXIII video playlist on YT. OK, thought I... the spelling and grammar is piss poor and the text disappears after about 2 seconds.

Also BC is incredibly boring >____>. So I fell asleep halfway through episode 2 (would it have KILLED THEM to come up with MORE THAN ONE SONG!?)

Anyway, Shademp came across this YouTube channel (FFVII Excavation) that has some excellent videos from things the west didn't get. The entirety of BC is on there, and it's so well done it almost looks like an English version of the game. If anyone's interested, here's an example.

As you can see, the text really looks like it's part of the game, instead of the awful overlay in HCloudXIII's videos. No offence to the guy, I realise his method was to nab a translation and whack it on top of some already uploaded Youtube vids using Windows Movie Maker which is all very limiting in terms of what you can do, but I think it's pretty clear that these videos are much better.

Anyway, since this is the Turks thread, thought I'd share ^_^
That's great, Lex. I agree, much better quality. It's nice to see some interest in this game, although it's true that watching the game play can get boring with all the repetitive battles and music (which isn't even very good IMHO). Unfortunately, they're still missing the Post-Epilogue epilogue, and the two episodes I;ve never seen - Special Episode of Legend and Special Episode of Reno. I'd also love to see some 'dungeon' footage, but have never found any.


Pro Adventurer
Licorice, chapter two is hilarious! I love Rudolphus' (not so) secret fetish - I'd be much more inclined to fall for that than anything Mr. Grey has to offer I must admit.

Prince Lex - thank you - those BC videos are so much clearer.

I'd really like to see special episode of Reno, too, but I guess the script will have to do!

Edit: Just came across this while looking for more people who look like Reno. It seems Reno already has his own published romance novel!

I don't think I could bear to read a story in which Reno hooks up with "a 20-year-old California virgin genius", but it's interesting that it exists! 50 Shades of Red anyone?

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Edit: Just came across this while looking for more people who look like Reno. It seems Reno already has his own published romance novel!

I don't think I could bear to read a story in which Reno hooks up with "a 20-year-old California virgin genius", but it's interesting that it exists! 50 Shades of Red anyone?

I'm confused. Why does the summary mention things like Japan and yakuza.. don't these belong to the wrong universe if it's an FFVII novel? :huh:

..I'll be in my bunk. :desu:
BTW I just noticed that Rufus's jacket is an extremely elegant white on white pinstripe.

As for "Fire and Ice", it's not my kind of book, but I think what would bug me about it is the way Reno has been yanked out of his own world, apparently unchanged in any way, and put into ours. I wonder if the other Turks are in that book? I wonder if her editors know about FFVII? She's skating on very dangerous ice there, although I'm unsure what the legalities of copyright are concerning a single character and his physical appearance.

I'm totally on board with the 20-something not-virgin blond genius from Midgar. But maybe Reno's story should be called "One Shade of Red Is All You Need"...?
Sorry for double post, but here is:

Soaketta finished her shift at the Bulk Barn and went home, her head in a whirl as she thought about her forthcoming weekend date with the dashingly handsome billionaire Rude Attaturk. She had never felt so much desire for any man as she felt for him. She had never felt any desire for any man at all! She had always believed that all men only wanted one thing (except for her gay best friend Dave, of course) – but now she, Soaketta, could think of nothing but that one thing: the honeyed touch of his lips on hers, the silky sweetness of his milk chocolate skin, his lustrous caramel eyes devouring her unwrapped nakedness before spraying Coolwhip all over her feverish flesh…

In a haze of lust she walked through the door of her apartment to find her best gay male friend Dave and her best friend for life and roommate Daphne sitting together at the kitchen table drinking coffee and talking about her. She could tell they were talking about her because they shut up as soon as she walked in and wouldn’t look at each other or at her. Probably they’d been gossiping about whether she was ever going to lose her virginity! God, why were her friends such bitches? Daphne could be the kindest person on earth when she wasn’t being a complete slut; she was paying her way through college as a leg model for a hosiery company, and all the men were crazy about her long blond hair and her Barbie doll proportions. God, why were men so shallow?

Rude wasn’t shallow, though. A woman could drown in the profound depths of soul to be glimpsed in the shadowy pupils of his eyes, black and bitter-sweet like melted licorice…

“You haven’t been listening to a word I said,” Daphne complained shrilly. She slammed her coffee cup on the table, got up and left the room.

“God, she can be such a bitch sometimes,” sighed the long-suffering Soaketta. “If she wasn’t so loving and kind I’d totes dump her as a friend. I really don't need all these blondes in my life.”

Soaketta’s trusted gay male friend Dave stood up. “I needed to talk to someone and Daphne was the only one willing to listen,” he said.

“Have you finally worked up the courage to come out to your parents? I’m so happy for you; that’s really brave, Dave.”

“No, Soaks,” he replied firmly. “I’ve decided to come out to you.”

“But I already know you’re gay, Dave. You know I think that’s awesome.”

“No,” he replied firmly, “You just assumed I was gay, because I didn’t try to come on to you. I let you go on believing it because we all know how uptight you are around guys and I didn’t want to scare you away. But in fact, Soaks,” he said, thrusting his way between the kitchen chairs to grab Soaketta by both her slim trembling shoulders, “I love you, and Daphne and I have decided it’s time I did something about it.”

Dave leaned forward and covered her mouth with his. Panicking, Soaketta flailed her arms helplessly. This wasn’t the sweet ecstasy she had dreamed of! His lips tasted like – skin, and – salt – and his kiss tasted like – saliva… and his breath was hot and moist and smelt faintly of bitter coffee.. and she couldn’t breathe, but not in a good way like she was holding her breath with awe because the experience was so earth-shattering, but more like somebody was pressing a damp feather pillow, or maybe a freshly dead fish, into her face. Also, Dave was not gay?! Oh, my! This was a real shocker. Mustering all her strength, she pushed him away.

“No!” she cried. “Stop!” But at the same time she wondering guiltily if she had somehow led him on. If only she had known he wasn’t gay, she would have tried to act a bit less friendly around him. God, was it all her fault?

“You’ve got to let those walls come down sometime, Soaks,” he firmly replied, leaning in for another wet-fish-smothering session.

The next thing Soaketta knew, she was inhaling gasps of clean fresh air and Dave was dangling off the ground three feet away from her, suspended in Rude Attaturk’s mighty fist. “I think the lady said No,” Rude rumbled.

Dave couldn’t speak. Rude was holding him up by the shirt collar and it was choking him. Casually Rude cast him to one side. His head struck the corner of the stainless steel refrigerator and he slumped to the floor, motionless. A trail of blood smeared the refrigerator door.

“My helicopter is waiting outside,” said Rude, turning and holding out his hand to Soaketta. “Let’s go.”
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Oh My.. I loved it! Lic you have been making my days so happy lately because of this story. How far are you going to take this? because I don't want it to end! lol.


Pro Adventurer
So, so funny! This is just the best parody.
the honeyed touch of his lips on hers, the silky sweetness of his milk chocolate skin, his lustrous caramel eyes devouring her unwrapped nakedness before spraying Coolwhip all over her feverish flesh…

And I love Soaketta's attitude to her friends, and the fact that she says 'totes' and her assumption that Dave is gay because he doesn't come on to her. And all the description of Dave's unwelcome kisses that don't taste like a true hero's should! Poor Dave.

I hope you take this all the way!

On the subject of the strange Reno romance novel, it seems to be a normal romance novel set in our world with Reno transformed into the Yakuza brother or cousin of the heroine's friend, or something. I found it because I searched for 'people who look like Reno' (getting a bit desperate there) and someone had posted a picture of an actor (Rain) who they thought would look like Reno from that book. They didn't seem to know he was originally from FFVII. It definitely wasn't written as anything to do with Final Fantasy. I don't know what the copyright issues would be for kind of cloning a character and using him for your own purposes in published fiction. He seems to have Reno's name, appearance and attitude, but yet isn't Reno. I don't know whether the author has ever said that the character was based on Reno, or if a fan just recognised the character. Unless he has exactly the same tattoos, I suppose she could claim it was a coincidence! Perhaps she could say it was a(n?) 'homage', which seems to be current media speak for 'I nicked it'. I suppose it's the name that's the main issue.
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aka AlysanneLake

I have never joined a forum like this, but LicoriceAllsorts mentioned this place.

I'm brand new to anything Final Fantasy. Stumbled along something on YouTube randomly one day in May 2012, and here I am. Engrossed in all things Turk.

I hope to be able to bring something to the party, so to speak.
I got sucked into this obsession four years ago and it shows no signs of ever clearing up.

Hi, Bobbie, and welcome to the Department of Administrative Insanity! Actually, it's a lot of fun here, and all the Turk worshippers are really great people.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Welcome Bobbie :)

Yay more victims I mean members :joy:
Turk picture dump! This is random stuff I found on tumblr, deviantart and pixiv. You have probably seen them all already, but still....



I am really bad with colour; I prefer lineart and greyscale. Love the effect of Tseng's eye there.





Line art - my favourite thing







Pro Adventurer
Welcome Bobbie - have fun here!

Thank you for posting those pictures Licorice - I love the expressions in four portraits, and the line art Reno and Rude is great. I also love the Midgar: Ambience pictures - so evocative.


Pro Adventurer
Sorry for the double post, but I wanted to show off the latest results of my search for someone who looks like Reno. He looks like AC Reno mind you, and still looks too young, but his expressions are quite similar. He's a Japanese actor called Ogori Shun. I think he has AC Reno's mouth.


Also these, from searching pixiv. Sorry if they've been posted before:





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I love how this one is drawn, especially Cloud. Reminds me of this old FFVII art which I always loved. I miss smug Cloud. :(

And now for some Turk fanarts I found, sorry for repeats (which I'm sure are many, if not all :lol:)




If I'm not much mistaken, the title of that "glomp" doujisnhi is "Jesus Christ!"

I know what you mean about missing smug Cloud, Unlucky.

I love that Tseng and Agent Coulson pic. Thanks for posting!
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