The General Turks Worship Thread


Pro Adventurer
tardis60, dephinia
I found an interesting speculation on Reno's age, specific to one writer's (Bethgael) fanfic but attempting to work off canon knowledge, and I wanted to hear the thoughts of my fellow Turk worshipers on it -- particularly since I haven't played or watched through all of BC.

Here's a link to the original site:

How old is Reno?

BC is set 6 years before the FF game, so he was a Turk for at least 6 years before FF. The youngest Turk's age during BC is given as 19 years old, and it wasn't Reno. Even presuming he was 20, then, the absolute youngest Reno could possibly be at the opening of FF is 26, or 28 as of AC.

Yet, he has senior rank during BC, and I am going to presume he didn't make it to where he was in 6 months (even taking into account SE's tendency to make training illogically fast for mostly teenagers or young adults in all of their FF games. That's a marketing and game strategy, not a story one).

True, Elena made senior rank in FF by 21, almost immediately upon recruitment, actually, but she was also the youngest Turk to do so, and it was an emergency (Reno was hospitalised after losing a fight with Cloud and co). Also, she could claim some special training: her older sister is Player Character Female Gun in BC (the character I've named Katelyn for this story), and according to the BC info on both of them, they both spent their entire school years training at the Shinra Military Academy. Their father was also a teacher there. Katelyn is mentioned as being a top student there and it is also stated that Elena was very competitive with her sister, so we can presume she probably hit top marks, too.

Nevertheless, Reno, Rude and Tseng had to keep correcting her unprofessional behaviour during FF--for good reason, in a couple of cases (I've always thought Elena was written as a bit of a drongo).

Therefore, I have arbitrarily (but logically) set Reno's age at the start of BC as 22; and therefore, during FF as 28 and AC as 30, as his youngest probable age.

Note: Yes, this is older by five years than I had him the last time these stories were up, but BC wasn't a factor then. While I have seen all sorts of shock at the possibility of this world-wise young-looking man being "that old", bear in mind that 30 does seem very old to a 15 year-old fangirl in lust *grin*. It did to me when I was 15. Umm. It still does, and I'm now over 30. But it really isn't.

Realistically, for them to be as experienced and trusted as they are (and even survive against the plethora of super-powered Mako carriers that are thrown at them, given that the Turks are dangerous, but not "superhuman" in the way Cloud & co are), Rude and Reno must be much older than Cloud and Tifa.

Also looking young does not = being that that age (and check out his hands in AC, if you want to be pedantic about it. They do show his age. Hands always do). I have friends in their thirties who look 10 years younger than they are. Even I get mistaken for being in my early 20s on a good day.

And AC is Japanese anime: all of them look very young except Rude, Barret and Cid. Why? Lack of facial hair and definitively effeminate features. Cloud doesn't look in his 20s imo either; facially, he looks like a teenager while walking around in a man's body (and don't even get me started on the supposedly 17/18 year-old Tidus from FFX). Vincent's static age is given as 27, and imo, he and Reno look like contemporaries (ie, Vincent looks much younger than 27, too).

Anyway, in the absence of SE coming out and being definitive, I will not claim I have Reno's exact age down, it's just the most likely I can think of, and I think I have erred on the side of a wee bit too young.

Makes me wonder what hands the AC/C animators modeled Reno's off of, and if they were actually conscious of trying to aim for an age for him -- if his animators discussed it. (I'd imagine there's a lot about Reno the team discussed, and boy would I love to get a peek at those meeting notes!) Since most of the other adult characters are wearing gloves or their hands aren't shown in close-ups (except Rufus), Reno's are particularly noticeable.


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It's possible but I always thought of Reno being around 17 at BC and Rude at like 20ish. You never know, Reno could of gotten a senior rank for other things. Apparently in BC it was revealed that Reno and Rude have the highest success rate for missions, so that could of put him to the top faster. In my canon at the time of AC/C he is 27/28 and Rude is 30/31 until proven otherwise. And about his hands... They don't look old. I mean they don't have age spots or anything. Looks like young, well moisturized hands to me :)


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I can't verify it right now but I thought Cissnei was meant to be the youngest ever Turk and that she was something like 16? Though whether that was when she was first recruited or not I dunno.

Also, where did she get Elena's age from? I dont remember seeing it written anywhere?

Having said all that I reckon she is probably about Renos age, I reckon Rude is about the same and Tseng is probably 35-ish during AC.

It used to bother me all this age shit, like when I was 15 I thought omg they must be soooo old. Now being 30 myself im not so bothered, what I am bothered about is when I'm like 60 or something and still fangirling :monster:


Cissnei, I think it was said somewhere that she was an orphan or something and Shinra saw potential in her and took her in, so she has been with Shinra since she was a child apparently. But I could be wrong. I also don't think that Reno and Rude are the same age, I remember in Case Of Shinra Reno calling Rude an old geezer, and AC/C I do think he talks like one :P.As for Elena, she Isn't their age either I don't think because in the game in Wutai Reno says "Leave her alone Rude she's just a kid". Or something along those lines. So I say she is younger, like in her early 20's. Anyway, I really hope one day Square comes out with some back stories of our favorite Turks and specifies their ages.

If there was more people interested in this thread then I can see this turn out like LTD but with Turk fan girls either wanting the Turks to be young enough for them to date or old enough for their ranks. :P
Well, as someone who is no longer in the first flush of youth myself, I have no problem fangirling over 'older men' (geez, even Veld has his fangirls!), so I like it when the Turks are written as the ages they should be for the servce they have seen and the ranks that they hold. I pretty much agree with Bethgael - my headcanon Reno is 21 at the start of BC, and Cissnei is a year younger. I imagined Veld having a (ethically questionable) policy of deliberately seeking suitable kids to recruit into the Turks, because kids are more malleable and loyal; it's relatively easy to train their morality into a shape that suits his own purposes. So, to my mind, by the time BC begins Reno has been a Turk for about five years and Cissnei has been "in the guardianship of the department" since she was nine or ten. This means that by the start of the OG Reno is 27 or 28, and when ACC starts he's 29 or 30. Rude is a couple of years older than he is. Tseng is five years older than Reno and ten years older than Rufus.

I'm pretty sure that Elena was recruited into the Turks when she was around 18 years old. She was a top student at the military academy, so I suppose fast-tracking her would be fair enough. Anyway, they were in a crisis situation and there was only the four of them, so I think rank fell by the wayside.

Although I like to think that the four of them are only the four we see; I like to imagine that the other Turks were working away behind the scenes during the OG. [SandG in his novelisation of the OG ret-conned his narrative to include the BC Turks.]

Oh, and what about Robert Downey Jr Reeve? How old is he supposed to be? At the start of the OG he has a seat on the board and is head of urban development. He cannot be less than thirty, and I find 40 more believable.

Great topic, Kassi!


Pro Adventurer
Anyway, I really hope one day Square comes out with some back stories of our favorite Turks and specifies their ages.

I'd love more about all the Turks too, but I'd rather they didn't pin down their ages exactly. It's nice to have a bit of flexibility when writing fanfic. Sometimes I like Rufus and Reno to be roughly the same age, for example, but in my headcanon Reno is really older by a few years. I tend to go with Rufus being born in 1982 (assuming OG happened in 2007) because I've read that as Rufus' birth date in a couple of timelines, and 27 seems about right for him in Advent Children. Then I work roughly from there - Reno a year or two either side of 30 in AC, Rude a couple of years older than Reno, Tseng somewhere between 35 and 40 by AC - although that might be a bit old, because I'm sure there's a chapter in Before Crisis when he's a rookie Turk. I'll go and look that up. I agree Elena must be much younger - no more than 22 or so in AC. I wonder how much older than Elena her sister is? Some of the BC Turks had quite established careers before becoming Turks (Martial Arts male was a detective I think) so some of them must be quite old.

I don't think Turks get promoted according to seniority of age or service. I think it's more the previous leader's choice. I've never found out whether Reno being second to Tseng is canon or fanon, but he does seem to boss Rude about quite a lot in BC! If he is second, who promoted him - Veld or Tseng? And what did they base their decision on?

I always think of Reeve as being about Tseng's age, but that might just be because I used to mix up their pixely little sprites. How old is Veld?
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I've read that as Rufus' birth date in a couple of timelines, and 27 seems about right for him in Advent Children.

This is correct. If you have read Case Of Shinra his age is verified. In the OG he is 25 so in ACC he would be 27 and 28 in DoC. I think of Reeve being around 39 or 40. Veld, I have no Idea I`d say around 50 or so since it`s said he has been with the company from the beginning unless I read it wrong.

I don`t mind Reno and Rude being older. As long as they look hot, who cares :monster:


Pro Adventurer
I don`t mind Reno and Rude being older. As long as they look hot, who cares :monster:

My sentiments exactly - although those ages would mean they're still young to me!

Just been researching, and according to the timeline on this site, Reeve was born in 1972, making him ten years older than Rufus, so 37 in AC. Pretty close to Tseng's age I should think. I can't find a date for BC's Special Episode of Tseng when he's a newish Turk.


Great Old One
My sentiments exactly - although those ages would mean they're still young to me!
Me too, that's why I prefer the versions where their ages are higher XD

Like, to use another example, Angeal is in no way 25 years old. He's more like 35, or even 40 - and haaaaaaawt.

(Sorry this post is so short and lame but it's all I had)
I'm not sure where the timeline on this site gets its information from. I was checking through the Ultimania, and neither Rufus nor Reeve have an official birthdate according to what i can read (although admittedly it takes me a long time and two dictionaries to read the Ultimania, and I may well have missed something). That said, 37 seems like a good age for Reeve. I tend to think of Rufus as rather younger. Is there something giving his age in Case of Shinra? About where in the story does it come?

I agree about Angeal, Fangu!


There's a point in the novel where Rufus has a memory when he was a child and it gives away his age.

Rufus suddenly remembered a conversation he had with his father twenty years ago. He finally raised his voice and laughed. It was when he was only five years old. Young Rufus had woken up in the middle of the night and noticed his father was back home - which was rare. Knowing he might get scolded and be made to go back to bed he went out but to his surprise, his father seemed to be in a very good mood and showed him a blueprint. It was a blueprint of the the President's Office at the top floor and how it was to be modified.

So 25. Unless I am REALLY bad at math! lol

Captain Jack Harkness

not a out-of-bounds guy
4nn4-chan, Loras Tyrell, Loki
Veld was Vincent's partner, so i think he is around 50 in BC ( BC take place 6 years before OG and in OG Vincent is 57).

Angeal can't be to much older than Sephy, so i think he's 25-30 in CC but simply looks older.


My head canon agrees that Reno is 30 in AC. Rude, I think, is older by a few years. Tseng is undoubtedly the eldest in his late 30's (and even early 40's). The only ones in their 20's are Rufus and Elena, Elena being the youngest in particular. It's just more believable that way. Also (according to my head canon) experience plays a vital role in what they do, thus they are ranked according to seniority. The young ones can also be promoted to high ranks, of course, but only if they're exceptionally and consistently good.

Anyway, I really hope one day Square comes out with some back stories of our favorite Turks and specifies their ages.

I'd love more about all the Turks too, but I'd rather they didn't pin down their ages exactly.

I'm torn between these :P I know I've expressed before how I wanted a similar thing from SE, but with the current state of things I suddenly realized that I just don't trust them not to screw it up. Besides, the mystery behind each of them is one of the reasons why they appeal to me, so unless it's going to be good, I don't want anything destroying that :lol:

Sorry for that shitty post, here's Reno to make up for it :D



Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Yeah its funny about Angeal being 25-30ish, he doesn't look it, but he doesnt look bad at all. I dunno maybe its something about Japanese (and Western!) culture being so geared towards youth.

Personally I find the younger woman older man a huge turn on :D I've never seen the appeal in 'toyboys' but.....well ask me again in another 20 years time :lol:


^Agree! Well yeah toyboys are cute and all but they don't give off that same sexiness as someone older imo. Not that I have an age preference though, it's... something else that counts :wacky:

I think I've mentioned before in another thread how I'd prefer it if Angeal is pushing forties and if the other two First Class were in their late 20's. I understand why the creators make the main playable characters as young as they can possibly be, for most of the gamers to be able to relate and all that, but do they really have to do it with the rest of the popular ones? What, to make them more appealing to the fanbase and the teenage fan girls (totally unfair!! :rabite: )? Maybe it's just me but if it weren't canon I seriously wouldn't believe Sephiroth was 25 in CC.


Great Old One
Personally I find the younger woman older man a huge turn on :D I've never seen the appeal in 'toyboys' but.....well ask me again in another 20 years time :lol:
A few years back I hung out with a lot of guys that were around 4-5 years younger than me. I remember one of the guys, he was 22 at the time, he hooked up with a 40 something woman. He thought it was great :lol: As for what she was thinking - there is a spirit and energy to younger dudes. They're sorta invincible and eager and curious about everything, maybe that's the appeal.

^Agree! Well yeah toyboys are cute and all but they don't give off that same sexiness as someone older imo.
This. There is something about the maturity - the confidence (but without being cocky), the calmness, but also the mischievousness of an older guy that is just super hawt. He knows who he is and he knows what he wants and he isn't desperate anymore: he can be picky because he's through with going for quantity and now he'd rather go for quality. He's learned to appreciate a woman for her company and wits and not just for her body. Even in bed - it's not just about sticking it in, but also about having a good time. I don't know if this is something that sounds familiar to you guys, but as I've gotten older, my male friends are more likely to say that 'sexy' isn't just in a full chest and bare skin - but also, and maybe more so, in a taunting look, a suggestive laugh, in playful interaction. I guess this has to do with experience more than age though, but usually the first comes with the latter.


Pro Adventurer
tardis60, dephinia
I love all the posts on this discussion! <3 I agree, Unlucky, I'm sort of on the fence between wanting to know and wanting things to remain a mystery. I've found it so fun to think about and read others' thoughts on the subject.

NOTE: my personal observations on the subject, your mileage may vary, I've had a weird life, here's a grain of salt!

I guess in general my experience has been that young or old, it's more the quality of experiences a person has had than the sheer number of years under his belt that determines the maturity I like. I've met a lot of forty, fifty and sixty year old men more immature and self-centered than even some teenagers who've overcome intense challenges in their lives and possess resilient personalities.

I find the same true of women, though. I had two roommates, one forty-one and one nineteen, and the older woman actually threw a tantrum, kicking and yelling, where the teenager had calm composure at all times even in the face of crises, and a respect for others' boundaries that the older woman did not.

I've found more maturity and appreciation of who I am inside in my BF -- nine years my junior -- than I do in a lot of older men who just perv on me. That being said, my BF's definitely not like anyone else I've found of any age, hence <3 <3 <3. Maybe that's just my sampling of people I've encountered though. YMMV.

To return to the subject: since Cloud & co. as well as the Turks have had to face and overcome challenges far outside what the average citizen (in their world or ours) might ever even witness, in my head I like to think they're more experienced and matured than typical people of their ages, whatever those might be. Along with resilient personalities, in my headcanon they may be better at prioritizing what to give a fuck about, since their lifestyles have in the past not allowed time to get wrapped up in small stuff.

All that being said (and on another tangent!) I'd love to see some sort of Monty Pythonesque 'Dead Parrot' or 'Cheese Shop' type situation where the Turks have a run-in with uncooperative customer service, now that Shinra's not so much of a big deal that people fall all over themselves to comply fully. Having to deal with some everyday irritation that in the past was never an issue might challenge a Turk in a way that can't be solved by just shooting someone or blowing up an overpass.

Longpost is long, sorry! Here's some :pics:

EDITED TO ADD: &#8230;Gosh, I didn't mean to kill the conversation!


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Sorry for the long delay with this. My kid and I went to New York to see Tottenham Hotspur play the Red Bulls. We won!

And so, to celebrate, here is:

“Hiya, sweetcheeks,” a nasal but friendly voice greeted Soaketta as she climbed into the waiting helicopter, with Rude’s hand on her buttock boosting her inside. “So you’re the sugar plum that’s got my pal all sweaty under the armpits. Nice ta meetcha, honeybun.”

The speaker was sitting at the controls of the helicopter, craning his neck around to get a look at her. He was a long, lean man with prominent collarbones, an abundance of spiked crimson hair, orbs of cerulean blue – or maybe aquamarine, or even phthalo or cadmium cobalt for all Soaketta knew; she hadn’t honestly paid a lot of attention in art class. Anyway his eyes were remarkably bright and full of mischief and his lopsided grin was definitely charming in an unwashed, skanky kind of way, and Soaketta might have found him extremely attractive if she wasn’t already head over heels in lust with Rude, who was the ultimate sexy gentleman and had clean fingernails to boot. Also the pilot sported a crescent shaped tattoo slashed across each cheekbone. Either that, or those goggles he’d pushed up onto his forehead had left pressure marks on his skin. Whatever; Rude’s hand was still on her derriere and his touch was making all four of her cheeks burn with hitherto undreamt-of sensations.

“You can look,” Rude growled behind her, his deep voice sending thrills of anticipation rippling through her veins. “But you better not touch.” This warning was obviously intended for the pilot and not for her. It warmed the cockles of her heart to feel that he cherished her enough to be so possessive.

“Soaketta,” he said, “Allow me to introduce Reno O’Turk, my partner in crime.”
Partner? thought Soaketta in alarm. According to everything she’d ever read in Hello! Magazine, Rude’s billions were his and his alone.

“At your service,” smirked Reno O’Turk, settling the goggles down over his eyes. “I’ll be flying this magic carpet to Midgar today.”

Soaketta turned to Rude. “Midgar?” she queried.

“The capital of my motherland, Turkmenistan,” his deep and gravelly voice replied.

“Oh,” she replied. She wasn’t sure where Turkmenistan was. Maybe somewhere in the Caribbean? Anyway, she guessed it was going to be a long flight. Hopefully the helicopter offered in-flight movies. Guiltily she wondered if she should let Daphne know where she was going, but swiftly decided - No! Daphne had conspired together with Dave; she was a false friend! Soaketta had always suspected it, and now she had proof. Let Daphne suffer the agonies of worry. Soaketta was with Rude, and that was all that mattered.

“You takin’ the little sugar dumpling larboard abaft?” the red-headed pilot with the pressure-mark tattoos and turquoise oscularities inquired of the broad-shouldered, sleek-pated billionaire with the heavily muscled thighs. Soaketta had no idea what he meant by ‘take her lar board a baft” but the words sounded spicily suggestive. Her heart began to beat a little faster.

“Keep your eyes on the skies,” Rude growled. Still with his hand on Soaketta’s buttock, he nudged her right and steered her through a narrow door into a private cabin. Soaketta heard Reno snickering lasciviously before Rude closed the door behind them.

Then she turned around, saw where she was, and stopped dead in her tracks. Oh, my, she thought.

She’d never seen anything like this, except in the pages of magazines and on some TV shows and also occasionally in movies. The four walls of the private cabin were lined with zinc-topped counters, and behind the counters were shelves upon shelves stacked with large glass bottles filled with every kind of candy and sweet imaginable: bull’s eyes, humbugs, pear drops, milk drops, chocolate drops; wine gums, jelly babies, sour worms and rainbows of smarties, to name but a few. Below the counters were more racks stocked with chocolate bars, chewing gum, boxes of crackerjack, neon-hued jawbreakers, coconut ice wrapped in rice-paper and glittering sticks of peppermint rock striped red and green. In one corner there was a glass-fronted refrigerator filled to the brim with curvaceous bottles of soda-pop. Ropes of licorice, scarlet and black, hung in swags from the ceiling. The crazy thought came to her, it’s like Willy Wonka's candy shop!!! But this cabin held something she’d never seen in any sweetshop. Right in the centre of the floor was a kind of raised table, about the size of a queen-sized bed, covered with what looked like a real polar bear fur rug, because it was.

Rude took her by the hand, led her to the bearskin, and told her to sit down. Then he lifted a part of the counter that was on a hinge, walked behind it, and turned to her, saying, “Whatever your heart desires – you can indulge it here,” gesturing with his hand at the resplendent temptations of confectioner’s art shamelessly, nay, wantonly displayed all around her.

Oh my, she gasped inwardly. He wants to eat this stuff! And he wants me to eat it too! He wants us to eat it together! Of course he does – that’s why he was in the Bulk Barn buying all those marshmallows and Coolwhip! How could I have been so naïve!

Soaketta looked down primly at her hands. She couldn’t deny that the sheer smell of so much sugar and tartrazine was beginning to make her head spin in a way that was far from unpleasant. The thought of putting one of those illicit sherbet fountains into her mouth – sucking on it – feeling it burst on her tongue - swallowing its fizziness – all these things she’d only ever read about - it made mouth go suddenly dry with excitement. She was terribly afraid she’d given Rude the wrong impression.

In a frail, nervous voice, she began, “Rude, I – I have a confession to make. I’ve never eaten anything containing sugar in my life.”

His look of stunned disbelief made her feel deeply embarrassed and immature. “What?” he exclaimed. “Never? How is that possible, in this day and age, when the monopolistic multinational food corporations put sugar in everything, even processed cheese and tinned celery?”

“Well, you see, my father is a dentist, and my mother was stay-at-home mom who cooked all our food from scratch. They don’t believe in sugar. In fact, they call it ‘white heroin’.”

“But you work in the Bulk Barn!”

“They like me there because I never help myself to candy from the barrels.”

“But - what about Hallowe’en?” said Rude. He looked outraged on her behalf.

“Nuts, apples, and money was all I was allowed.”

“But surely,” he said, still looking appalled, “Once you left home and went to university… Have you never been even just a little bit curious to taste ‘forbidden fruit’?”

“My parents promised to give me a thousand dollars and a cell phone if I went through university without ever once trying sugar,” she admitted.

“I see,” Rude rumbled thoughtfully. “Well, that’s quite an incentive, but I think I can see their thousand dollars and cell phone and raise it a week’s all-expense paid shopping trip to Fifth Avenue and a brand new Macbook. Can your parents match my offer?”

Soaketta shook her head earnestly. Her duty was clear: Rude’s bribe knocked her parents’ bribe into a cocked hat, and they’d always impressed on her how important it was to do the very best for herself.

“I can see I’m going to have my work cut out for me,” Rude murmured, a playful smile playing about his lips. “I was going to go straight to the chocolate-covered rose-flavoured Turkish Delight, but I think that might be a bit too rich for your first time. I don’t want to overwhelm you. I want to do this right, take it slowly. Introduce you to my world of pleasure little by little. Let me see…” He ran his fingers along the shelves, taking his time making the selection, while Soaketta, perched on the polar bear rug, ran her fingers through its soft white fur and felt her lips tingle with anticipation that owed more than a little to fear, and the consciousness that she was about to do something very, very naughty….

Sorry that was so long! Had to squeeze a lot in there, as Palmer said to Scarlet.
coming up next: "Vanilla"
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Omg Lic! Yay! I don't have time to read it now, but I will later on tonight. Just wanted to tell you that you are amazing! And I know this chapter will just as amazing as the others! Can't wait to get home and read this! Another amazing morning surprise!!

Read It, Fucking awesome.
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Pro Adventurer
tardis60, dephinia
LOL, Lic, this is incredible! 'Forbidden fruit' indeed... :D

I have to share this lovely thing I found on tumblr that made me laugh out loud. It's Rufus.


I just love the look in his eyes.
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