Pro Adventurer
- tardis60, dephinia
I found an interesting speculation on Reno's age, specific to one writer's (Bethgael) fanfic but attempting to work off canon knowledge, and I wanted to hear the thoughts of my fellow Turk worshipers on it -- particularly since I haven't played or watched through all of BC.
Here's a link to the original site: http://renos-story-comments.blogspot.com/2007/04/faq-answers-1.html#age
Makes me wonder what hands the AC/C animators modeled Reno's off of, and if they were actually conscious of trying to aim for an age for him -- if his animators discussed it. (I'd imagine there's a lot about Reno the team discussed, and boy would I love to get a peek at those meeting notes!) Since most of the other adult characters are wearing gloves or their hands aren't shown in close-ups (except Rufus), Reno's are particularly noticeable.
Here's a link to the original site: http://renos-story-comments.blogspot.com/2007/04/faq-answers-1.html#age
How old is Reno?
BC is set 6 years before the FF game, so he was a Turk for at least 6 years before FF. The youngest Turk's age during BC is given as 19 years old, and it wasn't Reno. Even presuming he was 20, then, the absolute youngest Reno could possibly be at the opening of FF is 26, or 28 as of AC.
Yet, he has senior rank during BC, and I am going to presume he didn't make it to where he was in 6 months (even taking into account SE's tendency to make training illogically fast for mostly teenagers or young adults in all of their FF games. That's a marketing and game strategy, not a story one).
True, Elena made senior rank in FF by 21, almost immediately upon recruitment, actually, but she was also the youngest Turk to do so, and it was an emergency (Reno was hospitalised after losing a fight with Cloud and co). Also, she could claim some special training: her older sister is Player Character Female Gun in BC (the character I've named Katelyn for this story), and according to the BC info on both of them, they both spent their entire school years training at the Shinra Military Academy. Their father was also a teacher there. Katelyn is mentioned as being a top student there and it is also stated that Elena was very competitive with her sister, so we can presume she probably hit top marks, too.
Nevertheless, Reno, Rude and Tseng had to keep correcting her unprofessional behaviour during FF--for good reason, in a couple of cases (I've always thought Elena was written as a bit of a drongo).
Therefore, I have arbitrarily (but logically) set Reno's age at the start of BC as 22; and therefore, during FF as 28 and AC as 30, as his youngest probable age.
Note: Yes, this is older by five years than I had him the last time these stories were up, but BC wasn't a factor then. While I have seen all sorts of shock at the possibility of this world-wise young-looking man being "that old", bear in mind that 30 does seem very old to a 15 year-old fangirl in lust *grin*. It did to me when I was 15. Umm. It still does, and I'm now over 30. But it really isn't.
Realistically, for them to be as experienced and trusted as they are (and even survive against the plethora of super-powered Mako carriers that are thrown at them, given that the Turks are dangerous, but not "superhuman" in the way Cloud & co are), Rude and Reno must be much older than Cloud and Tifa.
Also looking young does not = being that that age (and check out his hands in AC, if you want to be pedantic about it. They do show his age. Hands always do). I have friends in their thirties who look 10 years younger than they are. Even I get mistaken for being in my early 20s on a good day.
And AC is Japanese anime: all of them look very young except Rude, Barret and Cid. Why? Lack of facial hair and definitively effeminate features. Cloud doesn't look in his 20s imo either; facially, he looks like a teenager while walking around in a man's body (and don't even get me started on the supposedly 17/18 year-old Tidus from FFX). Vincent's static age is given as 27, and imo, he and Reno look like contemporaries (ie, Vincent looks much younger than 27, too).
Anyway, in the absence of SE coming out and being definitive, I will not claim I have Reno's exact age down, it's just the most likely I can think of, and I think I have erred on the side of a wee bit too young.
Makes me wonder what hands the AC/C animators modeled Reno's off of, and if they were actually conscious of trying to aim for an age for him -- if his animators discussed it. (I'd imagine there's a lot about Reno the team discussed, and boy would I love to get a peek at those meeting notes!) Since most of the other adult characters are wearing gloves or their hands aren't shown in close-ups (except Rufus), Reno's are particularly noticeable.

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