The General Turks Worship Thread

Kain Strife

Some Kind of Animator
Her breasts were supposed to be squeezed together Soak, but then I remembered that she has small breasts... and didn't really fix the placement of the nipple to compensate.


Pro Adventurer
Never having been a big Reno/Elena fan, I was surprised to find myself really liking them, especially the one where he's 'teaching her to use a gun' (right).

I agree, I liked that picture even though I don't really ship Reno/Elena, in my head I see them as too brother/sister like and I aslo think Reno is too terrified of Elena's big sister to consider dating her. LOL

I love Reno/Cissnei though. I don't really collect fan art and I can't draw, but um, here's some cosplay photos from my group...






I hope this is an ok contribution


Pro Adventurer
tardis60, dephinia
Hnngh, those poses! Poetry! I love the Rufus/Tseng one based on that fantastic fanart, and Legend & Katana's action shots are amazing! Also Rod is incredibly hot. Wish that was a close-up!

A very acceptable contribution!

That Reno and Cissnei cosplay is my favourite ever cosplay of those two. It actually looks like them. And Tseng and Rufus - I've seen that before and always loved it. Rod looks like he's one of the better parts of the slums and Legend looks like he's at the new gambling resort Dio built outside Cosmo Canyon! Katana's pose is classic.


Pro Adventurer
I'm glad you like the poses, Kassi, thank you. My Rod is a wonderful model and my photographer was great, but as a director, I'm glad you like the poses.

Wish that was a close-up!

Your wish is my command.






Oh and here's a video of him doing cool stuff.

I love him. He's a huge Rod fanboy, who actually has a thing for motocycles and knows how to use that weapon.

And because this is my personal favoriate.


Oh and Licorice, I'll pass your compliments on to my friends Lee and Autumn, even if that pose was completely candid.(Those two are the most amusing couple to watch, they like fight and then kiss. I was trying to direct a photoshoot. He was trying to kiss her and she kept pushing him off "Quit messing around and pay attention" They started tussling and she eventually relented and kissed him. I directed my photographer to "Get this" and ironically, this shot turned out to be the best shot.)

The Rufus/Tseng gun was is also a candid. We were trying to do that shot based off the fanart but I couldn't figure out how to hold the gun (I had just had surgery, was wheel chair bound most of that weekend, wasn't supposed to be standing, and my Tseng had insisted I take my painkillers (after arguing over the definition fo the word "necessary in "take as necessary" because I hate being on pain meds and he hates seeing in pain), so I was completely out of it). So while we were trying to get in the pose, I couldn't figure out how to hold the gun, so he stepped up to literally show me, and we got the shot.

It's funny, a lot of candid shots often turn out to be the best ones in a shoot. Oh and if anyone wants more Before Crisis Turk cosplay check out my group on Deviant Art.

For FFVII cosplay with an emphasis on Before Crisis and fanpics based on fanfics I like, mostly Death is Part of the Process and Somewhere In Midgard Two Children.
All the activity on this thread has inspired me:

&#8220;I think that this will do for starters,&#8221; said Rude, pulling an oblong packet down from the shelf and bringing it over to where Soaketta was sitting on the polar bear rug. The plastic sheath of the packet was glossy and very see-through: Soaketta glimpsed tempting pale curves pressed wantonly one on top of the other. Their surfaces glittered with a fine dusting of sugar.

&#8220;Ladyfingers,&#8221; Rude explained. Each biscuit had an almost hour-glass shape, nipped in the middle like a Victorian courtesan&#8217;s corseted waist. With the tip of his little finger Rude popped the taut plastic wrapping with a loud &#8220;pop&#8221;, then ran his finger inside the opening he had made and, by gently working it backwards and forwards, slowly widened the slit. With a noise like a whispered sigh, Soaketta heard something fragile tear, and squirmed on the white fur rug in a mingling of shame and intrigue.

The opening was now large enough for Rude to introduce a second finger. Soaketta had to swallow a cry of alarm. Rude&#8217;s opaque, soulful hazel eyes came up to meet her own. Her heart stopped. &#8220;Are you frightened?&#8221; he asked in that deep gravelly treacley voice that had the power to make her heart turn backflips.

&#8220;A little,&#8221; she murmured in reply. Soaketta feared the packet might rip all the way open and its contents spill across the floor, which would be wasteful and also messy.

Rude returned all his attention to the packet. With practiced ease he slid two fingers in through the opening his ministrations had created, and then with a deft scissoring motion pinched one of the biscuits between the tips of his two fingers and slowly withdrew it, without spilling a crumb. How experienced he is at this, Soaketta inwardly sighed. And how much I have to learn!

A heavenly aroma teased her nostrils as Rude drew the biscuit from the packet. The sugar alone was enough to make her head spin, but she detected something else, a warm smell, the smell of sun-baked flowers grown to slow fruition under a tropical sky; a deceptively simply, disingenuous, seductive scent. Soaketta&#8217;s mouth began to water. Her appetites were stirring as never before. Oh, my! How quickly she had become aroused! Painfully conscious once more of her burdensome innocence in all matters confectional, she shut her eyes so that Rude would not see her confusion.

&#8220;The tip of your nose is twitching,&#8221; he informed her. &#8220;It's rather adorable.&#8221;

&#8220;What is that lovely smell?&#8221;

&#8220;Vanilla. Some people find it a little plain, a little &#8211; boring, shall we say. Lacking spiciness. But I think it&#8217;s as well to begin with something fairly easy on the palate. No, keep your eyes closed. Concentrate all your attention on your sense of taste. Now, open your mouth. Put your tongue out, just a little. That&#8217;s right &#8211; &#8220;

At first, she was aware only of a roughness, which was the undersurface of the ladyfinger, and a sensation halfway between pleasure and pain: the sweetness of the sugar was so intense that it practically abraded the sensitive, lubricated surface of her tongue.

&#8220;Bite,&#8221; Rude murmured huskily in her ear.

The ladyfinger was already beginning to melt on her tongue. She explored its sugary underbelly with the tip of her tongue, feeling it softening, becoming moister, coming apart. Obediently, she bit. The ladyfinger broke in half, release a burst of flavour so intense that Soaketta&#8217;s eyes flew open as she rocked back, moaning.

&#8220;Too much?&#8221; he asked.

Wordlessly, because her mouth was full of biscuit, Soaketta nodded.
&#8220;Chew,&#8221; he ordered.

The more she chewed, the more intense the flavour became. It was drowning all her other senses, building to a peak she didn't know if she could endure. She couldn't breathe &#8211;

&#8220;Swallow,&#8221; he instructed her, his warm breath ghosting over the flushed skin of her cheek. Oh, he was enjoying every minute of this, the sadist, watching her as she wrestling helplessly against the overpowering deliciousness that was consuming her mouth, her lips, her tongue.

Her heart was racing. Her mouth was salivating. Her olfactory gland was swollen, so over-stimulated that delicate tears were beginning to gather in the corners of her eyes. She could stand no more. With a gulp, she swallowed, and then turned wide-eyed to stare at him, gasping for air, the crystal tears hanging trembling from her lashes.

&#8220;Was it good?&#8221; he asked.

Unable to speak, she nodded enthusiastically.

He smiled, but the smile didn&#8217;t quite reach his eyes. There was a darkness there, a shadow, that she couldn't fathom. Was it to do with her, or with something else entirely?

Could she, perhaps, help find a way to chase that shadow away? Soaketta ran her tongue around her sugar-furred teeth, pondering the enigma that was Rudolphus Attaturk.


For the rest of the flight Soaketta and Rude lolled about on the polar bear rug, finishing off the packet of ladyfinger biscuits between them. Rude told her about all the different desserts that used the simple cookie as a base &#8211; trifles, tiramisu, and charlottes to name but three, often soaked in liquers such as rum or sherry in a manner that struck Soaketta as unbelievably decadent. Yet Rude spoke of it as an everyday kind of thing. He also told her that ladyfinger biscuits had many different names in different languages: savoiardi in Italian, latifeh in Persian, bebi pishkoti in Slovenian, and in French &#8211; the language of love &#8211; biscuit de la boudoire.

Oh, my, thought Soak, he&#8217;s so wordly and well-travelled and knowledgeable. What did I ever do to attract such a man? How can I ever hope to keep him? Every woman in the world wants this man, but by some miracle, he&#8217;s chosen me. Perhaps if I just agree to whatever he wants, whenever he wants, he won&#8217;t get tired of me.

&#8220;Oi,&#8221; the pilot Reno O&#8217;Turk banged with his fist on the cabin door. &#8220;We&#8217;re landing in ten minutes. Make yerselves presentable.&#8221;

&#8220;Presentable?&#8221; Soak turned to Rude with a question in her eyes.

Reaching his hand towards her face, Rude used his thumb to wipe the last few traces of vanilla-flavoured sugar from Soaketta&#8217;s ripe lower lip, then slowly licked his thumb clean. &#8220;Yes,&#8221; he said, &#8220;As soon as we land in Midgar, I&#8217;m going to take you to meet my Boss.&#8221;


Pro Adventurer
tardis60, dephinia
Oh and here's a video of him doing cool stuff.

I love him. He's a huge Rod fanboy, who actually has a thing for motocycles and knows how to use that weapon.

Thank you so much for the pictures -- and this video! My appreciation for Rod quadrupled as a result. He makes that shit look hot, damn! Where did he learn to do that with his hands? He would make an amazing fire spinner/hooper. :awesome: [gets lost in a fantasy of 'Turk de Soleil']

Your story of the photoshoot is fantastic! Thanks for linking the other pictures. You guys have a flair for picking great locations and poses and making sure the lighting and attitude works. It feels to me like you take the time to emotionally invest, if that makes sense, and that makes them feel more real. I get lost in those pictures. Also, taking inspiration from 'Death is Part of the Process' is a genius move. :joy:

Speaking of Lic being awesome... I'm excited to read the new 'Fifty Flavours' chapter later today! So much Turk goodness...


Kain Strife

Some Kind of Animator
That Cissnei and Reno was guuuuuuuuuud. Wish I could see Cissnei's face though, her hair looks great though.

Edit: woops, same time post, sorry Kass.


Pro Adventurer
Licorice, you should really post this series on AO3, parody is an art and your 50 Shades is hilarious enough to warrant sharing.

And I'll pass your compliments along to him. He really does have a thing for suits and knows how to wear them well, honestly he reminds of sort that idea of a romantic gangster in the 1930s Rat Pack sort of way. He has moxi.

Octo, is that quote from something or did you just make it up? I feel like there could be a fic based around that line.


I have no idea where he learned that, I just know both he and my Reno (my best friend Lee who I mentioned earlier) carry telescoping battons as weapons, so I suppose they trained somewhere. My Rod also boxes. He works at this gelato shop I frequent, I came in and he's shadow boxing. I sort of stand there watching then say something to tease him like "Having fun?" or "Bored are we?" He turns and just stands up at attention, smooth as anything and answers, "Hey good to see you." My Rod is a very cool guy, the sort who could talk about anything and sell you on it as the most brilliant thing in the world.

Honestly, I think I owe a lot of the success of these pictures to my cosplayers. They know the characters and know how to pose, (I really think my Rod could have a career as a model), and they put a bit of themselves into the characters or maybe choose characters that are a bit of themselves.

Like with this


It's a candid shot, he's exhausted (we've been taking pictures all day in the sun and ran a large impromtu FF meet up at a con which I organized and he directed), and this photo should by all rights look terrible because it's the end of the day and we're all dead on our feet. However, I think it works because it's Reno.

So I feel like, I owe so much to this amazing group of people I have the pleasure of leading and the honor of calling my friends.

That said, thank you so much for your compliments, because it's good to know my work as director actually pays off. Sometimes I feel like I'm not the most talented person. The cosplay community, my group of friends included, are just so talented it's ridiculous. Me, I like Rufus Shinra, so I cosplay him and try to do so passably, but in terms of cosplay I'm not anything special.

I don't do the photography, I'm not skilled in sewing or props (The joke is my only skill is convincing other people to do things for me), but one thing I can do is lead and direct, so the idea that the work I've put into making the photo shoots happen and finding the locations pays off is wonderful. I am so grateful for your appreciation. I'm very flattered that the part I play is appreciated.

I love the challenge of finding a good location or a rainy day where the lighting will be amazing or how to position a lamp to give just enough light to make my face visible but keep the feeling that this is a dark room. It's almost like, I don't know, building a painting or something, like we did some pictures of Rufus at Reeve's desk, and my photographer and I spent like 30 minutes designing the desk (including drawing a blue print of Cait Sithe). And it's so much fun!

Although all credit to my photographers. Like during the Rod shoot I wanted an extreme upward angle. It had been raining so the ground was wet, but the only way to get the shot I wanted was to lay down on the ground. When I asked her if she could do it, she got down without heistation.

And we got


Sorry, I tend to go on and on, but I'm just so grateful for your enthusiasm. Also, feel free to leave comments on the photos on DA, I think everyone involved photographers and cosplayers would love to hear from you.

Also Turk de Soleil should be inspiration for something, fan art, fanfic, something.

Oh and speaking of taking inspiration from "Death is Part of the Process"

For those interested




I'm not sure how good this photoshoot is, we didn't have a director for the shots. I just really liked the bare concrete back drop and wanted to use it. Also, I totally owe Licorice for getting me into this pairing.

I didn't really like Tseng/Rufus initially because my head canon was a more paternal relationship (Yes,I'm one of those people who actually likes the idea of Tseng looking after Rufus as a child). My head canon actually shifted to include the pairing when Rufus is an adult (and I hope I write the dynamic in such a way that it's not creepy). But really, Tseng/Rufus as written in Death is Part of the Process might be my favoriate pairing of all time, just that fic.

Oh and Kiligen, heres some pics where you can see her face.









Also, because it's funny. Here's a picture of



Great Old One
Cam I love love love those shots - as I've said before, I think your Reno is really brilliant, and I love the rest of the pictures. Those of Reno and Cissnei are so cute and awesome it's giving me heart shaped feelings.

Death is part of the Process - that's the sofa in the bunker!! OMG and it's exactly like I pictured it when I read it. How strange!!

Which reminds me, I have two and a half chapters of DIPOTP to read - I've been saving them up for some reason, thinking that when there's a few more I'm gonna reread the last chapters before them and then do a bunch of them in one night. It's like having no candy for two months and then buy a huuuuge bag. I'm gonna roll in candy and enjoy every moment of it :lol:
I've been feeling way down in the dumps today but all this ego-stroking is making me feel much better.

That "weary Reno at the end of a long mission" photo is the best Reno cosplay ever. I think your Turk cosplayers are far and away the best I have ever seen, Cam. And don't go under-rating the skill of directing and organising - hardly anybody can do this well without turning into a tinpot Hitler, and since they're all still your friends it's obvious that you're not a tyrant. And anyway, "directing, organising, and leading" - isn't that Rufus's skillset? Leadership gets so devalued in schools nowadays; it seems to have become equated with "doing your best" and "setting a good example". No - leadership means taking charge and organising other people in such a way that you enable them to perform at a higher level than they might do otherwise. It seems to me like you do this, Cam. I couldn't organise my way out of a paper bag, so I envy you.

Have you got a tumblr where these Turk cosplays are posted? I ask, because I'd love to re-post tem. If not, could I post them from your deviantart account?

I thought about putting Fifty Shades of Turkish Delight on AO3, now that it is obviously going to grow and grow like all my stuff does. But I would have to change Soak's name, partly because Soaketta wouldn't mean anything to a wider audience and also because Soaketta is a bit dim and naive (like Ana) and I wouldn't want anyone to think it was a portrait of the real Soak. Would that be okay with you, Soak, if I posted it on AO3 but changed her name? You can pick her new name if you like.


Pro Adventurer
I&#8217;m glad we could brighten up your day!

Thank you for your kind words. I&#8217;m passing along to all of your compliments to the group.

Also, thank you for praising my abilities. Your right, it is a Rufus skill set. I just wish I had his strength and constitution, all I have is charisma, lol. I think being a leader is when other people want you to be in charge, rather than when you want to be in charge of others. I think the reason &#8216;hardly anybody can do this well&#8221; is because often people who take charge, are the ones who want to be in charge and ask &#8220;what can you do for me&#8221; rather than &#8220;what can I do for you&#8221;.

Honestly, I&#8217;m a really disorganized person on a personal level, but I can get tings done with people because it&#8217;s just service, what do you need me to do for you/how can we accomplish this goal and being willing to take on the work of making the choices. I think most people would rather have someone else in charge because it&#8217;s easier to be directed than to have to make the calls. However, I think no matter what role you play in a group, everyone works, it&#8217;s just that my job tends to be delegating tasks to everyone else, which I guess is why I sometimes feel like I don&#8217;t do as much, but I guess every role is important.

I have a few up on my personal Tumblr CameoAmalthea (Including some with the funny story of the time we passed off our Nunchuku male cosplayer as a girl, telling Reno &#8220;she&#8221; was our new Gun Female cosplayer, in order to trick Reno and teach him a lesson about not insulting crosplayers. It&#8217;s a hilarious story). But please, steal and repost from my deviant art. I don&#8217;t know how to use Tumblr really, so please reshare everything you can. (including that picture of Rufus and the Cat that I commissioned from CrimsonSun, I never shared that but I would like to see it shared).

Honestly, if anyone here is good at tumblr and would like to help out my group, I&#8217;d love for someone to like run a tumblr and get us rebloged in the Turk blogs. I&#8217;m trying to revitalize the group.

The group sort of fizzled out for a bit because there was drama. ( Ironically, Our Knives (sweet girl but very&#8230;.well young) fell for our Reno in much the same manner as in Lic&#8217;s fic and it did not end we all sort of stopped doing things for awhile or more individual things after the fall out. There was also personality conflicts with a SOlDIER cosplayer, who I&#8217;ve resolved to ask to leave for the good of the group&#8230;this isn&#8217;t going to be fun&#8230;)

But anyway since we&#8217;re jump starting this again, I want to get started again with more fanfilms, and more net presence as well as some panels at cons. (the problem with fan panels is everyone who has even heard of Before Crisis is in the cosplay group. Yes another reason I really want an English release). So we can potentially get more fans online via DA, Tumblr, youtube. But I really need someone to handle online promotion, make a facebook fanpage, a tumblr page, etc because so far I just have the DA page and a youtube channel that I intend to put stuff on eventually.
Please reshare everything you can. (including that picture of Rufus and the Cat that I commissioned from CrimsonSun, I never shared that but I would like to see it shared).

Cam, it was all over tumblr a while ago. So was Tseng on a Unicorn. I think it must be some new rule of the Internet: everything eventually gets posted on tumblr. I'm sure one could come up with all kinds of mathematical logarithms to predict the time that must elapse between any given item's first appearance on the Internet and its inevitable posting on tumblr.

I don't know that my tumblr would be much good for spreading the news about your cosplay group. I have precisely one follower, and god only knows why they're following me, since all I ever do is reblog Turk stuff so I can find it easily. My tumblr name is "reglissenoire" (and if anyone knows what that means without looking it up, I'm impressed). It is a name I regretted as soon as I posted it because it sounds so pretentious, but my real name of licoriceallsorts was already taken by some other bastard person. But anyway, I can put your pics up and tag them, and then they'll crop up in tag searches. Worth a try.


Pro Adventurer
Noire is black, so is reglisse licorice? (I have no idea what reglisse means, although I have taken French). And whatever it means it can't be more pretentious than my email/msn SN which is ReginaOmniae (my aim is reginadeaomniae) not only is it in Latin it means Queen of Everything and Queen Goddess of Everything respectively (I was 15?).

And really the cat picture was, that's nice. I should pay more attention to this Tumblr thing, but I really don't get how it works. Although I got some more followers after I did a cosplay with an extremely popular cosplayer kidofmischief which caused my cosplays with her to get reblogged like crazy, so I'm probably all over the internet even though I have few followers myself.

Actually, kidofmischief would probably be a good person to ask about tumblr things, I might do this. But hey, every share counts, so please share.

Oh and bit off topic, but I thought youtube name Allsortsoflicorice was clever.


Pro Adventurer
tardis60, dephinia
I have no idea where he learned that, I just know both he and my Reno (my best friend Lee who I mentioned earlier) carry telescoping battons as weapons, so I suppose they trained somewhere. My Rod also boxes. He works at this gelato shop I frequent, I came in and he's shadow boxing. I sort of stand there watching then say something to tease him like "Having fun?" or "Bored are we?" He turns and just stands up at attention, smooth as anything and answers, "Hey good to see you." My Rod is a very cool guy, the sort who could talk about anything and sell you on it as the most brilliant thing in the world.

ASHGDKJJSBL;FK... WOW. Amazeballs with awesomesauce. Where do you find these Turk-like Turks who Turk it up to 11?! You all live on Gaia, don't you?

I love the stories you've shared, especially the one about teaching Reno a lesson with Nunchuku, it's so something I imagine Rufus would do. Lic is right, I was thinking "of course Rufus has those skills." I don't know if it's that you guys' personalities fit really well with your characters or you're method actors but I'm really enjoying the stories.

I'll leave some comments on the DA pictures. Since it sounds like you'd like Tumblr exposure I'll probably blog them with credit as well. I've had good fortune getting some Turk-related stuff reblogged there.

Also Turk de Soleil should be inspiration for something, fan art, fanfic, something.

If I were more petite and grew my hair out I'd consider cosplaying Cissnei hooping to the Turks' Theme or something from the BC soundtrack, but I don't think I look enough like her. Personally I'd love to see Rude & Reno aerial acrobatics, with lots of manhandling, flying through the air, and catching each other. :D The best partners.

Lic's fic is so good at subtly rewriting headcanon, isn't it? :awesome: I used her fic as a resource for writing a flashback to 'Special Episode of Reno' since there's no YouTube video, and I really love the way she wrote it.

I love this thread so much.

You'd think there would just have to be an audience at cons for a Cirque du Turk or Turk du Soleil. Cissnei firehooping, Reno and Rod doing electrical tricks with their EMRs, Tseng and Gun sharp-shooting, Elena doing those aerial ribbon gymnastics in her school uniform, Katana precision slicing melons or pig's heads or something like that and Knives doing knife tricks, especially if she was trained to the circus like my little Aviva-version of Knives. And Rufus the ringmaster and Dark Nation tamer. It would be even cooler if they were standing on the backs of galloping chocobos while so doing! All set to Uematsu's music. I'd pay to see that.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
As usual I have nothing to contribute but I just want to thank everyone for keeping me entertained as I sit here with baby attacking my cervix. Nobody tells you about the sheer boredom of late pregnancy, so thank you for keeping me sane!

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