The General Turks Worship Thread

Double post, but I thought everyone would enjoy this photo of Tom Hiddleston dressed as a Turk:


Captain Jack Harkness

not a out-of-bounds guy
4nn4-chan, Loras Tyrell, Loki
Hiddleston:" the prez wants you all on your knee. so now KNEEL! o i'll do what i want, yo"
PS: imo Tom Hiddleston+Turks theme= epic win


Pro Adventurer
I was at Saboten, it's the largest Arizona con, although the hotel it was hosted in left much to be desired (I got attacked by an elevator). I'd like to go to Dragon Con someday though. Currently my plans for out of state cons include yaoi con next month, then hopefully Anime North next spring (do you have any idea how awesome it would be to cosplay characters wearing suits, coats and/or layers somewhere where it's not over 100 degrees outside).

Kassi, thank you so much for posting that clip. I showed it my Cissnei this morning and she laughed so hard because it is so Lee. (Seriously, thank you, she needed the laugh, they got in a fight last night that lasted until 5 in the morning. They're better now, kissed and made up, but she needed something to make her smile).

Licorice, there's a reason my nickname is Princess. To make matters worse I was on the opposite side of the room laying in bed with my husband while Zech was giving a massage to Meghan on the other bed. I asked for a massage and he said, come over here to which I responded that I didn't want to move because I was comfortable...sometimes I worry that I'm a bit of brat, hopefully not too insufferable. (Although it's a bit disconcerting that all my friends insist I should cosplay Ciel to my husband's Sebastian, I'm not that bad, lol).

Also, Lee might have red hair again soon, because having slightly shorter hair would still do for getting pictures with the kitten. I talked to Lee about it, and he seems games. Fun conversation.

Me: Although just to warn you, the cat may scratch you. So I hope that wouldn't be a problem.
Him: You kidding, I love kittens, it'll probably love me.
Me: You don't know this cat.

I'm sort of curious to see what the cat will do. It's either going to make him bleed or curl up and start purring. The latter would certainly make getting photos easier, and he is good with

(sorry for the non cosplay pic, but he still looks like Reno any way)

I think Lee has had an effect on my head cannon to the point that I now picture Reno as an animal person. Like animals just like him, including having to shoe off random pigeons. Also thinks to Lee, I could see Reno as owning a stray mongrel he picked up somewhere.

Oh Tom Hiddleston...honestly I'd rather see him play Genesis than a Turk, but it's nice image.

Fangu, so should we make a separate fan thread just for fanning DipotP (lol Dipdot, now I want ice cream because I'm thinking Dippin' Dots) or just fan on the existing thread?
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Great Old One
Fangu, so should we make a separate fan thread just for fanning DipotP (lol Dipdot, now I want ice cream because I'm thinking Dippin' Dots) or just fan on the existing thread?
Using the created thread is fine by me, I was just a little "huh?" at first :)

Yes from now on I will refer to it as Dipdot :lol:


Pro Adventurer
My only concern is it might be in the wrong forum. Creativity is for sharing your own works right? We're fanning over another person's works, so shouldn't it be in fanclubs. I'm not sure how that works.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
I have no idea what's going on here, but it does not look good for Cloud





Pro Adventurer
Mysterious! Either Reno and Rude think Cloud did that to Tifa, which seems unlikely, or they're pissed off because they wanted to rescue her, and Reno kicks Cloud so that Rude can carry her off, because Reno's the ultimate wingman?

(I don't know why, but Reno's butterfly earring back makes me laugh. It looks a bit... girly. I always assumed it would be a sleeper.)
I kind of semi translated it. Reno is accusing Cloud of being a reprehensible bastard for taking advantage of an unconsenting women whilst simultaneously having a nosebleed. He then invites Rude to comment. Rude stutters some words, one of which is "crazy". That's as far as I got.


Pro Adventurer
My assumption was that Cloud finds Tifa and tries to wake her, but she punches him on reflex before falling back unconscious, leaving him standing over her with a nose bleed. In manga and anime, a nose bleed is used to show arousal (because the medium is visual and drawing erections would be bad, nosebleeds are a euphemistic short hand for a rush of blood to an organ).

So it's a joke about seeing a nosebleed and assuming Cloud's turned on by Tifa being unconscious?

Thanks for the translation Licorice!


Pro Adventurer
Sorry for the double post.

But that moment when you're reading a fic and the descriptions of Tseng's behavior and his dialogue remind you of your husband exactly. I showed this to both my housemates and they both were like "that is like Chris".

I showed my husband and he just laughed.


Great Old One
I think that's the third time that pic has been posted in this thread XD
Don't get me wrong, I love how it keeps coming back, because it really is an awesome piece of idea and art, by a very beloved Turk fanart creator.


Pro Adventurer
Oh Licorice, that reminds me. Awhile ago you said

In my head canon, she was a wild child and a bit of rebel without a cause, military school drop-out who had a pretty crazy (and dangerous) sex life and a lot of one-night stands, working her way through men until she met Tseng. Of all of them, she is the one most likely to kill you just for looking at her funny. She has a lot of prickly pride. I really hate stories that characterise her as clumsy, awkward, shy, and worst of all innocent or sweet. Innocent sweet girls do not work for the Turks. But she's no tom-boy, either.

I wonder how it is you can stand my Elena. I guess I tend to see her a lot...softer than a lot of you. I think my Elena is clumsy, awkward, (not shy, shy people don't have problems with talking too much), but really sort of innocent and sweet, or at least she has that side and would want to be. Although my Elena definitely does have a lot of prickly pride and is certainly dangerous. (For those of you who don't read my fics, my Elena once broke Rufus's face)

But I guess my Elena would much rather be a girl like Aerith. She sort of wishes she could be soft and sweet without that driving her crazy. I guess my Elena was also more of over achiever than a drop out, straight As without being a teacher's pet, just there to win.

While, I don't see her as a tom boy, but I certainly see as an athlete.

I think what makes her dangerous is her "whatever it takes" attitude and that's perfect for a Turk. She's all about getting the job done, and has something to prove, but I think she likes that she can get away with doing that in pink nail polish.


Great Old One
My Elena just loves being naked, lewl. And she's not afraid to risk putting herself in situations where she can appear vulnerable, because even though she doesn't act like she's all that and she's still young, she has this calmness about her coming from the fact that she knows what she wants, but most importantly she has self confidence a girl could kill for. In ways, I write her like a man somehow; a man, as in someone who doesn't have to care for the prejudice that comes with being a woman, but she still got pretty furniture and enjoys getting her hair cut.

That made almost no sense. It's the red wine talking. :P


Pro Adventurer
Is it customary to hide text behind spoilers? I haven't been doing that as much and I wanted to make sure I wasn't doing anything wrong.

[spoiler="Reply to Elena Rant]. No that makes sense.

My Elena lacks that self confidence, at least as she is now but I think she'll grow into it if I write more AC and Post AC stuff. My Elena doesn't know what she wants. She wanted to be just like her sister, she wanted to be anything but like her sister, she wanted to be better than her sister, she doesn't give a F*&# about her sister. I guess I see her as a bit young and questioning herself.

I guess that might be a bit of me I put into her. She knows she can be a good Turk, and she'll give it her all, but there's this nagging doubt that she doesn't quite make the cut, not that she'd ever let anyone see her as anything but confident. However, more than confident my Elena is...driven.

Like when she faces the party in the original game, my Elena isn't confient that she can take on AVALANCHE and win so much as she feels it needs to be done and if no one else will do it then she sure of h#&@ isn't going to just sit around.[/spoiler]

I guess I see Elena as a cute little kitten who isn't afraid to charge a pitt bull. And yes, I do see Elena as cute.,

Also, I think it's good that you write Elena "like a man". There should be more characters written that way, girls who don't have to be girls so much as people who happen to be female.

I'm afraid I fail at that, I think my Elena is very conscious of gender at least now. Maybe my goal as I write her should be to get her to that point.


[spoiler="Reply to Elena Rant]. No that makes sense.

My Elena lacks that self confidence, at least as she is now but I think she'll grow into it if I write more AC and Post AC stuff. My Elena doesn't know what she wants. She wanted to be just like her sister, she wanted to be anything but like her sister, she wanted to be better than her sister, she doesn't give a F*&# about her sister. I guess I see her as a bit young and questioning herself.[/spoiler]

^This, so much.

I don't write fanfiction, but through reading them I developed my own headcanon of each character. My Elena is someone who definitely isn't shy and innocent, but has her own insecurities (like that above) that pretty much shows since she is still young and has a lot of learning to do and self-control to master. Most of the time she tries to be perfect because of her desire to be taken seriously and that leads her to commit mistakes (like in the OG), but undoubtedly she is very skilled. She loves what she does but I wouldn't say that it's out of bloodlust; she's deadly but she's no Gogo Yubari. It's her desire to be able to prove herself, to be accepted and taken seriously, that drives her mostly.

And she's definitely NOT sweet-- although she loves being a girl. I don't know if I showed it well in my sketches of her but I always imagined her to be beautiful and not cute (I hate her face in ACC), and wears makeup even on duty. :D


Pro Adventurer
I like the idea of her being cute, the juxtaposition between her non-dangerous appearance and the fact she's a highly skilled combatant. As I said, I see her as a cut little kitten, but cute little kittens can certainly be dangerous. (My Dark Nation is very scary looking dog, big black wolf of a thing that makes people step back when they first see him, really, it's my kitten that's dangerous.) I like unassuming danger. A beautiful woman can easily be dangerous, the whole trope of the femme fatal, but cute catches you off guard.

Anyway, I have a new Rude cosplayer, a friend of Lee's (Lee's excited to have a Rude who's taller than him). I'll be doing a proper photoshoot with him once we both get time and he gets the whole cosplay together (he wants to be accurate).

Him: Any suggestions on sunglasses
Me: Either something cheap that can be readily replaced or something expensive and unbreakable.
Him: Why?
Me: You'll be cosplaying with Lee.
Him: That's funny.

I like

What do you guys think?
I like

What do you guys think?

I like.

This fic was influential in forming my headcanon of Elena: (scroll down past the Balthier fic to the Elena fic).

In my current fic Elena's a wild child who has adopted rebellion as her way of concealing her own insecurities and her feeling of being adrift in the world. She is highly competitive, easily bored, and knows how to use her femininity to her advantage. She She's an ace sharp-shooter and a top-ranking martial artist and is very confident of her ability to protect herself physically. She also craves adventure and excitement.

Elena is actually the most hardcore of all the Turks. By the end of the OG, her stats are the highest and her punch is the hardest. She is one tough cookie, which doesn't mean she can't also be very feminine. As in Karanguni's story, I can see her going through a phase of trying to be "one of the guys", before realising that her femininity is a huge asset. All the same, I think she feels a lot of contempt for any man who can be taken in by her "cute girl" routine.

I always think of Kassi's line "with a helicopter that she produced from her sheer fucking fierceness." I think that sums Elena up really well.


Great Old One
Hiding text is also used when one feels his or her text is tl;dr (too long didn't read), off topic or... if you just don't want it out on full display.

I think the Elena thing for me is about my love for unsympathetic and slightly mean characters. With attitude and fuck-all comes the enjoyment in screwing other people around. Why have power if you can't show it.

I'm very bad at explaining this, I should just write that dark Elena fic already. And she will be mean. Not badass cool mean but nasty mean. Which is out of character, but it will be my take on a different version.


Pro Adventurer
I support this and look forward to reading it, should you write it.

I sort of like the idea that Elena and Rufus Shinra are in fact very similar people with similar things driving them. Which makes writing them interacting potentially fun. (In my head canon, Tseng/Rufus exists, but Rufus personally likes the idea of Tseng/Elena).

LicoriceAllsorts said:
Elena is actually the most hardcore of all the Turks. By the end of the OG, her stats are the highest and her punch is the hardest. She is one tough cookie, which doesn't mean she can't also be very feminine. As in Karanguni's story, I can see her going through a phase of trying to be "one of the guys", before realising that her femininity is a huge asset. All the same, I think she feels a lot of contempt for any man who can be taken in by her "cute girl" routine.

I guess one of the things that's always puzzled me about Elena is that she is tough, and yet still manages to get herself in so much trouble. Yes, she's new, but shouldn't she have been able to beat Don Corneo in a fight (then again, you could say the same of Yuffie). So maybe that's more a rant about kidnapped girls as plot device.

But I am drawn to the idea that she may not be the most capable Turk (she's very young and inexperienced after all) but she's still the toughest. It's like, which is more impressive. A natural born athlete excelling at sports, or someone who is naturally clumsy excelling at sports through shear force of will and hard work?

Personally, I used to be really shy, so I joined the Speech and Debate club and trained really hard to become a good public speaker. I'm sure it happens all the time, people working to overcome what they see as a weakness. I like Elena to have these flaws, to not be all that, because it makes how competent she really is all the more impressive.

I also love her soft side, her crush on Tseng is adorable and the way she tackles in The Case of Shinra. She has cute moments.

But again, I don't see cute as meaning not dangerous, necessarily. Personally, I'm very cute but I plan to be a very scary attorney someday.

Then comparing Elena to the other Turks, I don't want to make her too similar to the others in my mind, and in my head canon I see Cissnei as the mean one who uses the cute girl routine. Shuriken girl was freaking raised by Shinra to be a Turk, her starting point was stone cold super spy that saw everyone as an enemy. She got better and has a nice side, a human side, but I think she's pretty frightening.

Meanwhile, Rude seems to be the nicest.

I'm not sure who's scarier between Tseng and Reno. Reno seems more...I don't know...honest?
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I think sometimes when writing Elena I go too far the other way, as a reaction to characterisations of Elena like the one in this fic:

Which is being complained about in this rant:

I agree with the commenter who said that there is way too much Turk weeping in this fic. Elena doesn't break down in tears (or maybe just once in a blue moon). Elena gets mad and even. I can't see Elena being physically clumsy, partly because she's not clumsy in the game, and partly because climsiness is the cliched 'endearing' fault always given to otherwise gorgeous 'Mary-Sues' in order to humanise them. Aren't Bella and what's-her-face in Fifty Shades of Grey both clumsy? I doubt the Turks would ever recruit someone who was physically uncoordinated. Elena's won all the martial arts prizes at her academy so it's likely that she is a gifted athlete.

Weren't Yuffie and Elena captured by being swarmed by Corneo's men? Elena probably let her guard down. Maybe she was distracted by all the hot Tseng lookalikes!

I totally agree that Elena has her adorable moments, especially when she tries too hard. I really empathise with that aspect of her.
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Pro Adventurer (scroll down past the Balthier fic to the Elena fic).

This is fic was excellent and very interesting. And now I'm going to have to read the fic everyone is ranting about and the rants, because this is leading to a very interesting discussion.

Edit: Skimming the first chapter. Yes, that is an awful lot of crying. (sad tears, happy tears, does everything warrant tears?)

I think it is a problem to write female characters as overly emotional and weepy just because they're female.

And now I'm worried that I might do that because come to think of it, so far the only thing I've written with Elena has her breaking down in tears at the end...

But I guess, I see tears as human and think that everyone should cry sometimes. I like the idea that she could be emotional and not be weak. But now I find myself questioning if I would have had a male character act the same in the same circumstances, but I think I would have because it meant to be a breakdown.

It's kind of hard really, liking the idea of character being soft without being too soft, wanting to have them cry but not be weepy. But maybe I understand weepy because I used to be a very weepy person myself?
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Well, upon re-reading JenesisX's fic, and giving the matter some further thought, Elena's constant crying jags are explicable given the state of her hormones. I seem to remember crying at the drop of a hat in my first months of pregnancy, and I hardly ever cry at anything. And Tseng does comment to himself that it is very out of character for her. So, fair enough. Also, it's set in an AU (which I haven't read), and there's always more leeway with those.

FWIW, Cam, I think you should stay true to your own vision of Elena. Like I always say, a big part of the appeal of the Turks is that they are so wide open to interpretation. One thing I did realise, though, reading that "On my Honour" fic, is that I can no longer appreciate fics where Rufus is portrayed as unintelligent and/or completely lacking in regard for human life. It clashes too painfully with my own headcanon!
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