The General Turks Worship Thread


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
:lol: Goddamnit guys, its bad enough when my family are on at me about it: "are you having sex? have you tried pineapple? what about curry? do some squat thrusts!"

I'll do my best :salute: You guys will probably be amongst the first to know when things kick off ;)

/thread derailment


There's no such thing as thread derailment when it comes to baby Octo!

The Turks are great or something.


Great Old One
Yeah Octo where's the baby!!

When is your due date anyway? I seem to remember you said September, but that might have changed since then : )

Edit: Also, sorry for going off topic here :P
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Pro Adventurer
Octo, since I haven't been here long enough to say this before now, congratulations!

ASHGDKJJSBL;FK... WOW. Amazeballs with awesomesauce. Where do you find these Turk-like Turks who Turk it up to 11?! You all live on Gaia, don't you?

LOL, Arizona? But I do think Phoenix rivals Midgar in being a ecological disaster of a city (I love my city, but it's true). And there is a farm that has giant birds between university city with a airforce base where I live (Tucson, but if anything it's more like Corel than Junon) and Phoenix. Oh and up north there's a city (google image Sedona), set amongst red canyons that's full of hippies who believe there's a spiritual energy there and north of that there's mountains with snow boarding (google snow bowl).

Oh and since you like the cosplay stories, and they are Turk related, I’ll share the story of how I met my Reno and this all began. Because it does relate to Turks and I think fans may find it amusing.

Most of my cosplayers joined because I asked them to or a friend did and they really liked the group/working with me, to quote my Shotgun. “The minute I joined Shinra you invited me into your room, gave me food, and started to look after me, just like that. You cared about the group, and us. So you know if you ever need anything, I’ll be there for you.” – She is so sweet, and that means so much to me! Then Knives joined because we met her at a con and she happened to have a suit on her and wanted the chance to hang out with Reno.

Only Rod joined because he was a fan. I had some art open on my computer. “You know Before Crisis? I love Before Crisis. Rod Turk is so cool, I feel like we have a lot in common. I’d love to cosplay him sometime.” To which I was like, “Well as it happens I have a cosplay group and we don’t have a Rod.”

Really though, it all goes back to Reno and the story of meeting him is probably the most interesting and unexpected. I consider Reno my best friend, he was the best man at my wedding (the Tseng in the pictures with me is my husband), Lee is my a brother in everything but blood and every way that really counts, and I have no idea how that happened because when I first met him I disliked him and thought he was a loudmouthed idiotic braggart.

So here’s the story of how we became friends.

My best friend girl, my boyfriend, and I were planning a trip to San Francisco for Yaoi con in 2010. Because of that they elected not to go to Saboten Con. I still wanted to go, so I was going to go alone but then met a girl named Kelsey who was only 18 and had never gone to a con alone. So in the end I went along with her to chaperone her on behalf of her over protective mother.

By the time we booked the hotel all the rooms at the resort where the con was being held were booked so we got a room at a motel a few blocks down the street.

While at the con, I met Lee, my Reno. I was cosplaying Lea from Birth by Sleep that day (Axel’s somebody, Axel being Kingdom Hearts character based on Reno). Kelsey called Lee and his friend over to us, practically swooning over him.

“I met him at Phoenix Comicon, he’s the best Reno ever!” It was clear that she was badly infatuated with him, and from the way he held himself, I guessed he was used to girls throwing themselves at his feet.

Which in fact they do. I went out to a restaurant with him once, the waitress asked, what can I get you, he responded “hookers and blow” straight faced, just said it. She hung around our table flirting all evening. I never quite understood it, but girls seem to find him charming. He texted me the other week and said
“A guy just offered to pay ME 100 dollars to suck MY dick. And because I know your retort, no I’m not joking.”
Apparently, people just want him, whether he wants them to or not.

So when we met he held himself with a sort of slovenly arrogance, as if to say, I’m too cool to care what you think.

I admire his cosplay and he recognizes mine. “Lea from BBS, you know what’s funny. My name is Lee, L-e-e but it sounds like L-e-a and that’s Axel’s somebody. Axel who is based Reno. I swear, Reno is based on me, I should get royalty checks.”

“Your cosplay’s good, although it’s not the hardest character to pull off,” I respond. Because everyone can do a closet cosplay as Reno, and in my book there’s no need to be arrogant because you happen to be a good looking guy who can pull it off.

“No, no I mean it. Before I even knew what FFVII was I had red hair, wore goggles and dress shirts, said yo. I even carry a baton but security said I couldn’t bring in it.”

“Obviously, it’s a real weapon,” I said.

“Well yeah, but they let people bring in wooden weapons and I bet I could do more damage with that, yo, but as I was saying about ME.”

He tends to talk A LOT.

“So,” he finally concluded. “that’s why I’m such a great Reno cosplayer. Well that and I’m a man. Crosplayers, it’s all about yaoi and your little fanfics, you’re women, why not show off what you got.”

I hope you can see why I disliked him at first, bearing in mind that both Kelsey and myself are obviously I’m crosplaying. (this also made the little trick I pulled on him later so worth it for that story, see here: )

Still, he was really good Reno, so as he left I said. “Oh, I’ll be cosplaying Rufus Shinra tomorrow if you’d be willing to take a few shots with me, even if I am a crosplayer.” Honestly, I half expected him not to know who Rufus Shinra is because there are a lot of Reno cosplayers who’ve seen Advent Children once and know nothing about the character or compilation.

He says, “Oh cool, boss man, no problem. And listen, I didn’t say I have anything against crosplayers. You have to understand. I love women, I love their,” he mimes the shape of breasts, “so why would you hide that.”

“You just say things to try to get a rise out of people, don’t you?” I said.

“...basically,” he said, before saluting with two fingers and ambling off.

Now at the end of the day, Kelsey, who I viewed as my responsibility as her mother had entrusted me to look out for her, got very sick and wanted to go back to the hotel to lay down. The only problem was she and I were sharing a room with a girl named Alyssa. Alyssa was the one who’d driven us, so without her we could not return to the room. We couldn’t find her and she wasn’t answering her phone.

Now, she was sick, so I was determined to get her back to our room because the craziness of the crowded resort probably wasn’t helping her and there was nowhere quiet to sit down. However, although we could walk, two girls walking alone at night in a major city didn’t seem like a good plan.

I spotted Lee and his friend. Kelsey had met them before and although I judged Lee to be an asshole, I thought he was trustworthy enough that I could ask if he or his friend wouldn’t mind escorting us home because as ladies we’d be safer in the company of a gentleman.

“So what do you say, play body guard for a bit and give us a ride? It’s not far.”

They agreed and drove us to our motel. By way of thanks I invited them up. “We have a ton of candy and Ramenae in our room if you’d like something to drink before you head back to the con.”

“Rum?” Lee asked, “You have rum, I love rum.”

Kelsey and I. “Ramunae, not rum.”

“It’s Japanese soda,” I exaplined.

“Why don’t you have rum?” Lee pouted.

I got a bit annoyed. “Because she is only eighteen and I have been charged with chaperoning her. Now if you’d like some soda you’re welcome to come up. If not then I’ll have to bid you both good night.” (My manner of speech is sort of formal when annoyed).

They agree to come up and Lee flops down on one of the bed and promptly passes out face down in the manner of a cat or a drunk.

I asked his friend where they’re staying or if they have a place. They’re from another sector of the city (Phoenix Metro is actually several cities clustered together, but they aren’t really different cities in anything but name, so I think of them as sectors) and don’t have a place nearby to stay. Since he’s obviously exhausted, I offered to let them crash with us, we have two beds and could fit all three girls in one easily enough.

Although when Alyssa returned to find an attractive male passed out in her bed she didn’t mind just sharing with him.

The next day they woke up cuddling and Lee’s response was “Who are you? Where am I? Why does this keep happening to me?”

In the meantime, I wanted Lee to cosplay Reno with me tomorrow because I wanted to do a photo shoot, so knowing he wouldn’t have a clean change of clothing I decided that I could clean his shirt at the very least. Wearing the pants he wore the day before and slept in didn’t seem the sort of thing that would bother Lee or look bad on Reno, anyway.

So I say, hey Lee, roll over. He does and I start unbuttoning his shirt. He’s half asleep and like “Huh?”

I say, “I’m taking your shirt off so I can clean it, I swear this isn’t sexual harassment.”

So I get him out of he shirt and go on an epic ordeal to do laundry. We had to go to the store to get detergent and to the bank to get change. We get back and he’s awake.

“Where did everyone go?” he asked.

“I cleaned your shirt for you,” I said.

“No you didn’t, I did,” said his friend as if coming to a realization. “You just stood there and gave orders while I did everything. How did that happen?”

“Oh sorry, I have a bad habit of giving people orders, but then people tend to do what I say so maybe it’s not a problem? I hope you don’t mind to much.”

“No, it’s fine, you’re giving us a place to stay,” he said.

“Yeah,” said Lee, heading for the shower, “we were gonna crash with some buddies of mine but I’m not allowed in their house anymore.”


“I lost my gun in their couch cushions, and when they found it they weren’t happy.”

I sort of round on him. I grew up around guns, shotguns mostly, but all the same I’ve been drilled on gun safety, and so I sort of go off. Not yelling, I don’t yell, but just very stern anger.

“You did WHAT? Was it loaded?”

“Of course it was loaded, what’s the point of carrying if it ain’t loaded?”

I’m sort of seething. “You lost a loaded gun in someone’s couch? How the hell do you misplace a loaded gun!”

“Well you see, I was drunk.”

“What? If you were drunk then you had no business being armed. Someone could have died because of your stupidity, that is the most irresponsible thing I have ever heard.”

Now, I’m almost yelling at him, berating him sharply, and really he has no reason to answer to me. Honestly, he could have said who are you to tell me what to do, because really I’m just some girl he just met, younger than he is and with no authority to call him out. I think in general, having a stranger lecture you, practically yelling, isn’t the most auspicious beginning, but really this was the moment we started to be friends, because he answered me with all sincerity.

“You’re right. I had the gun on me because I always have it one me. I’ve done some bad things in my past, lived a lot of rough places doing it, and since I’ve had guns in my face when I wasn’t armed, I don’t like being unarmed ever. The safety was on, and I know that ain’t good enough, but no one was hurt and it was stupid. I understand that having a gun is a responsibility, yo.”

Then we got into a discussion about gun control and he could actually keep up with me in the debate. It was then I began to think I’d misjudged him. He acted like an idiot, but he was smart and the more I got to know him; the more I found he knew quite a lot of things.

So the next day I cosplayed Rufus, for the first time ever, and we did our shoot. During the day I determined that there wasn’t a Final Fantasy meet up and thought to rectify this. So I took aside every FF cosplayer I spotted and said “Final Fantasy meet up at this time, gather in the lobby, tell every Final Fantasy fan you see.” The first person I told this to was a Sephiroth cosplayer who being fairly noticeable, spread the word well.

Now, the amount of people who gathered was enormous, almost filling the lobby, so we couldn’t all just stand about there and as it was over a hundred degrees outside going out there was out of the question, especially for people in heavy costumes.

Fortunately, earlier that day I’d met a boy named Mike. Mike didn’t have many friends because he was sort of a snotty little brat, he was only 14, but I’d invited him along with us earlier because he had a rather nice looking camera and looked lonely.

“Hey, are you into photography? We’re doing a photoshoot. If you want someone to hang out with, we need an official Shinra photographer. It’ll be a great chance to expand portfolio.”

He was thrilled to have a chance to hang out with a bunch of “cool older cosplayers” and he let us use his suite to do some photos. His suite was in fact a private townhouse on the resort grounds. He was staying there alone and unsupervised although his mother apparently had someone in her employ that came check in on him once a day (inattentive parenting).

So for the gathering we had everyone come over to his suite, which I’ll confess I did sort of volunteer him for which was wrong, but it was a chance for him to make new friends.

“Mike is going to let us use his suite for our meet up, everyone give a round of applause for Mike.”

So getting back to Lee, the suite was on the other side of the resort from the con. After I’d led everyone (and I swear it seemed like almost a hundred people at one point, although a lot of crowd was just following and once I’d narrowed it down to cosplayers only it was only like around fifty or so) to the townhouse I had to leave almost immediately because there was a Bahamet cosplayer who could not walk across the resort in her giant costume. So I left with my Rude cosplayer a the time, who had a car, to drive to the front of the resort and grab her. To fit this costume in the car she basically had to stand on all fours in the back seat as we tucked her tail in to get the door shut.

The whole time I was gone, which was 10 – 15 minutes, all I could think was that this was a disaster. I’d led all these people to a meet up, and them left them immediately. They would probably be bored or they might have left, I had planned a gathering but I didn’t have any plans after that…I really had no idea what I was doing. I just wanted there to be a meet up.

I get in and Lee is directing photos at the meeting. Getting people in and posing them based on scenes from whatever game they were from, then signaling the other attendants that they could take photos now and then stop, next set in. He had managed to get a massive group of people completely organized and the whole thing was running like clockwork.

I was absolutely in awe of his ability and told him as much. He just smirked and said, “I told you, I’m a professional.” All day he had been saying that, I’m a professional, and I was like, a professional what, that doesn’t mean anything, but apparently for Lee it means he’s highly skilled in a random assortment of areas including directing photoshoots.

Afterwards, he said it would be cool if we tried to get a whole Before Crisis group together. I was impressed he knew Before Crisis, it turned out he knew everything about the Turks, down to guessing what model gun was closest to what they’d carry and noticing the black on black stripes on the suites in Advent Children. At that moment I thought, “I’m not sure if I could ever be friends with this guy, but I’d love to work with him.” He’d impressed me.

As we got to know each other through this, I came to find that behind his façade of being an idiot ass hole, he’s actually quite carrying and sweet. The third time I hung out with him, after con, I was up in Phoenix and had brought my puppy, Dark Nation
with me because Lee had been to my house and met the dog (by met I mean he laid down on the floor, pulled the puppy on top of him letting Dark Nation lick him as he roughly petted him).

“You like dogs, I take it?”

“Dark Nation is awesome, gotta love the boss’s dog yo”

So we’d discussed me bringing my dog up with me the next time I visited Phoenix so that Lee and I could go to the dog park together and let our dogs have a play date. We were to go on Saturday but he had to cancel because he had to help a relative move. That night we were at dinner and he said “what time are you leaving tomorrow? We can go to the dog park before you leave.”

Now Lee worked nights a lot at the time, so I didn’t expect him to be up before noon much less in the morning.

“If we went, it would have to be fairly early,” I said.

“Doesn’t matter, when you get up, call me.”

Now I really didn’t expect this to happen. I expected that if I tried to call him in the morning he wouldn’t answer because he’d be asleep, or if he did answer he’d say he was too tired. However when I called him he said, “I’m up, ok.” Then he called me back and said.

“Boss, I’m on my way. I’ve stopped at McDonalds, what do you want for breakfast and how do you take your coffee?”

I was struck by how sweet that was, I mean, I don’t think anyone who I wasn’t dating had ever done something so thoughtful.

“You don’t have to get me anything,” I said, but he insisted.

“I’m all ready here, and I’m a Turk, of course I’ll get you coffee. “

“All right then, I like it was a lot of sugar and a lot of cream.”

“Really? But your Rufus Shinra, right? You’re like an evil over lord, you should like it black.”

Since he was teasing me, I decided to tease him back said, in my best Rufus Shinra voice.

“If I’m Rufus Shinra, then I’ll take my coffee however I damn well please, and the only think you’ll say about it is yes sir.”

“Yes sir!”

And it was that day I realized that we were going to be friends, also that I never wanted to drive anywhere with him ever, seriously, he drives like he thinks he’s in some sort of action movie. He started playing a cell phone game where you dodge “zombies” represented by dots on your GPS that’s meant to played while walking, while driving on the free way!

And I hope that long story was on topic enough to not constitute thread derailment.


Pro Adventurer
tardis60, dephinia
LOL, Arizona? But I do think Phoenix rivals Midgar in being a ecological disaster of a city (I love my city, but it's true). And there is a farm that has giant birds between university city with a airforce base where I live (Tucson, but if anything it's more like Corel than Junon) and Phoenix. Oh and up north there's a city (google image Sedona), set amongst red canyons that's full of hippies who believe there's a spiritual energy there and north of that there's mountains with snow boarding (google snow bowl).

I used to visit Phoenix and Sedona quite a bit in my teenage years -- my parents fell into the category of hippies believing in spiritual energy in Sedona and liked to hang out with the other hippies there! I love and definitely relate to your allegories of places in central Arizona to places on Gaia. :neo:

The stories... I don't even know where to begin to express my appreciation! My brain exploded into fluffy drifts of happy when I read it. It's like your group is living a fanfic. Which makes the pictures even more awesome. Lee's personality just screams Reno to me, and your approaches to your Turks as individuals and on the whole just screams Rufus to me as well. LOL at the offer Lee received that he texted you about! Yup, that's Reno! :monster: Thank you so much for sharing them!

The fact that these things unfolded naturally in these ways makes it feel even more authentic and wonderful. Instead of the characters being a persona you put on and have to think about, it sounds like a wonderful flow where those parts of each person that reflect their character come to greater prominence within the group dynamic and interacting with each other.

So. Much. Awesome. Oh my Holy, yes. :excited:

Part of me is thinking, "Well, why not approach life like a fanfic? Maybe if I start to see things in wondrous ways I'll always be entertained. Like Don Juan DeMarco, but without doing anything that would necessitate institutionalization." :awesome:

There should be Turk uniform onesies for Octo's kid. I can't remember if this has been raised before...



Pro Adventurer
I used to visit Phoenix and Sedona quite a bit in my teenage years -- my parents fell into the category of hippies believing in spiritual energy in Sedona and liked to hang out with the other hippies there! I love and definitely relate to your allegories of places in central Arizona to places on Gaia. :neo:

That's cool, Sedona hippies are fun to talk to. My aunt's brother owns a cabin in the canyon north of Sedona so I got to go there during high school. My best Sedona story is seeing a giant bill board for a "Psychic convention" and my cousin making the remark "do you really think psychics would need such a huge bill board?"

I seriously want to do back to do a BC AVALANCHE photo shoot with my Elfe cosplay. I'm trying to get Lee to do Shears as well, so then all we'd need is a Fuhito. But I think there'd be some great back drops for photos up there.

The stories... I don't even know where to begin to express my appreciation! My brain exploded into fluffy drifts of happy when I read it.

Oh I'm glad, I was worried I'd gone for far too long. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

It's like your group is living a fanfic. Which makes the pictures even more awesome. Lee's personality just screams Reno to me, and your approaches to your Turks as individuals and on the whole just screams Rufus to me as well. LOL at the offer Lee received that he texted you about! Yup, that's Reno! :monster: Thank you so much for sharing them!

Lee is so Reno that it's sometimes scary. Like the other day I was talking to him about my cat. My cat was a ferral, to the extent that the people at the shelter I got it from were afraid to reach into the cage to get it out for me when I enquired about it and tried to persuade me that I really didn't want to see that cat. (They're hissy, it might attack you). He's fine with me, the minute she handed me the cat he curled up and started purring, but you can tell he was caught off the streets and is half wild. He also shows signs of trauma in that he's terrified of guns or anything that looks like a gun. My husband discovered this when he was grabbing a gun to use as a prop and the cat, upon seeing it, ran under the bed and refused to come out. (I guess some people will shoot at ferrels with BBs or air soft).

So Lee asked me how things were going with the cat, and I told him fine, but I think he might have been shot at before we got him because he's scared of guns.

Lee's response

Lee: Your cat's afraid of guns? Well I'll teach to love guns.
Me: You are not bringing a gun anywhere near my cat.
Lee: Not a real gun, just a toy gun so it can get over it's phobia.
Me: You are not going to attempt shock therapy on my cat.
Lee: What? Shock therapy? I said a toy gun not a tazer, no electricity involved.

I think Lee and Reno probably have the same sense of humor.

The fact that these things unfolded naturally in these ways makes it feel even more authentic and wonderful. Instead of the characters being a persona you put on and have to think about, it sounds like a wonderful flow where those parts of each person that reflect their character come to greater prominence within the group dynamic and interacting with each other.

For me, part of the fun of cosplay is getting to play with different aspects of your personality. Like my husband used to be really shy, but cosplaying outgoing characters like Axel or confident characters like Sephiroth helped him tap into his own confidence. Rufus was the first cosplay I did because I loved the character and doing Rufus lets me show the side of myself that likes public speaking and taking charge. I also do Aqua from Kingdom Hearts, and she's my niceness and he protectiveness I feel for my friends. Then I do Rarity from My Little Pony and it's the part of me that smiles all the time and is generous.

I think the best cosplayers aren't always the ones who have amazing costumes, but the ones who can really "be" the character by putting some of themselves into it.

Of course, I'm nicer than Rufus and he's probably a lot stronger than me. (I'm clumsy, get seasick, airsick and carsick, and I don't consider myself particularly fearless).So it's not like any of us think we are the character we do, but it's interesting experience to play pretend as someone else and also discover parts of yourself.

Part of me is thinking, "Well, why not approach life like a fanfic? Maybe if I start to see things in wondrous ways I'll always be entertained. Like Don Juan DeMarco, but without doing anything that would necessitate institutionalization." :awesome:

I think that's a great idea. Appreciate the stories from your own life, and if you can't live your own legend at least you can live your own sit com, right?

I think the funniest thing with cosplay is when you're having normal, out of character conversation (as opposed to purposefully talking in character like when Lee and I were joking around) and you think, this could be a fanfic.

Like I mentioned the year I insisted on attending a convention post surgery (something my husband thought ill advised, because he wanted me in bed recovering).Since I cosplay Rufus anyway, I just AC Rufus and my husband cosplayed Tseng because he 'might as well since I'm not leaving your side'. So he cosplayed Tseng for the first time so that he could push me around in my wheel chair without having to step out if anyone wanted a picture. (The cosplay was actually really popular, we got a lot of excited fans, and some fans who looked both excited and frightened, because when my husband is in protective mode he's sort of scary').

That weekend we had this conversation.

Him: You're in pain.
Me: Yes, but I'm fine.
Him: If you're in pain, you're not fine, take your pills
Me: I'm not a child, I can decide for myself if I need to take pain meds.
Him: You're acting like a child by being so stubborn, do you think you know better than the doctor?
Me: The doctor said take as necessary, I define necessary as if the pain is so excruciating that I am otherwise unable to function I should take the pills
Him: Funny, because I define necessary as if you're in pain and I notice it, unless you want me to wheel you back to the hotel room and leave you there.
Me: There could be a fanfic about this conversation you know.

After taking the pills I was far less in character as I threw my hands up in the air and cried "Whee, this is fun, push faster!"

And since you seem to like cosplay stories here's one more.

The time Lee got into a fight with a cactus and lost.

Lee, despite ranting about 'you people and fanfictions' has a pretty strong head canon. In his head canon Reno is close with Knives and Two Guns based on the fact they all don't wear ties.

So my Reno and Knives became really close. My knives is a really sweet girl, and was the youngest of the group, so my Reno saw her as a little sister that he was going to look out for. Lee is also a really sweet person once you get to know him and if you're his friend he'll do nice things for you. He happened to own a set of really nice throwing knives (a lot of my friends own a lot of weapons, seriously, my house rule is come in, please take your shoes off and set all weapons on the table) and he gave these to her as a gift.

He took her out back and was showing her how to use them and I came out to watch.

"Hey, Reno," I said, "You think you can hit that cactus?" Referring to a prickly pear growing a in the yard. Prickly pear cactus have paddles that would actually make a good target.

"Yeah!" he says, and to be a smart ass instead of throwing he knife at the cactus he runs up and stabs it. Cacti are actually quite soft, so the knife goes right through and his hand goes right into the cactus. "I got it, but it got me too, fuck, ouch!"

Prickly pear have clusters of tiny needles, so if you touch one, it's less like being stabbed by a thorn and more like having thousands of tiny splinters in your hand. He was pulling needles out his hand for months.

There should be Turk uniform onesies for Octo's kid. I can't remember if this has been raised before...

I agree, that would be adorable. Also, you could probably sell those, little suit onsies. So far this is the closest thing I could find.


Pro Adventurer
tardis60, dephinia
That's cool, Sedona hippies are fun to talk to. My aunt's brother owns a cabin in the canyon north of Sedona so I got to go there during high school. My best Sedona story is seeing a giant bill board for a "Psychic convention" and my cousin making the remark "do you really think psychics would need such a huge bill board?"

LOL, exactly!

For me, part of the fun of cosplay is getting to play with different aspects of your personality. Like my husband used to be really shy, but cosplaying outgoing characters like Axel or confident characters like Sephiroth helped him tap into his own confidence. Rufus was the first cosplay I did because I loved the character and doing Rufus lets me show the side of myself that likes public speaking and taking charge. I also do Aqua from Kingdom Hearts, and she's my niceness and he protectiveness I feel for my friends. Then I do Rarity from My Little Pony and it's the part of me that smiles all the time and is generous.

I think the best cosplayers aren't always the ones who have amazing costumes, but the ones who can really "be" the character by putting some of themselves into it.

I love that whole approach, I feel a similar way about writing characters. In the past those I've known who cosplay approach it like putting on a Halloween costume. For them it's about accuracy to the original. They don't walk around in character, and the closest they get is poses for the camera. I don't think I'd realized that one can approach it like acting, which seems like it'd be both more fun and more expressive, that by investing more of oneself in the experience one might stand to gain more from it as well.

As always, I love these stories, especially:

Prickly pear have clusters of tiny needles, so if you touch one, it's less like being stabbed by a thorn and more like having thousands of tiny splinters in your hand. He was pulling needles out his hand for months.

If only he'd had Enemy Skill equipped he could now quite literally needle people. :D

Have you thought about making a blog for these vignettes to promote your group? Or posting them on DeviantArt along with the pictures? They contribute so much to my appreciation of the pictures, and I'd like to think others would also enjoy them.



Pro Adventurer
I love that whole approach, I feel a similar way about writing characters. In the past those I've known who cosplay approach it like putting on a Halloween costume. For them it's about accuracy to the original. They don't walk around in character, and the closest they get is poses for the camera. I don't think I'd realized that one can approach it like acting, which seems like it'd be both more fun and more expressive, that by investing more of oneself in the experience one might stand to gain more from it as well.

There are kind of three factions with cosplayers, casual/newbie cosplayers who wear a costume and come to a con in costume the same way people dress up for the Ren Faire, the sort of feeling that it's what you're supposed to do. (Although plenty of people go to cons not in costume). My first time cosplaying was at San Diego Comicon 09, I'd never been to a con and my friend Squeek explained it as "you have to dress up in a costume, and then you take pictures of other people in costume and get your picture taken". So I made a Harly Quinn Dark Knight inspired costume and did a closet cosplay of Misa from Death Note that I'd done for Halloween the year before. I didn't know what was going on. For some new people, the experience can be a bit shocking, like "why are strangers asking to take pictures of me?" If you're shy and don't like having pictures of you taken or don't want attention, don't cosplay. (Or cosplay characters no one has heard of, when I did Elfe I only got stopped by people asking "Who are you supposed to be?" or "Are you from Legend of Zelda?" Although I did meet one BC fan who started Squeeing uncontrollably. And one professional photographer who was a teacher at a community college grabbed me for a photo shoot, and thought I was 15 because he was like "here's my card, just tell your parents they can go online if they want the photos. I'm a teacher at X college" I think I could have made him relax a lot by telling him that I was 22 and he wasn't awkwardly asking an underage girl for photos while trying very hard to not come off as a creeper).

But yeah, you get your picture taken a lot, to the point it can take forever to get anywhere because you have to stop for pictures and as soon as you stop, more people want to take pictures. Especially if you're in a group. Some days it's a relief to just do Rufus solo because he's not popular enough for many people to bother stopping you.

Aside from the new people/causal people who are just doing it to do it, you have two main factions of cosplayers. Cosplay is a Japanese word made up mashing the English words Costume and Play, and the two factions are basically Costume people and Play people.

The pure costume people see cosplay as way to do fanart in fabric and show their love for a character by creating it in flesh. Some of these people can be a bit stuck up as a result and look down on people who don't match the character perfectly (you get some racism here sometimes, as well as catty she's too fat/tall/short to be X), or whose skills aren't as good, or even those who don't make their own costume (I had a friend who did everything herself and didn't like the fact I generally just buy things or get people to do things for me). Although not all pure costume people are bad, a lot are perfectly nice and are just more into art/modeling.

Then you have the play people who are in to play pretend. My Cissnei cosplayer once confessed she's always happy cons because she gets to be someone else for a few hours. It's liberating in a way to literally get to be who you want to be, as like as Rarity (MLP human form) I feel pretty and confident (IRL I was a bit of an ugly duckling book worm and can still be pretty shy).

Of course, you then get like a feedback loop where people see aspects of the character in you. Like my cousin is getting married this Saturday so I went for a mani-pedi. I said to my friend Meghan (who's also my Katana current cosplayer) afterwards, I always feel so awkward getting that stuff done, all those women waiting on you hand and foot and putting your shoes on for you.

She siad, "I'd think you'd be used to it."
I replied, "Why does everyone assume I'm pampered?"
Her "Because you're Rarity incarnate"

Then when you meet other people in your fandom who are also playing you just start joking around in character like an improv IRL RP and slipping into character becomes a running joke even when you're out of costume.

Like I'm in a Organization XIII cosplay group, I founded it and act as VP of the group, so I help take care of logistics and I recruited most of the members from my Turk group. So I was asking Zechariah, who is my Two-Guns (Xigbar in this group) if he was able to get a badge for someone because he's con staff and will sometimes be floated free badges. Then this conversation just happened naturally.

Two Guns: If push comes to shove I can pull other strings
Me: Can I count on you to get the badge?
Two Guns: Rufus do you really have to question your turks ability?
Katana:..Reno has to be questioned at times.
Two Guns: I'm better then Reno just look at my hair by far better
Me: Actually Reno can be quite impressive, I trust him
Two Guns: Yes, we all love him. My hair is still better
Me: Two-Guns, your hair is ridiculous
Two Guns: Its wonderful
Katana: At least mine looks more... professional.
Two Guns:Yours is boring and bland
Me:Both Two Guns and Katana have very interesting choices of hair style. Rod in my opinion has the best hair. Seriously, fluffy looks like he licked a Bolt materia, it's great
Katana: Heh.
Two Guns: But yeah I can find a way to get the badge
Katana:...and somehow, I stumbled on a Two Guns x Rod doujin...
Two Guns:
Me: link link link!
Two Guns: Dont you dare you
Katana: Hold on, Ruffles.
Me: Don't Call me Ruffles, I swear to Gaia
Katana: It's all previews for something to buy off of ebay.
Two Guns: You Bleep
Me: There are so many out there I'd love to buy
Katana:... And the true interests of Rufus Shinra come out...
Two Guns:Trust me you have not seen the half of it
Rufus: If you dare mention director Tseng
Katana:...It looks like this person ships Rod with everyone... -Clears throat. Adjusts glasses.-

And this was a skype conversation where we just slipped into character, or half way, I really do want to buy more doujinshi, even though I can't read them.

The play side of cosplay is basically cosplayers who love the characters and like playing around. Of course, a lot of play people are also hard core costumers. Like JouninK is incredible and makes all her stuff herself, and my Shot Gun is going to school for fashion design so she makes incredible costumes and has made some of my costumes, including a new Victorian Steam Punk Rufus that I'm debuting at a con this weekend. (Yes I'm going to a Con this weekend, and going to a wedding, these events are taking place in different cities, and I have a bunch of events I'm running at the con, thank god for JouninK's willingness to cover my slack and allowing me to leave for the wedding despite group commitments. It's times like this I wish I owned a helicopter IRL).

Have you thought about making a blog for these vignettes to promote your group? Or posting them on DeviantArt along with the pictures? They contribute so much to my appreciation of the pictures, and I'd like to think others would also enjoy them.


That's actually a great idea. I mean, I have shared one of the stories on Tumblr (the cross dressing Gun Female story, did you read it?) but I could probably do a blog about it, like make a Tumblr just for that. Of course, I'd have to figure out how to use tumbler.

Anyway, back on topic. Turks.

Personally, I like pairing Turk/Turk or Rufus/Turk (Rufus/Reno is my OTP, but I'll also do Rufus/Tseng, Rufus/Elena, Rufus/Nunchuku Male (blondes, body doubles, just think of the potential, I don't do Rufus/Rude, just because my head canon Rude is straight and deserves better).

But what do you think of the dynamics of pairings people in the same department or pairing people subordinate/superior.

In my head Rufus would try to keep his business relationship separate and would want to be considered an equal as a lover. He wants someone who doesn't care he's Rufus Shinra. Although my Rufus/Tseng dynamic is very servant/master on Tseng's part.

Also question, who here supports the idea of making a Death Is Part of the Process fanclub thread? Licorice has done art based on her fic, I've done cosplay based on it. There should be a thread to fan over how awesome that fic is and share fan art.
I can't tell you how flattered I am by this suggestion, and I won't deny its effect on my ego. But I don't think this site is the right place for such a thread. My gut feeling is that any site which is dedicated to all its members shouldn't have a special thread for just one member's fanart. I'd hate it if anyone here thought I was getting special treatment. The right place for something like that would be tumblr or deviantart. Maybe I should make a tumblr and collect everything there. The reason I'm dragging my feet over it is because I'm no longer satisfied with the first chapters of the fic. They need substantial re-writes. But I don't want to start re-writes until I finish the fic. From past experience I know that once I start re-writing I'll get completely bogged down in it.

Also i find anything that smacks of self-promotion quite embarassing. It's just the way I was raised: never boast or blow your own trumpet.


Pro Adventurer
My thought was, given that there appears to be fan clubs for all interests, including boob and ass appreciation, it wouldn&#8217;t be a stretch to have a fan club for a fanfic. Not dedicated to you, but to your fic by and for fans of it. Honestly, in general I think there should be places for fans of fanfic to talk about the fic. Although if this idea makes you uncomfortable I understand.

I&#8217;d make the fan club on DA, but I&#8217;d need to have a premium account because I&#8217;m all ready founder or staff on several clubs and DA limits the amount you can have if you&#8217;re not premium. It&#8217;s hardly self-promotion if your fans do it. (Although personally I do have a fan club on DA for one of my fics, I made it because readers did fan art and I wanted to gather it one place so that all the readers could enjoy the art work. ) Again, though, if it makes you uncomfortable I won&#8217;t do it, but I will say I&#8217;d follow a tumblr is you made it ( I wouldn&#8217;t make it myself, obviously, because as I&#8217;ve said, I don&#8217;t get tumblr)

And I wouldn&#8217;t worry about rewriting. Yes all writing can be written, but it&#8217;s not bad as it is (And I still recommend it to anyone who will listen because I love it.). When you finish you can go through and rewrite, for now don&#8217;t worry.


Great Old One
There are a lot of personal fanart and fanfic threads on this forum, so I wouldn't see the problem in creating a new thread. I have stuff to put in there, Octo has, you have, Cam. And I'm sure there are lots of others. It's a huuuuge story based off of VII, I don't see how a fanclub on here would be misplaced. But if Lic finds it uncomfortable, then of course no :)


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Also i find anything that smacks of self-promotion quite embarassing. It's just the way I was raised: never boast or blow your own trumpet.

Tosh, poppycock and piffle! :lol: I know what you mean though.

Having said that I don't really see whats wrong with having a dedicated DIPOTP thread, theres enough of us here with a legitimate interest. To be honest I don't see how its any different to the RP threads. Its not our fault that we just happen to be so lucky as to have the author herself in our midst :monster:

Of course it might be better to have something on DA, I don't think everyone who regularly reviews is a member here, and there are probably countless lurkers too who wouldn't know about this place. It's something to think about anyway.

As for the first few chapters needing a rewrite....well I have to say I'm surprised. I mean its your baby and everything but I think those first chaps are wonderful, because often with fics it takes a while to get going y'know? but I found myself sucked in almost instantly. So I hope they don't get changed too drastically!


Pro Adventurer
Well, if Licorice allows it, I'd say it wouldn't be bad to have a DA Club, a Tumblr (FuckYeahDeathIsPartofTheProcess ?) and a thread here. The DA club and tumblr will be more accessible to fans who aren't here, but a thread here would be fun for just talking about the fic together. I love reviewing and reading other people's reviews, but it would be cool to be able to have a conversation with other fans. Licorice is great enough that she responds to reviews and it's awesome that we can talk to her about her fic, but there's no real way to talk to other fans and talking about what you love with people who also love it is great.

Also, there are some things I have that I wouldn't necessarily share on DA or Tumblr. Like a couple weeks ago I had a costume party and towards the end of the night it turned into a costume pajama party because we were all tired and tired of wearing layers of clothing in a crowded house. So my friend snapped this


I don't think it's quite DA worthy, but it reminds me of Death is Part of the Process so I'd probably share it on such a thread. And while the picture above could arguably be posted on this thread since it features Tseng and Rufus, other random pictures that remind me Death is Part of the Process, like this one of


would not. And I'm sorry, I can totally see Rufus's cat as randomly playing with materia. (Oh and in case you're wondering, the ball is one of Dark Nation's toys and my cat started playing with it (not that I could get any of the really cute moments...sigh).

In sum, the necessity of such a thread is arguably reasonable.
Your cat looks exactly like Rufus's cat!

That is to say, Rufus's cat is an adult now, but when Reno found it, it was a half-grown kitten, just about the same size as yours is now. The ginger coloration and the four white paws are exactly what I pictured in my mind, as is his (her?) face. It looks Siamese or Abyssinian, elongated rather than pushed in.

I mean, it's not like I thought the whole cat thing out carefully when I began, but it is intended to be a perfectly ordinary moggy, not some fancy long-haired blue-eyed Persian type which some people might imagine Rufus would prefer.

And yes, Rufus's cat will play with any thing it chooses, and go anywhere it wants to go, and sleep in the President's chair if it feels like it.

PS: No word of a lie and no false modesty: I would be totally honoured if you made a thread for my fic.


Pro Adventurer
Yay, we are so making this thread.

I should do a photoshoot of Reno holding the kitten (if my Cat lets him hold it...the only one he's warmed up to quickly is me). And if he can get his hair back to red. He got a really bad haircut a month ago, almost a crew cut on the sides and a mowed lawn on top. He dyed it brown to make it look less bad.

This conversation happened today.

Me: oh your hair looks better now
Him: Is it red?
Me: No
Him: Is it long enough to cover my eyes?
Me: No
Him: Then it's not better

Poor thing.

And does my cat look like the one in your story? That's nice, I'll confess in his litter there were three cats him, a girl that looked just like him and a solid orange cat and I specifically asked to see the white pawed boy because he reminded me of your cat. Although the fact he started snuggling up to me is what sold me.

As for what sort of cat Rufus would have, well I can't speak for him but I personally dislike the fluffy flat faced fancy cats. My housemate has one, expensive and bred to be a living pillow. The breed she had goes limp when picked up. Personally I fail to see the appeal in a breed that's had all the instincts that made it a cat bred out. I much prefer my little cat, even if he is a half wild feral picked up in the slums and dumped at shelter. What caught my eye about him was the way he was play fighting with his siblings in their cage, he had spirit and tenacity, hissing monster sure but such energy. And yes my cat has given the household hell and is called all manner of explosives, but honestly it makes it sort of privilege that he gives me affection. I could see Rufus drawn to an animal like that over something fluffy that just lays there, and I know I am despite a lot of people thinking I'm the fancy things type.

Besides there's a difference between expensive and quality. Yes many expensive things are expensive becaus they're quality, but others are over eyed or over priced, but in either case, I don't think value is always tied to price or pedigree. My little golden kitten is a quality cat that's for sure, and the one in your story even more so, perfect for Rufus.

Oh and having my cat has made me want to write fanfic of Rufus and the cat when it was a kitten. If by any chance it got into his room at night. Because the image of the hopping into bed with Rufus, and Rufus half asleep dropping him off the bed and the cat hopping back and this going on until one of them gives up (Rufus).

This happened to me (no idea how he got in my room or through the curtains on my four poster bed). The idea of Rufus dealing with that amuses me. Although maybe your Rufus would have just let the cat curl up on him without protest rather than inadvertently dropping him on top a very surprised Dark Nation (my dog sleeps on the side of my bed, gets up and patrols the room the lays down and sleeps on the opposite side, I didn't realize he was there and he whined at me).

Oh and to make this Turk relevant. What sort of pets do you think the Turks favor? Honestly, I don't see any reason why everyone wouldn't want a Guard Hound, but then again I love the obedience and protectiveness of dogs, so a sleek magical guard animal appeals to me. I could sort of see Elena with a pet hamster.

Also sorry for any typos, I'm on mobile.
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Pro Adventurer
tardis60, dephinia
I'd love it if Lic's creativity thread included links to all of her fanfic. Once I get some time this weekend, if there isn't a thread, I'll do some sleuthing and find whatever works on and AO3 I can. If anyone knows of any others, let me know...

I should do a photoshoot of Reno holding the kitten (if my Cat lets him hold it...the only one he's warmed up to quickly is me). And if he can get his hair back to red. He got a really bad haircut a month ago, almost a crew cut on the sides and a mowed lawn on top. He dyed it brown to make it look less bad.

This conversation happened today.

Me: oh your hair looks better now
Him: Is it red?
Me: no
Him: I'd it long enough to cover my eyes?
Me: no
Him: Then it's not better

LOL! Also I love the pic of the materia with cat, that's gorgeous!

On the subject of Turk pets, I snickered at the idea of Elena with a hamster. Somehow I see her as possibly getting taken in my a chinchilla or sugar glider or something. Or maybe if her affection [ahem0 remains unrequited turning into a sort of circus of all kinds of pets -- white mice, ferrets, cats, chinchillas, fish, rats, snakes -- like these two girls I used to know who worked at a pet store, had an apartment full like this, and had very cold significant others. Above and beyond crazy cat ladies.

Also, I saw this in the quotes thread and thought it was appropriate:

Mark Twain on the subject of cats:

"While the rest of the species is descended from apes, redheads are descended from cats."

I like the idea of Rude with a chocolate lab or a weimaraner or some other soulful-eyed sweet loyal breed that will come place its head adoringly on one's thigh. Wouldn't hurt his game with the ladies, either, if they came over and his dog was totally his wingman, melting hearts. And panties. :neo:

Tseng I'd love to see with a betta. Or some other low-maintenance pet that's just a little unusual -- maybe an adorable fuzzy tarantula named Christine. Or a family of gorgeous tropical poisonous frogs.

For Rod I wish a cute little mutt that's missing half an ear or something, a dog that clearly got in a lot of scrapes before he rescued it, really scruffy-looking and prone to wandering but that always returns, sort of like Gaspode the Wonder Dog from the Discworld books.

Shotgun can have this nosy white Siamese cat with whom I live, who gets into everything and does what she pleases.

I bet you guys could come up with much more interesting and apropos pet choices though.

Hmm. I don't actually think the Turks would keep pets, for the following reason. They take their responsbilities very seriously, and they know that a puppy is not just for Christmas. Because of the dangerous nature of their work, and the fact that they often go away on extended missions, they couldn't promise to be there for a pet and care for it the way it should be cared for.

I just don't think Tseng would have a pet at all. His Turks, Aerith, and Rufus are enough trouble to look after already. If he did have a pet, I imagine it being something like a parrot or a tame crow, something intelligent enough to talk to. The reason I say crow is because it would have to be something that was capable of surviving without him, and he would always leave the window open so it could fly away whenever it liked.

Rude is a dog man, no question. I love your description Kassi. Puppy eyes melting the ladies' hearts and panties....

Elena is always worried that people don't take her seriously enough as a Turk, so I don't think she'd have a "fluffy" pet. Maybe a rat that lives in her pocket? Or some kind of small domesticated monster? She'd have something that would challenge people's preconceptions of her, anyway.

Reno would keep a tank of piranhas. He would tell the girls he brings round to his flat that he disposes of incriminating evidence by feeding the bodies of his victims to the piranhas - and the girls would believe him. Or else he keeps a monitor lizard, maybe.


Pro Adventurer
Also, I saw this in the quotes thread and thought it was appropriate:

Mark Twain on the subject of cats:

"While the rest of the species is descended from apes, redheads are descended from cats."

That makes so much sense. When I first got my kitten it was darting around quick as lightening and the thing like ran up my guitar case and my housemate is like "that cat is Reno". So yeah, Reno is a hyperactive kitten.

Also, this quote reminds me of my Reno, Lee. Since I'm at a con, I actually have another story. He's not cosplaying but I wish he was because these pictures would have been priceless.

So my Reno was stressed and unhappy about the hair situation, so he decided he was going to just have fun and got really drunk. "I saw some friends at the bar and they said, buy a round, so I did, and then there were more, I don't really remember but the point is...I am really drunk" I don't even know how much he would have had to have had, considering with his past he's done a lot of things, has a godly alcohol tolerance, he's scrawny but he can drink a lot. So he got drunk to the point I took him up my hotel room and put him to bed. (I brought an air mattress, so I was prepared for him crashing in my room this time, oh the memories).

So my Cissnei tucks him in and he pulls her onto the bed and starts holding her.

Her: Ok, babe? I'm going to leave so you have to let go
Him: *wraps other arm around her*
Her: Seriously?
him: *throws leg over her*
Her: *lays there, eyes open, being held, contemplating how she can get out of this* I am going to leave.
Him: But...but...tits pillow

He was so very drunk, and I doubt he remembers any of it, but had they been in cosplay I would have so taken pictures because her expression was priceless and they are adorable.

So I said, I wish we were cosplaying, this would make a great picture. As this is going on, I'm laying in bed drinking champagne and Zechariah, my Two Guns, is on his knees giving me a foot massage, and I said, "so would this."

Zechariah: Rufus, if you-
Me: Just keep massaging

Oh and we also had this conversation. Zechariah, who's nickname is now "silver tongued bastard", is the prize manager for the convention. In an hour he convinced the artists and merchants in the vender's hall to donate 400 dollars worse of merchandise for panelists to use as prizes.

I was like "impressive, how'd you manage that?"
Him. "Well I wasn't having much luck, but then I changed into my suit. Once I suited up, I wasn't just kissing ass to get prizes, I was someone important kissing ass. Suits, instant authority, all you need is the right uniform."

I feel like that could be a Turk modo.

Or some kind of small domesticated monster? She'd have something that would challenge people's preconceptions of her, anyway.

Does this mean Elena has a pet Jumping?

Oh and I could totally see Reno doing that pirana thing. He could get around the not having time for bets by having the cleaning lady do it.

My headcanon is that Rude's mother breeds small wutianese lap dogs and fluffy fancy cats. (My IRL grandmother breeds shitzus and persian cats, so this image of old lady with tiny lap creatures). So I have this image of Rude with an old one eyed Shih Tzu that walks into walls, that his mother couldn't take care of anymore. He hires dog sitters for when he doesn't have time for it. The Shih Tzu hates Reno, ignores Tseng and likes Rufus. Rufus's thought on the matter is get this slimy little thing out of my lap. (Although that might just be because I personally don't like lap dogs anymore than I like fluffy cats)

So who's making the fan thread?


Pro Adventurer
tardis60, dephinia
This scene in 'Howl's Moving Castle' leapt to mind when you related the anecdote about Lee and his hair.

I would carry him upstairs wrapped in a towel. Or not.

Since I'm at a con, I actually have another story. He's not cosplaying but I wish he was because these pictures would have been priceless.

Are you, like most people, at Dragon*Con? In my head it must be, because it's in the south & Labor Day Weekend and now I wish I'd taken my friends up on their offer of a free ride & free hotel room in Atlanta.

I was like "impressive, how'd you manage that?"
Him. "Well I wasn't having much luck, but then I changed into my suit. Once I suited up, I wasn't just kissing ass to get prizes, I was someone important kissing ass. Suits, instant authority, all you need is the right uniform."

I feel like that could be a Turk modo.


So who's making the fan thread?

If anyone has any notes or anything to add, please let me know, I'm more than happy to edit/amend.

EDIT: feel free to reblog the Tumblr posts of Turkish Delight for great justice --


...can I have a little more?
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 -- I love you!
All together now...

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Great Old One
If anyone has any notes or anything to add, please let me know, I'm more than happy to edit/amend.
Yes I have a note,
Also question, who here supports the idea of making a Death Is Part of the Process fanclub thread?
The initial idea was to make a DIPOTP thread, is that still on? Obviously all of Lic's stuff is awesome to death ("Bad For You", hello), but most of them are standalone stories and I just really really wanted a DIPOTP (I'm about to start calling it 'DIPDOT' now, lewl) fanclub for that specific story since it's still in the writing... thoughts?
I'm sadder than I should be over the loss of Lee's hair. I always liked to think there was a real-life Reno running around in Phoenix, which seems like a very aptly named town, by the way. Still, "it will grow back, dear," as my mother used to say.

Cam, you're so Rufus it's scary! When you take over the world you'll find me in Cosmo Canyon with all the other hippies. Zackeriah is right about suits, though: they look official and they do confer instant authority.
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