The General Turks Worship Thread

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Pardon me, I've been hiding a closet turk fan boy for a while and its time I spread out. Rude being my first fave turk of course! How can I not love these guys? They remind me of The Agents from The Matrix Trilogy! * o *

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
When I first saw the fight between Reno and Rude with those prepubescent pretty boys, I pictured Agents vs. prepubescent pretty boys. I used to play Furious Angels whenever that scene in AC comes T___T good times!

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Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Fuck ya a place where I can come get wet see pics and discuss my favorite turks! Gods I love them! :monster:


Sorry Double post but...

MAFIA TURKS?! * o *!!!!!!!!!!!


I've always had quite the penchant for the Turks. 89 pages within a fanclub in a month is pretty impressive - it serves as proof of their general badassery. As for a new name proposed at the start of the thread - how about "Strategic Retreat"? ...Alright, it sounded better in my head.

And it would be quite interesting if Reno was just hammered. :monster: I've got a playthrough in progress on my psx emulator but I don't have any save states in the vicinity of that scene. And none of the walkthrough videos on youtube decline the fight because of the kickass steals you get out of it.


Oh, wait, the thread was started January 2012. Well, regardless, the point still stands. Apologies for the double post, but it appears as though I've not gained privaledges to edit my posts.

It's probably already been bought up within the month here, but Play Arts finally came out with a Rufus figure. Its pretty nice to have one, but I can't help notice it's pretty shoddily designed relative to the new Vincent and Yuffie that coincided its release.





Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Crikey I haven't played DoC for a while but...was Vincent part of the Turks back then?? The figurines reminded me of the game and prompted the question.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
You mean BC right? IIRC Vincent appears in Before Crisis but not as a Turk, when your player character meets him he's still holed up in the Shinra Mansion basement.

In DoC theres a flashback to when he was a Turk but I haven't played it so I dunno if that part was playable.


Do you think so? I can't see it.

It may just be me, but it seems like the hair is a lot smoother and the designs are more detailed. The new Vincent and Yuffie are pretty imppecable (albeit to the disappointment of Cid and Barret fans waiting for their first figure) even by Play Arts Kai standards, though, so my comparison is probably moot. And he does come with two separate heads, the gun, and Jenova's container, which is great.

Crikey I haven't played DoC for a while but...was Vincent part of the Turks back then?? The figurines reminded me of the game and prompted the question.

Vincent was only a Turk during the Jenova Project 30 years before FFVII, and is briefly woken up by Veld in BC, tells him the location of the materia he seeks and helps him fight a bit when AVALANCHE ambush the room, then goes back to sleep and is woken up by Cloud's party about a year later during VII.


Pro Adventurer
In BC we're also told Vincent and Veld are partners. Which I think puts into perspective how old Vincent really is more so than the numbers. It also makes him look like a very non badass in comparison to Veld who is really awesome.


Pro Adventurer
Oh so sorry for the double post, but vaguely Turk related.

So my friend who is also my Cissnei cosplayer has been reading DiPotP and her responses were amusing. So I decided to film her talking about the fic and her thoughts on it.

However, because her boyfriend, my Reno cosplayer, was also there it sort of turned into an hour long digression. Still, in case anyone finds it amusing here's the link.

Also, the video sort of starts mid tangent because I was going to start recording and then my Reno mouthed off and it warranted a sarcastic remark. So please disregard that. I'm sharing this here because it's about a Turk fic, we share thoughts on Turks, and some of those in the thread have said they find my cosplay group amusing. This isn't a cosplay video, just my friends and I attempting to talk about fanfiction: warning strong language and NSFW discussions.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Turks + Tekken, YES


Also Reno + Rude = love beams LOL tumblr



Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
^This is kind of embarrasing, but when I was like 16 when Tekken 3 came out, my brothers and I used to make up silly little stories and skits with game characters and one time we did one where Hworang was Renos long lost brother or some shit :sadpanda:


This song's currently playing in my iPod and for some reason it always reminds me of a drunk/ stoned Reno:



dA artist Alias-Hugo has some pretty interesting Turk artworks..



I also posted some of her really cool works in the Fave Fanart thread, worth checking out :awesome:
All this fanart is making me think - there used to be a wonderful cartoon on deviantart called "Truth Serum" or something like that, in which Reno releases a truth serum he stole from Hojo into the Shinra water supply. After drinking some water, the truth compels him to warn Rufus, but Rufus refuses to believe that the truth serum exists. Elena and Reeve drink some too. I think Reeve's truth was "I'm a furry". Does anyone know this artwork or where to find it?


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
All this fanart is making me think - there used to be a wonderful cartoon on deviantart called "Truth Serum" or something like that, in which Reno releases a truth serum he stole from Hojo into the Shinra water supply. After drinking some water, the truth compels him to warn Rufus, but Rufus refuses to believe that the truth serum exists. Elena and Reeve drink some too. I think Reeve's truth was "I'm a furry". Does anyone know this artwork or where to find it?

:lol: Sorry to bump this and give you false hope, I hope you find it because that sounds hilarious.


I phailed to find said fanart :sadpanda:

But here's some artz I found while looking for it:




There's also this Reno comic about his first mission with Rufus. Love how the artist improved overtime.
I have been re-watching the last few episodes of BC, especially the section where Tseng, Reno and Rude rescue Veld, and I was struck by a couple of things I hadn't previously noticed.

The first one is kind of silly. Right after Tseng busts Veld out of prison, Shotgun calls him to let him know that Fuhito has all the materia. She has returned to the Shinra building and is planning to steal a helicopter. After she hangs up on him, she fights her way up to the helipad, takes the chopper, chases Fuhito's truck down the highway, crashes, fights some Ravens, watches Fuhito extract Zirconiade from Elfe's body, and recoveres Elfe. She then calls Tseng to let him know what has happened. Cut to Tseng - and we see that he, Veld, Reno and Rude have not moved from the spot where we last saw them, although at least an hour must have passed!!

The second thing is a bit more meaningful. On their way to rescue Veld from his cell in Midgar's Central Waste Management Facility, Tseng, Reno and Rude encounter about a score of Mighty Grunts. They defeat them with relative ease, bu punching, shooting, or electric shock - at one point, Reno appears to head-butt two of them simultaneously! - and the Mighty Grunts fall and disappear. At no point do the Mighty Grunts speak.

But when our heroes have defeated the MGs, they enter a screen contained three Shin-Ra infantrymen. These guys speak to each other and start shooting. The Turks don't try to fight back; they run. Rude and Tseng run right through the hail of bullets and past the soldiers. Reno comes nose to nose with one for a moment, stares him in the face, and then runs on, while the soldier fires a parting shot. The soldiers are not defeated, or even injured, but they don't give chase, and the Turks run on until they find Veld's door.

Could it be that the Turks have no qualms about taking out the Mighty Grunts because they know the Mighty Grunts are not human, but they refrain from attacking the soldiers because they want to avoid hurting people, especially their fellow Shinra workers?
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