The General Turks Worship Thread


^I'm not a fanfic writer, but if I should ever write one about the Turks I think I'll also write it as 'Reno and Rude'/ 'Tseng and Elena'. Idk why either, guess I'm just used to reading it that way. :desu:

Good luck on the rewrite, I'll surely read it when it's done!


I'm disappointed that it didn't turn out the way I wanted it to so I don't think I'll finish it :desu: Actually I'm so pissed right now that the pack of felt I bought only has one piece of white and black each :rage: If I noticed earlier I could've just made something more simple, like Slender Man :@ Now I don't have enough to finish his clothes and for Dark Nation.

Oh well I tried :desu: Besides I could really use something new to uhh.. chant spells and stick needles to, my old one's overused and very tattered :wackymonster:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
^ oh noooo youve got to finish him :sadpanda:

I agree.

I'm writing a novelization/adaption of The Case of Shinra and rereading the original so I can adapt it. Every time I read Rude and Reno, I rewrite it as Reno and Rude. It's the same for Elena and Tseng, I write Tseng and Elena.

Does anyone else put the names in a certain order when they think of them or is this just me? I have no idea what I'm doing this either.

I always think Reno and Rude, Tseng and Elena. I dunno why either :monster:


I agree. I do the same thing. Maybe its because of rank? Reno is supposedly above Rude, Tseng is above Elena. I dunno :monster:
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Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I always figured Reno and Rude were of equal ranking but I dunno, like I know Reno sometimes seems to give Rude orders but it seems a bit informal? Like he's just being gobby and Rude agrees with him anyway. I get the feeling that Rude would let it be known if he didn't agree with something but most of the time he does.

As for Elena, shes obviously the rookie so she defers to the others, but thats just because shes new. Not like an official thing?

Its weird, that Shinra Chain of command thing seems to put all the Turks at an equal level:

Hey I only just noticed but Elena's portrait on the chain of command is slightly different to the one in this Rufus and Turks pic: Like shes facing more straight on. Mildly interesting :monster:

Oh and I found a pic of Rufus, I think its by the same artist who did that Tseng/whiskey/wallpaper one:


:lol: Looks like Rufus has his own tumblr account.


Pro Adventurer
@ Unlucky, I think it's cute and it's a lot better than I could do.

Also I should share picks of the dolls I have that a friend made. I have Rufus, Tseng, and Elena. The Rufus was a gift, the other two I bought.

Oh and anyone interested in reading my Case of Shinra adaption can read it Here.

As for Turk rank, I know it's a game mechanic in Before Crisis and I'd assume that would translate into some rank in world. Perhaps when General Affairs ceased to be it's own department and the DAR became under Heideger's control he refused to recognize existing rank or authority.

Also, does that rank imply that Rufus, as Vice President, had rank somewhere above the rest of the board but below the President or does that merely indicate that he ascends to the rank of President and is thus above the rest of the board?

Oh and that pic is pretty.

Does anyone know why Rufus has ear rings in so fanart? I'm fairly certain his ears aren't pierced in the game.


Which reminds me.. I haven't done Turk artwork in a while. xD I surely miss drawing Elena. If only my muse would visit me again..:sigh:
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I'm glad you like it <3

On Cissnei: Am I the only who got bored with the way she was in Crisis Core? I love the prospect of a Turk having such a relationship with Zack and who's involved in his storyline but I'm not satisfied with the way it's presented in CC. But yeah.. am gonna stop now before I start a rant about how CC is shit again. >_>


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I didnt really like how she came across in CC, not just her interactions with Zack but in general. I think shes completely different to how her BC character art portrays her and I was a bit disappointed in how jolly she seemed.


^YES. There's nothing about her that I liked at all. Everything is flat and boring. Her attitude and interactions.. her lines.. her voice.. her faec! :rage:


Oh and anyone interested in reading my Case of Shinra adaption can read it Here.

Awesome. Just finished Ch 2. What Elena did.. I totally didn't see that coming :desu:

I checked out the other fic you mentioned (Women of Shinra) and I looooved it. Really makes me wonder how it's like to be with Scarlet in a long elevator ride.

I like how you explored Elena, I think we might have some similar headcanons of her.

You might like this fanfiction she is in.

fic said:

I'm not sure about this one.. but lemme see if I have time to read this.

Idk about anyone else but the idea of Sephiroth being in love with, let alone having attachment towards anybody's kinda impossibru to me.

Btw Lic updated DIPOTP :excited:


Pro Adventurer
I love that Cissnei sketch, it's beautiful.

I know what you mean about the differences between Crisis Core Cissnei and Before Crisis Cissnei. In Before Crisis Cissnei was one of the most intriguing Turk given her back story. I like Crisis Core Cissnei, but yeah...the voice actress. The Japanese one is all right. I try to reconcile the differences by thinking about what side of herself Cissnei shows to others.

@ Unlucky, thanks! Yeah, I like what Elena did. (if you check out the last chapter of Pedigree, you get the same scene from Rufus's perspective).

@ Jazz, I might check it out. I love BC, but then again, what I like about it is things get worse throughout the fic. I love stories where things are so bad you think there's no way it can be all right, and then the happy ending is even better.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Yes, it's my tumblr. I hate my stupid pretentious name (reglissenoire, ugh. It means black licorice in French) but I don't know how to change it to something less offensive. licoriceallsorts was already taken, sad face.
Oh thank goodness that the tumblr ended at page 35. Otherwise I would have never gotten any sleep. :P

This one rings true to to me:

There have been times when I'm about to write "Square", but I end up writing "Shinra" instead.


Pro Adventurer
I love Licorice's Tumblr. (I think reblogging Licorice makes up the majority of my Tumblr time). I also don't mind her screen name aside from it being difficult to spell. Although, I thought her youtube screen name AllsortsofLicoirce was cute.

Oh and if anyone wants to follow me on Tumblr I'm CameoAmalthea there as well...


You guys make me wanna reconsider creating a tumblr account.. I've been avoiding doing so because I'm afraid it'll eat too much of my time.. :desu:


Pro Adventurer
In my day we had Rita Repulsa and Zed.

I love it when I get to be an old curmudeony 90s kids, with my Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and 150 Pokemon.

And Unlucky, Tumblr may very well take up too much of your time, but it's worth it. Also I don't find it as engrossing as other things. I still don't think I fully understand it.


OMG Power Rangers <3

Rita Repulsa, Zed and Ivan Ooze are all I can remember from my time. There's also those two minions of Zed, but I forgot their names.

I remember one of my very first crushes was Red Ranger (Jason?) because you know.. group leader and all :wacky:

Right now I'm just happy I can explore the tags without logging in but lemme see if I can finally get an account. There's lots of stuff I wanna 'follow' (is that the right term?)


Great Old One
Unlucky, that Cissnei sketch is really good! It's something about her eyes - a certain reservation, but also stubbornness. I don't know how to explain it, really. It's very nicely done.

*off to check out Lic's tumblr*


Pro Adventurer
Oh Unlucky, you should so get a tumblr and share your art work there, I'll reblog it.

And OMG power rangers, I totally had a crush on the Green Ranger, I think Tommy (Green, later White Ranger)/Kimberly (Pink Ranger) was my first OTP. Also, the fact a five year old girl could have a crush and an OTP is a bit weird in hind sight. Because that actor was like a grown man, and if I were him and knew five year olds had crushes on me I'd be so squicked.
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