The General Turks Worship Thread


Pro Adventurer
No, I understand what you mean. We shouldn't make it a chore, we're all busy as it is, it's just something to do for fun and to generate more works we can all enjoy.

Oh and ok, now I know what the panda means. And don't get me wrong, I enjoy S&M as much as the next person - Ponderosa's Fanfic are among my favoriate such works. (Met her in person once at Yaoi Con and said I loved her works and she got very embarrassed and I was like yeah those are pretty explicit. I guess there's no non-awkward way to be like "omg so the porn you write is awesome" although I try to be chill abou that sort of thing. My problem is I'm just way more into plot than PWP or I like plot with my PWP.

But I'm not going dispute the image of Rufus Shinra in chains, just that image alone, is quite sexy. Or handcuffs. Or tied to a bed with sheets...

Maybe we should also do one of those kink meme things?


double post because I just had to share these:










*fans self*

All from this Rufus RP blog, check it out! There seems to be RP (ofc), artz, and some doujin in there.


double post because I just had to share these:

Cloudy boy is a bottom
*fans self*

All from this Rufus RP blog, check it out! There seems to be RP (ofc), artz, and some doujin in there.

I approve. :monster:

The rest of this post is about two pages late, as I had trouble getting passed the spam filter system and needed moderator assistance. This still might be an issue for me in the future.

I assumed it had something to do with reminiscence of Aerith due to the drawings on the wall. Do you know what the dialogue between Cloud and Barret is on that one panel? (I would plug it into a translator as it's mostly hiragana, but I'm lazy and can barely tell hiragana characters apart anymore)

I like the art/writing prompt idea.
Reminds me of the Shinra/Turk weaponry sketches I haven't finished (my artistic skill lies more within mechanical objects and landscapes than anatomy).

CameoAmalthea said:
Mutten is a foil for Rufus. He's there to contrast what Rufus, to show what Rufus isn't despite his political philosophy. Being confronted with the logical outcome of the "rule by fear" mentality forces Rufus to rethink to some extent, but I think the point of CoS is to show us that he wasn't that bad of a person to begin with but rather a pretty good person if you get to know his character. CoS is an opportunity to do so.

That was one of the things that came to mind in regard to Mutten. I also liked how CoS (and VII, to an extent), characterized him as someone who took immense pride in his work, refusing to back down or flee from his responsibilities as a leader, and respectful of the opinions of the Turks, the latter of which I couldn't have expected from him in BC or from his father, who refused to listen to reasonable arguments from his subordinates. On a lighter note and in recognition of a minute detail, his tendency to chuckle while in trouble/injured in CoS reminded me of the battle with Cloud during VII.

CameoAmalthea said:
Also, OMG has anyone else read this article about a possible BC rerelease for iphone?.

...I should probably start keeping up with the date.


Pro Adventurer
Oh I reblogged that! I don't care for the pairing (or Cloud) but it is pretty. Anything involving Rufus is usually nice (you know barring stuff involving Nanaki thank you). I tend to follow RP blogs to reblog their photosets. Nice people rpers.

And you should follow me on tumblr. I reblog things.

Also, Unlucky, I love you.

How about the first prompt is


This allows kink, whatever characters you'd like to see, and if people don't like kink they could do something on the theme metaphorically or literally in a non-kink way.


I like the art/writing prompt idea.
Reminds me of the Shinra/Turk weaponry sketches I haven't finished (my artistic skill lies more within mechanical objects and landscapes than anatomy).

Welcome, feel free to share your artworks with us! :)

Also, Unlucky, I love you.


How about the first prompt is


This allows kink, whatever characters you'd like to see, and if people don't like kink they could do something on the theme metaphorically or literally in a non-kink way.
Sure didn't expect this would be the very first prompt, but love it. :desucait:

And oh yeah, may I just remind everyone, you're all welcome to join, even if you don't post here frequently. Don't be shy, we don't bite :rabite: Works can be fan arts, fan fics, anything you can come up with about the prompt.


Pro Adventurer
And if you don't want to make anything, you can always share things you find, that way we get to see works we might not have discovered otherwise. Although filling the prompt yourself is encouraged, because creativity is fun!


Pro Adventurer

I have finals at the beginning of May and should prioritize studying for the rest of the month, assuming other students and teachers are in a similar crunch, I'd say some time in June.


June is fine with me. I'm not busy at the moment and would just go for what's convenient to everyone.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I'm going to try and get in on this guys, but if I don't come up with the goods don't be too disappointed ok?
A few questions for the Before Crisis experts here.

How did Veld survive being shot in the head? Do we have any confirmation that Elfe survived, other than via the natural assumption that if Veld's death could be faked than so could Elfe's? How were their deaths faked?

There has to be an answer somewhere, even if only in some interview or guide book.


Good question Shademp, I always wondered that as well. I hope someone has the answer your looking for.

Anyway, So I am obsessed with the show Sons Of Anarchy and there's a character on there that I think could play an older version of Reno. His name is Kenny Johnson, He's been on The Shield and Prime Suspect as well. Since I didn't really agree with the other actors you guys chose to play him I thought I would put my input.

If you hear his voice, he sounds really young and he can pull of Reno's tone well. I also think he has the perfect shaped face as well. I thought he was in his 30's but he's 49! I would never think to tap a man that old but I would jump on it. He's my latest obsession! Maybe I am the only one who see's it, maybe not, but I haven't posted in a while and even though you may not agree he might just be some nice eye candy for you guys. :)
no, I totally agree!! He's got the right eyes and the right shape of face, and he can go from looking like he's having a real laugh (last pic) to looking like he'd slit your throat with broken bottle for two pins (first pic) and not lose any sleep over it. All he needs is the hair and the tattoos. Also, I like the idea that Reno lives to be 49. I don't want him to die! Inspired casting, Soak.

I don't know the answer to Shademp's question. It is clearlt implied that Rufus was instrumental in faking their deaths, and it is widely believed among the fandom that Tseng was in on the deception, though there's no unambiguous evidence of this. I think we are meant to assume Elfe lived on the grounds that, if she were to die, we would see her death for reals on-screen. She's a major antagonist; it would be too much of an anti-climax if we were meant to simply assume she's dead. Plus, if she dies, Shears' sacrifice - and everyone else's, including her father's sacrifice of his career - is for nothing, which is contrary to the message of the game.

If BC were the OG, then I would say it would be perfectly possible for the Turks to spend half the game trying to save someone that they lose in the end, despite their best efforts. But BC is not FFVII.
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Pro Adventurer
In regards to the ending of BC
There has to be an answer somewhere, even if only in some interview or guide book.

Unfortunately, this seems to be unanswered. Along with the question of how the other BC Turks survived the final encounter with Zirconiade and the ensuing explosion. The game makes it seem like all the Turks fall except the player Turk who makes it to the final encounter and then the whole "place" explodes. How did they survive? (My theory, teleportation. The answer is literally magic).

As for Veld and Elfe, we're never shown what Rufus says to Tseng so no one really knows what Rufus's plan was or how it worked, but we can assume it involved faking Veld and Elfe's death and later covering up the fact the other BC Turks survived. (Although Reeve also knows they survived, probably because Veld and Reeve are allies and remain in contact - Veld wouldn't put Tseng at risk by contacting him but is fine with putting Reeve at risk).

So the sort answer is there doesn't seem to be an explanation. All we know is Rufus came up with a plan and it somehow worked. I'm not really sure how you fake shooting someone in the head (fake bullet designed to create blood splatter?)

I love BC to death, but the game does leave a lot of unanswered questions. Like what exactly is Veld and Reeve's relationship, and what was Reeve doing during BC and after in regards to Veld, because it's pretty clear Reeve knows more than Rufus and the Turks. As well as a lot of questions about the ending, which would have made more sense without the
everybody lives epilogue

And yeah, he's pretty good looking for an older guy.

I kind of want Thomas Brodie Sangster to play Rufus Shinra. When I first saw him I thought he was 15 but he's 22. I have this idea that Rufus would be shorter (Cloud's height) and very baby faced because he looks very young in BC and young for his age in the Original Game.

I also feel like actors who are shorter/look young shouldn't be type cast to play teens forever.

Would make a great Nunchaku


Pro Adventurer
Sorry for the double post, bit Lic posted while I was writing my post, and I wanted to respond to her specifically.

If BC were the OG, then I would say it would be perfectly possible for the Turks to spend half the game trying to save someone that they lose in the end, despite their best efforts. But BC is not FFVII.


Also, if BC were CC, it would perfectly acceptable for the Turks to spend half the game trying to save someone they they lose in the end, and then all die despite their best efforts, but BC is not Crisis Core.

What I love about BC is that the plot can be summed up as: "And then it got worse" but in the ultimate ending is punch the air happy, even if Shinra has fallen at the end of the OG, the Turks are together and fighting to save people.

It is clearlt implied that Rufus was instrumental in faking their deaths,

I also want to add that Rufus being instrumental in faking their deaths is also part of the point (as most of you know, because I've gone on about this at length, but it bares repeating because
Rufus tried to kill all the Turks earlier in the game, and then went that extra little step by purposely disclosing Veld's defection, knowing full well that the position that would the Turks in because the President was sure to order Veld's death. So Rufus really was not the Turks favoriate person (personally I wanted to throttle him, or at least hit him. I want to take a gif of Hermione punching out Draco, put Tseng's face on Hermione and put Rufus's face on Draco's because that best expresses my feelings).

Saving Elfe and Veld is Rufus's redemption, and saving one and not the other wouldn't be sensible. Veld wants Elfe to live, Rufus wants Veld to live and to be happy so that he will owe Rufus. Because Veld's feelings impact the feelings of the rest of the Turks, and Rufus wants all of them to be his.

The ending of BC is best summed up as "Oh Rufus you clever boy!" And I think it's a character defining moment for Rufus. Yes, he's manipulative, a trickster, but he can put his genius to work for good.

and it is widely believed among the fandom that Tseng was in on the deception, though there's no unambiguous evidence of this. . would this have worked if Tseng wasn't in on it? I don't mean to argue, but as I've said I'm a bit iffy on how Rufus managed to pull this off at
(how do you fake shooting people point blank? Actually, you know what, I'll ask my forensics expert friend and get back to everyone on this because I'm sure I'm not the only one wondering).
I have no idea how Rufus would have pulled it off without someone being in on it, and what was the whole pulling Tseng aside to tell him secret plan and making everyone else leave the room thing about if it wasn't to get him in on it?

I feel like Tseng had to be in on it because he was the one who shot them and he was the one Rufus talked to and there's no reason Rufus wouldn't tell him. Why would Rufus make him go through that anguish for real, Rufus isn't sadistic. I could understand not telling all of the Turks, so that their reactions look real, but I think he'd have to tell Tseng.


I kind of want Thomas Brodie Sangster to play Rufus Shinra. When I first saw him I thought he was 15 but he's 22.

Really? When I first saw him (Tristan and Isolde) I thought he was a kid. Like.. an 8 year old kid. I'm shocked we're almost the same age :huh:

Would make a great Nunchaku

I think I've suggested Alex as Rufus before, but now that I think about it.. perhaps no. The closest ones to Rufus looks-wise that I could think of are supermodels. Because he's so insanely gorgeous.

Anyway there's this commercial of Penny from Big Bang Theory (I think there are two others) that makes me smile each time I see it because she's dressed like Rufus :lol:

Also, worthy of reposting:

I'm sorry to sidetrack the topic, I know nothing about BC :(
That gif is so mesmerising. He's always about to take a drag on the cigarette but never does, because he always thinks of something more to say.
Who is he and where's it from?


It's young Takeshi! :lol:

From Fallen Angels. I've watched it on Netflix, but I think it could be found on YT. It's one of his old films. :desumonster:


Pro Adventurer
Really? When I first saw him (Tristan and Isolde) I thought he was a kid. Like.. an 8 year old kid. I'm shocked we're almost the same age :huh:

Fandom's thoughts on Thomas Brodie Sangster in a nutshell: "He is man. Thank goodness I'm not a pedo!" Because looking at him, if you like prettiness (which I do) he can be attractive and there's something about him that seems old enough to like, he's not a child, but he looks young enough to make you question finding him attractive.

I'd like to see him play a vampire or a god, something that looks young but is older.


^I agree, he's not particularly my type but he has this certain character that makes you notice.. and that's what makes people 'beautiful' in my book. That's why I'm not really fond of having a 'standard' criteria for beauty *coughmissuniverse*. Even supermodels have a wide range of looks, why can't beauty pageants be the same?



Pro Adventurer
Back to the topic of BC's end and Shandemp's question.

I’ve consulted a forensics expert on the logistics of faking Veld and Elfe’s death at the end of Before Crisis. Although I cannot provide a cannon answer, I can give some details on how this could scenario could work. For the most part I’ll paraphrase what I gleaned form her, occasionally quoting directly. The strategic analysis is all mine, so feel free to correct me if my reasoning is off and I’ll pass on any questions or objections about logistical details to her.

“Faking deaths is more making a big flash and erasing the paper trail.”

What that means is the important part of this plan isn’t insuring they appear dead to observers. No need for any drug to make them appear dead to medical staff which would be difficult and too risky (i.e. a neurotoxin might due the trick, but the difficulty would be delivering the toxin without being noticed and delivering a antidote before any permanent damage is done) Rather, making them seem dead is as simple as setting up a situation that could kill them (i.e. shooting them publicly, public executions always make a statement) and making them dead on paper.

Mostly likely Tseng shot them both with blanks. Blanks are not in fact harmless. When I asked her how much damage a blank could do she told me you could kill someone with a blank if you hit them at close enough range in the right spot. When I expressed doubt that blanks would be enough to knock them out flat, she insisted

“Blanks are less likely to cause permanent damage than bullet (read, think Watson's shoulder in Sherlock), but they will have knock back, and will likely cause a very nasty looking wound. Don’t believe me, do yourself a disservice and look up (with safe search off) "rubber bullet wounds" and "blank shot injuries"

I took her at her word for it and did not google images.

At the range Tseng shoots them he could serious damage, even with a blank. Certainly enough to make it look real, in order to avoid killing them Tseng would shoot them in the shoulder. (I think the problem we were having is we were assuming a head shot, which wouldn't work, but the game doesn't show us where Tseng shoots them. Logistically, it would have to be in the shoulder). Although there is still the risk of damage and arties he could risk hitting (aorta/major brachial artery), it’s the best bet. Aim for the shoulder you won’t risk hitting organs, in case they aren’t wearing bullet-proof vests or some major armor equivalent, or revealing the gun to be loaded with blanks in case they are wearing something a blank won’t pierce.

Medical staff can help them later, because it’s best if medical staff are in on the scheme to insure we have solid paper trail, as mentioned earlier. With fake paper trails, it’s better to make a trail than fake whole cloth and having some helpful staff to make sure Elfe and Veld don’t die and to get them away would be useful.

As to the logistics of getting medical staff willing to aid in this deception, the name Rufus Shinra goes a long way. Help Rufus, and you’re guaranteed he’ll be a position to help you, refuse to help or threaten to betray his plans, you’ll be in a position that won’t be enviable. The fact Rufus can be dangerous would need to be clear, because betraying President Shinra is not a risk everyone would take for reward alone so Rufus must make the idea of not joining him just as risky.

Of course, we can’t know the exact details of what happened or how many allies were involved in the cover up. I’m also not entirely sure what role Reeve played in all of this, but I’m convinced he was in on something. However, the bulk of the work on the paper trail end would be on Rufus, and he’s the perfect one to do this sort of thing. He can access and alter whatever data he likes, and has influence. The paper trail, which would usually be the hard part in this sort of thing, is the easy part for Rufus.

All Tseng has to do is shoot them at close rang with blanks and hope they don’t die. Fortunately, Tseng has good aim so he could probably hit the least lethal spot. (Yes, it’s risky, but the Turks don’t have many options and it could work). If Tseng is quick he could discretely drug them both, or he can leave it to the medical staff that come to examine the “bodies” upon arrival.
“providing the shot wasn't to the head, the deaths would have been 'slow enough' to get someone to drug them to comatose stupor”

It would probably be better for Veld and Elfe’s comfort and for looking dead to any casual observers if they’re drugged out. Slipping them a potion and then drugging them might also work if he gets the chance, which Tseng might have had since specifically he rode in the back of the truck with the bodies.

“Any heavy sedative- the cocktail they use to induce comas would likely be the best. And given it's ShinRa, he will likely have access to their height-weight-allergies, thus able to organize the cocktail better”

I’m not sure of the likelihood, Veld’s medical records would be easy enough to get, Elfe’s data would require getting into Hojo’s records and who knows what state Elfe’s body is in post everything, but if drugging was necessary, it’s likely Rufus could arrange something or find someone who could help supplying something, possibly.

This is just a theory/what I was able to fill in from discussing the scenario with an expert. I could be wrong, but I feel the scene makes a bit more sense in my own head now. I hope I’m not boring you all too terribly by going over this at length. If anyone finds this information useful feel free to use it, you have my permission, you can even quote anything I’ve said verbatim and use it in a fic if any of the above information has been helpful.

Additionally, if anyone has any questions they’d like an expert or first hand answer about, just let me know because I’m glad to pass along questions to my friends. I have friends with some fairly useful skills/job/life experience that can be a great resource.
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Pro Adventurer
Would anyone be interested in attending a Turks Fan meet up at Anime North?

I posted a status asking about anime north on facebook (asking about whether or not to cosplay for Thursday's Pre-Reg pick up night or not) and Soak was like "We have an Anime North here in Toronto" and I was like "Yes, I'm going to Toronto.
Because I'm determined to have a honey moon that doesn't involve concrete bunker esce appartments or boats

So since there's two of us in the area, I thought I'd ask if anyone else might want to meet up. It'll be fun, and a nice public venue where we can meet fellow fans.


I'm most likely attending. I'm even bringing my cousin Dan who some people in this thread know from skype. I haven't been to AN since I was 16. I'm excited.
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