The General Turks Worship Thread


Pro Adventurer
I'm very excited for the con! I love that they have a whole yaoi section along with other interest based sections of the con. It seems very well laid out. I've signed up for a panel on writing yaoi pairings (anyone want to volunteer to join me on that? Licorice?) Then I'm probably going to do a few more panels on top of that like join in with the Les Mis panel (I'm hoping we can just turn that into a massive sing along) and another yaoi panel. Then I submitted an FFVII panel but I'm not sure if that will be accepted since they have a general FF panel all ready.

So yay for being busy and involved.


Wow I didn't even know they had that much activity. Let me know the schedule of the panels you will be apart of, I would love to catch a couple of them if I can.
Have you been in touch with the person who runs the yaoi panels? I see that your panel is on their list in the Teahouse.

It will be great to see some new faces at the yaoi panels. The people who run it seem great (although I am too self-conscious to ever speak!) but they clearly know each other really, really well, and sometimes the panel discussions turn into a string of in-jokes which leave me feeling like the new girl on her first day at school.


Pro Adventurer
Yes, I submitted the panels through submission and then the Teahouse list is supposed to pair me up with other people if other people want to help out. Then I pmed the person on Teahouse asking about how I go about adding myself to other panels that want someone else to join. I've never worked with their system before, the AZ cons you generally email a manager directly and give them a list of who's on your panel, so it's less community involvement. I like the way they do it at AN better, more chances to calaborate if you want to work with other people.

And imagine how I'll feel, Lic. I'm from another country. Everything will be totally unfamiliar, which is a big change for me. Generally at cons most people know me by name (even if I don't know them, and I have a bad habbit of forgetting names/people if I've only met them in passing) and have a large group of close friends at cons. So like generally cons for me include greetings and familiar faces, invites to hang out with staff or security, invites to exclusive hotel parties with the guests and more "famous" con goers. I'm not anything special, by any means, but I know people. So going to a con where I don't know anyone is going to be pretty different.

Then again, I'm excited because I man make all these new friends! And I only know everyone here because I put myself out there and made friends. Like one of the first cons I went to I ended up running a huge FF meet up just by telling people there would be an FF meet up and recruiting people to gather cosplayers for me. (I was dressed as Rufus and was litterally like holding my gun prop in the air and shouting for everyone to follow me, and they did, it was kind of cool).

Then again, I'm out going by nature. The sort of "new girl" who has her hand up in the air for every question until the teacher says "anyone else".

But if you want to join me for my panel, it will be basically like giving a workshop on writing and as a teacher I'm sure you'd be good at that. I'm basically going to take questions and give advice. Probably bring my collection on books on writing and how to draw yaoi manga books as recommended resources. There's no need to be self conscious when it's something you have expertise on, right?

Also, are you going to cosplay? You should cosplay! Older characters exist! (Cam = - I'm enthusiastic. But no pressure)


I can't come :sadpanda: I'd be excited to see pics though :pics:

Just passing by to share




Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
That Reno pic is fucking awesome, but say no to cigarettes kids :monster:


I think that's the point and I love it!

Oh yeah, that's why they're almost naked.. together in the bath.. :desu:

Woah I'm rusting :no:

Anyway, I did another video sketch - this one is Elena centric
Haha! I love Two Guns! xD

OT: I've been sketching genderbends as it has always fascinated me, and I thought Rufus would make a really interesting subject.


Have never thought of ditching his original outfit. Basically I thought of her as having the elegance and confidence of those 1920's models wearing men's suits. Same reason why I decided against giving her longer hair, I thought the short hair completes the "crossdressing" look (and pin curls because vintage! :lol: )


Pro Adventurer
I'm glad you like the video, although tecnically it's Gun, Two Guns is the guy.

I love your drawing. You're very talented. I've seen a few cosplayers who do gender bent Rufus, but I wouldn't bother doing a "gender bent cosplay" because that's just how I look normally (Not because I'm trying to dress like Rufus, but because I'm very fond of monchrome,especially white and have short blonde hair).


Genderflips fascinate me; its interesting how the same characteristics tend to be perceived differently depending on gender (I wonder how Rufus' fear speech would have been received as a female character?); sometimes with the original personalities not being preserved (think Kyon from the Genderbending of Haruhi Suzumiya). Strangely enough, I've never crossplayed as a man character despite sporting short hair and baggy slacks. Cameo, when you play Rufus do you try to stay in character?

OT: I've been sketching genderbends as it has always fascinated me, and I thought Rufus would make a really interesting subject.

So here's my (not so) genderbend "Rufa"

Rufus and Ritsuko from Neon Genesis Evangelion reminded me of each other; both aesthetically and personality wise. Your fanart reminded me of her design slightly. Ritsuko was a stern workaholic, and also bore resentment and a sense of competition toward her mother.

Enjoyed your skit, Cameo. I thought your video with the President Shinra crossplay was pretty funny as well. Gun was quite vicious here, although don't know much about the original character. The more I think about Elena the more I am drawn to her character; she likely always felt insignificant and her driving pathos was to surpass her sister as a turk while still trying to maintain her individuality by specializing in Martial Arts.

Hadn't really gotten around to it earlier due to finals and starting a new job, but here is the art I'd been planning to post. Originally done on paper with mixed media, but I got pretty intense with the photoshop editing.

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I'm glad you like the video, although tecnically it's Gun, Two Guns is the guy.

Oh yeah my bad.. I think I've seen her before in one of our streaming sessions..

I love your drawing. You're very talented. I've seen a few cosplayers who do gender bent Rufus, but I wouldn't bother doing a "gender bent cosplay" because that's just how I look normally (Not because I'm trying to dress like Rufus, but because I'm very fond of monchrome,especially white and have short blonde hair).
Thanks :) I do think you look good as Rufus because you look good in a suit, the style fits you well. I envy women who can pull off the look, as it takes a certain way to carry one's self to do that (built and height also play a part, I'm not so lucky with the height thing.. /cry)

Genderflips fascinate me; its interesting how the same characteristics tend to be perceived differently depending on gender (I wonder how Rufus' fear speech would have been received as a female character?); sometimes with the original personalities not being preserved (think Kyon from the Genderbending of Haruhi Suzumiya).

I very much enjoy drawing genderbent characters because just thinking about what might have been if things were different is intriguing. You can tell a whole story simply by how you draw genderbends (like in my case, giving "Rufa" a suit instead of a dress, keeping her hair short). With Rufus I knew exactly how I want her to look and how I'd add my own twist to it.

I can't imagine Rufus's personality changing at all if he becomes a Rufa :awesome: He's still going to be ambitious and strong and intelligent. And yeah I think "she" would still fight Cloud on Shinra HQ xD

Rufus and Ritsuko from Neon Genesis Evangelion reminded me of each other; both aesthetically and personality wise. Your fanart reminded me of her design slightly. Ritsuko was a stern workaholic, and also bore resentment and a sense of competition toward her mother.
Hmm now that I think about it, yeah.. they really do resemble each other in their relationships with their parent. I'd like to think Rufus isn't as cold and distant as Ritsuko though. Although I think he does build walls around him and isn't easily emotionally attached, and it's unspoken but obvious to everyone "close" to him. But that's just my headcanon, it's fascinating to speculate what Rufus is like as a friend.

My, all the Rufus feels.

Good job with the fan art, keep em coming :cthulhu:


Pro Adventurer
I think it would be an interesting experiment to write a story where the main character is one gender in one version and another gender in another and that’s the only thing that’s changed and see how people perceive the character based on gender.

The funny thing with me and crossplaying is day to day I’m fairly feminine. The only reason I don’t wear make-up everyday at school is because I’m lazy and prioritize sleep over appearance when I can get away with it. Then I keep my hair short because I’m insanely tender headed and hate having to brush it. Despite the fact I look good with long hair and like having long hair – I just don’t like the hassle.

For cosplay I just do the characters I like (except this one time where I cosplayed Cloud because my husband wanted to do a Cloud/Seph couple cosplay because he shipps that), and some of them happen to be male. Since most require wigs anyway it doesn’t matter how my hair looks under it, although short hair is easier to cover.

As for staying in character, I sort of go in and out. I feel like part of cosplaying is performance, holding yourself like the character and “playing” in character with friends. So my friends and I will snark at each other in character. The thing with cosplay for me is I try to cosplay characters who represent part of personality/I relate to in some way. So it’s really just showing that side of myself.

While I emphasize that I am not my character and most cosplayers will tell you the same thing, because confusion over this creates problems (learning friends or romantic interests only liked you as your character not as you), I have things in common with my characters. Sometimes I’ll say things and a friend will turn to me and be like “well hello, Rufus”.

When I consider whether I could “pull off” cosplaying a character I consider personality more than physical appearance, because there are some characters I just couldn’t embody. Then other characters I want to do specifically because they match my personality. Like when watching Avatar the Last Bender with friends Ty Lee said something and everyone was like “that’s you”. Because I have a very cheerful, can come off as ditzy personality when I’m not in serious mode.

In fact, when I first said I decided to cosplay Rufus my friends were skeptical about whether I could pull it off because Rufus is an intimidating, serious character and I’m “about as threatening as a kitten” and “so nice”. However, when I cosplay Rufus I can be very intimidating and I’ve been told I make a good Rufus, to the point my nickname to my friends who are in my Turk group is “boss”. Rufus brings out the public speaker in me, always me a chance to have a sarcastic cutting wit, and my leadership ability.

A great thing about cosplay is it can bring out parts of you. My husband says cosplaying certain characters has helped him find his self-confidence. Then sometimes by cosplaying a character you realize things about youself. Like my husband wasn’t a Turks fan. He’s read Licorice’s and Cherry’s fics because I recommended them and basically forced him to read them. And I wanted him to cosplay a Tseng with me and for the longest time he was like “No” because he didn’t see himself in the character/couldn’t relate to the character.

Then I had to have surgery right before a major con and insisted on going to the convention even if I wasn’t supposed to be on my feet.
Me: “There are inventions called wheel chairs after all and I’m not going to let a little pain stop me”
Him: sigh followed by exasperated look.

He wasn’t in favor of me going because he wanted me to stay in bed and take it easy, but since I’m stubborn and have a right to make my own choices regarding my health we went anyway. Since I’d be stuck in wheel chair most of con he cosplayed Tseng as a last minute closet cosplay so he’d match me. He didn’t act in character at all during that con, he was more focused on taking care of me and watching everyone else at the con like a hawk because he was on edge about my condition, and he made a perfect Tseng.

And by doing the cosplay he sort of realized, yeah, I guess I am like Tseng. Although the scary thing was reading a fic where Yuffie and Tseng get married and feeling that Tseng as written there sounded exactly like my husband.

I guess with cosplay it’s less a matter of acting in character as finding a character that fits you. I act differently depending on what character I cosplay because I sort of bring out a different aspect of myself when I cosplay various characters. I also break character fairly regularly, because I’m still myself.

I also have an hourglass figure with huge hips and walk in a way that is very…swaying? It’s hard to train myself to move like a guy while crossplaying. My most common break in character is when my body language goes really feminine. That and I smile like all the time and Rufus doesn’t smile, he just smirks occasionally, so I have to tone down the cheerfulness.

Thanks for the compliment on the skit. I wanted to play up how hard it might be to have a Turk for a sister/poke fun at the whole “Elena hates the Turks and her sister” thing. The girl cosplaying Gun is the Larxene in my KH group (as well as being my Cissnei normally), so I told her to play it like Larxene. So you see the more vicious side of the actress’s personality here. I tend to picture Gun as more serious, no nonsense military, but I could picture her going all “Meet the parents” when it comes to protecting Elena.

Although in all seriousness, I do love Elena’s character ad find the whole dynamic between her and her sister fascinating. I’ve written a fic about it if you’re interested:

I really like your artwork. It’s well done. But shouldn’t there be slots for materia or would that not be standard on weapons?
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I agree with your philosophy on cosplay. I tend to choose characters that are generally similar to me in personality and mannerisms. I'm not a fan of those cosplays where some young yaoi fangirls fall really out of character in costume (like you know, Vincent Valentine having a five minute giggle spasm), but I guess some people are just about the aesthetics.

Although in all seriousness, I do love Elena’s character ad find the whole dynamic between her and her sister fascinating. I’ve written a fic about it if you’re interested:

I've actually stumbled upon some of your fics before and your characterization of Elena is refreshing here. Often I find her to be written as a sort of teenage-self insert, due to the fact that she tends to be clumsy, but I like the level of depth here. Your fanfics I feel are very down to earth.

Thanks for the compliments on my work, guys.
I didn't put materia slots on Reno's EMR because I couldn't find any on the shots of his weapon in Advent Children, though he may have had slots on the original FFVII EMR. As for the shotgun; during all of Rufus' fights he'd never used any materia: though perhaps I'll make another version with materia slots as well his signature (ala the Junon banners) by the Shinra logo. I liked doing the shotgun because there isn't much seen of it and I could sort of design it how I wanted.

I'd like to think Rufus isn't as cold and distant as Ritsuko though. Although I think he does build walls around him and isn't easily emotionally attached, and it's unspoken but obvious to everyone "close" to him. But that's just my headcanon, it's fascinating to speculate what Rufus is like as a friend.

Personally I think they'd be about equal. I think Rufus would be the type whose expressions and mannerisms could only be really read by people who know him well, behind that sort of sarcasm-serious duality he presents. Dr. Akagi was quote cold but not to the point where she wasn't a relatable character, I feel.

Some good Reno cosplays
And I'd like to see a video in regard to this subject. :monster:

On a rather random note, if we ever get around to that art-prompt activity, I'd love to see the Turks playing poker, and also that BDSM Rufus.


Pro Adventurer
Oh man I almost forgot about this :O Has anyone started with anything yet?

I haven't started anything yet because I've been focusing on school and legal work and moving (IRL is busy) but I do plan to do something!

As for poker - I may have a video of Rufus and the Turks playing strip poker...


Unlucky, your Rufa is gorgeous! Cam's right, you are really talented. I love your drawings. Do you draw guys as well as you do girls?

Thanks :) I'm afraid not T.T As of now I can only draw effeminate-looking guys (haven't really tried drawing manly men-- need to practice that because Rude!). I guess it's mainly me being a lazy ass and most of the time cba to draw something challenging for me. Influence from Japanese mainstream art might also play a part, we all know manliness is a no-no :desu:

I've already done genderbends of the other FFVII cast but I still need to do the rest of the Turks :D


^Same here :D

I'm in love with the whole concept of bisexuality/ gender bending. I hope to someday put all my feels about it into an artwork. Or perhaps in my lifestyle. But that's for another thread :lol:


Pro Adventurer
Yeah, for the longest time I identified as straight and thought "I like pretty boys". Then I met a Sebastian crossplayer (I didn't know the series at the time or like the character, but if you do know the series it gives you an idea) and I found them attractive because they mad a very nice pretty boy. Then I decided I didn't care about gender, only attractiveness, which to means masculine androngyny. Except bisexual doesn't really describe what I am because that suggests attractedness to women perse so much as I don't care about gender and like male-ish prettiness.

As for gendr bending, I don't really care for most gender bent art because I'm not attracted to women so when the character is rendered hyper feminine (and hyper sexualitized, all boobs and curves) it's like meh, but when you can't quite tell the gender I like it.

Like if asked which BC Turk would you take out on a date I'd say "Knives" despite the fact I prefer men, because she's the type I consider attractive even though she's not a guy. Then again, I also like her personality/relate to her.

And I don't know if it's me projecting my own preferences onto a fictional character, but I tend to wirte Rufus as gay, but I think Rufus/Elena/Tseng could work as an OT3 if Elena was boyish enough. Then again, I guess I don't get being picky about physical sex. I get not being attracted to a certain gender, I don't like girls the way straight men and lesbians do and I don't think I could but to me physical attraction is more about one someone looks like rather than if they're a boy or a girl-despite liking male bits and not really liking female bits. (This probably makes no sense and is confusing).


I'm bisexual. I've identified myself as 'closeted' before, but not typically, more like I'm just not vocal about it and for a long time I wanted to be sure before I call myself that. My attraction to girls started at a really young age (in elementary, I was from an exclusive girl school), and of course I was told it's wrong. :desu: Persisted through high school, I was told it's just a phase. Still there in college and up to the present time. So yes I'm sure now, I'm attracted to both girls and guys.

I can't say that I'm an androgyne, for society has already created a boundary between the male and female gender, and for me it's about choosing to identify with both.

I think we have a different thread for this.. sorry :desu:

Hmmm gender-bending can be expressed in a lot of ways.. I personally see the art of crossdressing (and crossplaying!) as a very creative way to express one's self.

And you know what guys, let me tell you this.. when I first came here to this thread for some reason I always believed Rufus is straight. But now I can definitely imagine him as gay. Or even bisexual. I really don't know what Rufus's sexual orientation is in my head :desu: I think that's a good thing.


Pro Adventurer
I was bullied pretty severely for being “Gay” in Middle School, despite not being gay. I think part of the reason I never pursued girls or came out is because I didn’t want to be considered “gay” because I liked men. Then I came out as bi as an adult because I didn’t want to contribute to bi invisibility and my family were all like “Are you sure you want to get married” “You can’t marry a man if you like women”

Because being bi obviously means I can’t be attracted to the man I plan to marry and will of course end my marriage to be with a woman. Of course, I’m not out as poly to my family because most of them wouldn’t accept that my husband actually wouldn’t mind if I dated a girl while married.

Back on topic/sort of related. What I like about cosplay and crossplay is I get to be an attractive whatever I’m cosplaying. When I’m doing Rufus Shinra I’m an attractive guy (even if I don’t totally pass the idea is sexy guy) when I’m doing Aqua or Rarity I’m an attractive girl.

And this is not to say I find myself particularly attractive, so much as I think my cosplays look good. I like that I could cosplay as a sexy boy because through that I get to show what I find attractive. Sort of like fanart via dress up and photography.

Today on Tumblr I found this Reno cosplayer who’d posted some Reno cosplays that were pretty nice. So I reblogged them and sent her a message saying that she made a really sexy Reno (in a non creeper way) and she asked if I cosplayed so I shared some of my cosplays from DA (I just figured out how to share things from DA).

And we sort of reblogged each other and complimented each other, and sort of play flirted. We weren’t attracted to each other as women so much as we thought each other’s cosplays were sexy as representations of men. (If you like very very pretty men ).

We wound up skyping and discussing binding methods , which was fun. Too bad she lives in Germany.

- Finds awesome cosplayer I’d love to work with = Lives on the other side of the planet -

But yes, for me crossplaying is a way of expressing what I like rather than “being a sexy girl” to cater to what someone else would like in me. Although I suppose this whole mind set is a bit narcissistic. Trying to look good in terms of what you find attractive.
As for sexualities of characters as I’m sure I’ve said before: I tend to write everyone as bi because there’s more pairing options but for some reason some characters end up leaning one way or another.

Like my Rude is very straight and my Rufus prefers men.
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