The General Turks Worship Thread


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I had the same thought about the latex glove. Rude as a gynecologist! I don't know about you, but I always chatter away nervously to my gyne's to cover my embarassment; can you imagine doing that with Rude and meeting the stone wall of silence?


"So's my ladygarden looking?"


"......okay then.....shouldn't you take your sunglasses off?"

Stole some drawings of Rude off tumblr. I think they must be exercises in drawing facial expressions; he looks more open and relaxed than usual. Must be off-duty.





I like to imagine that Tifa's taken him shopping, and each drawing shows his reaction as she comes out of the changing room four times, each time wearing something different.


I had the same thought about the latex glove. Rude as a gynecologist! I don't know about you, but I always chatter away nervously to my gyne's to cover my embarassment; can you imagine doing that with Rude and meeting the stone wall of silence?

^This made me laugh to hard.

Seriously though I think Rude would make a great handy man if he wasn't a Turk. When I was reading Case Of Shinra he re-enforced the door in the house they were staying in in Kalm. And in the new Turks novel it says he fixes the helicopter and shit and he makes his own bombs :P. Handy man I think would defiantly be a good job for him. As for Reno engineer or electrician would be a good match for him during the day and at night he can be a Stripper!! He would make lots of money doing that.


Great Old One
Tseng - political advisor
Elena - endless backpacker
Rude - gardener
Reno - dead from overdose

Sorry I'm so tired and worn out from a crazy week this is all I came up with :P


Tseng - political advisor
Elena - endless backpacker
Rude - gardener
Reno - dead from overdose

Tseng would make an excellent political advisor, he kinda does that already.
Elena.. Yeah she would get around..
Rude as a gardener... hmm I can just see him now.. working out in the sun, sweating.. with his shirt off..all dirty with soil... mmm yum.
Hahaha I can so see Reno dead from an overdose, laying on a bed naked legs spread out and a naked girl lying next to him. Poor Reno..:O
To return to an earlier fantasy of mine, Tseng could be a Maitre'd in a high class restaurant.
Elena I think might have made a good chocobo jockey: she's small, tough, determined, and pound for pound the strongest.
I like the idea of Rude as a handyman/gardener. Not so different from gynecologist, really...
Reno's so nosy he might have made a good crime beat journalist, and so lazy he'd have just made stories up if he couldn't find any. He could have worked for News International.








Great Old One
Okay. So Soak and I was on IRC with Yop yesterday... and the topic was all of a sudden:

Porny Turk titles.

Of course there is 'A Rude Morning Shower'
'What happens in Reno'
'Valentine's Day'
'Fast Laney'
'A Rude Awakening'
'Properly Tseng' (think pronunciation)

More suggestions? :lol:
(I also have a feeling this topic has been covered already somewhere... but a good topic can never be brought too often now can it...)


Here are some more pics I found...





Also... A friend and I were talking yesterday about before crisis and I thought she had a a good question. For those of you who haven't watched the LP on Youtube Rude tells Chelsea to meet him at the Tree Lighting Ceremony because he has something to tell her. She asks him to please tell her now but he says No...Tomorrow. Now we obviously know she doesn't show up. What do you think he had to tell her??
Love Reno and Rufus - Reno's so predatory, and Rufus is just letting him do it, pretending he's not into it, when of course he is. I love the Elena, too, even though her eyes are a bit wonky. Unfortunately - I'm sorry, but I can't stand the one with Sephiroth and Tseng. Midget kawaii-eyed Sephiroth looks ridiculous. I imagine him talking in a squeaky voice that's meant to be cute but is really just annoying. Why can't be people let him be the cold-hearted, cold-blooded demi-god he was meant to be? And is that little Sephie's little Shinra book satchel the Chief Turk is toting? I find Tseng's benevolent expression is kind of off. Anyway, he's not that much older than Sephiroth. If anything, I think he and Sephiroth are round about the same age.

Re Rude - I think he was planning to tell Chelsea that he was a Turk, and that he knew she was in Avalanche.
Have you read this?


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Midget kawaii-eyed Sephiroth looks ridiculous. I imagine him talking in a squeaky voice that's meant to be cute but is really just annoying. Why can't be people let him be the cold-hearted, cold-blooded demi-god he was meant to be? And is that little Sephie's little Shinra book satchel the Chief Turk is toting? I find Tseng's benevolent expression is kind of off.

Yeah, child Seph is always a bit creepy. I'm convinced Seph was fully grown within several years of his birth. Theres a japanese fansite that I've lost the link to, I think it was called 'Twilight of the Dark Master' but I've googled and it only links to some other anime thing. Aaaanyway it had loads of awesome fanart that was mainly Vincent and Sephiroth, but then some of them had cutesy child seph and it was a bit ehhhh.

Tseng don't carry nobody's school bags for nothing! :lol:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Its all small and I can't read it :(

Nevermind, I think I found it :lol:

I like this one too :awesome:

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I deleted my post because I screwed up the image in photobucket. I love that one of Tseng giving Cissnei his two cents - how long did it take him to work up the nerve, I wonder?

So here are a couple of pictures that cropped up in dirtyfinalfantasyconfessions (hence the "confessions" typed across them) when I did a tag search. Both are fairly PG, I think.


I think Reno's voice must be a YMMV thing. I'd rather have Tseng on the phone. And so would:



Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I deleted my post because I screwed up the image in photobucket. I love that one of Tseng giving Cissnei his two cents - how long did it take him to work up the nerve, I wonder?

So here are a couple of pictures that cropped up in dirtyfinalfantasyconfessions (hence the "confessions" typed across them) when I did a tag search. Both are fairly PG, I think.


I think Reno's voice must be a YMMV thing. I'd rather have Tseng on the phone. And so would:


I think Elena is really attractive too, but I don't think she needs to doll up. In fact, despite the fact AC made her look a bit too young, I think shes the most attractive female in AC. But that probably says more about how dull and ordinary they made Aerith and Tifa.

I am sorely tempted to submit to dirtyfinalfantasy confessions myself, but it would be glaringly obvious that it was me, and all you guys would disown me for being a freak :monster:


I think Elena is really attractive too, but I don't think she needs to doll up. In fact, despite the fact AC made her look a bit too young, I think shes the most attractive female in AC. But that probably says more about how dull and ordinary they made Aerith and Tifa.

I am sorely tempted to submit to dirtyfinalfantasy confessions myself, but it would be glaringly obvious that it was me, and all you guys would disown me for being a freak :monster:

I agree with you, Elena is the prettiest in AC. Shes pretty enough where she doesn't need to made dolled up and it kinda looks like shes wearing a little bit of a lip stick anyway. If she was dolled up I'm afraid she might look like a street walker.

Octo I would never disown you and since when was being a freak a bad thing? SUBMIT!
Octo, whatever filthy urges you may secretly cherish for Tseng your totally anonymous FF crush, I'm quite, quite sure there are others who share them.

How about we all post on ff dirty confessions and then see if we can guess each others? I dare you.


Pics or Fantasies? I don't know how to do those kind of pictures with those captions.. If you mean fantasies, I wouldn't mind seeing any of them, but i did find one that is totally mine! I'll post it in a bit!
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