Awe it's too bad you don't like Tifa - I'm doing Aerith (eventually) and we could have cosplayed together (eventually).
Anyway - I think the Turk's zipper suits are iconic and we should keep the zippers (even if it does make them harder to cosplay since it's impossible to put a zipper in a suit and have it still hand right). To me the zippers represent utility - they're not here to be fancy, they're here to quick and efficient.
I would like to see more details in how the suits fit. Like in KH you can tell each Organization member by their coat alone - even though they're all in the same uniform each coat fits differently. The Turks should be the same. You get that in the BC designs - for example Cissnei's suit is form fitting, Gun Female's is looser. I hope with the OG the Turk's suits are an extension of them.
As for color - black makes more sense since it's black in every other compilation entry. Although making it a very dark navy where everyone is left arguing whether the suits are black or blue could be fun.
Tseng's "death" is complicated. In the original game they didn't intend for him to be dead - but then so many people assumed he was dead that they ran with it. I really like that scene in Case of Shinra (OMG imagine if they didn't animated versions of all the Novellas the way they did with Denzel's story) where Tseng shows up and Elena practically tackles him and Reno teases her "Geeze Elena, why don't I get a hug?" And she's like "Oh ok, Reno, you can hug the director too" and Reno's all "Pass." (This scene is hilarious).
And I like that when Elena goes after you on her own she's grieving. I hope they make that scene more dramatic and less laugh at Elena for being incompetent. (I always found it a bit problematic that the only female Turk in the OG was also the only Rookie/making the woman the least competent member).
So I'd like it to be you think Tseng is dead and Rufus - although they could have it revealed if they take that scene from the Novella where Reeve hands of Tseng to the BC Turks - because Reeve's been in touch with Veld. But that wouldn't probably just confuse players who would be all like - wait who are those other Turks?
Personally, I'd like Reno to stay exactly as he is in AC. Rough people don't always look rough, soft kind people don't always look soft.
Once I was waiting in a vet's office and this kid comes it looking like he's a really tough guy, tattoos and baggy clothes, muscular. I wonder what kind of pet this guy is bring in - he's got a box, I wonder if maybe he has a python - something cool. It turns out he has a baby bird with a hurt wing that he rescued - which was the sweetest thing. And I felt terrible for making any judgement.
I think, with Reno, is he doesn't look dangerous, he's pretty, he's charming, maybe a little wild with that hair and those tattoos - but he doesn't look so bad - but then he kills all those people. To me that's scarier - someone who is pretty and seems fun doing something so awful.
Like look at Axel in Re-Chain of Memories - cold blooded killer, but charming (about 2 minutes in).
As for goofball Reno we see in AC - I don't know - I kind of liked the funny bits and him putting his foot in his mouth - but that doesn't fit with the OG. I really wonder what they're going to do? But maybe Reno isn't that astute at reading people and knowing what to say and no say but is smart in other ways?