The General Turks Worship Thread


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Rude looks fucking awesome in the 6th one down. I don't like how Elena looks like a boy there, and the others look like River Phoenix who does nothing for me sadly :no:

Also, I must register my dissapointment with the pervs of the internet that there is only very few Elena pron pics (at least 'tasteful' ones) Shes fucking sexy, I think shes sexier than Aerith, Tifa and Yuffie.


Pro Adventurer
tardis60, dephinia
I haven't been here in a good long while. I'm trying to reheat my Turk-love with the patient assistance of Soakette.

I'm absolutely bonkers about this anime called 'Night Raid 1931.' It's about four extraordinarily talented psychics working covertly for Japan as an elite group in Shanghai, 1931. I'm watching it over and realizing that the character personalities (and, in some cases, appearance) are very similar to those of the four Turks from the OG.


Left to right: Aoi, Kazura, Yukina, Natsume


Left to right: Aoi, Kazura, Yukina, Natsume


Left to right: Aoi, Yukina, Natsume, Kazura

Aoi is similar to Reno in his casual appearance, spiked hair (often with glasses pushed into them), and disregard for authority.

Kazura reminds me of Tseng in his reserved manner and appearance. He's often paired with Aoi, with whom he clashes in viewpoints and style.

Natsume's personality is even more reserved, and he's very loyal and quiet, a sort of still-waters-run-deep character. He evokes Rude for me.

Yukina, though less impulsive and green than Elena in the original game, reminds me of a later Elena.

Maybe I'm reading too much into small similarities of these two things I like. It still seemed really interesting to me to find these sort of archetypal characters overlapping in many ways. Has anyone here seen this anime, or seen any other similar characters in other anime or other media?



Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I've not seen it, but I likes the look of it.

More importantly though, KAASSSSSSSSSSSIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! Welcome back :monster:


Yes Kassi! I am so glad you decided to post!!!!!

I have not seen this anime but DAMMNN these guys so remind me of the Turks as well!.

Welcome back sexy! xoxox


Pro Adventurer
tardis60, dephinia
Octooooooo! :) thank you for the hearty welcome!

Lic, I first saw it on Netflix streaming over a year ago, so it may not be there any longer. I bought it on DVD since I fell so madly in love with the Art Deco and immediately pre-WWII Southeast Asia political setting, as well as the characters themselves and their personal histories and struggles.



Pro Adventurer
I've got some cosplay pics to share! So my husband and I are dating a wonderful girl who lives in Ireland (I met her last summer while I was studying abroad in the UK and she invited me to come stay with her/visit Ireland). She came out to visit a few weeks ago, and on her last night here we decided to get a hotel in the city she was flying out from since she had a early morning flight. I found a hotel where we could get the Presidential Suite for only $100, so we stayed there and did a photoshoot.

This photo literally started with me being like "Look at the size of that tub, hey boss, get in the tub, I want to see how big it is." Then later "I bet I can fit." Then "Hey, hey Tseng, get in the tub, I want to see if you fit." Tseng: "No" - we got him in, he doesn't look very happy about it.

"Is he dead?"

"You're seriously asking that? Of course not, he's just -"
"A total light weight?"

"I love you Reno"

"Sure, you just - uh rest there, yo"

The Next Morning: "Reno, what are you doing?"
"Shh, it's early, go back to sleep"

When I do cosplay, whether I'm cosplaying or simply directing a shoot, my goal is to use the cosplay to create fan art. This fan art is very much yaoi, and a bit crack fic ish, I'll have some more serious photos to share later, once the photographers finishes with edits. These were less professional shoot more, we have a giant hotel room, let's take pictures!

I'm cosplaying Reno here at the behest of my girlfriend who also cosplays Rufus and wanted to cosplay Rufus opposite my husband as Tseng and me as Reno since she knows I ship Reno/Rufus. So I did Reno here just as a way to do a couple's cosplay with my girlfriend. Although, honestly I don't think I'm that good as Reno, and was a bit worried about pulling off the character. (My face is so feminine - I think the only male Turk I can pull off well is Nunchaku).

Either way we had fun, and I hope you guys think these pictures are fun. I sort of like the idea that you could write a crack fic based around some or all of these and if anyone wanted to write a fic inspired/explaining what's going on in these pictures, I'd love that.
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Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
I don't think I've posted this before (?) but I found a desktop for my tablet



Wow its been a year since anyone has posted here! Let's try and revive this thread a bit! I keep seeing around the forum what members want in the FF7 remake, and they mostly are discussing cloud and co, but what about the Turks?! Let's discuss what we want to see for them. Voice actors, appearances.. Anything!

I'll go first...

1. I'm fine with all the voice actors that were in ACC. I love Quinton flynn as Reno and if they replace him I would be utterly disappointed! I also really liked Rudes VA but if they were to recast him it would HAVE to be Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson for obvious reasons.

2. I really hope they keep the scene with Tseng slapping Aerith/Aeris, I don't why I love that scene so much, I guess I am just evil.

3. Speaking of Tseng I want to see him ask Elena out for dinner when they are in the temple of the ancients before he "dies". Also maybe give us a hint somewhere that he isn't really dead.

4. The Turks suits. I like the black. I think the blue would just look terrible and funny. I really hope they make the suits to fit their bodies more. In ACC (to me) they looked to big for them, like the suits was wearing them and they weren't wearing the suit. Also, I want to see Rudes muscles pop! In ACC because the suit looked big you couldn't really see how big he is described to be.

5. This is just for me cause I love Rude so much, I don't want to see him speak a word about having a crush on Tifa! No, just no...I will cry.

There's some more but I have to get to work now, I can't wait to read your comments when I come home later tonight!


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
If Tseng doesn't ask Elena to dinner I'll....I'll....I'll crush a grape!
Soak, you should cosplay Tifa!

I agree about the suits. Turks are supposed to be sharp-looking, and those baggy suits with nobody inside them aren't the business. They also need to ditch the zips and give them buttons. I'd love to see lots of little details in their clothing, like tie pins and cuff-links.

I would love to see a nod to the BC Turks, maybe some cameos of them in the background.... I don't think they should be introduced into the main story because I want the story to remain the same, but it would be cool if we could have some side quests or "lateral plots" involving what the BC Turks are up to - like in FFIX, when you could follow different characters' stories simultaneously.

One thing that has bugged me for a long time about ACC is when Reno says, "C'mon, Cloud. Together, we could rebuild Shinra." Reno in the OG is no fool, and he would know that rebuilding Shinra is the last thing Cloud wants. Of course it's common knowledge that Reno's characterization was sacrificed in ACC for the sake of comic relief - so I really hope that keep their OG characterizations, and also make Reno look a LOT more dodgy and less pretty. Maybe with a missing tooth and some yakuza tattoos....


Soak, you should cosplay Tifa.

I have been told I would make a good Tifa before but I just don't like her.

The thing about Reno for me, is that I watched AC first so when I played FF7 thats how I imagined him. Its the same when I imagined Cloud being all emo in the game because I saw him first in AC being all mopey. I don't know if I want a gritty looking Reno. I'd prefer if they made his personality how he is in the game but keep his AC appearance.

BTW, I am re reading this thread on my way to work and omg I love it! So many memories lol


Pro Adventurer
Awe it's too bad you don't like Tifa - I'm doing Aerith (eventually) and we could have cosplayed together (eventually).

Anyway - I think the Turk's zipper suits are iconic and we should keep the zippers (even if it does make them harder to cosplay since it's impossible to put a zipper in a suit and have it still hand right). To me the zippers represent utility - they're not here to be fancy, they're here to quick and efficient.

I would like to see more details in how the suits fit. Like in KH you can tell each Organization member by their coat alone - even though they're all in the same uniform each coat fits differently. The Turks should be the same. You get that in the BC designs - for example Cissnei's suit is form fitting, Gun Female's is looser. I hope with the OG the Turk's suits are an extension of them.

As for color - black makes more sense since it's black in every other compilation entry. Although making it a very dark navy where everyone is left arguing whether the suits are black or blue could be fun.

Tseng's "death" is complicated. In the original game they didn't intend for him to be dead - but then so many people assumed he was dead that they ran with it. I really like that scene in Case of Shinra (OMG imagine if they didn't animated versions of all the Novellas the way they did with Denzel's story) where Tseng shows up and Elena practically tackles him and Reno teases her "Geeze Elena, why don't I get a hug?" And she's like "Oh ok, Reno, you can hug the director too" and Reno's all "Pass." (This scene is hilarious).

And I like that when Elena goes after you on her own she's grieving. I hope they make that scene more dramatic and less laugh at Elena for being incompetent. (I always found it a bit problematic that the only female Turk in the OG was also the only Rookie/making the woman the least competent member).

So I'd like it to be you think Tseng is dead and Rufus - although they could have it revealed if they take that scene from the Novella where Reeve hands of Tseng to the BC Turks - because Reeve's been in touch with Veld. But that wouldn't probably just confuse players who would be all like - wait who are those other Turks?

Personally, I'd like Reno to stay exactly as he is in AC. Rough people don't always look rough, soft kind people don't always look soft.

Once I was waiting in a vet's office and this kid comes it looking like he's a really tough guy, tattoos and baggy clothes, muscular. I wonder what kind of pet this guy is bring in - he's got a box, I wonder if maybe he has a python - something cool. It turns out he has a baby bird with a hurt wing that he rescued - which was the sweetest thing. And I felt terrible for making any judgement.

I think, with Reno, is he doesn't look dangerous, he's pretty, he's charming, maybe a little wild with that hair and those tattoos - but he doesn't look so bad - but then he kills all those people. To me that's scarier - someone who is pretty and seems fun doing something so awful.

Like look at Axel in Re-Chain of Memories - cold blooded killer, but charming (about 2 minutes in).

As for goofball Reno we see in AC - I don't know - I kind of liked the funny bits and him putting his foot in his mouth - but that doesn't fit with the OG. I really wonder what they're going to do? But maybe Reno isn't that astute at reading people and knowing what to say and no say but is smart in other ways?

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
Wasn't Elena kinda vindicated in the end, though? Her peers spend the entire game bullying and harassing her, and then in Midgar it turns out she's the best fighter by quite a margin. She's always been my favourite Turk.

They had to play down Reno in AC to give Cloud a reason not to just kill him.


Pro Adventurer
Yeah I see where you're coming from for sure. In the original game designs had the Turks look shadier.


Very weaselly.

But BC Reno is prettier


I like how his face markings aren't neat and look painted on or splattered. Even he has pointier features than his AC counterpart.

But honestly, I feel like they're going to keen the characters looking like they do merchandise so they can still sell all the old play arts kai (as well as making new ones). And I feel like we'll stick close to Reno's AC design since it's recent and well known. As well as being similar to Axel from KH since Nomura likes his Expies (which is something I never really got).

As for Reno's age - my head canon is that he's 25 in the OG (why - because Axel is 25 in KH and he's meant to be a Reno expy - and I heard somewhere Reno was born the same year Rufus but I have no idea where that information came from).

That would put Reno at 18 at the start of BC - which is young for his rank but the age of majority in this world seems to be about 14 (at least you can sign up for the army then). So it's believable that Reno joined around 14 and rose through the ranks to become a senior Turk by BC - at least compared to the new recruits. Then he rises to second in command under Tseng over the next 7 years.

Everyone in AC looks young, but I can believe he's 27 as much as I can believe that about Rufus.

Everyone is usually super young in these games - with heroes setting out from home at 14. Cloud is only 21 in the OG - I think it's a trope of the game and maybe part of the make up of this world that people are considered adults younger and thus can be well into careers by their mid 20s.

Does anyone else have headcanons for how old the Turks are supposed to be?

Elena around 18 (hopefully 18 since she's hitting on Tseng who is in his 30s)
Tseng: 32 (I like to keep him youngish to narrow the age gap between him and Aerith and Elena - and Rufus since I ship that).
Reno: 25
Rude: 31 (I'm not really set here either but somewhere between 29 and 31)

I don't remember if we've discussed this before, it was years ago at this point, so reposting my two cents on ages in case anyone wants to chime in.

On a completely unrelated note: KITTY



Pro Adventurer
Ooooh... Turks.... Can I join? :)

As for goofball Reno we see in AC - I don't know - I kind of liked the funny bits and him putting his foot in his mouth - but that doesn't fit with the OG. I really wonder what they're going to do? But maybe Reno isn't that astute at reading people and knowing what to say and no say but is smart in other ways?

Maybe it's just a quirk of my imagination (or too much reading/writing of fan fiction over the years), but even in the original game, Reno stuck me as someone who was only at his most serious when he really had to be. Otherwise, he just seemed laid back, and yes, a little bit of a goof.

But again, that may just be me projecting onto someone who was a relatively minor character at first. It was the fans, really, who expanded on his personality. I seem to recall reading an article wherein it was stated that they took a lot of care with Reno in Advent Children because he was so popular amongst the fanbase.


Pro Adventurer
Yes, it seems Square Enix likes taking cues from their fans (although we haven't got any canon yaoi yet - which is unfortunate). For example, the Axel was originally slated to die early in KH2 and be nothing more than the cold assassin we met in Chain of Memories. But he was very popular with the fanbase - as a Reno expy, and a charming bad boy - so Axel got an expanded role - Roxas's best friend - and a redemption arc where he sacrifices his life to save the main character. Ultimately the character was brought back from the dead as a full blown hero.

So the Reno we see in AC may very well be the result of fanon interpretations of the characters being incorporated into canon. Expanding the character to match fan's expectations and desire.

I think it works though because it keeps him three dimensional. He's a nice enough guy, not a social genius, honest - blunt - a bit goofy - but he is loyal to Shinra, he does his job, and sometimes that requires terrible things. So he'll do those awful things and do his best not to give a damn because there's nothing he can do.

Although I really would like it if, later in the game after the Turks become my sympathetic, it's discussed that they really didn't have a choice. Which would be a good place to reference BC - just say that the Turks were on thin ice and if they refused orders they'd be killed. Maybe Reeve - who likes the Turks - he's the only one Veld trusted with his location both during BC and in the OG and Reeve saves Tseng's life by contacting the BC Turks to rescue him at the Temple of the Ancients - can talk about Sector 7. The blame he feels for not doing anything - feeling like he might as well have pushed the button because he was just as powerful to stop it.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Personally I don't want any more flanderisation in the remake. Doubtful I'll get my wish though.

I mean, they made him pretty? Where the hell did that come from? 12 year olds fanart? I liked Reno just fine when he looked like a rat and behaved like a slightly evil Peter Venkman.

But then I feel I'm in the minority when it comes to most things about the Turks. I was over the moon when I first heard about BC and then was pretty disappointed to find they'd been turned into a bunch of Waylan Smithers (whoa 2 Simpsons references for the price of one!) I mean, at least Smithers is in love with his boss and not some weird inverted Stockholm Syndrome.

But anyway, thats what they've done now so I'm expecting them to bring the remake into line with all that :sigh:


Pro Adventurer
I mean, they made him pretty? Where the hell did that come from? 12 year olds fanart? I liked Reno just fine when he looked like a rat and behaved like a slightly evil Peter Venkman.

I liked him just fine then as well... but if I'm being perfectly honest here, I really can't say that I don't like the post-BC/AC Reno better, if for no other reason than because there's just more to him now, personality-wise.

Would I still like him if they hadn't prettified him? Most likely. But I'm not gonna complain about the eye candy.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I could have probably tolerated some improvement, but they made him look about 12. The Reno in my head is more stubbly.
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