The General Turks Worship Thread


Pro Adventurer
Orah, Iju
must admit. i would so be a turks more than SOLDIER. they get all the good stuff of shin-ra plus i get to have time with reno



The only half decent shot with the pistol; a couple things annoy me but it'll have to do.


random kalashnikov appears, that escalated quickly I'm still Elena, totally not Gun



my bob likes to alternate sides, you see.
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Pro Adventurer
Sorry I missed the photoshoot at the con (had other cosplay panels, and 3 costume changes would have been a bit much). I like how they're my Tseng and Aerith. LOL

Were you out shooting while in cosplay?


Your Aeris is such a great Aeris. Naturally people only realized who I was when I was with Tseng and Aeris, otherwise I'm just a blonde (W/)MIB. I'd like to do Elena again at Conichiwa.

'Tis fine, it's a hassle to change so much in one day. I take it your SNK panel had a huge turnout given everyone and their grandpa is cosplaying SNK :monster:; how did it go?

I just used my airsoft m9 and my buddy's new airsoft AK. I would find taking a photoshoot with real guns a bit unsettling and faux pas, especially since in a couple shots I pointed the muzzle at the camera (they never saw the light of the internet since 7/10 of the pictures on my camera turned out bad because I don't know anyone aside from myself who has experience with photography).


Pro Adventurer
Yes, I'd definitely say never use a real gun as a prop, even unloaded.

I want to make prop guns at some point so that we can have the materia slots. Currently I have a airsoft for Tseng, but we have to keep it hidden because it freaks out my Cat. (I'm convinced my cat has BB Gun related trauma).

SNK panel was...ok? Sort of large turn out for playing a game meant for 15 players? I wish they'd approved my FF panel.


It's something that really should never be done. Even with airsoft guns I'm kind of obsessed with gun safety because it's easy to get lazy with the real thing especially if the prop is an accurate replica.

You should look for/make long barreled gun props. I've noticed that the pistols in FFVII tend to have really lengthy barrels. And my dog has a natural predisposition to be petrified of gun shaped objects for some reason. Then again, he's also afraid of baby kittens. I exposed him to my new kitten, and since my dog is very anxiously intrusive, he started to annoy him. The cat lightly swatted him and he went into the corner and was trembling for the next 5 minutes; he's ridiculous.

What game?
And so do I, would have had fun with that. Maybe next time.


Pro Adventurer
We were playing Mafia. And you have a kitten! OMG I WANT TO SEE IT.

This is really off topic

So uh how about those Turks. Actually here's a discussion I was doing on tumblr. Please weigh in:

Why did Rufus aid AVALANCHE?

So they could kill his father and no one would suspect his involvement because it’s fits their own agenda. Unlike a hired hit man, there’s no question of who hired them because they don’t need to be working for anyone to want President Shinra dead. It’s an ideological anti-Shinra agenda and no one would suspect that Rufus would support such a group since he doesn’t share that ideology.

It’s a smart alliance, and one that works.

You hate Shinra, I want my father taken out, we help each other.

AVALANCHE was playing Rufus, but they couldn’t have hidden their agenda from him (take out Shinra/save the planet from Mako). So my question is, to what extent, if any, did Rufus share their concern?

If the planned worked and the President was killed Rufus can

A) Wash his hands of the affair, stop helping AVALANCHE and try to kill them now that he no longer needs them

B) Make changes in Shinra so that they’re no longer enemies
Plan A means making enemies, one of which is a super solider level fighter who seems to be as powerful as Sephiroth.

Plan B means potentially bringing them into fold and utilizing them.

So what did Rufus plan to do?

My original thought was plan A and that he aided AVALANCHE to use them as a pawn in a chess match against his father to prove his worth, but lately I’ve been wondering. Because at Corel, when cornered, Rufus’s plan was:

Have AVALANCHE kill the Turks so I can avoid capture, join up with AVALANCHE and then take on my father with them, take the company by force. All out rebellion.

So then Plan A wouldn’t be an option so much, would it? He’d be publicly in the anti-Shinra movement and probably trying to get the public on his side. So maybe he did realize AVALANCHE had a point, and he would have made changes within Shinra.
AVALANCHE knew Mako was destroying the planet, and maybe Rufus thought it was BS and these extremists would be useful because the enemy of my enemy is my friend, but maybe he understood they had a point.

At age 18 or shortly before, something prompted him to risk EVERYTHING to rebel against his father and aid AVALANCHE. I think in part if was to show his father his worth and that’s the motivation I’ve written on: eg

However, recently, I’ve been questioning that. Maybe what pushed him into action was the belief that if he waited then there wouldn’t be anything worthwhile to inherit. Mutiny and take the ship before there’s no hope of changing course and it’s doomed to sink?
I think if you asked Rufus why he did it, he wouldn’t say “to save the planet” he would say “to show my father I was worthy, to prove I’m a winner”, because I think Rufus would hate to be “idealistic”. It’s too emotional, and he doesn’t want to be “desperate”. “I had to do it for the sake the of the planet.” No, he did it for himself, and he did it as a Shinra, not a rebel.

He would burn the company to the ground, but only so he could rebuild it in his own image. But maybe he would have rebuilt it better and there other factors in his calculus, including disagreeing with the President’s actions and questioning the long term cost of Mako.


Sorry I took so long, I've been meaning to eventually respond to this prompt.

You bring up a good point on whether Rufus understood the detrimental effects of manufacturing the lifestream, and further, if he thought it was a concern. Little is known about his leadership style and what he'd actually planned to do with the company. If he wanted to continue to maintain that kind of omnipotence, he would have to monopolize a different method of generating electricity or something as economically powerful as electricity that could be used to squander the autonomy of individual states, and prepare for the difficulties associated with a major economic transition. The gap between FFVII Rufus and AC Rufus was not bridged properly. When you think about it, there was actually little personal reflection other than his thoughts about his relationship with his father. While he was awaiting death he did exhibit some knowledge of the lifestream, and evidently knew that its content was, well, the consciousness of dead people, so he wasn't that ignorant. But it never got into what he thought about the company's practices, what he planned to do with his inheritance, exactly how his thought pattern and ideologies shifted between FFVII and AC, and most of all, what his actual plans were in regard to AVALANCHE, because Plan A would have been a reckless undertaking. There is no way of knowing, because during both BC and FFVII it would have been unwise to let that be known to the board, in BC because it would have been suspicious and in FFVII because any group of people economically inseparable from mako could have staged a coup and the gradual transition wouldn't have even begun. And Rufus wasn't intended to be anything more than a stock villain in the original game. There was also the possibility that he didn't think it through the way he should have (and if he planned on taking a different economic direction, it begs the question of why, in the OG, would he have been interested in the promised land project), which is believable considering his lack of maturity before imprisonment and strictly theoretical life experience.

Years ago, I read that Rufus was supposed to be 15 during Before Crisis, and that people were saying that this was stated in an interview with Nomura (and I know he doesn't have that much influence with regard to canon thankfully, except Advent Children, but he's still on the board). It would be great if someone could verify this so that we can determine whether the being (around) 25 in CoS thing was a retcon.
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Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
I thought at Corel, Rufus' initial plan was to just regain control of AVALANCHE, and he wasn't expecting the Turks to show up at all. Once they saw his face, though, that was a game changer and he had to improvise. Now that they all know what he's doing, they have to die immediately, so that everyone who knows Rufus was funding AVALANCHE is dead, and he can go back to his position in Shinra with nobody the wiser.

I never got the impression he was going to take command of AVALANCHE directly.


Pro Adventurer
That's also possible. I think it would depend on if he thinks the Turks have informed anyone else.

Anyway, so I've decided to do an Ask Cosplay Blog over on tumblr for Rufus Shinra. Essentially, I'll answer questions in character as Rufus and include cosplay pics to go along with the questions.

So far I've used cosplay photos I all ready have but I hope to take some new pictures when I get time and maybe do some gifs. My answers also include my head canons about Rufus and the FFVII world.

So if anyone's interested I'd love followers and feedback (I honestly have no idea what I'm doing or if it's any good)

trash panda

I was looking though a website with handmade items. And I found a Reno and Rude art blanket. They also have other ff7 items, in case anyone is interested!

Also, I miss this thread.

Now that you mention it...
Isn't this copyright infringement? I'm not asking to be a buzzkill, but I see things like this for sale all the time on websites like Etsy. I'm asking because I've always wanted to sell FF fanart, but I thought that you can't sell an image with a trademarked character on it/try to make a profit from it.
I don't know... :faint:


You might have a point there. I have no idea though. Maybe they have the rights, I just thought some people would like it, not to just buy but just to look at. I would love to sleep with Reno and Rude on top of me making me warm. Lol. :p


Pro Adventurer
I know the fan artist, he's on DA and Tumblr, his art is amazing
(also a really nice guy he co-set up the ShinraCo club on DA after a bunch of us quit the other Shinra club on DA in protest of their homophobic attitudes. He was all, I'm gay and I have more followers than this club, I'm leaving and taking them with me. Love this guy).

I wish he'd do a Rufus blanket.

As for
It is illegal to make derivative works without a license, and if you're selling it then you're more likely to get in trouble with the copy right holder because you're making money off their IP (intellectual property, whatever they have the copyright to) and competing with them.

However, it's up to the company/rights holder to enforce or not. Most companies keep their own legal department to deal with this sort of things, basically attack dogs in suits whose job is to watch for and go after this sort of thing (I say this lovingly, I want this job).

The good news is it's more trouble than it's worth to actually do anything to you, so most lawyers will give you a chance to stop what you're doing before burying you (ie. suesing). The chance is called a "Cease and Desist" letter, which basically a legal version of a threatening letter "stop or else" the or else being a law suit you won't win because a) it's legally their property and b) you probably can't afford to fight back because legal battles are expensive. It's a win/win lawyers can generally solve the problem by just writing the letter and telling infringers to stop which is cheaper for everyone and much less painful than a law suit. It works because most people have sense enough to be very afraid if the get a C and D letter. It saves everyone time and money, and no one gets hurt (i.e. sued). (the down side it's hard to fight for fair use because most people can't afford to fight big companies and are too afraid to try, so basically companies can stop whatever activity they want on a whim and no one will stand up to their very scary lawyers).

But it's up the digression of the company who to stop. Some companies allow fan products to be sold because they see it as free promotion. Hasbro has been really chill with the "Brony" community making plushies and products, because A) it doesn't compete with their main/target demographic (little girls aren't spending thousands on custom plushies) B) it promotes their show to a new demographic who then spend money on Hasbro merchandise.
Other companies, like Disney, will send out C & Ds to anyone who dares come close to their IP.

Whether or not a company sends their lawyers after you depends on if they think what your doing is harmful (lawyers are basically watch dogs their to safe guard the company's interests, so if you're technically breaking the law they could stop you, but it's only their job to stop you if what your doing threatens the company or if the company's policy is zero tolerance). Some companies, wisely, see fan artists as symbiotic creatures who should be left at peace (they consume the company's product and provide free promotion which will lead to more consumers, so let them continue) other see fan artists as parasites who harm the company (making money off their IP, competing with their own merchandize, potentially harming the brand if they are selling an inferior product that could be confused with something official, harming the brand by selling something they don't want the company associated with such as My Little Pony porn which Hasbro thankfully will C & D).

In general Japan they have a more lax attitude towards copy right and a general symbiotic view. This is how Doujinshi Markets are a thing, the manga publishers look at the fan comic makers as providing free promotion and see fanwork as a sort of apprenticeship system where new artist and writers can train and grow a fan base. A lot of professional manga people are successful doujinshi artists/writers who the publishing companies offer jobs based on that fact they've proven themselves in the fan market and the companies can profit form the existing fan base the artist built. America has a more "this is my property don't touch it" attitude with big companies lobbying law makers to ensure strict and ridiculously long protection for copyright.

But regardless of whether it's an American or Japanese company, whether or not an artist will get a C & D or sued is generally on a case by case and a company by company basis. Square Enix shut down someone making 3D printed action figures based on FFVII because that competes with their official action figure line and were literally 3D renderings of the game characters. Hasbro shut down a MLP fighting game because A) fighting not so much kid friendly and B) it looks so good it could have been mistaken for a licensed game and hasbro had all ready licensed the characters an actual game company.

It really comes down to is:

If the lawyers see it.

If the lawyers think it's enough of a threat to the company that it's worth their time to shut it down.

The company's general policy (are the lawyers basically there to shut down anything and everything the come across or have been told to leave it alone unless it's really a problem).

Companies will let a lot of thing slide, like fanfic, cosplay, even sold fan art at cons (most cons have artist sections where artists can sell fan art prints). None of this is legal, but it's allowed because stopping it doesn't really benefit the company/creators or doesn't hurt them. Some groups have a strict No sale policy like Homestuck and Nightvale (they want money to go their official merchandise), others will let a lot of things go.

I'm not a lawyer and this isn't legal advise and I'm not telling you to break the law, just explaining how and why this sort of thing is sometimes tolerated in artist allies or small venders like etsy

Yes, I've missed this thread, we should discuss things and post pictures and fan fic links more, it will be fun.

trash panda

I know the fan artist, he's on DA and Tumblr, his art is amazing
(also a really nice guy he co-set up the ShinraCo club on DA after a bunch of us quit the other Shinra club on DA in protest of their homophobic attitudes. He was all, I'm gay and I have more followers than this club, I'm leaving and taking them with me. Love this guy).

I wish he'd do a Rufus blanket.

As for
It is illegal to make derivative works without a license, and if you're selling it then you're more likely to get in trouble with the copy right holder because you're making money off their IP (intellectual property, whatever they have the copyright to) and competing with them.

However, it's up to the company/rights holder to enforce or not. Most companies keep their own legal department to deal with this sort of things, basically attack dogs in suits whose job is to watch for and go after this sort of thing (I say this lovingly, I want this job).

The good news is it's more trouble than it's worth to actually do anything to you, so most lawyers will give you a chance to stop what you're doing before burying you (ie. suesing). The chance is called a "Cease and Desist" letter, which basically a legal version of a threatening letter "stop or else" the or else being a law suit you won't win because a) it's legally their property and b) you probably can't afford to fight back because legal battles are expensive. It's a win/win lawyers can generally solve the problem by just writing the letter and telling infringers to stop which is cheaper for everyone and much less painful than a law suit. It works because most people have sense enough to be very afraid if the get a C and D letter. It saves everyone time and money, and no one gets hurt (i.e. sued). (the down side it's hard to fight for fair use because most people can't afford to fight big companies and are too afraid to try, so basically companies can stop whatever activity they want on a whim and no one will stand up to their very scary lawyers).

But it's up the digression of the company who to stop. Some companies allow fan products to be sold because they see it as free promotion. Hasbro has been really chill with the "Brony" community making plushies and products, because A) it doesn't compete with their main/target demographic (little girls aren't spending thousands on custom plushies) B) it promotes their show to a new demographic who then spend money on Hasbro merchandise.
Other companies, like Disney, will send out C & Ds to anyone who dares come close to their IP.

Whether or not a company sends their lawyers after you depends on if they think what your doing is harmful (lawyers are basically watch dogs their to safe guard the company's interests, so if you're technically breaking the law they could stop you, but it's only their job to stop you if what your doing threatens the company or if the company's policy is zero tolerance). Some companies, wisely, see fan artists as symbiotic creatures who should be left at peace (they consume the company's product and provide free promotion which will lead to more consumers, so let them continue) other see fan artists as parasites who harm the company (making money off their IP, competing with their own merchandize, potentially harming the brand if they are selling an inferior product that could be confused with something official, harming the brand by selling something they don't want the company associated with such as My Little Pony porn which Hasbro thankfully will C & D).

In general Japan they have a more lax attitude towards copy right and a general symbiotic view. This is how Doujinshi Markets are a thing, the manga publishers look at the fan comic makers as providing free promotion and see fanwork as a sort of apprenticeship system where new artist and writers can train and grow a fan base. A lot of professional manga people are successful doujinshi artists/writers who the publishing companies offer jobs based on that fact they've proven themselves in the fan market and the companies can profit form the existing fan base the artist built. America has a more "this is my property don't touch it" attitude with big companies lobbying law makers to ensure strict and ridiculously long protection for copyright.

But regardless of whether it's an American or Japanese company, whether or not an artist will get a C & D or sued is generally on a case by case and a company by company basis. Square Enix shut down someone making 3D printed action figures based on FFVII because that competes with their official action figure line and were literally 3D renderings of the game characters. Hasbro shut down a MLP fighting game because A) fighting not so much kid friendly and B) it looks so good it could have been mistaken for a licensed game and hasbro had all ready licensed the characters an actual game company.

It really comes down to is:

If the lawyers see it.

If the lawyers think it's enough of a threat to the company that it's worth their time to shut it down.

The company's general policy (are the lawyers basically there to shut down anything and everything the come across or have been told to leave it alone unless it's really a problem).

Companies will let a lot of thing slide, like fanfic, cosplay, even sold fan art at cons (most cons have artist sections where artists can sell fan art prints). None of this is legal, but it's allowed because stopping it doesn't really benefit the company/creators or doesn't hurt them. Some groups have a strict No sale policy like Homestuck and Nightvale (they want money to go their official merchandise), others will let a lot of things go.

I'm not a lawyer and this isn't legal advise and I'm not telling you to break the law, just explaining how and why this sort of thing is sometimes tolerated in artist allies or small venders like etsy

Yes, I've missed this thread, we should discuss things and post pictures and fan fic links more, it will be fun.

Thank you for writing that out. I wasn't expecting such a detailed response. :awesome:
I've done mediocre research on the topic but I'm a wussy and I hate getting in trouble. I guess if ten thousand people did it before me, I'd be the last person on the radar.

So...anyone want to buy some Reno art? I'll go do it right now! :awesome:


Pro Adventurer
You're welcome, yeah I'm a third year law student specializing in IP. My substantial paper is going to be comparing Japanese Doujinshi to western fanfic in terms of leniency among copy right holders and the benefit of allowing transformative use to be fair use.

DA won't let you sell fan art prints because DA plays it really safe as a company. I was just noting that I don't use DA because I ship pairings they ban, going above and beyond what's banned by any law. Tumblr is good for doing commissions or selling prints because you can link it to your pay pal and just make a "my art" section of your blog.

Anyway Turks.


Pro Adventurer
So I feel like FFVII fans tend to break down into SOLDIER fans, AVALANCHE fans, and Turk fans.

Turks fans seem to stick together, get along and not have much drama or love triangle issues. Are we the harmonious side of the fandom?


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Its an interesting point. I recall on gamefaqs fanboys getting into shitfits over who was actually strongest out of cloud and seph.

The LTD is the ltd and we all know how thats going.

Generally i dont think ive seen Turks fans at each others throats. Maybe thats because theres nobody claiming stuff that isnt canon, and theres not so much ambiguity? I dunno. Maybe its cos were older? Like 25+ we dont get pissy. Like I dont 100% agree with every other Turk fans interpretations of the characters, but its not worth arguing about. Id rather just enjoy fandom together.


^That, and the Turks are all equally awesome in their own ways, so there's really nothin to argue about :monster:
I think it's because the Turks have such a high level of mutual harmony and understanding; they never bicker or fall out or have Genesis/Sephiroth sized battles of jealous pique; they have each other's backs, and they are as tight as family. This attitude rubs off on their fans.

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
And then there's me.;)

I don't really see division among SOLDIER fans either. The 'who'd win in a fight' are friendly for the most part. And the division among AVALANCHE fans doesn't tend to be strong outside the LTD.

There's also fans of the setting itself, people who don't like any particular characters over others, etc.


Pro Adventurer
I did say "tend"

"Genesis" seems to be a fairly divisive character, and the SOLDIER fans have their shipping wars too. Tifa's character design is a point of contention between fans who feel criticizing the design is slut shaming and the fans who feel it's fair to point out she was designed with fan service in mind and would prefer to have female characters in sensible clothing like sports bras, but that's par for the course with any sexualized female character...

I've just never seen the Turk fandom fight about anything. It just seems mellow, no shipping wars or character hate. You can dislike major ships and everyone's cool with it. I also don't see any character hate. I've seen heated discussions between Turk fans and non fans but there's not a lot of drama between Turk fans over fandom stuff.

Which is not to say that this fandom is better than any other or better than any other side of the general FFVII fandom. I'm just surprised that no one's at each other's throats.
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