Clement Rage
Pro Adventurer
I did say "tend"
"Genesis" seems to be a fairly divisive character, and the SOLDIER fans have their shipping wars too. Tifa's character design is a point of contention between fans who feel criticizing the design is slut shaming and the fans who feel it's fair to point out she was designed with fan service in mind and would prefer to have female characters in sensible clothing like sports bras, but that's par for the course with any sexualized female character...
I've just never seen the Turk fandom fight about anything. It just seems mellow, no shipping wars or character hate. You can dislike major ships and everyone's cool with it. I also don't see any character hate. I've seen heated discussions between Turk fans and non fans but there's not a lot of drama between Turk fans over fandom stuff.
Which is not to say that this fandom is better than any other or better than any other side of the general FFVII fandom. I'm just surprised that no one's at each other's throats.
Are those things divisive among 'SOLDIER fans' specifically, though? Licorice dislikes Genesis, but she's presumably in the 'Turk' bracket. And Tifa is the kind of debate you get around any character with that kind of design, it's not specific to fans of AVALANCHE. There's the 'Cloud is emo' brigade, but do they actually like AVALANCHE in general?
Honestly, the most emphatic final fantasy debates I've seen are Compilation v anti-compilation and classic FF v Modern FF.
We need to invite Kev into this thread
You need to wait for an invite? Oops.