The General Turks Worship Thread

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
I did say "tend"

"Genesis" seems to be a fairly divisive character, and the SOLDIER fans have their shipping wars too. Tifa's character design is a point of contention between fans who feel criticizing the design is slut shaming and the fans who feel it's fair to point out she was designed with fan service in mind and would prefer to have female characters in sensible clothing like sports bras, but that's par for the course with any sexualized female character...

I've just never seen the Turk fandom fight about anything. It just seems mellow, no shipping wars or character hate. You can dislike major ships and everyone's cool with it. I also don't see any character hate. I've seen heated discussions between Turk fans and non fans but there's not a lot of drama between Turk fans over fandom stuff.

Which is not to say that this fandom is better than any other or better than any other side of the general FFVII fandom. I'm just surprised that no one's at each other's throats.

Are those things divisive among 'SOLDIER fans' specifically, though? Licorice dislikes Genesis, but she's presumably in the 'Turk' bracket. And Tifa is the kind of debate you get around any character with that kind of design, it's not specific to fans of AVALANCHE. There's the 'Cloud is emo' brigade, but do they actually like AVALANCHE in general?

Honestly, the most emphatic final fantasy debates I've seen are Compilation v anti-compilation and classic FF v Modern FF.

We need to invite Kev into this thread

You need to wait for an invite? Oops.


Great Old One
You need to wait for an invite? Oops.
Not at all. That might have been a poor translation from my end considering 'invite' in my language is not just a referral to 'invitation' (as in 'invite only') but also an informal way of saying 'you definitely need to be here'.

(And if that was snark, my explanation covers that too.)

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
I meant it to be somewhere between the two. I don't know if there was some special rules for 'club' threads.
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Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Nah we have no rules here besides normal forum rules in days of yore some clubs cough.cough cloud/aerith cloud/tifa had to specify no pairing bashing lol.


Pro Adventurer
Yes, I think it's just the assumption that if you're in a club you like what the club is about. It would just be rude to go into a club if you hated the topic, like people who don't like a pairing railing against a pairing in a paring club wouldn't be cool.

I think it would be cool if we could summon people, like if we really wanted them to join a conversation. But most forums don't have tagging, so you have to send an invite if you want someone to join a convo.


Pro Adventurer
So does anyone have any head canons for how the Turks are trained? I was talking with a friend and hers was
the turks break whoever they want for a new turk and rebuild them, with loyalty written in every brick. So far I have sensory deprivation being a part of that process. But it would vary based on the turk

Which got me thinking, has anyone else given much thought to what new recruits go through? I had Nunchaku ordered to kill someone during his interview process, but he got treated harsher than most because no one thought he had what it took, so they were trying to weed him out before it was too late. So Veld basically ordered Reno to beat the shit during "sparring" and then put him through the most difficult regiment he could think of...


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I dunno, i just figured some recruits came from shinras military academy - gun, elena iirc. Others were recruited because of their backgrounds - private detective, hunter etc. I dont think they eould spend much time training recruits themselves - theyve got bigger fish to fry. So i think they only recruit those who have already proved themselves.

I do romanticise the notion of first kills though, i kind of like the idea of Elena puking after her first kill while Tseng holds her hair back. Then they all go for a drink :monster:

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
From what the Player Turks backgrounds are, it seems that most of them were recruited for skills they already had/were developing. So I'd kinda assumed that was the same for everyone else...


Pro Adventurer
What's your head canon for how and why Reno, Rude, and Tseng were recruited?


Rude was a boxer who refused to throw a fight and got in trouble with a mob boss, who as it happened had also crossed ShinRa. He and the Turks wound up fighting side by side when the Turks raided the Boss's hide out (where Rude was being held). Since a lot of people wanted Rude dead because they lost on the bet Veld guessed Rude didn't have a lot of options so he'd jump at a job offer. He was recruited primarily for his fighting ability.

Reno stumbled across the 11 year old Rufus Shinra when the latter ran away from home following his mother's death. Reno took it upon himself to look after the kid, and wound up taking a bullet for him. Veld was impressed and sent the 13 year old to the Junior Military Academy to be trained until he was old enough to join the Turks.

Tseng's mother was a family friend of Velds. As tensions between Wutai and ShinRa escalated so did tensions between the gangs under plate as conflicts between immigrant Wutain gangs and Eastern Gangs, including the forces Don Corneo who was a rising force in the underworld. ShinRa worried that if Wutain gangsters got a foothold in Midgar's underworld it would make it easier for Wutain spies to get closer to ShinRa and that these criminals might harm Midgar's stability. (There was a lot of paranoia about wutain immigrants, especially criminal forces).

The Turks needed to infiltrate the Wutain gangs, but the Wutains wouldn't let anyone Easterner get close, so Veld asked his friend to infiltrate the gang while wearing a fire. She was a piano teacher, not a spy, and had her young son to think about, but Veld assured her it would be fine and went on about how he needed her. She was the only one who could help them. She was found out and murdered by the gangsters, in front of Tseng.

Veld took in Tseng at age 7 because he a traumatized Wutain orphan wouldn't have many prospects and he had promised Tseng's mother that nothing would happen to Tseng. It also gave him a Wutain to train as a Turk. Although unlike Cissnei, he wasn't trained to be a Turk as a child so much as raised by Veld and trained when he was old enough.

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
I like Turks, so now I'm here :monster:

Whassat? Get lost? Grand.


My head canon for Tseng joining the Turks is a lot less thought out and probably a bit overly simplistic. But I like to think Tseng joined for one simple reason, he likes to win. He saw Shinra making all these breakthroughs and basically becoming rulers of the world, so he aligned himself with them under the pretense that working with successful people is the best means to learn how to be successful. He joined up to Shinra in some sort of office capacity, found himself suited to the Turk's line of work and requested a transfer, got transferred, trained and then worked his ass off to be the best damn Turk he could, because Tseng likes to win. He sees the world in terms of a game of chess, and wants to outwit and outdo his opponents. That's why when Sephiroth pops up in the Temple of the Ancients with him, he doesn't do the rational thing and just shoot the fecker. No, the idea of a game of chess with Sephiroth is just too tempting, pitting his wit against the paragon of SOLDIER. Trouble with Tseng is he never expects someone to just barge in and blow the whole chess board away, which is exactly what Sephiroth does. I always believed Tseng to be the type that took failure harshly only because he hated the fact he'd lost the game in his own eyes.

Cam's head canon for Rude joining is awesome


I like the jacket, the only thing lacking is the red Shinra logo. I would've put a very small one on the left breast instead of the characters.

Anyway, I was watching Riddick the other day and I remembered it was mentioned here how Katee Sackhoff would make a good Elena





Great Old One
I think she just aged, + lost weight, so she'll naturally look a bit 'sharper'.

I think Katee is too loud-mouth to be Elena. (She sines when she gets to be nuts, it's that confidence.) Turks are sneaky. I'm not sure where in the VII universe I would even fit her - she's too disobedient. AVLANCHE then, I guess ;)


Pro Adventurer
Ok so question:

Do any of the Turks have biological families be it parents or spouses and children, and what do they think of the Turk's choice of career? Do they know? I'd love to hear head canons.

I was thinking about Nunchaku.

My head canon is his father is a leading paleontologist in Bone Village (served a term as mayor once, but his true love is being out in the field) and his mother owns a piano company. They both encouraged their children to pursue their interests (though insisted the children at least know how to play the piano, Nunchaku can play beautifully, but really doesn't enjoy it). Nunchaku was able to study martial arts as a child under private tutors, and applied for the Turks right out high school.

I assumed his parents are supportive, but they're also probably worried sick. I'm not sure how they would feel.

My grandfather served in WWII and was career military. All my male uncles served in Vietnam, so my family is generally pro-military. I have an aunt and uncle who have always pressured me to join the military (you don't have a summer job, what are you going to do with your life? You should enlist) it's now (you don't have a legal job lined up? what about JAG? You should enlist). So I know parents exist who would be enthusiastic about their children taking on jobs that could be dangerous, and would take them away from home for years on end.

I always envisioned them as "if it's makes you happy, we support you" (although his big sister wishes he could just be normal and take a job with their family's company).
Ah, well, it's my headcanon that Veld won't hire anyone with living family - the kind of people who might come asking awkward questions if their child or sibling disappeared. He made an exception in Gun/Rosalind's case because her mother was already dead and her father was a Shinra military man through and through who knew the score; and also because Rosalind was an outstanding candidate. Veld also strongly discourages them from getting married and/or having children; in short, he discourages any kind of attachment that might divide their loyalty, which ought to be 100% for Shinra. He therefore makes a point of hiring the kind of men and women who in his judgement are unlikely to want to settle down and start a family.

I don't think I could be supportive if one of my children decided to take up a career as a corporate hitman.


Pro Adventurer
Shotgun and Nunchaku make no sense...

Your headcanon is a lot more logical than their canon backstories, especially nunchaku.

Now I wonder how much people know about the Turks...and how he pitched this idea. Maybe it would make more sense if he just ran away from home, but I don't see him hurting his parents like that...


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
fucking hell this wanky phone wont show any pictures :(
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