The General Turks Worship Thread


After several months of not watching a single trailer, I decided to watch the final one.

So I feel like Tseng actually looks really good now. Better emoting, too. After this, I feel even more solid on my headcanon of him being at least 30, due to the fact that he looked the same regardless of Aerith's age.

Most importantly, I also re-watched the trailer in Japanese so that I could hear Rufus
tell me he owns me
in Toru Okawa's voice.
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I haven't seen the trailer, but I've heard about that line, and it annoys me, because it completely contradicts all the character building they did for him in Case of Shinra, where he specifically said that it was vulgar to talk to owning people.


Kaiju Member
Well the Remake is pre-Case of Shinra though. And Nojima wrote both. Also the line is done as taunt somewhat, so it may not be necessarily meant to be taken literally. It could also be the result of the English translation giving the original Japanese more punchy/naturalistic sounding dialogue for English.


I actually had a similar thought - either that CoS Rufus would have been a little embarrassed by this, or that the localization was arguable. However, the OG itself seemed to toy with the idea of Rufus changing and maybe having a nicer side to him, so perhaps we will see some more measurable character changes throughout the game.. series. He barely had any lines in the OG. Based on BC and a fair part of the OG, there wasn't really any reason to believe that Rufus was not an insufferable douche. I've always felt that there was a bit of a disconnect between the end of the OG and the beginning of CoS (I was surprised to hear him say that to Mutten, as if he'd never had thoughts like that before), so this course of action makes sense to me. Maybe they will explore his change of heart through his relationships with the Turks. I'd really like some good character development and evidence of gradual change to his personality.

His facial expression is a subtle mixture of mocking, mild amusement, and a dash of disdain. They haven't always nailed natural human mannerisms, but there have been some instances where I've been gobsmacked by the realism, and this is one of them. He even has a slight frown line.

It looks like they actually gave him a tie. I've always been opposed to him wearing a tie, but this works.

Rufus: "...I own you."
Also Rufus: "Yikes!"


Rookie Adventurer
Gotta say, FF7R wasn't exactly what I'd hoped for (the ending, especially) but the Turks were portrayed perfectly. Reno's voice seemed a little off, though, and it'll take some time to get used to.

Looking forward to Part 2. Elena, here we come!


astray ay-ay-ay
Why does everybody call Elena "Laney"? It's not the first time I've seen this... surname? nickname? Google didn't help. :huh:
It's always been her fanon nick-name. I like it, which is why I use it. I think it suits her. The other nicknames you can get from Elena, such as "Ellie" and "Lena", don't suit her so well, I think. "Nelly" might work.

Scorpicus is brilliant! Have you seen "Rufus and the Turks watch Advent Children?"
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