The Last of Us


Wow, they really are. This is already one of the highest rated games in a long while.




Chloe Frazer
Got the game today, I got two things to say about it right now, FUCKING CLICKERS AND FUCKING AUTOSAVE GLITCH. I lost 6 hours of my playthrough and basically had to start over again. :rage:


Pro Adventurer
Since my PS3 did a ylod I will have to play Last of Us vicariously through you all.

I expect hand written letters in my p.o. box by tomorrow detailing the first half of the game.



So I just completed the game - there's a save glitch going around that basically means the game doesn't save - when you press pause it says "autosaving - please wait" and you can't even manually save. Since I had played it for 6 hours before I realised this, I thought I'd just leave my PS3 on. Then I remembered I can't do that because I have it set to turn off if it's idle for more than 2 hours, so my only option was to soldier on until the end :monster:

All I have to say is wow. Just wow.

I am obviously exhausted but I'll try to articulate what I can:

Gameplay is awesome.
Graphically the game is phenomenal.
The story is amazing.

THAT ENDING. Oh Joel is a bad, selfish man. And I still love him so so so much.
I'm stuck at a part right now.
I'm in the hotel and stuck in the water filled area after the elevator falls. I reeally fucking hate this part because I hate not being able to see. I find the place confusing as it is, and add only your flashlight as a light source, ugggh.
And now I have to go back into it to find a damn keycard. I went back down and almost died because all I could see were infected up in my face. I had zero clue where I was or which way to go to get into a better position.
I don't find that fun. I find it aggravating.

This part may make me quit the game if I'm not able to get past it relatively quickly.


Chloe Frazer
^That part should not be played after midnight like I was doing last night, seriously I almost had a heart attack
when I was trying to turn on the power plant and a clicker randomly appeared behind me and attacked me.

Interslicery -
you have to turn on the power plant in the first floor, then head upstairs again and to the right side there's a room with a lot of screens, check on of the drawers and you will find the keycard.
If all else fails I recommend using a walkthrough on YouTube.


^Omg that part was a nightmare for me too
because I had found the kaycard and killed all the enemies but I had forgotten to turn on the power! Hahaha. So I ended up shitting myself at like 4am running around not knowing what to do for a while. I also tried the keycard like 15 times before I realised it wasn't going to work :D.


It's right behind the pillar in the water part that you come into the area at, I missed it. You have to start the generator then get the keycard to get through the door :D.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
The keycard part is the only one I've struggled with so far. Thankfully, after looking around for a while, a hint popped up and led me in the right direction.

Enjoying the game so far, though.
Unfortunately, Sam just got infected and tried to kill us. Then Henry shot himself. And now I'm somewhere in the county, and it's fall season. I saved then and will resume later.


Chloe Frazer
I was lucky that I found the power plant quickly and turned it on, I didn't even know it had a plot purpose just thought it would come in handy, I also found the keycard without any issue, aside from the whole almost heart attack thing.


unsavory tart
So I just finished the game

Christ, I don't know why videogames are so emotionally exhausting. I pretty much guessed that ending, but for some reason it still felt like it winded me. The same thing with Sam, I figured the kid had to die but even when it happened I still needed to put the controller down.

The game follows a few cliches (I was just waiting for the cannibal to pop up) but it's still incredibly well told, with fantastic characters.

And the thing I most want to know is...

what happened to Ish?

Jack Gilmour

Rookie Adventurer
AH88, ahall89, ahall88
So I just finished the game

Christ, I don't know why videogames are so emotionally exhausting. I pretty much guessed that ending, but for some reason it still felt like it winded me. The same thing with Sam, I figured the kid had to die but even when it happened I still needed to put the controller down.

The game follows a few cliches (I was just waiting for the cannibal to pop up) but it's still incredibly well told, with fantastic characters.

And the thing I most want to know is...

what happened to Ish?

I haven't completed the game yet, but is Ish mentioned anymore after you make it out of the sewers? He might just be the main character in a potential sequel, since Naughty Dog said Joel and Ellie's story is finished.


unsavory tart
I haven't completed the game yet, but is Ish mentioned anymore after you make it out of the sewers? He might just be the main character in a potential sequel, since Naughty Dog said Joel and Ellie's story is finished.
I had no idea Joel and Ellie's story is finished. I suppose the ending would only work if that really was the end of it.

On the subject of Ish... one of the notes that you get right after you leave the sewers is Ish saying that he managed to escape with a few kids and a woman named something or other. So they survived. They probably won't get their own story, but it's a testament to videogame storytelling to how interested I am in Ish just by looking at the environment and reading a few notes.


I'm so sure I made a post about having completed the game last Saturday. Might have been in the makes thread or something.

I did NOT guess the ending at ALL. But I loved it. And I loved the story altogether to be honest. Yeah there were definitely a few clichés in there but I did not predict Joel being dishonest with Ellie, even though I kinda liked that he was. It's supposed to be morally ambiguous, and it did that well.


unsavory tart
Ending talk
I figured that Joel would have to chose between humanity and saving Ellie. It was especially raising red flags when Joel and Ellie began to talk about what they were going to do after the tests and I was like, there was no damn way that is going to end well. I thought Ellie would be imprisoned with a lifetime of testing and Joel would kill everything and rescue her.

But I'm with you, I didn't see the dishonesty thing. I thought Joel would end up getting bitten in the last second or Tommy's place would be overrun as a way to show the consequences of their actions (and that Joel's actions would be framed as a the right thing), but I like the angle the game went with much more. It makes more sense as a character study, and it's kind of haunting.

I still get kind of blown away when I think about the last few minutes, just the switch in the character dynamics. Joel being really open and happy... as happy as Joel can really be- and Ellie being sullen and almost kind of broken. For some reason, controlling Ellie in the last few seconds just made it that much harder, like you lost Joel's perspective and more likely to understand Ellie's situation.

Even though I was expecting this, and it's honestly the decision I would have made in order for it to make me happy... them beginning their new life on a lie gives me the chills. I don't even know why, it just does. it's almost defeating despite everything. It's hard to picture a happy ending, even at Tommy's facility, when it starts like that.

I don't know why people keep relying on Joel to do the right thing. He's proven time and time again he's not a good person. That's why I love him as a character. But I have to laugh when people are like "don't shoot me Joel" and he's like "too bad." The difference between Marlene and Joel I suppose.

All that said, I really do hope that Ellie and Joel at least have a semblance of a happy life. They probably won't, but I can dream.


Completely agree,
it was definitely haunting. Particularly the way I felt Joel lost his mind a bit towards the end - particularly the fact that it took him so long to let Ellie in, then when he finally did he just absolutely could not let go, I found that heartbreaking. After that we should feel joy for how happy he is at the end but what it cost was a betrayal of Ellie's trust and the entire movement to restore humanity... it's really ambiguous.

Stripping it down, what I was expecting was at least one of them to die towards the end - although I strongly suspected Joel wasn't dead during the Ellie segment I wouldn't have been surprised if he'd died shortly thereafter and Ellie had to complete the journey on what he'd taught her. The way it ended was kind of perfect in so many ways though.

I think I would prefer if there weren't any sequels because I like it the way it is, but I could see a sequel starting with Ellie learning the truth or at least beginning to suspect something was up. Maybe even a timeskip thing.

I feel like I need to take a moment to appreciate the difficulty of the thing. I didn't get stuck for a particularly long time on any one part on normal (aside from
the part with the generator and I spent an embarrassingly long time looking for a way out at that part at the start where you have to give Tess a plank
) but I did die more than I would have on say... Uncharted or something. It is difficult to survive. I'm playing again on easy to collect everything and because my original playthrough glitched it didn't unlock Survivor (or give me ANY trophies aside from one I got near the start) or a plus mode. And I'm still dying. The infected are teh hardz. The ones that I find most challenging are the clickers near the start of the game and in the school, they infuriate me.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I'm pretty terrible at these sorts of games, but I felt compelled to check out the story, so I, too ended up watching a playthrough, and DAMN that was intense. I'm probably gonna go buy the game just to support the publisher, and maybe see if I can get my roommate to play it.

I heard that the ending was compared to the one in Enslaved Odyssey to the West in a Kotaku review - which is another game I've never picked up, but wanted to.

I kinda feel like I just watched The Road.

X :neo:


wangxian married
shit, man motherfucking shitballs.

honestly when i beat this game i just put the controller down and had my head in my hands like i wasn't crying or anything just i had no idea how i was supposed to feel but i'm pretty sure i felt like SHIT because i'm just as selfish as joel, i didn't want ellie to die, but. FUCK.

joel is such a crazy, shitty motherfucker but i can't even be mad at him. rev3games called him "the most likeable villain" in a video game and they're right. his desperation for companionship, the fact that ellie becomes the only thing keeping him alive -- i mean, he really saved her more for him than herself, that much was obvious. he would have had nothing to live for if she died. but at the same time, he's so goddamn delusional; thinking that survival is the only way to live now that he can't even see another way. he feels completely justified and he has no idea how much he's fucked up this little girl's head. because ellie wasn't killing for herself, she killed because she believed her life could save everyone else -- that there was a better world. AND JOEL JUST FUCKS IT UP

and i mean, i'm sure down the line someone else will be immune. nature finds a way, and it found a way with ellie. i've also seen it argued that humanity had fallen so far that the human race needed to prove that it was worth saving. but it wasn't really joel's call to make, it was ellie's. and just, her face in the end, fuck.

also naughty dog really needs to take that shit back about their story being over. fuck thaaaat. i want to play as ellie again, i want to know what kind of person she becomes and if she makes the choice for herself later on.



Chloe Frazer
I beat the game a few days ago and man Ellie was fucking amazing, she stole the show and Ashley Johnson's voice acting was perfect. The ending
I knew what was going to happen but damn that was powerful stuff. I get what Joel did, I didn't want Ellie to die either and he doesn't want to be alone, he has already lost so much, his daughter Sarah, Tess who was probably his girlfriend and the he has Ellie, he finally lets her in and starts seeing her as his family and they've gone through a lot of shit together to reach the Fireflies. The last time he sees her she's unconscious and possibly dead for all he knows but he's told she's alive but they have to kill her to study her brain, is easy to sympathize with his desperation to save her because Ellie has become his world, with her lies the last bit of humanity he has left. Joel probably is the most likable villain but he is that a villain, he was selfish, he took away a chance for humanity to be free and how knows how long it will take for another person like Ellie to appear and he has probably messed up Ellie for life. When he murdered Marlene in cold blood I just looked at the t.v. in stunned silence even though I knew that was going to happen, I mean he killed the one person that understood what he was going through but in the end she put her own needs and wants aside for the human race. She was Ellie's mother figure, she raised her and Ellie clearly loved her very much. It speaks to Naughty Dog amazing ability with storytelling that with a few letters and recordings they made characters like Ish and Marlene do a lot of character growth.

As for the winter section
winter is coming indeed. I absolutely loved playing as Ellie and my god that section was intense. I knew David was voiced by Nolan North but if you don't know that is very difficult to tell. That last fight with David, I was at the edge of my seat, poor Ellie was broken, I just wanted to give her a hug after she killed David.

Naughty Dog well and truly delivered another amazing game. Now I want a sequel with Ellie as the protagonist, that must happen.
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