The Lifestream - Free Company (An FFXIV Thread)

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We have come to terms
Charlotte Tenebres has arrived. :salute:


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Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Member List:
Carlie - Aeryn Nagasaki[/I]
Marcus - Alistair Highwind
ForceStealer - Amalek Hezremonde
Satsu - Anaea Oaks

Arianna - Ariannyaq Morningwood
Cher Horrowitz - Avengeline Amnell
FISH - Clair Delune
AvecAloes - Evelyn Hanami

Knuxson - Kaylan Greyashe
Minato Arisato - Mareko Paronta
Captain Highwind - Monk Highwind
Joe - Raya'na Arcise
Prince Lex - Rinh'aeza Viera
Yop - Shub Niggurath
Splintered - Typo Warrior

Dawn - Sydney Dragonsoul
Ami - Velaria Dragonsoul

Is this still reasonably accurate? :P

Anyway, add me to the list: Miriam Drace

Welcome welcome Flint old boy! I haven't played lately but I plan to get back into it before too long to catch up on the remaining HW content. I may or may not also be cooking up a new Editorial based around the game. :wacky:

I'm also in the FC. You'll never guess what my name is though.

Jason Tandro. It's Jason Tandro. I'm a boring individual. :monster:

Edit: Oh I'm not on the list apparently. Please do me a solid and add me. My wife is also in the FC but I can't remember which character name she is using ATM.


Pro Adventurer
I'm now off the free trial and on the 30 day free subscription period which means I have joined the TLS Free Company and can finally add my name in here :awesome:

(okay so the naming isn't intentionally a reference to Faris from FFV, I was thinking of a character name while driving home from work and Faris popped in my head and wouldn't leave. I made my character, the name still stuck, so it had to be Faris. :monster: Casca just sounded right as well, ironically that's the name of the female protagonist(?) of the Berserk anime/manga series. She's a badass warrior so :awesome:)
is the name, if someone would be so kind as to add that to the OP. ^_^


Might be around.
Sic, Anthony
So those who've been hanging around on discord know that I've been playing this game.

Might buy the full game soon.

Finally got my mount, thanks to Flintlock for helping me.

Dragoon Sic is the name I choose, so go ahead and add me if ya want.


Chloe Frazer
Member List:
Carlie - Aeryn Nagasaki[/I]
Marcus - Alistair Highwind
ForceStealer - Amalek Hezremonde
Satsu - Anaea Oaks

Arianna - Ariannyaq Morningwood
Cher Horrowitz - Avengeline Amnell
FISH - Clair Delune
AvecAloes - Evelyn Hanami

Knuxson - Kaylan Greyashe
Minato Arisato - Mareko Paronta
Captain Highwind - Monk Highwind
Joe - Raya'na Arcise
Prince Lex - Rinh'aeza Viera
Yop - Shub Niggurath
Splintered - Typo Warrior

Dawn - Sydney Dragonsoul
Ami - Velaria Dragonsoul

Marcus is now Marcus Redford

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
My wife is up to Level 45 White Mage. When she hits 50 we are going to do a player wedding. I'll post everybody here when we settle on a date and time and ya'll will be invited of course but we're also gonna be nerds and livestream the thing to Twitch. If you've never been to an in-game wedding before because you're a newer player (Carlie, Flarebear) then you can get a chance to check it out and also earn a unique minion called a Demon Box. It's pretty sweet. The whole ceremony thing takes like 30 minutes I think maybe as much as an hour.


Pro Adventurer
^I'm actually attending a wedding for a friend I made in-game next weekend, too :awesome: Would love to come to yours as well! <3


Might be around.
Sic, Anthony
^^Huh, interesting. I guess I'll try to be there whenever it happens.
Been slowly working my way up to hit level 50 with my Dragoon. I started Operation Archon in the story. A bit weird because it's a level 49 quest, but to do the first duty you need to be 50. So again, I need to find other, grindy methods of getting my dragoon up another level, and then from 50-60 there are a crap ton of story missions even before I start Heavenward apparently.

Loving this game so far, wish I would've started playing it sooner.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
I beat Alexander yesterday and am going to tackle Dun Scaith in a bit. After that all that will be left for me to complete in terms of the "main" questlines will be Zurvan but I need to pump up my iLvl to 235 which DS should help with.

Also A12 was one of the most intense and fun fights I've ever had the privilege of playing in the game so far. It was challenging but still exciting and fun. There wasn't really a bullshit mechanic which is always good. Though I've never done any of the Savages so...

Actually nevermind I need to get to 235 to do DS too sooooooooo I guess I'm grinding Alexander and the Wiping City
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Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Not sure if out of bounds...

Climbed up the inner railing you see there.



Pro Adventurer
I like the Weeping City (and I've never wiped on it!) so I can join you for that if you want, JT. And I'll definitely want to tag along when you and Carlie try Dun Scaith for the first time.

Since this is the FC thread, perhaps someone could explain how the ranks work? It seems like who's 1st Class and who's 2nd is a bit arbitrary. I mean I'm not expecting a formal system or anything but I think there are a few people currently in 2nd who we trust enough to promote. :P

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
@Jason: It probably isn't. There are some really weird and out of the way locations that are accessible due to the sightseeing log...

@Jeckt: Oh that one... Yeah, that's not an Orchestron Roll yet...


I like the Weeping City (and I've never wiped on it!) so I can join you for that if you want, JT. And I'll definitely want to tag along when you and Carlie try Dun Scaith for the first time.

Since this is the FC thread, perhaps someone could explain how the ranks work? It seems like who's 1st Class and who's 2nd is a bit arbitrary. I mean I'm not expecting a formal system or anything but I think there are a few people currently in 2nd who we trust enough to promote. :P

It's pretty arbitrary, best just to ignore them, they're unimportant. It's just permissions etc., SOLDIER 1st basically has the power to do almost everything and 2nd has slightly less, but the vast majority are housing related and IMO the only important one is the ability to invite people to the FC.

Kalm Traveller is the role I made for myself when I founded the FC. I lost it twice due to periods of absence and it went to the person who logs in most regularly. The last time it happened we decided he should keep the title (prior to that he'd been giving it back to me) since I do take breaks from the game from time to time, and I created the "Turk" rank which is pretty much all the permissions of KT.

Tbqh SOLDIER 1st has more permissions than I'd like if the FC gets busier.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
So today I managed to hit iLvl 235 and set to work clearing my quest log of the last few storylines I had not finished. Of course last week I finished Alexander which was awesome and a great conclusion to that series of raids.

I then went into Zurvan and I did okay for a first timer up until the fire and ice mechanic. I couldn't identify my buddy and kept dying, but we cleared it anyway. Personally I haven't had the best of luck with the Warring Triad and I don't really enjoy the fights that much, but if I had to choose I'd say Sophia is my favorite. Ever since Levi EX I like tipping mechanics. Especially when you can be revived.

Then I wrapped everything up with Dun Scaith. The first two bosses were no big deal (apart from me loldrging on the first one because I was too far from one of the ice cubes) but the third and fourt bosses were irritating to me. Too many similar sounding attacks confused me and I died an obnoxious amount of times. We even wiped on Dun Scatach but it wasn't my fault but rather the idiot who used a Ranged DPS LB3 at 20% HP. I did get to see the Proto Ultima fight too which was awesome.

I'm glad I ended with Dun Scaith. Along with being a nice beautiful and creepy level (though I personally prefer the look of the World of Darkness) the ending bit with the sky pirate send off and the blaring of the FF Anthem felt like an appropriate way to close out my remaining Heavensward duties. Sure I have the Hildibrand quests to do and some beast tribe stuff to wrap up, but even so I can't think of a better send off the HW and something to hype me up more for Stormblood. My Monk is halfway to Level 54. I think I'm gonna be ready.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Possible addition to this page would be to list role levels for raiding. Basically you list the highest level of any given role you have so you know who to call on for Level 50, 60 and 70 duties. Maybe also include iLvl. And maybe include say your best three DoH and your DoL levels.

DPS: Level 70 (ilvl 310)
Healer: Level 50 (ilvl 100)
Tank: Level 38 (ilvl 34) - I'm working on it.

Leatherworker - Level 59
Alchemist - Level 48
Carpent - Level 45

Miner / Botany - Level 33
Fisher - Level 22


Pro Adventurer
I'll be deliberately vague so I don't have to keep coming back to update this: I can tank up to 50, DPS up to 60 and heal up to 70.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
^ Simple is probably better... actually come to think of it we could probably just make a chart by pulling everybody's Lodestone information... hmmm... . I might look into that.


Pro Adventurer
Here's an idea I floated on voice chat but haven't posted about here yet.

When Stormblood launched, Lex decided he wanted us to move to Shirogane. (Yes, I know the previous discussion was in the other XIV thread, but this is definitely a Free Company matter). He had his eye on plot 1, preferably in ward 1, a medium plot on the beach which you can see below:


Here you can see its position relative to the marketboard and aethernet crystal:


It's a great location and I understand the appeal of having house numero uno. But what if we dreamed a little bigger? Rather than moving from a small to a medium house now and possibly deciding to move to a large house in the future, why don't we just skip medium altogether and buy a large house? If you're thinking "money" &#8211; hold that thought. Let's look at some options first.

Here we have plot 7:


This plot also overlooks the beach, as you can see, but unlike plot 1, it isn't directly on it; instead, it's slightly elevated. It's facing away from the beach, which is a shame, but plot 1 is side-on to the beach so that's not perfect either. Here you can see the marketboard and crystal again, which are a bit closer than in plot 1:


As we're a Final Fantasy VII community, I'm drawn to the number 7 (potentially in ward 7 if we miss out on ward 1, though hopefully it won't come to that), but I think there's a large plot in Shirogane I like even more than the one above &#8211; plot 30:


This plot is at the top of Shirogane, which means it's not on the beach, but it does overlook the rest of the district, and faces the right way to do so (the sun even came out for this shot, how nice of it):


Once more, the marketboard and crystal, which are right next to the plot:


This plot comes with a nice little bonus as well. What's up this path?


Our very own little hot spring! ...Potentially.


If you're not convinced yet (geez I feel like an estate agent), consider the interior layout of a large house:


That's from one of the houses in our current housing ward, by the way. Remind you of anything? It reminds me of this (sorry for bad quality):


The Shinra Mansion! Which just so happens to be... the name of our company house! How awesome would it be to actually have a mansion that lives up to its name? We could decorate it appropriately &#8211; maybe not quite as gloomy as the original, but in a similar vein &#8211; and show it off on the front page and our social media accounts as a symbol of our love for VII.

Even if we're against that idea, I think we should go for the plot, because it's the best plot in the ward, and arguably the best plot in the game. We could then decorate it however we want. We'd never need to move again.

So yes... the price. It's a bit steep:


As you can see, the one I'm suggesting is 45,000,000 gil, while my other candidate is 42,500,000 gil and the one Lex originally suggested is 20,000,000 gil. We currently have 20,010,000 gil in our Company Chest, leaving us some 25 million short of getting the most expensive plot. A few people have already contributed 5 million gil, which is great. I've only put in about 1.2 million so far but I will increase that to 10 million if we decide to go for the bigger house. I may have only just completed the Stormblood main scenario today but I've been working the markets since it launched, even when I was too busy to play properly. If the rest of you (and we should ask the people in our Free Company who aren't active on this forum to chip in too) can come up with the other ~16 million between you then I think we should go for it. But what do you think?

Edit: I forgot to add that Shirogane housing is likely to launch in patch 4.1 so we would have a couple of months to save up.
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We have come to terms
If I could GET ONTO THE GOD DAMN SERVER I'd kick in a few million np (I only have 6 I'm a pauper).

But I think you're right, plot 30 is miles better.


Pro Adventurer
I think it would be great to get a large house if we can swing the gil. I am sitting right around 5.8 mil and already put 5 mil in before for the new house. I could probably give 2-3 mil more if needed.
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