Triple-posting... wow, Don't you have to be a spam bot or Username to attract such an honor?
Just letting you all know, I used my free "Fantasia" for my character to switch my Lalafell character to a Mi'qote. I did this for three reasons:
1) The hilarious name "Aliceis Butz" was a joke name for a joke character and his race was chosen to match. This character has been given a shove into legitimate and deserves an appropriate style and moniker (the name change will have to come later though).
2) I don't really care for the Lalafell design. To be honest I find most of the races in the game unappealing except Hyur and Mi'qote. I guess that makes me a fantasy racist

. But no, Elezen (Elves) are basically your bog standard tall and pointy lot, Roegadyn all look like Ganondorf after he fell off the wagons of sobriety and diet and Lalafell, while adorable, don't really scream warrior class (If i liked magic more, then maybe, but I find magic unwieldy...) . Maybe I'll try a pure merchant class next one and give it a go again.
3) This is a minor point but the POV camera didn't match up perfectly with where the head should be and that irks me. I guess they're trying for a neutral angle that doesn't give you a disadvantage in combat but it shunts the immersion a wee bit. Unless Aliceis has a go-go-gadget neck extension it's off-putting.
So if you see him again he'll be Mi'qote. Still trying to think of a good name. Perhaps Khajitt Haswares, but that's a little too punny even for me.