Wall Market has Restrooms, YOU'RE WELCOME.
That's what headcanons are, utilising your imagination to fill in blanks. Assuming nothing happened is a headcanon, same as assuming something happened.I said I "can imagine", I didn't say I "do" or "consistently do".
Headcanons are for the WEAK.
If I just followed the pace of the story, then nothing happened IN the story beyond what the story told ME.
That's YOUR headcanon on my self... Which I don't attribute as CANON.Sounds pretty weak to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Roger is not wrong.No, no, you're wrong.
I know you guys are trying to confuse me, but it's not going to work.
If you take what he said at face value, then perhaps he might have had a point, however... saying that something is logical or possible is not the same as saying it is true.
If we perceive that Cloud has no fingers (being a blocky graphical 3D sprite with blocks for hands), then HOW IN THE WORLD does he hold his Buster Sword, nevermind anything else? *classic Strongbad question*
Anything could have happened after that Fade to Black.... ANYTHING. Cloud and Tifa could have been sent to Dissidia Duodecim's World B to fight as battle slaves for Cosmos and Chaos in that amount of time if we were to go that far with assumptions.Yeah, if one assumed something was demonstratively true, they'd consider it canon. The remainder of what they imagined that they don't know is headcanon. That's why the distinction exists. Like Carlie says, the screen faded to black. Cloud and Tifa's night under the Highwind doesn t exist in a quantum state where it only happens if we observe it. Their night kept going. The player is expected to think for themselves as to what that might've looked like.
I must confess BforB kinda hit a few hot buttons and was baiting me, so I'm sorry if I got a little intense. You're right, we CAN coexist, I just prefer not to assume everything is Rated R right out of the gate like others seem to. Daydreaming isn't a sin for me, so much as I just avoid it when talking about what's relevant to a story. Unless you're talking about something that is absolutely necessary to discuss, I don't see the point in driving so hard in to the topic. That's how I am on canon discussion.Blade, I don’t understand why you are so vehemently against people using their imagination to fill in some gaps. No one is asking you to accept headcanons as canon. If you’re content with never daydreaming and wondering about the “what-ifs” and “maybes,” that’s fine, but that gives you no right to chastise other people for dabbling in it. No one is a pervert for coming to the (frankly, logical) conclusion that Tifa and Cloud had a little hanky spanky. No one is “weak” for dreaming up headcanons. Please, cool your jets, dude. Reading you rant from your high horse is extremely offputting. “Purists” and dreamers alike can coexist.
Anything could have happened after that Fade to Black.... ANYTHING. Cloud and Tifa could have been sent to Dissidia Duodecim's World B to fight as battle slaves for Cosmos and Chaos in that amount of time if we were to go that far with assumptions.
That in and of itself is fine, but I'm not going to jump to conclusions on those opinions and rather enjoy the game for what I perceive it to be.Something DID happen, if the takeaway, that informed their reactions to realising people were watching. And people have opinions as to what.
I must confess BforB kinda hit a few hot buttons and was baiting me, so I'm sorry if I got a little intense.
Blade, I don’t understand why you are so vehemently against people using their imagination to fill in some gaps. No one is asking you to accept headcanons as canon. If you’re content with never daydreaming and wondering about the “what-ifs” and “maybes,” that’s fine, but that gives you no right to chastise other people for dabbling in it. No one is a pervert for coming to the (frankly, logical) conclusion that Tifa and Cloud had a little hanky spanky. No one is “weak” for dreaming up headcanons. Please, cool your jets, dude. Reading you rant from your high horse is extremely offputting. “Purists” and dreamers alike can coexist.
If anything other than what was suggested happened, then it would've been... suggested.Anything could have happened after that Fade to Black.... ANYTHING. Cloud and Tifa could have been sent to Dissidia Duodecim's World B to fight as battle slaves for Cosmos and Chaos in that amount of time if we were to go that far with assumptions.