@at all the people who got upset about the fact that I pointed out that Tifa is only a consolation prize to Cloud and that Aeris is shown as the love of his life, I hear you guys but I just want to remind you that even thought you act offended, you can't really rebut the fact, that what I'm saying is very true indeed. It's not my fault that Nomura and Nojima chosed to do that, you know :^)
I still don't understand why Cloud can't love both girls. I mean
He's going to never date another girl ever again? Tifa or not?
LTD can go die in a fire because sans CPR mini game it is the least important aspect of the game.
Especially when people who never post here only post here to stir the pot.
For the record, I'm not denying the fact that, Cloud and Tifa hook up together at the end of FF7. There is enough proof of that. What I'm saying is that Tifa plays only second fiddle to Aeris for Clouds affection.
You insisted you aren't trolling, but your tone (as conveyed by emoji) and wording here is spurious. It looks like taunting. Which is typically done for the sake of getting a rise out of someone. That's the very definition of trolling. =P
If that's what you're doing, please insult neither my intelligence nor your own with an excuse about why the approach in your post is okay. It's just not, and that's not going anywhere. Whether you're doing it knowingly or unknowingly is the only question.
If trolling is not what you're trying to do, you will simply stop doing the above. No apology looked for or necessary. Just stop doing it.
In the interest of honest discussion, by the way, I think you could claim that it's verifiable Cloud and Aerith's connection has been referenced more than Cloud and Tifa's. Probably anyway. Seems safe to say. I've not counted them up and I don't really care enough to bother.
That's a real-world thing that one could easily check. Any inferences about it beyond that, though -- particularly ones drawing conclusions based within the fictional setting (e.g. what relationship is most important to Cloud himself) -- are going to be on dubious grounds, reflecting more the sensibilities of the person drawing them than that of either the characters or their creators.
To demonstrate my point, Cloud's relationship with Sephiroth is easily his most referenced one. It would be absurd, though, to conclude that this represents what Cloud views as his most important relationship, even though it certainly is his most important one for many fans -- and in the context of the plot viewed as a fictional construct, it absolutely is. It's easily the most iconic relationship in the game, and involves its two most iconic characters.
In much the same way, Aerith is a more iconic character than Tifa, and her relationship with Cloud is likewise. The scenes between them also are larger-than-life and more iconic -- the memorable way they meet, the Gold Saucer date (most players will get this one), her death, etc. These reasons alone are enough for the relationship to be referenced more.
Decisions based on the real world are always going to be the more reliable expectation for the thought process behind cameos and marketing than in-depth digestion of story content.
Hell, even actual story and characterization are subject to such thought processes. There's a reason the plot for Advent Children was constructed in a way that would find Cloud disconnected from others, despite his genuine friendly personality having been restored. Nomura said that he thought a distant Cloud is Cloud as most players remembered him, so that was how he was depicted on the next go around:
"At the end of Final Fantasy VII, Cloud was more of a positive, upbeat character than he had been at the beginning, but I didn't think that 'upbeat' image of him is what stuck in the minds of fans. We decided to go with a more familiar image that was consistent with the fans' view of him. The script was written to explain why he's returned to that sort of solemn mentality."
By all means, though (for real), take joy in the degree of attention Cloud and Aerith's relationship gets. That's part of why they do it to begin with!
Sorry if I've been a little bit of a dick here, by the way. I'm just kind of annoyed. I've had my name drug through all kinds of dirt for reporting stuff in this fandom that people simply didn't want to be true, and so it's frustrating as hell to see that some of those same people are now losing their goddamn minds in a frenzy of glee that the same kind of stuff is being said about the pairing they want to see it said about.
Mind giving me their names?
I won't identify who I was talking about.
"Is just a consolation prize" sounds like an immature argument meant as a consolation for shippers who's otp lost (and tbh I don't subscribe to the idea that either pairing lost). If you got to talk down a ship to make yours feel more canon, it's not a winning argument. You can make a similar argument, for example, about Locke and Celes, or Laguna and Ellone.
Kinky as that has the potential to be, I can't help but think you meant Laguna and Raine.