The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

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wangxian married
I'm perplexed. Aerith's admittence of her real feelings was "I wish could meet the real you. Too bad, so sad." *dies*

This is the start of another argument I'm not ready to hunker down for, but basically I don't believe Cloud was M.I.A on disk one, just very screwed up in the head. No, they didn't know each other completely, but they still shared some kind of attraction.

Their feelings were mutual? According to who? They never really met each other until AC.

According to the game itself? Maybe the fact that he stopped being such a huge dick and even Barret was surprised at how hard he'd fight for Aeris (srsly bombing as a team is one thing, strolling right into enemy headquarters for a girl is something else)

Also it's not like Cloud has to be Ganon-slaying in love with Aeris to have had some majorly strong feelings for her. Personally, I do see it as love, but I'm actually kind of flexible about exactly how strong everyone interprets those feelings - but it is portrayed as something deeper than friendship.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Also it's not like Cloud has to be Ganon-slaying in love with Aeris to have had some majorly strong feelings for her.

The irony here is that not all Links have been in love with the Zeldas they slay Ganons for.
Anyways, saying Cloud had strong feelings for Aerith is a big 'hurr-durr obvious' but it should be tempered by the fact that everyone did.

I mean, yeah, Cloud proposed heading to get Aerith, but it didn't exactly take much convincing to get Tifa and Barret involved.
Also, Cloud was starting to be less of a hardass even before Aerith hit the scene.

Tina Armstrong

Fackbito, RedGloves, Eileen Galvin, Saria, Lady Croft
Why can't this "C/A vibe" on the first disc just be a way of making us think that Cloud was going to end up with Aerith?

I know that's not how everyone thinks about it, obviously.

Elisa Maza

Why can't this "C/A vibe" on the first disc just be a way of making us think that Cloud was going to end up with Aerith?

I know that's not how everyone thinks about it, obviously.

And I thought that this applies to how the gamer was able to make Cloud show more affection to Aerith, if s/he chose to. :monster: I won't argue that Cloud didn't care for Aerith and that she wasn't someone dear to him, because that would be a big disservice to the characters and the story.

However, I will disagree with the notion that Cloud wasn't MIA at all during 1st Disk. Punching Aerith in the face, anyone? :monster: No matter, it hinders things a LOT.


wangxian married
Why can't this "C/A vibe" on the first disc just be a way of making us think that Cloud was going to end up with Aerith?

Well yeah, and then the game kicks you in the teeth when she dies, but I don't see how not ending up with her would make his feelings or their interaction less genuine.

However, I will disagree with the notion that Cloud wasn't MIA at all during 1st Disk.


Tina Armstrong

Fackbito, RedGloves, Eileen Galvin, Saria, Lady Croft
Well yeah, and then the game kicks you in the teeth when she dies, but I don't see how not ending up with her would make his feelings or their interaction less genuine.
That's true.

Umh.. Did I get an answer from anyone about for how long Aerith knew Cloud before she died?

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
It seems to me the level to which Cloud is "there" or "not there" prior to the Lifestream event fluctuates somewhat. Sometimes he's almost himself with some incorrect memories and beliefs about why he's so strong... sometimes he really is a puppet. Most of the time he's somewhere in between. Not sure what effect that would have on the LTD if true (I vote for this being irrelevant myself) but its how I see it.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Cloud was not Cloud on Disk one. Splinters of him may have poked through, but he was--for the majority--MIA. And if you don't think so,. Cloud would like to say:

"I was so ashamed of being so weak; then I heard this story from
my friend Zack...And I created an illusion of myself made up of what I had seen
in my life.....And I continued to play the charade as if it were true."

Also, pretty sure dear Zacky-boy probably mentioned his hot church dwelling girlfriend... but I won't get into that here. One LTD is enough :awesome:


This is the start of another argument I'm not ready to hunker down for, but basically I don't believe Cloud was M.I.A on disk one, just very screwed up in the head. No, they didn't know each other completely, but they still shared some kind of attraction.

According to the game itself? Maybe the fact that he stopped being such a huge dick and even Barret was surprised at how hard he'd fight for Aeris (srsly bombing as a team is one thing, strolling right into enemy headquarters for a girl is something else)

Also it's not like Cloud has to be Ganon-slaying in love with Aeris to have had some majorly strong feelings for her. Personally, I do see it as love, but I'm actually kind of flexible about exactly how strong everyone interprets those feelings - but it is portrayed as something deeper than friendship.

The irony here is that not all Links have been in love with the Zeldas they slay Ganons for.
Anyways, saying Cloud had strong feelings for Aerith is a big 'hurr-durr obvious' but it should be tempered by the fact that everyone did.

I mean, yeah, Cloud proposed heading to get Aerith, but it didn't exactly take much convincing to get Tifa and Barret involved.
Also, Cloud was starting to be less of a hardass even before Aerith hit the scene.

Cloud not being a dick=/=Cloud being natural Cloud.

Cloud was not being particularly insensitive at Junon Lower Docks, that didn't stop him from having a full on conversation with a voice in his head. That voice trying to get him to talk to Tifa about why they didn't meet up at Nibelheim the day he first arrived. Disc 1 Cloud may have been nice at times, heroic when not controlled by Sephiroth, but still a complete fabricated persona and the real Cloud was the voice trapped in his head trying to get him to remember why his memories don't make sense the whole time.

Disc 1 Cloud, who doesn't remember stalking Tifa up the mountain, saving her life and remembers being casual but not lovestruck with Tifa when he returned to Nibelheim as SOLDIER First Class (these being Zack's memories) may have fallen in love with Aerith, or Barret or Yuffie, sure. And I prefer think that said persona was assimilated rather then disgarded.

And so, Cloud may have mixed feelings.

Aerith's argument, that she never knew the real Cloud however still stands. She doesn't. She knows this. She cares what becomes of him, but she is not in love with him and she is not creating a private world with him.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
That's true.

Umh.. Did I get an answer from anyone about for how long Aerith knew Cloud before she died?

Two weeks- ish. We know that Hojo is killed before the end of the year.

The game begins on the 9th. That leaves 22 days in between. 1 week is taken by Tifa being unconscious after the Northern Crater. That leaves 15 days. Even assuming EVERYTHING that takes place from Tifa waking up to Hojo's death takes place that same day- HAHA, NO-, Aerith knew Cloud 15 days before she died.


undercover Clerith evangelist

OH whoops, you DID say the HA scene. But I just want to know your thoughts on what Tifa is afraid they HEARD that's so embarrassing. For that matter, I'd like to know anyone's thought on this.
Tifa falls asleep on Cloud's shoulder in both versions. People seeing that is enough to make Tifa embarrassed, if you ask me.

But she does say "listening" in the LA version, which wouldn't apply to seeing her asleep on Cloud's shoulder. In that case, Tifa could be embarrassed to know people heard them discussing the fact that they aren't romantically interested in each other.

If you claim that the other passages which don't specify what feelings are talking about love, then it seems that you do think that "feelings" = "love".
Not always, just in reference to the Highwind scene.
LOL... so the word "feelings" does not always mean "love". You just want to assume that it does in reference to the Highwind scene? That's quite an assumption, if you ask me.

Frankly, I think you're just trying to twist the words in your favor. I've clearly said that "apathetic" is referring to the fact that they are not romantically interested in each other.
Then you need to have evidence to back that up. The statement is "When it gets low, the conversation in the scene that they spend the night will be apathetic and ends short." The conversation itself is apathetic, so the conversation is lacking feeling. No where does it mention romantic feelings in there. So again, I ask, do you have any evidence that's what the word is referring to?
I could swear I've already answered this, but okay - once again:


Here is the meaning of apathetic from

1. having or showing little or no emotion: apathetic behavior.
2. not interested or concerned; indifferent or unresponsive: an apathetic audience.

You keep focusing on meaning #1. I keep focusing on meaning #2. Meaning #2 is "not interested" and "indifferent". That can mean "not interested romantically" and "indifferent romantically".

"Indifferent" means "not concerned" and "not caring". What does "not caring" mean? That means they're not interested romantically.

So quit looking at meaning #1 and you'll get your answer.

Maybe they haven't given a quote, but they have given a non-optional scene that shows a particular outcome happened - such as Shadow reappearing later on after the "death" scene. We've seen nothing like that for the HW scene.
Can you tell me about this scene? I haven't played this game but I'm hearing others say such a scene does not exist. So can you specify which one you mean?
I haven't played the game either, but I was told such a scene exists by Tres and Ryu. At least, when they say that Shadow appears later, after the death scene, most people (including me) would assume that means during the game. If he's shown later only in the Ultimania, then you have to wonder why SE would show him in a picture if he doesn't actually appear in the game.

Not in the quote Sesc gave us.
I'm curious if you actually know the translation of the full quote because he says NOTHING about Cloud's love life is up to the player.
I didn't say he said that Cloud's love life is up to the player. I said that Nomura says he doesn't know whether Cloud and Tifa had a romantic relationship during the two years prior to AC, and that's exactly what he said according to your translation.

Here is a full translation:

A Final Fantasy VII fan interviewed Tetsuya Nomura for Dorimaga magazine and asked "How many girls has Sephiroth ever loved?". In reaction, Nomura spoke evasively in anticipation of more questions regarding Cloud and Tifa's love life, which have nothing to do with Sephiroth.

Tetsuya Nomura: What kind of question is that? I've never thought about it. Honestly, I don't care who loves whom. I think you could imagine the scenerios that we don't mention however you want to. You could enjoy talking about that with friends. For example, I was frequently asked if there had been romantic relationship between Tifa and Cloud for two years, after FF7 ended, but I don't have any clue.
He says he doesn't have any clue whether Cloud and Tifa had a romantic relationship for two years after FFVII ended - that's the two years prior to AC.

If Nomura doesn't know whether Cloud and Tifa had a romantic relationship during that time, then the HA version of the HW scene is obviously NOT canon.

If the HA HW scene is not canon, then SE didn't make a decision about whether or not Cloud loves Tifa.

By extension, you could go on to assume that Cloud and Tifa's love life is "up to the player" since it wasn't decided by SE.

And by the way, that translation is exactly the same as the translation at which you always said we didn't have a source for. Well, looks like we have the source now, thanks to Sesc. *hugs to Sesc*

No where in there does he say it's up to the player. He say

1. "I don't care about who loves who."
2. Imagine the scenes WE DON'T MENTION however you want.
3. And I don't know

He doens't know because he doesn't care because he doesn't keep track of that stuff. And stuff they don't mention, we can think whatever we want. The stuff they don't mention... not everything. That's very different from what you say it says.
Already explained.

Also let's look at some more stuff from this interview:

The Meaning of No Words
There are relatively few spoken lines during AC. Most of what characters feel and what the developers wanted to convey is expressed through the character's facial expressions and actions. Audiences won't get the finality of a closeup kiss and characters shouting "I love you". They will get something classier, where the same ideas and messages are there, only delivered in a subliminal context.

No words? Well gee where have we heard that before?

Perhaps I'm stretching it, but they specifically say the answers are there and they are NOT going to show it by a kiss. So how is saying they show this stuff without an "I love you" or without a kiss "leaving it up to the player"?
Because I clearly see an "I love you" between Cloud and Aerith in the hand reach scene and you don't. That's leaving it up to interpretation, which is leaving it "up to the player".

The sources I look at say nothing about past progressive tense continuing to the present time.
Okay, after reading this quote over and over and thinking about it, I can honestly see how it can be taken both ways. I think it's stretching it a bit, but I can see how "was holding feeling" can refer to the Promise Scene


There's also the quote in the 10th AU that says they became aware of the feelings they were holding in the Lifestream. and I know the 20th AU says something similar. Would you agree (just yes or no) that the feelings they became aware of in the Lifestream were the same ones they talked about during the Highwind scene?
No. I think that's jumping to conclusions, especially since different feelings are being referred to.

"By the way, Tifa did not realize that Cloud was holding feelings for her until he informed her in the Lifestream"

The reference here is in the lifestream. SO that's when he was holding feelings and that's when he told her.
What you're not seeing is that he informed her in the Lifestream that he had a crush on her as a child in Nibelheim and wanted her to notice him as a child in Nibelheim. That does not mean that he has feelings for her now.

Sorry, but the references I gave you above do not support what you're saying.
Really quick though, can you at least see where I'm coming from?
I can see what you want it to mean, but I disagree - I don't think it means that.

And that means he loves her now? It can't mean that he's just glad to find out that his tactics worked? He wanted her to pay attention to him - she did. How do you know he wasn't just happy to hear that?
Not by itself, no it doesn't mean he loves her, but when we look at everything else in context we come to that conclusion.
No, YOU come to that conclusion. I don't come to that conclusion, and neither do many other Clerith people I know.

But why do they have to confirm it under the HW if they already told one another about it in the Lifestream? It shouldn't be news under the HW if they already told one another.
Okay again, they found out in the Lifestream and discussed it under the Highwind. They became aware if you would. That's what the 10th AU says.
No, that's how you interpret what it says in the 10th AU.

Then in the Highwind scene they confirm said feelings. Again, doesn't it stand to reason that whatever feelings they were talking about under the Highwind was the same feelings they became aware of?
In the first place, I don't think the 10th AU says that they confirm feelings that they had in the Lifestream under the HW. However, even if it did say that, I don't think they said anything about loving one another during the Lifestream event. Tifa found out that Cloud had a crush on her as a kid, and Cloud found out that Tifa looked for him in the newspapers after her left - that's it.

Also, you act like if two people realize they love each other, they only talk about it once.
I don't think that, and I never said that.

This isn't the way a relationship works. If you realize you love someone, you don't just tell them once and be done with it. You tell them a lot, and you talk about your relationship sometimes. Especially if the relationship is new. That's just how it works.
Yes, Dr. Phil.

Think of past lovers you've had. Did you only tell them once that you loved them? Did you ever talk about your relationship? Did you ever worry that they not love you if they grew distant? Did you ever have a break up? if the answer is yes, what made you decide to break up? Sorry if I'm getting too personal
Can we at least relate this to what's going on between Cloud and Tifa?

1) "Did you only tell them once that you loved them?" - Have Cloud and Tifa ever said they loved one another? If they did, it was in an optional scene under player control. They have NOT said it to one another during a non-optional scene that confirms that they said it in the optional scene.

2) Did you ever talk about your relationship? - Yes. Where do we hear Cloud and Tifa talk about their relationship? Seems to me that Cloud and Aerith talk about their relationship when Cloud says he wants to be forgiven, and Aerith tells him that it was enough that he came for her. So - if Cloud and Aerith talked about their relationship, are you saying that means they're in love?

3) Did you ever worry that they not love you if they grew distant? - Yes, and I've also worried that a guy's not romantically interested in me before he actually says that he loves me.

4) Did you ever have a break up? if the answer is yes, what made you decide to break up? - Yes, but I've never broken up with someone that I didn't actually have a relationship with in the first place.

And I'm saying how do we know it's canon?
Aside from the intuitive implications of 100% story completion, there's the caption at the end of the U20 Scenario's Story Playback section for X-2 beside a screenshot of Tidus and Yuna reunited that says, "Tidus is resurrected in the ending movie, in a connection to the very end of the previous work's ending."
Okay - to me, that's an actual statement from SE making it canon. Where does SE ever make a statement like that about Cloud and Tifa loving one another?

If you say so.
This isn't my theory, it's yours, silly . You said Marlene was more important to Cloud than Denzel when you said the order of the people shown in the "What do you cherish most?" flash started with the most important. Now, aside from having no evidence of this, it would imply that it's showing them in order from most important to least important. Denzel is on the bottom. He is the LAST one shown before Zack. If Cloud truly believes his lover brought Denzel to him, Denzel should be at the top, right?
And why should we care? I don't care if Cloud likes Marlene more than Denzel. All I'm saying is that Aerith shows first, then the hand reach scene (Cloud and Aerith), then Tifa. That means Cloud thinks of Aerith twice before he ever thinks of Tifa.

That shows an obvious preference to me, especially after Sephiroth asks what Cloud cherishes most.

Why do you NOT have a problem with both Tifa and Marlene being more important to Cloud than the child that his lover brought to him? What makes Denzel less important to him than Marlene and Tifa?
Frankly, I don't care - it's not Denzel who Cloud's in love with. I like Marlene better than Denzel, too, but I still think Aerith brought Denzel to Cloud.

And I'm glad that I looked at it - because what I was saying is that SE is talking about the feelings of love as "meaningful". If it's not about feelings of love, then SE doesn't call it "meaningful". That doesn't mean it can't be about anything else - it just means that SE doesn't consider it exchanging feelings of love.
Okay wait I think I get it, you said SE was only saying the feelings of love are meaningful... but... that's not what is said. The say the night they spend has profound meaning.

So you've changed your mind about them not even sharing feelings of friendship in the LA version?
No, I haven't changed my mind. I also don't understand why you would even think that.

So what's the point?
I was providing you with the quote that we were talking about, nothing more. That make sense?
Okay. *hopes there's nothing I was supposed to respond to here*

Even if it's Marlene saying it, why would she call herself part of a family that Barret didn't belong to? Marlene and Barret have been family for years - I doubt that she would suddenly just leave him out of it.
Marlene's profile from the 10th AU talks about the family and excludes Barret.

メテオ災害のあとは、 クラウドとティファ、それにデソゼルの4人で生活。 家族がバラバラになりそうなのを見かねて、 みんなの仲を取り持とうと心をくだく。

After the meteor disaster, she's living with 4 people: Cloud, Tifa and moreover, Denzel. Lately the outlook of this 'family' is in pieces, so she mediates everybody's broken hearts.
Yes, and it's specifically referring to the people she's living with at the time, which is probably why Barret's not mentioned.

However - something contradicts that. You say it says that Marlene's living with FOUR people, then it only names THREE people: Cloud, Tifa, and Denzel. So who's the fourth person she's living with? The only other person she lived with after the Meteor disaster was Barret - so he must be the fourth member of the family.


That shows an obvious preference to me, especially after Sephiroth asks what Cloud cherishes most.
Yeah and then those fleeting thoughts go away and Cloud's mind, prompted by Seph's inquiry sets everything aside to give one thing his complete and undivided attention. Starts with a Z.
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And why should we care? I don't care if Cloud likes Marlene more than Denzel. All I'm saying is that Aerith shows first, then the hand reach scene (Cloud and Aerith), then Tifa. That means Cloud thinks of Aerith twice before he ever thinks of Tifa.

That shows an obvious preference to me, especially after Sephiroth asks what Cloud cherishes most.

Frankly, I don't care - it's not Denzel who Cloud's in love with. I like Marlene better than Denzel, too, but I still think Aerith brought Denzel to Cloud.

Somehow we all knew that you don't care how your absurd standards are applied to anything outside of C/A. Or the implication of those standards. Or that you really don't care about anything outside of C/A.

It's just good to see you admit it.
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[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
I can honestly say I've never encountered someone so absolutely entrenched in their own argument that the facts are summarily dismissed in favor of opinion for the sake of the preference. Kudos to anyone with the patience to bash your faces against that wall.

However, I will comment on:
That shows an obvious preference to me, especially after Sephiroth asks what Cloud cherishes most.

"I pity you. There's NOT A THING I don't cherish."

The point of Cloud being reminded that he was a living legacy was to live. And cherish that.

So for tally, we have zero quotes from character or creator stating that Cloud loved Aerith. We have zero times he actually refers to her by name. We have speculation that his hand-reach scene is somehow romantic... I guess that makes Angeal and Zack canon. Come to think of it, Cloud and Barret, Cloud and Cid, Cloud and RedXIII, Cloud and Yuffie, and Cloud and Vincent, and oh, yeah, Tifa gets a couple of hand-reach scenes too.... Cloud, you fucking whore.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I can honestly say I've never encountered someone so absolutely entrenched in their own argument that the facts are summarily dismissed in favor of opinion for the sake of the preference. Kudos to anyone with the patience to bash your faces against that wall.

I prefer to think of it as bashing their face in the wall, actually.

However, I will comment on:

"I pity you. There's NOT A THING I don't cherish."

The point of Cloud being reminded that he was a living legacy was to live. And cherish that. [/quote]

Also, narratively, you never start with the most important thing. That's burying the lead. You always build towards a Climax, and in this case the climax is Cloud remember the promise and the the defiance of 'There's not a thing...', daring Sephy to take it all.
Besides, how the fuck can Sephypoo take what was already 'taken' in the Clerith viewpoint?
"I took that thing you love the most. I wanna take it again."

So for tally, we have zero quotes from character or creator stating that Cloud loved Aerith. We have zero times he actually refers to her by name. We have speculation that his hand-reach scene is somehow romantic... I guess that makes Angeal and Zack canon. Come to think of it, Cloud and Barret, Cloud and Cid, Cloud and RedXIII, Cloud and Yuffie, and Cloud and Vincent, and oh, yeah, Tifa gets a couple of hand-reach scenes too.... Cloud, you fucking whore.

Oh, and we also have a hand-reach fakeout where maybe Aerith's hand is revealed to be Tifa's. Aerith is totally shipping those two.
I mean, Aerith wants Cloud and Tifa to be happy, shouldn't you?

Celes Chere

And always double check your sources. This isn't just about Japanese, this is about a lot of the arguments in here. I've seen many people need to be corrected because they took so and so's word for it and ended up being dead wrong about something. So always double check sources and try to find answers yourselves. Trust me, it makes things a lot easier.

This. I know some of you got really pissed off that I said I was the sensei of this Forum and blah blah, but I was trying to make this point. It's quite irritating when someone walks into a debate going "Well, there's hearsay that you're wrong"
Come on, now.

Anyway it seems like Anastar, Kefka(?), and CR all want to prove Cloti is NOT canon not that Clerith IS canon... if you want to disprove it then I won't be convinced until I see some facts. Your interpretation is fine and is respected, but it does fuckall for a debate.

I'm not saying she's unbaised, but I don't think she'd be jealous of their relationship without sufficient cause.

Eh, I disagree here. People get jealous all the time without having any reason to be. In fact if you like a guy (or girl) enough and you see him (or her) talking to/spending time with/etc another person, sometimes you get really jealous and you can't help that feeling. That's why I think it's no threat that Tifa is jealous, nor do I see it a threat that Cloud is close to Aerith. Jealousy is pretty common in any relationship whether there's a reason to for it or not.


Saint of Killers
Why do Clerith arguments make Cloud:

1) Seem like a total asshole.

2) Imply he gets the canon on with Zack?

I don't get this. Many of those arguments, I could use to prove Zack means worlds more to Cloud than Aerith.

Remember how Cloud actually screamed when Zack died? Looked into the sky and flashed memories of his friend?

Not to mention the pain his face showed before he went to get up. Or because Zack lingered the longest and after Aerith and Cloud's family visions dissapeared after Sephy-chan goes to kill him?

I mean, using the "what do you cherish most" line as evidence for Clerith is just hilarious. Considering Cloud's family and Zack were there as well(Zack receiving the biggest spotlight in the scene. As he needed to see for himself if Cloud remembered what he had promised).

Total canon thar.
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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
1) Seem like a total asshole.
um...... I don't think being in love with two people makes you an asshole.......unless we're also supposed to think that Locke in FF6 is an asshole?


um...... I don't think being in love with two people makes you an asshole.......

Except "clerith arguments" don't say he loves both. They say he loves Aertih. And despite that he does very relationship like things with Tifa. He also abandons his adopted child just to be with her.

I could go on.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
um...... I don't think being in love with two people makes you an asshole.......unless we're also supposed to think that Locke in FF6 is an asshole?

Living with, raising children with, having a family with a woman you KNOW loves you while having spirit-smex with your dead lover makes you an asshole. The Clerith argument does, in fact, make Cloud a douchebag.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Living with, raising children with, having a family with a woman you KNOW loves you while having spirit-smex with your dead lover makes you an asshole. The Clerith argument does, in fact, make Cloud a douchebag.
not trying to be rude or anything, but has anyone sincerely brought up the spirit sex as a sincere reason as to why Clerith is canon? I guess I don't see fighting an argument not being made as relevant.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
not trying to be rude or anything, but has anyone sincerely brought up the spirit sex as a sincere reason as to why Clerith is canon? I guess I don't see fighting an argument not being made as relevant.

Not directly stating Spiritsex, but yes recently implied. Anastar has stated repeatedly in this thread that Cloud visits Aerith. In fact, that she's listening in on his call home to Tifa because he's stopped to be with her. If that's not asshole, douchebag behavior (calling your FAMILY while visiting your lover) I don't know what is...

Celes Chere

The only thing I find rude is assuming that all Clerith arguments are the same. I might disagree with most Clerith views, but not all people think the same just 'cause they like the same ship. I know I HATE when people say "Oh those Clotis are all idiots that think Cloud and Tifa had sex on pointy rocks and only like Tifa for her boobs"

I'm sure not all Cleriths believe that Cloud should "die" and leave his family for Aerith, or that he didn't love both. Just sayin'. And I think that's what Aki was getting at unless I'm wrong - in that case sorry. xD

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Well, points for never giving up Anastar. You're a stubborn one, and I normally admire those who dig in their heels and refuse to move when they think they're right. But you've long since moved from the realm of admirable persistence to unnecessary obstinance.

So, since you didn't respond to my last post (dunno if you even saw it, though if you did and just ignored it I wouldn't be surprised, am I supposed to ask Quex to PM you for me every time I want a response?) I'll just go ahead and find a wrecking ball for this mess you posted.

Tifa falls asleep on Cloud's shoulder in both versions. People seeing that is enough to make Tifa embarrassed, if you ask me.

I'd actually agree with this to an extent. Her level of embarrassment seems excessive in the LA version for something as simple as sleeping on Cloud's shoulder, but I DO see her as shy enough to be embarrassed. Starting on a high point for once...

But she does say "listening" in the LA version, which wouldn't apply to seeing her asleep on Cloud's shoulder. In that case, Tifa could be embarrassed to know people heard them discussing the fact that they aren't romantically interested in each other.

Annnnnd the high point is not so high again. So sad. Its been established that Cloud and Tifa DID confirm

LOL... so the word "feelings" does not always mean "love". You just want to assume that it does in reference to the Highwind scene? That's quite an assumption, if you ask me.

I could swear I've already answered this, but okay - once again:

Yes, repeat yourself one more time. That'll make it correct.

You keep focusing on meaning #1. I keep focusing on meaning #2. Meaning #2 is "not interested" and "indifferent". That can mean "not interested romantically" and "indifferent romantically".

"Indifferent" means "not concerned" and "not caring". What does "not caring" mean? That means they're not interested romantically.

So quit looking at meaning #1 and you'll get your answer.

Or perhaps you should quit demanding that #2 is the only possible one that applies and accept that you just might be wrong. This has been gone over multiple times already.

I haven't played the game either, but I was told such a scene exists by Tres and Ryu. At least, when they say that Shadow appears later, after the death scene, most people (including me) would assume that means during the game. If he's shown later only in the Ultimania, then you have to wonder why SE would show him in a picture if he doesn't actually appear in the game.

It does not surprise me that you just assumed that Shadow could somehow die in the game... and then survive by coming back DURING the game afterwards. But seriously, if that's how it had happened we'd have just said "Shadow lives no matter what." What we VERY CLEARLY pointed out was the deviation concerning his death/survival having its canonical outcome cemented BY THE ULTIMANIA. This is just one more log on the fire of "Anastar doesn't even read what we say" logic.

I didn't say he said that Cloud's love life is up to the player.

Then what the fuck are we arguing about this for? If its not up to the player, then its up to the creators. Which is what we've been saying all along, it is NOT up to the players.

I said that Nomura says he doesn't know whether Cloud and Tifa had a romantic relationship during the two years prior to AC, and that's exactly what he said according to your translation.

I'll let the words of those wiser than myself answer this. Please, do listen to them.

He says he doesn't have any clue whether Cloud and Tifa had a romantic relationship for two years after FFVII ended - that's the two years prior to AC.

Unless, as pointed out, he means for two real life years after the game came out people asked him. Or that his opinion doesn't matter because he's not the writer. Or, saying for the sake of argument that you're right, that he couldn't change his mind since then.


If Nomura doesn't know whether Cloud and Tifa had a romantic relationship during that time, then the HA version of the HW scene is obviously NOT canon.

And if Nojima DOES know they had romance in that time, then it most obviously IS/U] canon.

If the HA HW scene is not canon, then SE didn't make a decision about whether or not Cloud loves Tifa.

Keyword would be IF... if you weren't wrong about the assumption you based this one on. :monster:

By extension, you could go on to assume that Cloud and Tifa's love life is "up to the player" since it wasn't decided by SE.

By extension of what? Everything you've said above to base this on is unclear or just flat wrong. Oh wait, remembering your essay now.

I'm not qualified to speak on translations (beyond "FFVII's was wacky) so I'll skip ahead a bit.

Because I clearly see an "I love you" between Cloud and Aerith in the hand reach scene and you don't. That's leaving it up to interpretation, which is leaving it "up to the player".

Hahahahaha! You see lots of shit what isn't really there, lass. And since this has not been left up to interpretation, what you did or didn't see between Cloud and dead girl is absolutely meaningless to this debate. Cherish your views all you want, it don't change the facts. And the fact is, the love between Cloud and Tifa is heavily substantiated, whereas there is no evidence of Clerith. As you have been told, they are not on equal footing. Having researched both sides of the debate, I am not even going to ask you for said evidence. There isn't any.

No. I think that's jumping to conclusions, especially since different feelings are being referred to.

This person is an expert on jumping to conclusions folks, maybe we should listen to her this time? I mean, look at the leaps she's made in just the post I am replying to here, such as assuming that the feelings referred to in the different versions of the HW scene are different.

What you're not seeing is that he informed her in the Lifestream that he had a crush on her as a child in Nibelheim and wanted her to notice him as a child in Nibelheim. That does not mean that he has feelings for her now.

What YOU'RE not seeing is that your shipping fever has blinded you to the possibility that he DOES have feelings for her now. And further that it is confirmed that he does.

I can see what you want it to mean, but I disagree - I don't think it means that.

And I can see what you want lots of things to mean, but I disagree with just shy of all of them. I KNOW it doesn't mean what you think most of the time.

No, YOU come to that conclusion. I don't come to that conclusion, and neither do many other Clerith people I know.

If other people agree with you, then they're wrong too. It doesn't matter how much support you have elsewhere, or even here. Wrong is wrong. Again, please deal with that and try arguing with something definitive.

Oh, right. You don't have such a thing.

In the first place, I don't think the 10th AU says that they confirm feelings that they had in the Lifestream under the HW. However, even if it did say that, I don't think they said anything about loving one another during the Lifestream event.

Allow me to channel Jim Carrey's interpretation of the Riddler for just a moment: You don't think this, you don't think that, but can you actually PROVE any of that?

Being serious, can you prove that it doesn't say what its been claimed to say in here? Something a bit stronger than "I don't think" will be required.

Tifa found out that Cloud had a crush on her as a kid, and Cloud found out that Tifa looked for him in the newspapers after her left - that's it.

Your unwillingness to comprehend these things is cute. Sad, but cute. I could just put you in my pocket.

I don't think that, and I never said that.

Pretty sure you either did say this, or said something that sounded like it. Cba to find the post and quote it atm, but I am pretty sure I recall this.

1) "Did you only tell them once that you loved them?" - Have Cloud and Tifa ever said they loved one another? If they did, it was in an optional scene under player control. They have NOT said it to one another during a non-optional scene that confirms that they said it in the optional scene.

According to the Ultimania's story summary, the confirmation of feelings DID happen. So yes, yes they have.

2) Did you ever talk about your relationship? - Yes. Where do we hear Cloud and Tifa talk about their relationship? Seems to me that Cloud and Aerith talk about their relationship when Cloud says he wants to be forgiven, and Aerith tells him that it was enough that he came for her. So - if Cloud and Aerith talked about their relationship, are you saying that means they're in love?

Read CoT again. Watch certain portions of ACC again. They aren't exactly shouting about it most of the time, but yes they have discussed their relationship. For instance, Cloud has Tifa in a way that is DIFFERENT FROM BEFORE. That is discussion of their relationship, and there is more where that came from.

3) Did you ever worry that they not love you if they grew distant? - Yes, and I've also worried that a guy's not romantically interested in me before he actually says that he loves me.

And based on what we know of the narrative, we know they did confirm their feelings. So while Tifa might have worried about whether or not Cloud was interested prior to the Lifestream Event and HW scenes, she now has reason to worry due to his growing distant.

4) Did you ever have a break up? if the answer is yes, what made you decide to break up? - Yes, but I've never broken up with someone that I didn't actually have a relationship with in the first place.

And they did, and never officially broke up. Cloud left for awhile because he had issues. He got over it. He came back. They have a future and belong together, remember? :monster:

Okay - to me, that's an actual statement from SE making it canon. Where does SE ever make a statement like that about Cloud and Tifa loving one another?

Ah, so THIS one counts then? Even though it is not the "Attention FF fans, this pairing is CANON
And why should we care? I don't care if Cloud likes Marlene more than Denzel. All I'm saying is that Aerith shows first, then the hand reach scene (Cloud and Aerith), then Tifa. That means Cloud thinks of Aerith twice before he ever thinks of Tifa.

That shows an obvious preference to me, especially after Sephiroth asks what Cloud cherishes most.

Frankly, I don't care - it's not Denzel who Cloud's in love with. I like Marlene better than Denzel, too, but I still think Aerith brought Denzel to Cloud.

No, I haven't changed my mind. I also don't understand why you would even think that.

Me either. You're obstinate as an ox on this matter, so I doubt you'll change your mind about anything regarding your preference. Except your standards of course. Goalposts WILL be shifted as needed to defend Clerith... I mean the fact that there is no canon!

Ok honestly I don't even remember what that line I just responded to was about, and my reply STILL sounds relevant. That's just sad, Anastar.

Yes, and it's specifically referring to the people she's living with at the time, which is probably why Barret's not mentioned.

Or, its because Barret is not a part of the family being referenced. Check the lovely diagram that was posted earlier. It illustrates the points I keep making about Barret's lack of inclusion in a distinctly visual manner, maybe that'll work better for you, since typing it out just doesn't seem to get through. Maybe. But I doubt it.

However - something contradicts that. You say it says that Marlene's living with FOUR people, then it only names THREE people: Cloud, Tifa, and Denzel. So who's the fourth person she's living with? The only other person she lived with after the Meteor disaster was Barret - so he must be the fourth member of the family.

Jump right on that mistake, it smells of blood. But of course, we KNOW Barret doesn't live there. So is what you just said really more likely, or is it more likely that they meant four people live there total, those being the family that is Marlene, Denzel, Cloud, and Tifa?

Well, that's it for this post. Quex, could you make sure she sees this and my previous one alike? I would love a response of some sort. Maybe another repetition of the Nomura quote she loves so much.


Not directly stating Spiritsex, but yes recently implied. Anastar has stated repeatedly in this thread that Cloud visits Aerith. In fact, that she's listening in on his call home to Tifa because he's stopped to be with her. If that's not asshole, douchebag behavior (calling your FAMILY while visiting your lover) I don't know what is...

Don't forget how Cloud can still touch her.
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