The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

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Tina Armstrong

Fackbito, RedGloves, Eileen Galvin, Saria, Lady Croft
And personally, I'm saying that those quotes give hints on Clerith. That romance was present some way or another.
That's the problem. You can't give us more than hints as evidence. Some of those quotes aren't even hints for Cloud and Aerith being romantically involved with each other.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
And personally, I'm saying that those quotes give hints on Clerith. That romance was present some way or another.

Ok CR, you gotta understand what we're asking for. You say those quotes give hints. And hints, if indeed they are hints, are all well and good.

But we are asking for a piece of Clerith evidence, just one, that is more than a mere hint. Something equivalent to any one bit from the mountain of Cloti proofs that has been put up here.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
And in the spirit of fairness, I'm leaving the FTOIL page out because I know you guys think that it shows both couples. So it cancels out, so there's no point in including it.

So anyone have this? Yes or no? :awesome:
I'm not trying to be mean here or a bitch or anything, I'm just completely baffled that this standard can't seem to be met.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
They can think it shows both couples but they're wrong. Anyone with basic reading comprehension can read the caption under the Aerith date picture and see that it merely refers to the date mechanic being up to the player's choice, vs the Highwind scene's high affection depiction being shown as canon.

It is NOT showcasing both couples, and it's frankly a bold faced lie to say otherwise. It makes no freaking mention of Cloud and Aerith as a couple on that page. Period.


Ren, ClerithRaven, Lunafresca's Raven
Actually, I could say the same thing with the CloTi quotes. Even if there are many write-ups for Cloti, there are many too for Clerith. It just boils down to which people choose, IMO.

I'm not being mean or anything, but that's just me.

I guess I'm repeating myself... Oh well.
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Random Nobody

local roach
How could you say the same thing? There are several references (as posted here) to "mutual feelings shared" between Cloud and Tifa--"feelings of wanting." Whilst there are quotes concerning Aerith's romantic feelings for Cloud, there are none concerning any romantic feelings for Aerith, mutual or otherwise. You might argue that romantic feelings can be extrapolated, but that's the precise point. They're looking for the explicit.

But don't mind me, hell if I know what I'm on about


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
If I'm understanding this right, by Clerith logic you can have one of your friends that you're in love with, and another friend that is in love with you, but the feelings shared are mutual in all cases? WTF? Really? People are aware that you can love someone and they don't love you back, right? They can still care about you, worry for you, love you in non-romantic ways, right? Cloud loves Tifa. Has since age 9--you would have to show any point where that STOPPED to even get a foothold in a Clerith argument...

I don't know about the rest of you, but my head hurts from trying to find a logical pathway through the bs being spewed. There is much too much emotional investment by some parties involving a shipping war. There are battle cries and 'I didn't lose' pouts going on and it's not a contest. Tifa isn't better than Aerith simply because she ended up with Cloud. You guys seem to take it as a personal affront. It's just the way the story went. Sorry of that's a "loss" for you. Really. But non-logical 'my interpretation' double standard bullshit makes the argument even more ridiculous--which is amazing, because you're talking Zombie love and ignoring the fact that AERITH chose to KEEP Zack around*. Great, it's your opinion. Great, you prefer it. Fantastic. You can't PROVE it. Move on.

*Zack didn't manifest on his own. Aerith pulled his ass from the lifestream. Now, you could argue that she needed him to help Cloud--and I'd agree, but here's where Clerith takes yet another headlong rush into the reality pavement. Cloud dies. He's floating in whitespace. She touches him. "Mother..." Yeah... okay... as if that's not weird enough, Aerith speaks to...Zack. NOT Cloud. She says NOTHING to Cloud. The fact that she brought Zack along when she could have had her time with Cloud... just wut??? The love of your life is with you and you cart around your ex? Zack is not an independent agent here, boys and girls. He is not Cetra. He doesn't get to travel the lifestream all willy-nilly. He is there with Cloud because Aerith wants him there. I've seen arguments that we don't know how long Cloud was there, and that maybe Zack left and yadda-yadda-bullshit-wanker-theories, but come on. Really? That's is just desperate and what fanfiction is for. Besides, who was babysitting Cloud while Aerith phone-orgied the city? Maybe Zack and Cloud had some aloooooone time. Clack is more canon and likely than Clerith in my opinion and in my interpretation... :monster:


Ren, ClerithRaven, Lunafresca's Raven
I was going to say something about everything else, but I have time for just this...

About Zack and Aerith with Cloud in the Lifestream...
Aerith and Zack are both important for Cloud, we do agree on that. Cloud is hanging between life and death there. Cloud asks if the presence they feel is the "Mother" Kadaj's gang has been going on about (I don't know if Cloud even knew what he was thinking at the time. Anyone have a script for that time or something?). Aerith's question can be taken either to mean she's asking the question to herself aloud or asking Zack, but the latter is more "logical", so to speak. Then they go on to say that Cloud cannot die yet, so he is returned to the world of the living (Who knows how much time passed here? Ryu mentioned times before...). We have no idea if Zack was there because he chose to or because Aerith asked him. He doesn't have to be called by Aerith for both of them to tend to Cloud. Both of them care deeply for Cloud, (Clack, ftw!) so it would be "logical" that both of them were there in his "almost dying" moments. There's a plus for Aerith though, she was able to touch him. Zack doesn't do the same.

And about the "phone-orgy", ACC showed that happening before the "healing" scene. It did happen after the blast. So Aerith could have done that before tending to Cloud.

Oh well. Magic really is mysterious it makes heads hurt.


About Zack and Aerith with Cloud in the Lifestream...
Aerith and Zack are both important for Cloud, we do agree on that. Cloud is hanging between life and death there. Cloud asks if the presence they feel is the "Mother" Kadaj's gang has been going on about

What? So Cloud knew it was Aerith and Zack there and he was asking if they felt Jenova's presence? (at least I think that is what you are implying)

Anything just so you don't have to say Cloud felt Aerith's presence like a mother huh?

Then they go on to say that Cloud cannot die yet, so he is returned to the world of the living

An interesting phrase she used though . Something about being 'too big to adopt'. Maybe she meant for Jenova to adopt? Because that is who Cloud was talking about right?

There's a plus for Aerith though, she was able to touch him. Zack doesn't do the same.

I'm not sure what you are implying here. "Zack stand over there while I touch can only watch".


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
There's a plus for Aerith though, she was able to touch him. Zack doesn't do the same.

Zack is not a healing Cetra... Just you know, in case you forgot.

You know, I'm sick of the LTD. Time for a love square...

Cloud visits Zack's grave.

Cloud talks to Zack.

Cloud says Zack's name.

Cloud has numerous flashbacks to...Zack.

Cloud made a Zack.

Holy fuck... Clack is canon bitches!

You know, I bet if I broke out my stopwatch Cloud gets more one on one time with Zack than Aerith... Weird how SE would do that if they're trying to convey a longing Clerith romance. Damn them and their symbolic hidden decoder messages! Why can't they just SAY that they knew one thing for sure?? Huh? Like that Cloud would be with someone and name that perso-- what? They did? It wasn't Aerith? Was it Zack? **please be Zack** No?? Well, then who? Nooooo... you're mistaken. that's way too straightforward. They must mean location. I mean there are no monkeys or KH light/dark symbolism. There's no Nakama or koibito tossed in there. No way is it that straight forward. I refuse to believe. And in my denial I will make a shit ton of interpretive Clack evidence. Too bad for Cloud that Zack has a secret, hidden longing for chicks in cowgirl outfits... End of LTD, bitches. Welcome to the LSD. We're all trippin' balls and no one makes sense. :monster:


Cherry Garcia.
I don’t understand what’s all the fuzz about the HW High Affection version being canon. I DO believe it’s canon, however, having wild loving sex with my man in a rocky scenario where we've just confessed our feelings of mutual affection for each other just to further listen to him talk about how much he’d like to meet again with a DEAD woman is just purely EPIC. :awesome:

They can think it shows both couples but they're wrong. Anyone with basic reading comprehension can read the caption under the Aerith date picture and see that it merely refers to the date mechanic being up to the player's choice, vs the Highwind scene's high affection depiction being shown as canon.

It is NOT showcasing both couples, and it's frankly a bold faced lie to say otherwise. It makes no freaking mention of Cloud and Aerith as a couple on that page. Period.

Correct me if I'm wrong but the caption under CloudXTifa's picture talks about it being an OPTIONAL scene, right?

Oh! And Cloud and Aerith's date picture is still there.
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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
[FONT=#FDD017]16. Here I met a flower girl.
She’s a girl with impressive eyes. She’s around my age, or elder by one or two years. But the innocent radiance in her eyes simply makes her suddenly look younger.
how thinking she looks innocent............prove he loves her......... i could see the other quotes possibly pointing to some sort of love but this one absolutely baffled me as to its significance.


Cherry Garcia.
Yup, you'd be wrong.

You should probably read the caption... :awesome:

From the Final Fantasy VII Ultimania Omega:

Until they reunite with friends in the airship, the conversation in the scene that Cloud and Tifa spend the night in the meadow can be different, according to the rating of Tifa's affection to Cloud. (p. 201)

...when degree [of affection] gets higher, the conversation of the scene where they spend the night will contain strong emotions. (p. 198)

From Final Fantasy Dismantled:

Changeable event 3 (before the final battle):

Another event is when the party was dismissed and after everyone left for their own places separately, Cloud and Tifa spent the night together.
At that moment, according to Tifa's affection rating with Cloud, the event of "dialogues exchanged between them from dusk to dawn" and "Tifa's reaction and lines when she found out that everyone might see (or hear) that circumstance" will be different.

These quotes say it's optional and up to the gamer's choice.
Now show me your official quote where it blatantly states the HA version is CANON. Otherwise I don't understand how out of nowhere it isn't optional anymore. Proof please

However, as I said before, I do believe official statements might point to the HA version to be more reliable, still it doesn't make Cloti anymore romantic, stable and any more realistic as a couple. I guess living together and NOT sleeping together after such passionate confessions is the trend. :awesome:


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Wut? You asked about the FTOIL page. As much as I enjoy the slight of hand and quote mining, I'll just leave this here:

However, as I said before, I do believe official statements might point to the HA version to be more reliable, still it doesn't make Cloti anymore romantic, stable and any more realistic as a couple.

Excuse me while I go and laugh my ass off.

Also, where are we told they don't sleep together again? I must have missed that passage in the novellas or commentary...

It's probably located somewhere with the 'Cloud loves Aerith' quote... :awesome:


Cherry Garcia.
Wut? You asked about the FTOIL page. As much as I enjoy the slight of hand and quote mining, I'll just leave this here:

Excuse me while I go and laugh my ass off.

Also, where are we told they don't sleep together again? I must have missed that passage in the novellas or commentary...

It's probably located somewhere with the 'Cloud loves Aerith' quote... :awesome:

I've read it, thanx and you still didn't give me the quotes I asked for.

It's funny how you claim Cloti is a Realistic couple when Cloud's been schizophrenic since day one, hearing voices and seeing dead people.
As far as I know, Psychotics have the thoughest time dealing and coping with reality as we know it and that is a fact. :awesome:

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
These quotes say it's optional and up to the gamer's choice.
Now show me your official quote where it blatantly states the HA version is CANON. Otherwise I don't understand how out of nowhere it isn't optional anymore. Proof please

However, as I said before, I do believe official statements might point to the HA version to be more reliable, still it doesn't make Cloti anymore romantic, stable and any more realistic as a couple. I guess living together and NOT sleeping together after such passionate confessions is the trend. :awesome:
i think the story recap that tres has pointed out mentioned what was considered a canon playthrough (aerith date and ha highwind scene, as well as getting yuffie and vincent), like a canon playthough of ff6 (shadow lives)

and while it does mention that it can change, the baseline playthrough recap is going through and mentioning them as deviance from the story

and lol cloti is not romantic because they don't sleep together? well we don't have any proof snow and serah slept together after two years, so we better say they're unrealistic as a couple too.
edit: and just to clarify, yes they have been living together for two years between ff13 and 13-2
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Alright, I'm gonna have to be done with Annie here once again, at least for a little while. There is genuinely nothing in this reply of hers worth responding to (for the however-manyeth time) again.

Since she says she is gonna get to Tres next, I'm tagging you in brother. Drop the elbow of well researched, non-batshit logic, that we might find a three count in this match-up at long last. :monster:

Edit: Ok, one thing worth responding to came to mind Anastar. You say you're not even close to losing and would print out Tres' letter for the express purpose of burning it? Well let me just say, I live in the Southern United States and I've met a number of people who talk just that way about the Civil freaking War of all things. And yet, if memory serves, the South did still lose that a long time ago, whether Southerners admitted it then or even still stupidly and obstinately deny it now.

Oh, those 'the South shall rise again' fuckers cheese me the fuck off. The war was southern agression, the fuckers lost. Deal with it.
Now note the similarity between CW revisionists and a certain Starry Anne.

Now correct me if I am wrong, but Aerith caught a serious case of dead, so is it really inappropriate to say that the Lifestream is where she belongs?

Not only is it not inappropriate to say it, that's literally what was said. Anastar has QUOTED the place that says Aerith belongs in the cycle of souls around the planet, she just ignores it.

And just so this isn't a one-liner: double sheets of Mylar significantly raises measured temperature sometimes as much as 100 degrees centigrade.

I'm gonna need to see some citations on that.

I thought context could be used? Guess not then. :)

Are one-liners forbidden here?

Context can be used, but not in the present demand. It is basically 'Without relying on an interpretation from context, can you give us an unambiguous statement that Cloud loved Aerith?'
The answer- especially since Anastar used the commercial again- would appear to be no.

And personally, I'm saying that those quotes give hints on Clerith. That romance was present some way or another.

But our point is that C/T doesn't rely on mere hints.

Did you read all of the Cloti quotes? ;c I personally don't see how "They realized their feelings for one another" could be anything else but love. They already were friends, and they don't hate each other... what else is left?

'Romantic disinterest' even though that doesn't make sense.

We're not looking for context though. It shouldn't be hard at all. If it's really up to interpretation, you should have at least 6 quotes that say Cloud and Aerith either fell in love or can share romantic feelings.

Does what I'm asking for just not make sense? Let me try to explain again since I'm bad at explaining :monster:

I'm saying the ones I posted are talking about romantic feelings because they were SPECIFIED as romantic feelings. I'm not just guessing. Do you have any quotes that say Cloud and Aerith had ROMANTIC feelings that were SPECIFIED as romantic?

again, past, present future or optional are fine. I'd just like to see some quotes.


Nitpickey, but she actually just says "Someone to notice you".. the has isn't there.

Thank you.

Ok CR, you gotta understand what we're asking for. You say those quotes give hints. And hints, if indeed they are hints, are all well and good.

But we are asking for a piece of Clerith evidence, just one, that is more than a mere hint. Something equivalent to any one bit from the mountain of Cloti proofs that has been put up here.

Something direct and unambiguous regarding Cloud having romantic feelings for Aerith, at the least.

And in the spirit of fairness, I'm leaving the FTOIL page out because I know you guys think that it shows both couples. So it cancels out, so there's no point in including it.

It DOESN'T, but hell, our case was made before it.

So anyone have this? Yes or no? :awesome:

I'ma just say no and save people a lot of hemming and hawwing.

Actually, I could say the same thing with the CloTi quotes. Even if there are many write-ups for Cloti, there are many too for Clerith. It just boils down to which people choose, IMO.

So what are they? What are the direct and unambiguous ones? Why can't you provide them and meet the same standard that is frequently demanded of C/T?

If I'm understanding this right, by Clerith logic you can have one of your friends that you're in love with, and another friend that is in love with you, but the feelings shared are mutual in all cases? WTF? Really? People are aware that you can love someone and they don't love you back, right? They can still care about you, worry for you, love you in non-romantic ways, right? Cloud loves Tifa. Has since age 9--you would have to show any point where that STOPPED to even get a foothold in a Clerith argument...

This is the 'feelings can change' argument. In which it is argued that feelings CAN change, so they must have changed, therefore what Cloud thought before spending four years in a tube and one in a partial vegetative state no longer applies.
But anything he thought in 2 weeks MUST apply 2 years later. Why? Because, that's why.

I don't know about the rest of you, but my head hurts from trying to find a logical pathway through the bs being spewed. There is much too much emotional investment by some parties involving a shipping war. There are battle cries and 'I didn't lose' pouts going on and it's not a contest. Tifa isn't better than Aerith simply because she ended up with Cloud. You guys seem to take it as a personal affront. It's just the way the story went.

There's a reason I called Anastar on fighting against C/T because she thinks people aren't giving Aerith her due. And that's basically it in a nutshell. She thinks Aerith is 'better' and thus deserves the hero.
I'll leave speculations of self identification up to the individual to determine.

*Zack didn't manifest on his own. Aerith pulled his ass from the lifestream. Now, you could argue that she needed him to help Cloud--and I'd agree, but here's where Clerith takes yet another headlong rush into the reality pavement. Cloud dies. He's floating in whitespace. She touches him. "Mother..." Yeah... okay... as if that's not weird enough, Aerith speaks to...Zack. NOT Cloud. She says NOTHING to Cloud. The fact that she brought Zack along when she could have had her time with Cloud... just wut??? The love of your life is with you and you cart around your ex? Zack is not an independent agent here, boys and girls. He is not Cetra. He doesn't get to travel the lifestream all willy-nilly. He is there with Cloud because Aerith wants him there. I've seen arguments that we don't know how long Cloud was there, and that maybe Zack left and yadda-yadda-bullshit-wanker-theories, but come on. Really? That's is just desperate and what fanfiction is for. Besides, who was babysitting Cloud while Aerith phone-orgied the city? Maybe Zack and Cloud had some aloooooone time. Clack is more canon and likely than Clerith in my opinion and in my interpretation... :monster:

Pfft. Bloud is the one true Yaoi.

I was going to say something about everything else, but I have time for just this...

About Zack and Aerith with Cloud in the Lifestream...
Aerith and Zack are both important for Cloud, we do agree on that. Cloud is hanging between life and death there. Cloud asks if the presence they feel is the "Mother" Kadaj's gang has been going on about (I don't know if Cloud even knew what he was thinking at the time. Anyone have a script for that time or something?).

No, Cloud asks if Aerith- the presence he feels- is mother. Notable difference.

Aerith's question can be taken either to mean she's asking the question to herself aloud or asking Zack, but the latter is more "logical", so to speak. Then they go on to say that Cloud cannot die yet,

They say he doesn't belong here. Also Aerith says that he's too big too adopt.

so he is returned to the world of the living (Who knows how much time passed here? Ryu mentioned times before...).

The Sephy fight begins at 6PM. Cloud awakens at 7PM. How long the Sephy fight takes is unspecified. However, there's no particular reason to assume the whitespace visit was longer than it appeared.

We have no idea if Zack was there because he chose to or because Aerith asked him. He doesn't have to be called by Aerith for both of them to tend to Cloud. Both of them care deeply for Cloud, (Clack, ftw!) so it would be "logical" that both of them were there in his "almost dying" moments. There's a plus for Aerith though, she was able to touch him. Zack doesn't do the same.

How would Zack do it, though? Is he just being remembered by Cloud and that's why he can appear, then?
The metaphysics actually sorta matter here.

And about the "phone-orgy", ACC showed that happening before the "healing" scene. It did happen after the blast. So Aerith could have done that before tending to Cloud.

She did, actually. The undead robo calls happened in the morning, though.

Oh well. Magic really is mysterious it makes heads hurt.

Any magic, sufficiently understood, is merely another facet of science. - Jewett's Corrolary to Clarke.

I don’t understand what’s all the fuzz about the HW High Affection version being canon. I DO believe it’s canon, however, having wild loving sex with my man in a rocky scenario where we've just confessed our feelings of mutual affection for each other just to further listen to him talk about how much he’d like to meet again with a DEAD woman is just purely EPIC. :awesome:

Except HE never says he wants to meet her. Tifa's the one who wants to meet Aerith again.
Because, y'know, they were friends. And there's no reason one would ever want to meet a dead friend again. So if Cloud can only want to meet Aerith for romantic reasons (even though he never expresses a want), I guess we've confirmed Aeti.

Correct me if I'm wrong but the caption under CloudXTifa's picture talks about it being an OPTIONAL scene, right?

No. It does not. The mutual confirmation of feelings is what happens in the narrative. That there is a variance no more changes the established narrative than the fact that it's optional to to take or NOT take Vincent to the Sister ray changes DoC.

Oh! And Cloud and Aerith's date picture is still there.

And the text beneath it says 'Depending on how you act, one of four people will join Cloud on a date' (Very rough paraphrase), nothing about what happens on the dates. Meanwhile, the text referring to C/T mentions mutual confirmation of feelings without words.

From the Final Fantasy VII Ultimania Omega:

Until they reunite with friends in the airship, the conversation in the scene that Cloud and Tifa spend the night in the meadow can be different, according to the rating of Tifa's affection to Cloud. (p. 201)

...when degree [of affection] gets higher, the conversation of the scene where they spend the night will contain strong emotions. (p. 198)

From Final Fantasy Dismantled:

Changeable event 3 (before the final battle):

Another event is when the party was dismissed and after everyone left for their own places separately, Cloud and Tifa spent the night together.
At that moment, according to Tifa's affection rating with Cloud, the event of "dialogues exchanged between them from dusk to dawn" and "Tifa's reaction and lines when she found out that everyone might see (or hear) that circumstance" will be different.[/B]

These quotes say it's optional and up to the gamer's choice.
Now show me your official quote where it blatantly states the HA version is CANON. Otherwise I don't understand how out of nowhere it isn't optional anymore. Proof please

Tifa's Crisis Core profile says 'She and Cloud came to realize their feelings for each other in the end of the story, and live together in AC and DC.'

The U10 says they confirm their feelings- no mention of optionality.

The U20 says they confirm their feelings as the normal course of events.

The HA scene is listed as one of the four most important scenes in the game.

So yes, we can arrive easily at the conclusion that the scene where the feelings are confirmed- the high highwind, since nothing is shared in the low- is the version that occured in the narrative.

It's a bit irrelevant, though, since the FTOIL page doesn't mention versions.

However, as I said before, I do believe official statements might point to the HA version to be more reliable, still it doesn't make Cloti anymore romantic, stable and any more realistic as a couple. I guess living together and NOT sleeping together after such passionate confessions is the trend. :awesome:

Not sleeping together?
Are you assuming the consequent? Why yes you are!
As mentioned many times, the exact nature of their sleeping arrangements has not been established, but the 'do you love me/marlene' scene in CoT is most parsimonious- and depicts Tifa as less creepy and Clingy- if they share a room if not bed.

I've read it, thanx and you still didn't give me the quotes I asked for.

It's funny how you claim Cloti is a Realistic couple when Cloud's been schizophrenic since day one, hearing voices and seeing dead people.

When psychics and ghosts are a material fact of a universe, hearing voices and seeing ghosts is a sign of lousy neighbors, not mental illness.

As far as I know, Psychotics have the thoughest time dealing and coping with reality as we know it and that is a fact. :awesome:

Bringing up psychotics and 'the tough time they have dealing with reality' is not the best tactic in a thread where reality is kind of allied against your position.
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Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
I can post pretty pictures, too! :awesome:


Pointy rocks they're on? All I see is patches of grass. :awesome:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Actually, I could say the same thing with the CloTi quotes.

Can say what? Do you have a counter for those quotes I posted? If you do, please post it. Please tell me how those quotes that specifically say romantic feelings aren't genuine (if that's what you mean)

Even if there are many write-ups for Cloti, there are many too for Clerith. It just boils down to which people choose, IMO.

I'm not being mean or anything, but that's just me.

I guess I'm repeating myself... Oh well.

I'm honestly getting frustrated now. I don't know if I'm just not being clear or if I'm being trolled. If I'm being trolled, then good show, you got me, but let's stop the trolling now, please? Not that I'm one to talk but... :monster:

But seriously, you say there's too many? Then GIVE ME ONE! Give me one quote that says there were romantic feelings shared between the two or that Cloud loved Aerith romantically.

Once again, btw. It can be past, present, future, optional or non optional.

If yes, please post it.

If no, how can it be open ended if there's none for one couple but several for another?

If you can't provide me with one... that's the same as no.

Rena, sup? :monster:
do you have a quote that says romantic feelings between CxA?...

oh and
Cloud dies
No he doesn't. He was close to death, but not actually dead.

Prevent? you mean present, right?
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I can post pretty pictures, too! :awesome:


Pointy rocks they're on? All I see is patches of grass. :awesome:

Can't you see all the invisible jagged rocks of unsexing (+3)? Of course not. They're invisible. Not seeing them proves they're there.

Can say what? Do you have a counter for those quotes I posted? If you do, please post it. Please tell me how those quotes that specifically say romantic feelings aren't genuine (if that's what you mean)

I'm honestly getting frustrated now. Then GIVE ME ONE! Give me one quote that says there were romantic feelings shared between the two or that Cloud loved Aerith romantically.

If yes, please post it.

If no, how can it be open ended if there's none for one couple but several for another?

If you can't provide me with one... that's the same as no.

The long and the short of the matter is, CR, hints vs direct and unambiguous statements about mutual feelings, the direct and unambiguous are gonna win.
Especially against commercials and 'could be maybe' guesses.

No he doesn't. He was close to death, but not actually dead.

In fact, the RF says on the subject says he was 'teetering on the brink of death.' That's on P83, under the 7 AM heading, for those checking my citations as you should.

Prevent? you mean present, right?

Oh, if you INSIST.

Incidentally, while I'm on the subject of how long times are in Advent Children, it is a little less than five hour trip to the Forgotten Capital. I presume a ferry is involved.
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