The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I just might have to punch myself in the face if we are going to talk about Clerith forums again. I'm sure aerbear is a lovely person who doesn't trash talk people so lets get on with it. So many fucks not given for the forum where someone said something about another person.

I have no intention to discuss the forum. Merely that people demand standards of the posters here that they don't hold to themselves elsewhere.

Also I do think Aerith's character gets injustice because of LTD as well. She either gets slammed with the "pure, innocent" routine, or people make her out to be selfish and goes out of her way to make Tifa feel bad.

Honestly, I'd prefer the 'goes out of her way' bitchy view to innocent. Both are wrong, but fuck, at least the callous bitch angle would be interesting.

Which I don't feel like at all, I think there's a part of her that may seem selfish, but that's mostly because she's a person that lives in the moment and wants to experience everything and holds nothing back, that she did like Tifa but wasn't quite aware of her the consequence of some her actions.

Aerith does not act with malice, rather, without awareness of how it affects other people, even when she knows people want the same things she does.
Huh, now that's a thought- Autistic Aerith.

EDIT: Oh, and most of all, the "damsel in distress" argument needs to die. Since she saved an entire planet that was in distress. Twice.

People still argue that?


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
Splintered is right; let's not go there. Only reason I brought it up at all wasn't to make a jibe at aerbear but to point out that there's bad apples everywhere in this fandom. There are childish people on both sides in this LTD so pointing fingers isn't going to make a difference.

Let's get back on topic?

Also agreed with Aerith's character getting misinterpreted a lot. I always thought that Aerith never meant to do what she did in front of Tifa because she was being a mean, selfish person. She always struck me as just being very open and honest with her feelings; sort of doesn't think before she acts kind of thing. So no, I don't find her intentions selfish. As a matter of fact, in AC/C, I think she played a massive role in helping heal the rift between Cloud and Tifa and their relationship.

Anywho, going off of what Vivi said, I do believe it's possible for Cloud to have loved Aerith. I just don't agree with the 'move on' concept. Something about it bothers me; like the second option is second best. I feel like if he did love both girls, he's loved them both throughout everything and that, after Tifa confesses her feelings to Cloud, he's happy again because hope isn't entirely lost to him since Aerith's death.

Meh, opinions.


unsavory tart
I think Aerith is a social retard with selfish tendencies
I wouldn't say social retard, I think by the time you're hitting that mark you're pretty much Selphie, maybe Rinoa. I always felt like Aerith was the most smooth character out of the bunch, I mean, she worked Wallstreet like she owned the place. And maybe out of the majority of the female cast. Like a pink Balthier (though not as quite godmode as he was)

I think that she's overly blunt, not willing to hold back, and she is largely thinking of herself. Mostly because this was in more ways than one, her journey of self discovery as much as it was Cloud's. She was willing to sacrifice herself to, lets say, save Marlene, but when it came to experiencing the world and trying to get the best out of life, I think she went for it. Selfish might be a strong word for it though.
That she's almost desperate to be with him because of Zack.
IMO, she's more desperate to see the world than to get with Cloud. I do think that she loves Zack (but decided to move and) and she saw Zack in Cloud, but I think that's what got her intrigued, maybe infatuated, but not why she fell in love with him. She expresses the want to figure him out, beyond who he was presenting, during her date and that's what I think what she felt.

I still don't know how I feel about Aerith really knowing Zack is dead. I think she has an inkling, but was confused. Also, I think Aerith not knowing he died makes Crisis Core much more tragic.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
I think I draw my distinction at 'Cloud COULD have loved Aerith', not that he DID. Nojima pointed out that even had they had a chance, there would have been issues, and aside from the whole Zack-shell-illusion-fiasco, there is Tifa. And that's where the biggest Clerith hurdle is. Cloud loves Tifa. Before, during, and after Aerith. Could he have loved Aerith if Tifa had stepped back and never revealed her mutual feelings? Maybe. I don't know. What I do know, is compilation, as it stands and is written, says that doesn't happen. To date there is no quote and no factual evidence to support the idea that Cloud had romantic interest in Aerith. But, hey, that's what fandom and fanon are for.

Edit: I did say head canon, Splintered. lol. Not about to debate my opinion. Nice to hear yours though. :D


unsavory tart
Edit: I did say head canon, Splintered. lol. Not about to debate my opinion. Nice to hear yours though. :D
Oh I know, I wasn't trying to be like UR WRONG. I like debating head canon :3
I think I draw my distinction at 'Cloud COULD have loved Aerith', not that he DID.
This is where I am at. Actually I tend to waver somewhere between "it's player interpretation" and "it could have happened, but nothing could develop." IMO, they could have been well on their way, but I don't feel that it was certain because Tifa was never presented as the second choice, although Aerith was more significant in part I for obvious reasons.

Wasn't there an interview where they discussed it and they said something to the effect of "They could have worked out better, we'll never know." That's how I feel about it. There are a whole bunch of ifs, and could have been's. But in the end, the ifs and the what could have been's are all that they have. Could have been the most fantastic relationship ever. It could have fallen apart in a second.

Aerith died too young and her friendships/romances never got to flourish, and that's what makes the story sad.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I wouldn't say social retard, I think by the time you're hitting that mark you're pretty much Selphie, maybe Rinoa.

Neither of those are social retards, though. They're actually rather good socially. Quistis, Squall, and Zell are the social retards of FF8, in their own different ways.

I always felt like Aerith was the most smooth character out of the bunch, I mean, she worked Wallstreet like she owned the place. And maybe out of the majority of the female cast. Like a pink Balthier (though not as quite godmode as he was)

Aerith's got that influence over a limited area. She's an operator in her territory, but has no clue outside it, and so she tends to blunder through thinking how things worked there will keep working.

I think that she's overly blunt, not willing to hold back, and she is largely thinking of herself. Mostly because this was in more ways than one, her journey of self discovery as much as it was Cloud's.

Their stories are mirrors for each other, yes.

She was willing to sacrifice herself to, lets say, save Marlene, but when it came to experiencing the world and trying to get the best out of life, I think she went for it. Selfish might be a strong word for it though.

Not strong, just not quite appropriate. It's not favoring her own desires over others, it's forgetting her desires might cause problems for others. It's being blinkered.

IMO, she's more desperate to see the world than to get with Cloud. I do think that she loves Zack (but decided to move and) and she saw Zack in Cloud, but I think that's what got her intrigued, maybe infatuated, but not why she fell in love with him. She expresses the want to figure him out, beyond who he was presenting, during her date and that's what I think what she felt.

I will somewhat agree, though I feel there's a distinction between intellectually 'deciding' to move on and actually moving on. Aerith wants to move on, but hasn't managed it yet in my view.

I still don't know how I feel about Aerith really knowing Zack is dead. I think she has an inkling, but was confused. Also, I think Aerith not knowing he died makes Crisis Core much more tragic.

I tend to think of it as her not 'knowing' but suspecting but not wanting to face it.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Wasn't there an interview where they discussed it and they said something to the effect of "They could have worked out better, we'll never know."

Hito's translation of Nojima's interview:
"First off, there's the premise that things won't go well between Tifa and Cloud, and that even without Geostigma or Sephiroth this might be the same. I don't really intend to go about my views on love or marriage or family (laughs). After ACC, I guess Denzel and Marlene could help them work it out. Maybe things would have gone well with Aerith, but I think there is a great burden from Aerith."


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
Ya know, Cloud and Tifa get a lot of heat for being a 'dysfunctional' couple, but I always thought that quote basically said that things with Aerith could have been just as problematic. :T

It doesn't mean they would have made a bad couple, just that, like every other normal couple, they'd have their problems as well.

Kinda like how Cloud and Tifa have issues to deal with in AC/C. It doesn't make them unsuited for one another though. I hate that argument D:


unsavory tart
Yeah, although I seriously doubt think would have gotten so seriously bad if Cloud never got geostigma but there would have been issues. In fact, we see the issues without those problems CoT, and they did manage to work it out for the most part, it ended with Cloud smiling. It just so happened that after that is when he got geostigma and they just tore the poor boy down.

The root of the problem will always be communication. If there was ever a word in big blinking words as a the Cloti theme, it would be "Communication." That's why Tifa and Cloud became so enamored with each other after the promise, not necessarily because Tifa wanted a hero, though it may have been part of it, it's because it's the first time they ever talked to each other and expressed who they were. The highwind scene is intimate not because someone may or may not have had sex. That's incidental. The important part is they communicated with each other, and that's a problem they have had since the moment they met. And they are the kind of people who hold the cards close to their chest, so saying whatever they want to say is a huge deal for them.

The main issues of C/T could be ironed out with a heart to heart about what they really want to say, but both characters have a hard time spitting it out. Although I think in the long run, they'll always find their equilibrium, and I don't think that they're unhealthy at all. Just awkward at times. I also think that the years of CoT were highly emotionally strenuous and that doesn't happen often. But when it does happen, Cloud-Tifa and the family works it out together.
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Random Nobody

local roach
What she wrote:
I think Aerith is a social retard with selfish tendencies
What I read:
I think Aerith is a social retard with selfish tentacles



Lv. 25 Adventurer
Fairheartstrife said:
is there anything you guys people are consistent on?
What do you mean, "you people"? :awesome:

Ishtar said:
Well, even if you see it around elsewhere, those people are not the people here and cannot be held responsible for what random internet assholes have said.
Makes sense. :)

Splintered said:
Also I do think Aerith's character gets injustice because of LTD as well. She either gets slammed with the "pure, innocent" routine
I think after FFVII, that's what SE made her out to be. Never mind that she managed herself fine in the slums and threatened to rip off something special from Don Corneo. :lol:
The whole angelic thing is a bit of crap.

Ya know, Cloud and Tifa get a lot of heat for being a 'dysfunctional' couple, but I always thought that quote basically said that things with Aerith could have been just as problematic. :T
That's true. I've always been kind of confused as to what "great burden" he meant about Aerith though. Maybe because she's a Cetra?

Kinda like how Cloud and Tifa have issues to deal with in AC/C. It doesn't make them unsuited for one another though.
Yeah, that's true too. I don't really think we base how unsuitable they are from that, but rather that it's something he kind of left open, you know? It could work, it might not. SE, flamebaiting being vague.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
That's true. I've always been kind of confused as to what "great burden" he meant about Aerith though. Maybe because she's a Cetra?
This is basically what I got from the game? Like, even when she's in Cosmo Canyon and she's talking about how she's all alone and Cloud tries to reassure her but she's still upset over being the last of her kind. So I was kind of concerned that maybe SE was trying to say that Aerith sort of does the same distancing herself from people she loves because she's different. idk


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
I like where this is going;

Cloud and Tifa's main issues would be communication (although, tbh, it's an aspect of their relationship I loved). Whereas I think with Cloud and Aerith, it might be Aerith distancing herself from Cloud due to being different. I feel like, even when she was with Zack, this part of her still shows; she was still a little detached.

Also, like Splintered said, the fact that Cloud got geostigma probably exaggerated and made things about 100x worse than they would have been if he hadn't. I feel like, with Aerith, he'd probably have acted the same way, too, but maybe not as guilty because she wouldn't be dead. :P

Then again, Aerith wouldn't have waited around as long as Tifa did; she'd have called him out on it right away. xD


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
My Zerith shipper says part of Aerith x Cloud burden would be could Cloud ever accept that she loved him for him. We saw how eaten up with guilt he was over imagine he's fucking his dead BFF's girl? Yeah, he'd go full emo retard. And we all know you never go full retard :awesome:

Celes Chere

(It still makes me cringe when she asks about her future with Cloud in front of Tifa though >_< )

Me too. It's inconsiderate but you also have to think of how Tifa tried to play it off as nothing in front of Aerith.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
If I don't get a proper response to this, I'm going to have to leave the debate for a bit because I'm literally shaking with frustration. I find it really hard to believe that I'm being THAT unclear about what I want. I just sent this to Anastar

Okay, listen closely, this is important. I'm sorry but I'm getting tired of repeating myself here and in that thread.

I don't care about optional, I don't care if it's in the past, and I don't care if it's in the future.

What I'm looking for is inarguable evidence that Cloud had/has/or CAN have romantic feelings toward Aerith. The ONLY quotes I posted about feelings previously were about the HA scene which were we are flat out TOLD is romantic. So do NOT tell me I'm setting forth some kind of standard here, when I only counted ones about the HA scene.

Cloud also fell in love, or had a dim crush or WHATEVER you want to call it as a child. These are inarguably romantic. Yes, you can say "past/optional" but that doesn't matter right now. Okay? I'm not asking you to argue those quotes, I'm asking you to provide me with an inarguable quote that flat out tells us Cloud had, could have had, DID have, or WILL have romantic feelings for Aerith. I don't care if it's optional or not.

I don't want things that you THINK say that or that sound romantic to you, I want stuff that Square has flat out told us is romantic. Again stuff they have SPECIFIED AS ROMANTIC. They have flat out told us the HA scene is romantic (feelings of desire), and they said Cloud fell in love/had a crush on Tifa as a child.

I can argue the commercial (Doesn't say whose love/several SE commercials contain inaccurate information), I can argue koibito (one sided), the best you have right now is the "there seems to be something between them..." but again I've yet to spot this quote in the UO. Are you sure it's in Aerith's profile? Is it possibly in Cloud's? Could you possibly get a page number so I know exactly what it is? And again, we're not counting the FTOIL page. I'm doing that because you guys feel it showcases both couples so it'd be pointless to point it out as it cancels each other out.

When you come up with a quote that is inarguably romantic (That's the ONLY standard here, I don't care if it's optional, past, present or future) please post it in the thread. Don't respond here, but post it in the thread. Thank you.

If I get another "Well I think this is romantic when *insert random arguable quote here*. We don't think a lot of Cloti stuff is romantic either, but that's why there's arguing" response or someone trying to use context, I'm going to go insane (short trip, amirite? :awesome:)

This goes for anyone lurking too, do you have a quote? Anyone? Any Cleriths?

Also this will be the last time I'm asking for this. If I don't get one after this post, I'm going to assume that none exist and my point will be made. So by all means if you wanted to post a quote, do it now.
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undercover Clerith evangelist

And your reply shows exactly why Clerith and Cloti can't agree.You consider certain things to be undeniable because SE has stated it. I consider certain things to be undeniable because SE has stated it.

I refuse to accept what you find as undeniable, and you refuse to accept what I find as undeniable.

The standards of the two sides is completely different. That's why we can't agree.

EDIT: And after seeing your edit, I respond by saying that I HAVE given you a response. Just because you won't accept it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.



First of all, Happy Clerith Day! ^_^ Yes, someone on youtube declared Oct. 18th as Clerith Day.

Ariadne said:
Chantara said:
Well, if you recognize that Cloud and Tifa continue to have issues like Nojima stated, you must realize that "mutual feelings" can refer to feelings other than love?
How are they going to have a discussion about -- much less mutual feelings about -- issues that haven't even cropped up yet?
Not the point. When did the issues start? IMO, Cloud and Tifa had issues with each other during the game, too. Wouldn't Nojima be aware of that?

The point is also that "mutual feelings" doesn't always have to mean "mutual love". If Cloud and Tifa both have issues with each other, then they can have "mutual issues" with each other during FFVII as well as after FFVII.

Ariadne said:
Also, again, there's no discussion of any mutual feelings in the low affection version. Quotes that mention mutual feelings cannot be discussing that version.
Of course they can. Once again, the date mechanism makes the feelings mutual between Cloud and whatever partner you pick. If Cloud behaves "nicely" to the partner, then the affection of that partner increases for Cloud. If Cloud behaves "nicely" to the partner, then Cloud's affection for that partner increases, too. Same thing happens in reverse if Cloud doesn't act nicely to the partner. The partner's affection for Cloud decreases, and Cloud's affection for that partner decreases.

Therefore, if you get the Low Affection version, Tifa has a low affection rating for Cloud and Cloud has a low affection rating for Tifa. Therefore, their feelings are mutual in the Low Affection scene.

Ariadne said:
And, again for this too, the 10th AU's story summary even shows a screenshot exclusive to the high affection version.
And I understand the 10th AU story summary has a picture of the Clerith date scene next to the summary of the date sequence. Does that mean the Clerith date is canon?

Ariadne said:
More than that, you've called the scene cut and dry evidence that the high affection scene didn't happen. So now it's more that "either interpretation is possible," and the position you've been putting forth up until now is actually more based on "it sounds to me like she's never been told in the first place" than something cut and dry?
*drags out my interpreter* Yes, it's open to interpretation. It does indeed sound to me like she never heard it in the first place, which would mean to me that the HA HW scene never happened. Other people see it that way, too.

Does that mean that it's cut and dry? No.

I recognize that you and other people interpret it differently. I am not trying to force my interpretation on you. IMO, SE has made both interpretations possible. Therefore, it's open to interpretation.

Ariadne said:
Anastar said:
How does that confirm he's in love with her NOW? I'm no longer in love with a giuy I was in love with in college. Same with a guy I had a crush on in sixth grade. So how does a distant crush on someone he barely knew mean that he's still in love now?

Once again, he was talking about his feelings for her as a kid. What he felt for her as a kid doesn't mean he feels the same way seven years later. That's no confirmation.
Going back to the U20 Scenario's story summary again, the part about the Lifestream sequence says "Cloud reveals his feelings for Tifa in the mental world" (&#31934;&#31070;&#19990;&#30028;&#12391;&#12463;&#12521;&#12454;&#12489;&#12399;&#12289;&#12486;&#12451;&#12501;&#12449;&#12408;&#12398;&#24819;&#12356;&#12434;&#26126;&#12363;&#12377;) beside a screenshot of Cloud's line about wanting Tifa to notice him. Notice that it doesn't say past feelings. Just feelings.
But anybody who's played the game knows that he's talking about his feelings for her as a kid when he says that line. There's nothing saying that those are his feelings for her now, except on an optional basis.

Ariadne said:
Anastar said:
The CC Ultimania said that Cloud was dimly in love, which means a crush. Tifa said they didn't know one another that well during the Lifestream event, so they barely knew one another. Therefore, it was a distant crush.
Ugh. We've been over this before. "Honoka" refers to the clarity with which something is observable, not its potency. The passage is saying he secretly fell in love with her.
1) I've heard a different translation. The translation I always hear is "dimly in love" and that's from a person who grew up in Japan. 2) Once again, even if we go with your translation and it says that he "secretly fell in love" with her as a child, that doesn't mean he feels the same way as an adult.

Ariadne said:
Anastar said:
Keep calling me darling, and you'll start rumors about us.
"Rumors" implies they aren't true.
No. Really? >_<

Ariadne said:
Anastar said:
Trouble is, those two lines are in separate paragraphs - at least, according to the scan I was given. I was taught that separate ideas went in separate paragraphs.
Don't even try it.
Shall I look it up for you?

PRECEPT II.--Treat different topics in separate paragraphs, and distinct sentiments in separate sentences.

Ariadne said:
Anastar said:
As I read it, that means that Cloud and Tifa spending the night together COULD be the reason that Cloud's acting nice to Yuffie, but it's nothing definite. Like I said before, it could just as easily be that he's happy because the rest of Avalanche has returned for the fight in the Northern Crater.
Yes, those lines are just randomly thrown on the page, Annie. You're right. They couldn't have been meant to have any relation to each other. They're just floating around in a void where they, separately, have no meaning.
Okay, glad you agree. And the name is Aly, not Annie. ^_^

Ariadne said:
Anastar said:
See? You agree - it would be clearer that way.
Actually, I said "it couldn't be any clearer."
Just for clarity, it couldn't be any clearer my way or your way?

Anastar said:
In the same place I see a discussion of what supposedly takes place in the HA version. It's not said in the HA version, so why does it have to be said in the LA version?

Ariadne said:
Of course it's not said in the high affection version. We've been told that they communicated feelings without words. Christ.
Exactly my point. If it's not shown in the HA version, what makes you think it's shown in the LA version?

If you don't require it to be shown in the HA version, and you're relying on the description which says they communicated mutual feelings without words, then why do you require that it be shown in the LA version? Why isn't it enough that we are told that their conversation is apathetic?

If it's enough for the HA version that SE tells us what they said (or demonstrated without words), then it should be enough for the LA version that SE tells us what they said.

Ariadne said:
Anastar said:
If you're wondering where I got the idea that they only talk about friendship in the LA version, I get that idea from several things: 1) SE calls it the Low Affection Version, which means no romance. 2) Cloud and Tifa are obviously still friends if you get the LA version, so it can't mean the affection level is so low that they now despise one another. 3) The Low Affection version is described by SE as being "apathetic" and short. You can find that meaning in the meaning of "apathetic" if you promise to look at the second meaning as well as the first:

ap a thet ic ~adjective
1. having or showing little or no emotion: apathetic behavior.
2. not interested or concerned; indifferent or unresponsive: an apathetic audience.

Now, look at the synonyms:

1. unfeeling, impassive, cool.
2. uninterested, unconcerned.

Now, once again - we know that Cloud and Tifa remain friends, even if you get the LA version, right? Therefore, the meanings of indifferent, unconcerned, uninterested, unresponsive, and unfeeling have to pertain to their romantic feelings for one another.

Furthermore, if the High Affection version is romantic, then the Low Affection version would obviously be unromantic. You can even use your decoder ring to figure it out, if you want.

All well and good, but you're ignoring that Tifa loves Cloud. The notion of her being uninterested in Cloud romantically is, well, crap.

You're also making up a scene that doesn't fucking happen regardless of what the affection rating is. Seriously, show me this scene you keep talking about where Tifa absurdly says she's not interested in Cloud, and where he says he's not interested in her.

The scene does not exist.
Then why does SE say it exists?

Before the Final Battle (divergence):
After stopping Hojo from going amuck, the conversation with Tifa before they rush into the Northern Crater diverges into two conditions, according to Tifa's affection rating with Cloud. When it gets low, the conversation in the scene that they spend the night will be apathetic and ends short. Next morning in the cockpit, Tifa says &#8220;Were you listening?&#8221; and stamps on tiptoe. On the other hand, when degree gets higher, the conversation of the scene that they spend the night will have strong emotions. Next morning in the cockpit, Tifa will say &#8220;Were you watching?&#8221; and feels terribly shy.
~page198, FFVII Ultimania Omega

If the conversation is apathetic, then the two of them are indifferent to one another.

Don't ask me to show where this happens in the LA version when SE says it happens. If you don't have to show where it happens in the HA version because SE says it happens, then the same standards should apply to the LA version.

Ariadne said:
Anastar said:
Once again, I remind you of the quote given to us by Sesc on this page:

It's Nomura saying that he has no clue on whether or not Cloud and Tifa had a romantic relationship going between FFVII and AC. That same quote is cited here:
And once again I remind you that Nomura's notorious for being a shit stirring provocateur; that he can change his mind; that he doesn't have the final say to begin with; that a statement from him a year later contradicts what he said in that interview; that Ultimania statements that came years after that interview would overwrite what he said there even if he wasn't playing coy; and that even if he had the final say and meant exactly what he said at that time, that doesn't mean something indefinite at one point in time could not become something definite later.
Well, if you don't have to pay any attention to our quotes, why should I have to pay any attention to your quotes? :P

Ariadne said:
Anastar said:
And now I'm not ready to accept that because people have told me different versions of what evidence is actually available.
And what have they told you? And have you actually looked into it at all yourself, or are you still just basing all of your arguments on what others tell you?
First, I heard from you that Shadow was seen after the optional death scene. I thought you meant that he was seen in the game after the optional death scene. I accepted that as proof that his survival was canon. Then someone here (I think it was Ryu, but I'm not sure) said that no - Shadow is only seen in the story summary after the optional death scene, not in the game. That's when I switched my mind.

Have I tried to look into on my own? No. I have played FFVI, but that was back in about 1998 and I only played it once. I frankly do not remember the optional death scene. I also do not have the FFVI Ultimania, nor do I want to get the FFVI Ultimania. I also do not read Japanese, and I believe the FFVI Ultimania is only available in Japanese. Therefore, I have to rely on translations from other people.

Third, I frankly don't think this is nearly as big a deal as you're making out of it. Something should have to happen in a game before it is confirmed. As far as how SE is able to validate something in text, I'll have to see it before I say whether I think it qualifies as confirmation.

Ariadne said:
Anastar said:
Yep, it means jackshit when we have the director of Advent Children saying that he doesn't know whether Cloud and Tifa are in a romantic relationship between FFVII and AC, and when we have pages in the U20 and in the FFVII UO saying there are two versions of the Highwind scene that depend on Tifa's affection level with Cloud.
Right. 'Cause that same director contradicting himself a year later is not something worth noting. And the actual writer of the movie contradicting him is not worth noting. And several story summaries that came out years after that interview aren't worth noting.
And Nomura being one of the writers of the movie isn't important, either:

"When Nomura joined Visual Works on the project, way back in 2003, the CG movie had been originally planned and announced as a 20-minute short. "It consisted of no action sequences and only featured Cloud and Tifa," remembered Nomura. "It was a good piece in itself, but as an entertainment piece or product, 20 minutes is too short and the story wasn't enough." So Nomura came up with a more intricate plot himself, and had scenario writer Kazushige Nojima-- who also worked on FFVII, VIII, and X with Nomura-- flesh out the scenes. "The new story turned out to be approximately an hour and since then we kept adding scenes and episodes. But the 20-minute piece is still the base of what we have now." (Anime Insider's October Issue, 2005)

So Nojima didn't write it by himself. Nomura was involved in the writing, too. Never mind that Nomura also said that the movie was left open to interpretation in the Director's Commentary that accompanied the JP version of AC:

Nomura: "AC is a film made by 'Japanese people'. In Hollywood, I think there's this trend that the meaning of every scene has to be clearly shown, but this film isn't necessarily like that. The viewer is free to decide how they interpret or enjoy what we've made. The staff have their own answers to everything included throughout the film, such as the angel statue. But even if someone who watches it interprets it differently, then that's still another possible answer. I guess 'comparing answers' could be one of the ways to enjoy the film. I think AC is the kind of film that people will want to talk about when they've watched it."

Never mind that the FFVII UO and the 20th AU talk about how the HW scene deviates into two conditions according to Tifa's affection rating with Cloud. Never mind that the HW scene picture on the FTOIL page is labeled with a page number where that Deviation is discussed. Never mind that there is also a picture of CloudxAerith on the FTOIL page. Never mind that CoL White, written by Nojima, says that "Cloud is the woman's friend and lover". Never mind that the original commercial for FFVII has the title "Love" over a picture of Cloud and Aerith.

I could go on, but you insist that all the Clerith evidence proves nothing. Well, I insist that all the Cloti evidence proves nothing.

Ariadne said:
You follow a concept of establishing canon that literally no one else in the fucking world follows. A statement once made can never be overwritten according to you. That's not how canon works at all.
And you hang out here all the time where people agree with you. Well, guess what? Where I hang out all the time, everyone agrees with me instead of you.

Ariadne said:
Anastar said:
Tell ye what. I'll stop with the accusations when you stop with the accusations - okay? Next time anyone says anything like this, I'm just ignoring it. I can't be bothered wasting my time with this pettiness.
Yeah, I just wanted to quote this because it leads nicely into the completely dishonest thing you did immediately afterward.
Since you're starting with accusations again, I'm going to end this for tonight. I'm tired of listening to you guys use insults as proof that I'm wrong. Frankly, you all sound like bullies on a grade school playground.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I didn't say undeniable, yes you can argue the HA scene is optional and that Cloud's past crush is past. But I said unarguably ROMANTIC! And you didn't post one.

[Quex asploded here, nothing to see :awesome:]

Look Anastar I'm sorry if you think I'm being a bully or being unreasonable here, but I've expressed what I wanted clearly several times and I keep getting the same response. I no longer believe that I'm being unclear, but that you guys are avoiding the issue at hand here.

an unarguable romantic quote for CxA, (from Cloud to Aerith) even if it's optional or in the past or anything. That's all I wanted.

The HA scene is unarguably romantic. OPTIONAL: YES. ROMANTIC: YES. It's unarguably undeniably romantic. You cannot argue that the HA scene is not romantic, right? YES you can say "it's optional" or "it's not canon" and that's fine, go ahead and argue that. I won't stop you from having your opinion and you're welcome to it. But you can't say it's not romantic.

Cloud's crush on Tifa as a child: ROMANTIC: YES: IN THE PAST: YES It's unarguably romantic. Yes you CAN argue it's in the past, and that's fine, go ahead and argue that. I don't have a problem with that. Maybe present day Cloud has those feelings, maybe he doesn't. You decide that if you like. But you can't say his feelings of the past weren't those of romantic nature, right? Even if they don't exist anymore, they are/were still of romantic nature.

My point is though, that these are romantic and are FROM Cloud TO Tifa, period, even if optional or in the past. If you want to say neither of them are valid anymore because of being optional or in the past, that's fine. That's not the issue here. I'm not saying these quotes are undeniable or that you can't argue them away. I can't stress that enough here. Please don't think I'm saying that. I'm saying you can't argue that they're romantic.

I want unarguable romantic quotes for CxA. Something that I would say "Yes that's romantic but... it's optional" or "Yes that's romantic, but... is in the past" or "Yes that is romantic, but it's... [insert argument here]"


No really, what part am I not being clear about?... I just honestly don't get what I'm not being clear about. I'm not trying to be a bully or a meanie or accuse you of anything, but it's getting slightly ridiculous that I've made myself crystal clear (IMO) and everyone understands except you and ClerithRaven. I just... ugh... I don't get it... at all, sorry
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Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Anastar, I'm not gonna reply to you directly. I'll leave it to Tres to shred the absurd things you just said right and proper.

I do just want to say that you do not appear to have any idea how canon works. You do not seem to understand that having your dishonesty pointed out is not an insult. Rather, your dishonesty is insulting to us. And, get this... no one gives so much as a shit that people elsewhere agree with your truth-twisting, ass-pulling, nonsensical arguments. We're debating here. So convince us here if you can (unless you got something like what Q demands and better, I can only say bwahaha, that is all), and quit telling us what "many people" think of your "reasoning" will ya? :monster:

Random Nobody

local roach
Not the point. When did the issues start? IMO, Cloud and Tifa had issues with each other during the game, too. Wouldn't Nojima be aware of that?

The point is also that "mutual feelings" doesn't always have to mean "mutual love". If Cloud and Tifa both have issues with each other, then they can have "mutual issues" with each other during FFVII as well as after FFVII.
Wait wat.

"Mutual feelings" as in "fuck you" and "fuck you too--I hate it when you let the chocobos out of the stable and leave the lid up"?
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
And Anastar, can you PLEASE give me a page number for the "Seems to be something between them" quote? I want to find it but I swear it's not in Aerith's profile, are you sure it's not in Cloud's? Maybe I'll just pass along the pages to someone with better Japanese knowledge.

Tres, Ryu, Sesc? Do you know of this quote in the UO?


Okay this post is for Anastar, ClerithRaven, Rena and any other Cleriths out there. Please could you guys just answer yes or no for me?

I want to talk to you about this.

Just answer me these two questions.

1. Yes or no - do you deny that the High Affection Highwind scene is romantic and shows Cloud has romantic feelings for Tifa? (I KNOW it's optional and non canon to you, but please answer the question)

2. Yes or no - do you deny that Cloud had a crush on/dimly fell in love with/had feelings for Tifa as a child? (I KNOW it was in the past, but please just answer.)

Just answer those two with a yes or no for me, please. Just a yes or no.
I know I said I'd stop but... fuck I'm not ready yet. :monster:
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Celes Chere

The point is also that "mutual feelings" doesn't always have to mean "mutual love". If Cloud and Tifa both have issues with each other, then they can have "mutual issues" with each other during FFVII as well as after FFVII.

Well, at least you answered, lol. How does it mean mutual ISSUES? "At the end of the story they realize their feelings" at the end of the story, (FFVII) they have NO issues with one another. There are no other feelings but romantic ones unless someone can disprove this then... Cloti is canon. 8U

"Feelings" aren't "Issues"


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Cloud and Tifa realized their mutual issues with one another and live together in AC and DoC....


And I understand the 10th AU story summary has a picture of the Clerith date scene next to the summary of the date sequence. Does that mean the Clerith date is canon?

Okay before anyone jumps on her for this:

Aly/Anastar/whoever you are these days :monster: I was the one who told her this and I apologize because I was wrong. It actually doesn't show any date or mention any of the dates in particular. Both the UO and Dismantled go with the Clerith date. The u20 says Cloud goes on a date with one of his companions, has a picture of the Clerith date in the main summary, and the others are to the side listed as deviations.

Didn't catch this
There are no other feelings but romantic ones unless someone can disprove this then... Cloti is canon. 8U
Okay this will make you hate me and I'm sorry. Feel free to smack me in the face at work on Friday, but no one should have to disprove anything. The burden is on you to prove it. Prove the feelings are romantic (though I believe you already sorta did so by saying it couldn't be friendship)
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