Even Tifa doesn't believe Cloud's smile.
Tifa is an insecure person dealing with the poor reactions of another insecure person. Of course she's having doubts here, Cloud just did something very stupid and ran out on her and the kids. Sure, those of us who paid attention know his reasons were understandable, but still a dumbass method of dealing with his angst. Either way, they got over it later.
I'm simply saying that their living arrangements and the family formed was not from a romantic place.
And I'm saying your argument is full of crap. Let's look at the rest of your post and I'll tell ya why.
Where does Barret say he believes his kid is better off being raised by Cloud and Tifa?
You know, I don't think he actually does SAY as such outright. But A.) it connects well with the end of the Dyne encounter way back in the OG, and B.) he left her with them, didn't he?
“Yeah, let’s go home” Cloud agreed.
“Where to?” Barret asked.
“Our suspended reality.”
“What the hell do you mean by that?”
“Our normal lives.”
“And where do we have something like that?”
“We’ll find one.” Cloud looked at Tifa and said, “Right?”
“Yeah!” cried the cheerful Marlene. Tifa nodded too, but just like Barret, she wondered where they had a normal life. ~CoT
Cloud, Tifa, Barret, and Marlene decided to form a family together.
This is before a family was actually formed. You quote the bit where the family actually forms right after this, and yet attribute the birth of said family to this passage. Either you're actually convinced you're correct here, which is sorta sad, or you're being dishonest, which is also sad but in a hilarious way. One or the other, though, this is the lead in to the family being created, not the actual birth of such. No decision to form a family has been made here.
“I’ll take care of Cloud and Tifa!”
Barret turned round and shouted, “Do your best!” His voice was a little shaky. “Unite the family’s strength and keep at it!” ~CoT
Barret tells Marlene to unite the families strength while he is gone, the family that he helped create in the passage I provided above.
I'll grant you he had a hand in creating the family. His leaving to go do other stuff and leaving Marlene with Cloud and Tifa, that creates the circumstances under which the family initially forms. He's still leaving, he's still not a part of the fully formed family we see once Denzel is added to the mix, and you're still proving nothing with all this.
“A family.” (Tifa)
“Yeah.” (Marlene)
Marlene cheerfully answered in response to Tifa’s murmur.
“I’ll put Cloud in our family too.” (Marlene)
“I appreciate that.” (Cloud) ~Revised CoT
Marlene puts Cloud in the family that includes her Father, Barret. If this is Cloud's family, why did Marlene do the inviting? Shouldn't Cloud have invited Marlene into *HIS* family?
Awww look, they just became family and already Marlene and Cloud have a cute little familial in-joke. Like families tend to get. That's the joke, BB, that Marlene, the child, is the one putting Cloud into the family. That's why its cute and funny and all the things Marlene tends to be (Cloud's deadpan reaction sells it of course). And no, the family does not include Barret. You can say this all you want, you'll get shot down again and again until we finally wise up and let you talk to yourself from then on.
After visiting various locations with Tifa and Barret, Tifa opened the “Seventh Heaven” bar. Before setting off on a journey, Barret left Marlene in Cloud and Tifa’s care, and the three of them began living together. ~FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania Cloud Strife Profile"
It says that the "three of them [Cloud, Tifa, Marlene]" began *living* together *AFTER* Barret set off on a "journey".
Yes. That's what it says. That's what I am trying to tell you. BARRET LEFT. The
three of them, which is one less than we'd need to include Barret, began living together after
Barret set off on his atonement journey. Barret is excluded.
This unequivocally proves that when the words "live"/"living"/"lived" are used to describe Cloud, Tifa, Marlene, and Denzel, it is *ONLY* excluding Barret because Barret is not *TECHNICALLY* "living" with them.
He doesn't live with them. He's not part of the 7th Heaven family. As of the Bahamut SIN fight, Denzel doesn't even know who the fuck this guy is. Why is this so hard for you to grasp? And how do you think the above helps you? It doesn't, unless you live in bizarro land. It says pretty well exactly what we've been trying to tell you all along here.
Why are Cloti's insistent on making Marlene apart of two families?
For one, we didn't make her a part of anything. The creators did. Better question to send back your way, why are you so insistent that she's not? IF Barret were part of the family... in what way does that invalidate any of our points? How is "Barret is a member of Cloud's family!" a boon for Clerith? Cause personally, idfgi. It doesn't much matter if he is or isn't, tbqh, I'm only arguing because... well, someone is wrong on the internet
![biggrin :D :D](/forums/images/smilies/bigsmile.gif)
And that someone is you, BB.
It is clear that they all formed ONE family in Edge.
Clear to all those who want desperately to see it that way for poorly understood reasons, sure.
Marlene invites CLoud into HER family (her family includes Barret).
Her exact words, if I recall, were "our family" in reference to herself and Tifa. Marlene's family includes Barret. Cloud's and Tifa's, despite including Marlene, does not. This isn't tough to grasp if you take off the blindfold, pull your fingers out of your ears, and stop chanting "lalala" constantly.
Furthermore, Barret tells Marlene to unite the families strength while he is gone -- which means that when he comes back, he will be able to help unite the families strength -- the family that he helped create in Edge.
Again, agreed he helped to create the family. He mentions the word before it seems to occur to Cloud or Tifa, he sets up the circumstances wherein "their" first child comes into the picture, etc. He still ain't a member. He still hasn't even met Denzel before AC/C.
And, once again, let's say you convinced me that all that was true. That Barret is indeed part of the family at 7th Heaven, and so on. Answer me honestly, no bullshit... how does this help you, or hinder Cloti? How does it change, quite frankly, anything?
In anticipation of bullshit answers and intellectual dishonesty, let me go ahead and answer for you: It doesn't change jack or shit.
If Cloud is wavering between two heroines, and one of those heroines is Aerith, how can someone say Cloud's "special bond" with Aerith is limited to that of a friendship?
Neither of them ever confessed any feelings for the other. No actual romance occurred between them before Aerith died. Whoever felt what for whoever else, anyone with a crush was friendzoned by default, ergo friendship.
Ugh. I've already explained this multiple times.
Well shit, I don't doubt THAT, do you guys?
![Wacky :wacky: :wacky:](/forums/images/smilies/wacky.gif)
Albeit "explained" might not be exactly the right word.
This gives us insight into how SE views Cloud and Aerith. If there were no basis of a romantic relationship between Cloud and Aerith in FFVII, why does SE continue to portray them as a romantic couple?
You know what else gives us insight into how SE views and portrays Cloud and Aerith? Or Cloud and Tifa, for that matter? The actual, canonical media they appear in. Little thing called the Compilation, maybe you heard of it? The OG, the movie, the novellas and novel, the other games? As well as the Ultimanias, the creator quotes (once properly translated, which can be tricky), etc. That all trumps the fuck out of Kingdom Hearts, cameo appearance, non-canon bullshit like the fucking Emperor/Empress thing you so love to harp on about. It means nothing, as far as I can see, beyond "SE is whoring out the main characters of VII for cheap money." Any meaning beyond that is entirely placed there by people who desperately want meaning to be there.