The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
But one being searched for is already gendered (あの人、まだ彼のこと探してるのかしら). Unless it was someone else whose gender is not specified that is looking for a male, which I never really considered but it seems unlikely.

Ah, yeah. I didn't double check the line and only remembered there being an あの人 in it. Thought that was for the one being seached for rather than the one doing the searching.

So, yes, this "friend" translation is utterly fucktarded. It clearly says "he"/"him" and Sephiroth ain't his friend in any universe.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
So, yes, this "friend" translation is utterly fucktarded. It clearly says "he"/"him" and Sephiroth ain't his friend in any universe.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Clephiroth is literally the worst thing in the universe ever. I'm going to pretend that Cloud is looking for Zack instead. Clack. It was hinted in BBS that Sephiroth took him anyway.

Sephiroth has a special place in his heart for Cloud whether spikey likes it or not.


If the sky comes falling down

I wonder if they did this because it's Disney related and wanted to tone things down ??? So younger players would just think that Cloud and Sephiroth are having a friend tussle while older players know what shit is really going down.

Which is awful if true because it means we are heading back to the Nintendo SNES days of HIDE ANYTHING THAT COULD BE BAD censoring.

Rely on the brony to give their taste in pairings and you get this. ^

I don't think he or she was being serious Aerobalance :monster:
You know wht I'm surprised never caught on? The abbreviation "CAT LTD": The "Cloud-Aerith-Tifa Love Triangle Debate".

We need to do a CAT SCAN!


yukkuri shitete ne~
I don't think he or she was being serious Aerobalance :monster:[/QUOTE]

Thank goodness then, we could've lost another Clourret shipper!


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
500 pages ago I said:
Let me ask you this. Do you think Cloud's reaction to seeing Aerith again in AC is appropriate response from a man who - according to you - loved Aerith and was devastated by her loss? I would really like an answer to this please.

I guess not then? :monster:

Sorry if I'm regurgitating anything thats already been pointed out, been without internet since friday.

This whole thing here is hinging on the 'wavers' quote. Blank, I think you're misunderstanding about wavering. Like if I can't decide to have chocolate cake or ice cream. I like and want both but in different ways for different reasons but I can't have both (I can though, totally and then go back for seconds!) I'm undecided - this is Cloud throughout disc one.

You seem to be saying Cloud changes his mind day to day or hour to hour who he likes more. You use the wallmarket example to say he was favouring Aerith more at that moment, so I must ask you, according to you - when does he change his mind again and favour Tifa more? After he sends Aerith to get Marlene? After they rescue Aerith at Shinra hq? After Kalm? Junon?

He must change his mind at some point to fit in with your definition of wavering. I'd be interested to know at which points in the story he you think he flips from one to the other.


unsavory tart
You know wht I'm surprised never caught on? The abbreviation "CAT LTD": The "Cloud-Aerith-Tifa Love Triangle Debate".

We need to do a CAT SCAN!
This seems to imply the love triangle is between Cloud/Aerith and Aerith/Tifa.

I'm okay with that.
this is actually super cute and i want it to be true
Right! I mean, they left Zack's story as a cliffhanger and that Sephiroth had something to do with it. Why shouldn't they expand on the idea? Zack was Cloud's ideal self, maybe even a symbol of what Cloud thought strength was. Getting him back from Sephiroth would be a great story.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I wonder if they did this because it's Disney related and wanted to tone things down ??? So younger players would just think that Cloud and Sephiroth are having a friend tussle while older players know what shit is really going down.
I thought maybe they did it because then it'd be a big SURPRISE that it was really Sephiroth...

or you know, maybe they're just stupid?


Piss off, Clephiroth is pretty much canon and we all know it. "I'm always by your side" bitches :awesome:

lolool @ that exchange between Sora and Aeris.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Piss off, Clephiroth is pretty much canon and we all know it. "I'm always by your side" bitches :awesome:

I'm really sorry, but according to Aerith, Cloud is looking for his friend. According to this discussion, with the implication that Sephiroth had something to do with Zack's disappearance, and Zack being canonically Cloud's boyfriend, this "friend" being looked for can only be Zack. This explains his hatred for Sephiroth (the mutual hatred is canon). This also explains why Aerith seems a bit "involved" in Cloud looking for this friend (as the OG tells us Aerith ships Clack, due to the fact that she sees Zack inside Cloud :awesome:).

Zack being referred to as a friend, even though he and Cloud are more than that, is only because of Disney.

Cloud has been looking for Zack all along. Not Sephiroth, not his light, and definitely not Aerith. It's Zack. :desu:

You can't deny it. It's so obvious. :pinkmonster:

Clack is canon! :reptar: LTD is over.


unsavory tart
Piss off, Clephiroth is pretty much canon and we all know it. "I'm always by your side" bitches :awesome:

lolool @ that exchange between Sora and Aeris.
Sorry but no. Cloud was back to back with Zack in spirit form and that means he might be able to communicate with him after AC/C. Cloud smiled at Zack. Cloud continues to go to Zack's grave years after, because he loved him so much he went there despite not telling anyone. Cloud screamed and cried at his death- probably the most emotional anyone has seen him in the compulation. When he woke up in the Promise Land, Zack was there.

Where is your proof? You have none. Duh.

Clephiroth sounds like a venereal disease. Fitting. It is a plague upon the Final Fantasy fandom.


Mr. Thou
Well to be fair (pun intended), it doesn't get more venereal than The Clack, far and away the most contagious of ships.


If the sky comes falling down
Zack being referred to as a friend, even though he and Cloud are more than that, is only because of Disney.

Disney is pro-Gay. I can picture them supporting Clack if they knew about it. They usually have big Pro- Gay days and weeks in their parks.

It was from Aerith's eyes and mouth hence the friend comment. She doesn't know the truth about Cloud and Zack. Poor Aerith.:sadpanda:



Which leads us to this other pairing you folks seem to intentionally forget every time. I'm not too happy about this site's diminishing of this relationship. All you guys do is speak about the HAHW scene and KH and Ultimanias when
is all the proof you'll ever need.

Half-serious segment:

One way of wording the conclusion of the LTD is that, while Cloud has paired up with Tifa, the player's self-insertion into Cloud's mind has not been undone. Square has neither confirmed nor denied that Cloud has any romantic feelings for Aerith, which in a way keeps the self-insertion from the original game intact. I bet that the FFVII authors had this in mind when writing the post-OG Cloud. They don't want to completely undo the value of the LTD from the original game, hence why Cloud's emotions for Aerith are left ambiguous.

Essentially gets us back on the same "Cloud loves Tifa" or "Clouds loves Tifa AND Aerith" track, which both ends the LTD and doesn't, in a sort of quantum-state-schrödinger's-cat type of way. :monster:

Ok, I just wrote the above to justify posting this image which should summarize how so many people feel about this thread.

Edit: Though for extra LTD effect I guess Tifa should be there instead of Red XIII.
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